Why the fight against Birth Control?

Stealing any amount of money from someone else to give to another is thievery and forced charity, yes. You're also intentionally ignoring the fact that it's not only more than one girl, but any that decide that for whatever reason keeping your legs closed is difficult, and also that it's not just once. Any amount of forced charity is wrong, regardless, but this would be for something that's not absolutely necessary and encourages immorality.

Kids have sex, rich ones poor ones.. I can't walk around the United States and talk to children and ask them are they having sex? And give them $5 bucks and tell them to go buy birth control..

I would be locked up..

Pumpkin some things I don't mind my taxes going for..

And why is birth control immoral?

Abortion to me is murder.. But condoms,kids being educated on sex, birth control?

That's not immoral.. That's doing the right thing.
If someone asks you for money, go for it. Pay them to go sleep with people. Not my problem. You have a right to do what you want with your money. On the other hand, you don't have a right to use other people's money to force them to buy things against their will.

Birth control isn't. Stealing money from people to give it to others is. Pre-marrital sex is, as is encouraging people to do it.

I have to go with bear on this being pragmatic.
I would much rather stop unwanted pregnancies than to see women getting abortions. Which I find abhorrent.

Thank you just say no is ridiculous.

Exspacily to teenagers..

My first wife is no longer alive but she was an English major an knew shaksphere like the back of her hand.

Again pumpkin I am old but not that old..

Someone help me out with Shakespeare.. These two kids were only 15 and 16 right?

Yeah, and they both ended up killing themselves. such an inspiring story. People who lack self control, like they do, should follow their example.

Sorry pumpkin was arguing with this fake ass conservative commie bitch Jake the fake on another thread..

Damn a 15 year old little girl with brains as you so heart less?

This don't seem real to me..

I kinda of believe you but I never met a kid like you claim to be..
But you did have that major thread on passing a test..

So I lean towards your real..
Of course...you do realize a number of innocent people have been executed?
Provide ACTUAL evidence an innocent was put to death because of the death penalty.

How Many Innocent People Are Sentenced To Death?
One in 25 Sentenced to Death in the U.S. Is Innocent
10 Innocent People Who Were Tragically Executed - Listverse
Ahh so "studies" prove it ehh? Once again provide the name of one proven innocent put to death.

I said it before governor Ryan went to prison.. But he was so aware of it happening in Illinois.. I kinda of believe him and like I said before in this thread I served 30 days in cook countie jail..

If you're interested in the facts research it.. Or commit a minor crime and talk to inmates at the toughest jails in the United States.
Wonder how many inmates claim they're innocent. Surely not many... /Sarcasm

Very few. But most that do really are innocent. My ex-husband was convicted of a crime he didn't commit. The police officer lied. Happens all the time. The judge saw no reason to disbelieve this fine officer and our accused our witnesses of lying to protect a friend. My ex hadn't met the guy before the night he was arrested.

My ex appealed and his conviction was overturned but what if we couldn't have afforded the appeal?
But then someone will always have to pay. Either they pay for birth control, or they end up paying for the kid once it's born. Which is cheaper? Especially when the child ends up committing crimes.
I don't care, it's a personal problem and a person responsibility, dependent on a personal decision, and nobody else should have to deal with the cost one way or the other.

Oh god so know you're against charity, holding doors open for strangers, stopping to help someone with a broke down car, pushing a car out of a snow drift???
That's are all decisions made by an individual to help another, which is how charity should be, a personal decision, willingly made. Forced charity is simply thievery. You're drawing false conclusions in an attempt to strawman my argument.

You could choose to leave the country.
Go back to Russia.

Dissect coyotes statement, which is totally bereft of any critical thinking. Does she really think free birth control especially given to a minor without the parents permission is going to help that minor make a responsible decision? Hell no. Now we can copulate whenever we want without thinking about any of the side effects, emotional or physical. Second sentence, responsible choice. That is the key and that is what invalidates her vaccination argument. You get vaccinations to protect you against things you have no control over. Having sex is a choice, you have the power not to engage in it, therefore it is not a health issue that is devoid of personal responsibility. And let's get this out of the way, men should not be getting any free sexual enhancement or anything else related to engaging in sex for free either.

Let's also address the it's cheaper to give them free birth control than to let them have kids. Ya think? If the govt didn't make having children your own private ATM machine we wouldn't have so many kids in the first place. If fathers of every color were forced to pay for the kids they fathered, there would be less out of wedlock pregnancies. No person is suggesting that anyone be prohibited from having sex, but liberals want to say it is more important to feel good first and consider your responsibilities second and if it goes south the rest of us should shoulder the consequences. Screw that. Birth control is free or in the nine dollar a month range if you get off your ass and search for it. Sex may be impossible to regulate but it is not an inalienable right, it is a choice.

You'd have a point if it weren't for the fact that states that provide free birth control have lower rates of teen pregnancies.
The problem you are ignoring is that the consequences of said actions are far more wide reaching than people dealing with their own consequences.
Society changes because of the people in society. You have kids brought up by parents who don't have a clue, or don't care, and they're more likely to be criminals, more likely to disrupt at school. This is the reality of the situation.

You say they can choose not to take the risk and not have sex. I'm sorry, but this is extremely naive. You claim to be 15 years old, so I can understand that you don't get it yet.

The impulse for sex is testosterone. It's a drug within the body. Some people have to have sex in order to deal with the amount of testosterone in their body.

It has been found that porn has a POSITIVE effect on the rape rates and sex crimes.


Scientific examination of the subject has found that as the use of porn increases, the rate of sex crimes goes down."

Why? Because men (mostly) need to get rid of this testosterone in their body.

If the need is there, then they will have to do something about it. For some it's about having sex. You seem to think sex is like a donut, that you can make the decision to stop eating donuts and it's that easy.

Actually it's more like trying to quit smoking. The drugs take over. The problem with sex is that the drug continues to be produced.

But you're talking about "I don't care, as long as I don't have to pay", again, this doesn't work. You WILL PAY no matter what. Now you can choose to pay for things like sex education, free birth control and the like, or you can choose to pay for more judges, more lawyers, more prison time. Do you know how much it costs to keep one person in prison for a year? Do you know how much free birth control for a year costs? Let's just say that the latter is far cheaper.

You can't pretend that this can just go away by people being responsible. One thing humans are good at is being irresponsible. You either deal with it before it becomes a problem, or you clean up the problem and spend 100 times more doing so.
You just made an argument against your own. First, that people can masturbate instead of having sex. Second, that more inmates should receive the death penalty. Thank you.

You call this debate?

I'm not here to make arguments to "win" some kind of fucking prize, alright? I'm here to say the truth. I'm not going to make stuff up, twist the statistics, or any of that usual crap that happens on sites like this all the time.

So, either you want to debate with me, or you want to play silly little games. If it's the latter then I'm not going to bother with you, okay?

Yes, men can wank off. But not all of them do.

There is porn, but there's also sexual crime. Porn can help REDUCE sexual crime, but it doesn't eliminate it.

You want to make them take responsibility but you don't want to make that choice any easier by providing free bc.

You think abortion is horrible but you don't want to reduce the rates by making birth control free.

You want them to suffer the consequences for their bad choices but those consequences may include children which you also don't want to support on the government dime.

It seems that it's not just about personal responsibility, it's about moral judgements and punishment.
Of course it's horrible, and unconstitutional, which is why it should be illegal. Yet you don't seem to think that people should be held accountable for their actions. If people are given birth control with other people's money, they aren't being held accountable.

Guess they should think about that before sleeping around.

Not true. Nobody else should be forced to pay for someone else's stuff. Something liberals seem take as the solution to literally everything. Something's wrong with society? Let everyone shirk their own responsibilities and everyone else can pay for it.

But then someone will always have to pay. Either they pay for birth control, or they end up paying for the kid once it's born. Which is cheaper? Especially when the child ends up committing crimes.
I don't care, it's a personal problem and a person responsibility, dependent on a personal decision, and nobody else should have to deal with the cost one way or the other.

Fine, no one should have to deal with the cost one way or another. Then go off to an island where there is only you and other people who don't have much testosterone.

The problem is you're looking at it from a very idealist reasoning.

I shouldn't have to deal with politicians being bastards looking out for their own career. But I do have to.
I shouldn't have to deal with the problem of pollution, but I do have to.

There are many "I shouldn't have to....... but I do"s in the world.

But there are two ways. The first is to say "i'm not doing anything about it" in which case it gets worse, or you act intelligently and deal with the problems before they become problems.
Liberals are what causes a single person's problem to become everyone's problem. We should just ship you all to Russia, problem solved.

No, that's complete bullshit. Again, if you want to debate properly, okay, if you want to post this shit, then I won't bother with you.
Of course...you do realize a number of innocent people have been executed?
Provide ACTUAL evidence an innocent was put to death because of the death penalty.

How Many Innocent People Are Sentenced To Death?
One in 25 Sentenced to Death in the U.S. Is Innocent
10 Innocent People Who Were Tragically Executed - Listverse
Ahh so "studies" prove it ehh? Once again provide the name of one proven innocent put to death.

I said it before governor Ryan went to prison.. But he was so aware of it happening in Illinois.. I kinda of believe him and like I said before in this thread I served 30 days in cook countie jail..

If you're interested in the facts research it.. Or commit a minor crime and talk to inmates at the toughest jails in the United States.
Wonder how many inmates claim they're innocent. Surely not many... /Sarcasm

I love watching these true crime stories and they interview the suspect and they ask the question, "Did you kill..." and they all say no. No one ever says yes.

No one in prison is guilty!
Kids have sex, rich ones poor ones.. I can't walk around the United States and talk to children and ask them are they having sex? And give them $5 bucks and tell them to go buy birth control..

I would be locked up..

Pumpkin some things I don't mind my taxes going for..

And why is birth control immoral?

Abortion to me is murder.. But condoms,kids being educated on sex, birth control?

That's not immoral.. That's doing the right thing.
If someone asks you for money, go for it. Pay them to go sleep with people. Not my problem. You have a right to do what you want with your money. On the other hand, you don't have a right to use other people's money to force them to buy things against their will.

Birth control isn't. Stealing money from people to give it to others is. Pre-marrital sex is, as is encouraging people to do it.

I have to go with bear on this being pragmatic.
I would much rather stop unwanted pregnancies than to see women getting abortions. Which I find abhorrent.

Thank you just say no is ridiculous.

Exspacily to teenagers..

My first wife is no longer alive but she was an English major an knew shaksphere like the back of her hand.

Again pumpkin I am old but not that old..

Someone help me out with Shakespeare.. These two kids were only 15 and 16 right?

Yeah, and they both ended up killing themselves. such an inspiring story. People who lack self control, like they do, should follow their example.

Sorry pumpkin was arguing with this fake ass conservative commie bitch Jake the fake on another thread..

Damn a 15 year old little girl with brains as you so heart less?

This don't seem real to me..

I kinda of believe you but I never met a kid like you claim to be..
But you did have that major thread on passing a test..

So I lean towards your real..

I'm told that I'm one of a kind.
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Of course it's horrible, and unconstitutional, which is why it should be illegal. Yet you don't seem to think that people should be held accountable for their actions. If people are given birth control with other people's money, they aren't being held accountable.

Guess they should think about that before sleeping around.

Not true. Nobody else should be forced to pay for someone else's stuff. Something liberals seem take as the solution to literally everything. Something's wrong with society? Let everyone shirk their own responsibilities and everyone else can pay for it.

But then someone will always have to pay. Either they pay for birth control, or they end up paying for the kid once it's born. Which is cheaper? Especially when the child ends up committing crimes.
I don't care, it's a personal problem and a person responsibility, dependent on a personal decision, and nobody else should have to deal with the cost one way or the other.

Fine, no one should have to deal with the cost one way or another. Then go off to an island where there is only you and other people who don't have much testosterone.

The problem is you're looking at it from a very idealist reasoning.

I shouldn't have to deal with politicians being bastards looking out for their own career. But I do have to.
I shouldn't have to deal with the problem of pollution, but I do have to.

There are many "I shouldn't have to....... but I do"s in the world.

But there are two ways. The first is to say "i'm not doing anything about it" in which case it gets worse, or you act intelligently and deal with the problems before they become problems.
Liberals are what causes a single person's problem to become everyone's problem. We should just ship you all to Russia, problem solved.

No, that's complete bullshit. Again, if you want to debate properly, okay, if you want to post this shit, then I won't bother with you.
Oh, but you're advocating exactly that.
The problem you are ignoring is that the consequences of said actions are far more wide reaching than people dealing with their own consequences.
Society changes because of the people in society. You have kids brought up by parents who don't have a clue, or don't care, and they're more likely to be criminals, more likely to disrupt at school. This is the reality of the situation.

You say they can choose not to take the risk and not have sex. I'm sorry, but this is extremely naive. You claim to be 15 years old, so I can understand that you don't get it yet.

The impulse for sex is testosterone. It's a drug within the body. Some people have to have sex in order to deal with the amount of testosterone in their body.

It has been found that porn has a POSITIVE effect on the rape rates and sex crimes.


Scientific examination of the subject has found that as the use of porn increases, the rate of sex crimes goes down."

Why? Because men (mostly) need to get rid of this testosterone in their body.

If the need is there, then they will have to do something about it. For some it's about having sex. You seem to think sex is like a donut, that you can make the decision to stop eating donuts and it's that easy.

Actually it's more like trying to quit smoking. The drugs take over. The problem with sex is that the drug continues to be produced.

But you're talking about "I don't care, as long as I don't have to pay", again, this doesn't work. You WILL PAY no matter what. Now you can choose to pay for things like sex education, free birth control and the like, or you can choose to pay for more judges, more lawyers, more prison time. Do you know how much it costs to keep one person in prison for a year? Do you know how much free birth control for a year costs? Let's just say that the latter is far cheaper.

You can't pretend that this can just go away by people being responsible. One thing humans are good at is being irresponsible. You either deal with it before it becomes a problem, or you clean up the problem and spend 100 times more doing so.
You just made an argument against your own. First, that people can masturbate instead of having sex. Second, that more inmates should receive the death penalty. Thank you.

You call this debate?

I'm not here to make arguments to "win" some kind of fucking prize, alright? I'm here to say the truth. I'm not going to make stuff up, twist the statistics, or any of that usual crap that happens on sites like this all the time.

So, either you want to debate with me, or you want to play silly little games. If it's the latter then I'm not going to bother with you, okay?

Yes, men can wank off. But not all of them do.

There is porn, but there's also sexual crime. Porn can help REDUCE sexual crime, but it doesn't eliminate it.

Nothing eliminates any form of crime entirely. If anything, free birth control would actually increase crime rates... like pedophilia. You're not going to be able to justify theft.
Giving a little girl free birth control what does it cost like $5 bucks or something.. Forced charity?
Stealing any amount of money from someone else to give to another is thievery and forced charity, yes. You're also intentionally ignoring the fact that it's not only more than one girl, but any that decide that for whatever reason keeping your legs closed is difficult, and also that it's not just once. Any amount of forced charity is wrong, regardless, but this would be for something that's not absolutely necessary and encourages immorality.

Kids have sex, rich ones poor ones.. I can't walk around the United States and talk to children and ask them are they having sex? And give them $5 bucks and tell them to go buy birth control..

I would be locked up..

Pumpkin some things I don't mind my taxes going for..

And why is birth control immoral?

Abortion to me is murder.. But condoms,kids being educated on sex, birth control?

That's not immoral.. That's doing the right thing.
If someone asks you for money, go for it. Pay them to go sleep with people. Not my problem. You have a right to do what you want with your money. On the other hand, you don't have a right to use other people's money to force them to buy things against their will.

Birth control isn't. Stealing money from people to give it to others is. Pre-marrital sex is, as is encouraging people to do it.

I have to go with bear on this being pragmatic.
I would much rather stop unwanted pregnancies than to see women getting abortions. Which I find abhorrent.
Abortions shouldn't be legal in the first place, and the government has no business stealing taxpayer money to buy things for other people who are fully capable of buying it themselves or keeping their legs closed. Sex isn't a necessity.

While I agree,you cant stop people from having sex.
I know throughout my youth I thought with the wrong head consequences be damned.
Kids have sex, rich ones poor ones.. I can't walk around the United States and talk to children and ask them are they having sex? And give them $5 bucks and tell them to go buy birth control..

I would be locked up..

Pumpkin some things I don't mind my taxes going for..

And why is birth control immoral?

Abortion to me is murder.. But condoms,kids being educated on sex, birth control?

That's not immoral.. That's doing the right thing.
If someone asks you for money, go for it. Pay them to go sleep with people. Not my problem. You have a right to do what you want with your money. On the other hand, you don't have a right to use other people's money to force them to buy things against their will.

Birth control isn't. Stealing money from people to give it to others is. Pre-marrital sex is, as is encouraging people to do it.

I have to go with bear on this being pragmatic.
I would much rather stop unwanted pregnancies than to see women getting abortions. Which I find abhorrent.
I go with me on this one. Its not my responsibility to keep them from getting pregnant, or for them getting an abortion.

I believe we should hand out BC like skittles.
If they get pregnant thats on them and we refuse to pay for them.
Neither should be paid for by Taxpayers in the first place.

I agree whole heartedly. The problem being is humane nature.
As a guy I was willing to screw anything without three legs in my youth.
Thats something you'll never control with legislation.
Pass out BC like skittles and the over all cost to the tax payer drops from the cost of raising an illegitimate kid for 18 years to the cost of BC pills.
So what costs the tax payer less...a few pills a month or the cost of raising a child a month?
Giving a little girl free birth control what does it cost like $5 bucks or something.. Forced charity?
Stealing any amount of money from someone else to give to another is thievery and forced charity, yes. You're also intentionally ignoring the fact that it's not only more than one girl, but any that decide that for whatever reason keeping your legs closed is difficult, and also that it's not just once. Any amount of forced charity is wrong, regardless, but this would be for something that's not absolutely necessary and encourages immorality.

Kids have sex, rich ones poor ones.. I can't walk around the United States and talk to children and ask them are they having sex? And give them $5 bucks and tell them to go buy birth control..

I would be locked up..

Pumpkin some things I don't mind my taxes going for..

And why is birth control immoral?

Abortion to me is murder.. But condoms,kids being educated on sex, birth control?

That's not immoral.. That's doing the right thing.
If someone asks you for money, go for it. Pay them to go sleep with people. Not my problem. You have a right to do what you want with your money. On the other hand, you don't have a right to use other people's money to force them to buy things against their will.

Birth control isn't. Stealing money from people to give it to others is. Pre-marrital sex is, as is encouraging people to do it.

I have to go with bear on this being pragmatic.
I would much rather stop unwanted pregnancies than to see women getting abortions. Which I find abhorrent.
Abortions shouldn't be legal in the first place, and the government has no business stealing taxpayer money to buy things for other people who are fully capable of buying it themselves or keeping their legs closed. Sex isn't a necessity.

I'll say this. Young girls dont have the sex drive young men do.
This is dictated by nature and the urge to procreate that males have. In other words if girls were as horny as guys over population would be a serious problem.
Where's my free Playboy subscription?

Quit posting like a dumb ass.. You're making us like " here we go again" and me look like sex starved morons.

And you stupid fuck, your younger than me mastabator king.

Fucking freak stop it Asshat.
The problem you are ignoring is that the consequences of said actions are far more wide reaching than people dealing with their own consequences.
Society changes because of the people in society. You have kids brought up by parents who don't have a clue, or don't care, and they're more likely to be criminals, more likely to disrupt at school. This is the reality of the situation.

You say they can choose not to take the risk and not have sex. I'm sorry, but this is extremely naive. You claim to be 15 years old, so I can understand that you don't get it yet.

The impulse for sex is testosterone. It's a drug within the body. Some people have to have sex in order to deal with the amount of testosterone in their body.

It has been found that porn has a POSITIVE effect on the rape rates and sex crimes.


Scientific examination of the subject has found that as the use of porn increases, the rate of sex crimes goes down."

Why? Because men (mostly) need to get rid of this testosterone in their body.

If the need is there, then they will have to do something about it. For some it's about having sex. You seem to think sex is like a donut, that you can make the decision to stop eating donuts and it's that easy.

Actually it's more like trying to quit smoking. The drugs take over. The problem with sex is that the drug continues to be produced.

But you're talking about "I don't care, as long as I don't have to pay", again, this doesn't work. You WILL PAY no matter what. Now you can choose to pay for things like sex education, free birth control and the like, or you can choose to pay for more judges, more lawyers, more prison time. Do you know how much it costs to keep one person in prison for a year? Do you know how much free birth control for a year costs? Let's just say that the latter is far cheaper.

You can't pretend that this can just go away by people being responsible. One thing humans are good at is being irresponsible. You either deal with it before it becomes a problem, or you clean up the problem and spend 100 times more doing so.
You just made an argument against your own. First, that people can masturbate instead of having sex. Second, that more inmates should receive the death penalty. Thank you.

You call this debate?

I'm not here to make arguments to "win" some kind of fucking prize, alright? I'm here to say the truth. I'm not going to make stuff up, twist the statistics, or any of that usual crap that happens on sites like this all the time.

So, either you want to debate with me, or you want to play silly little games. If it's the latter then I'm not going to bother with you, okay?

Yes, men can wank off. But not all of them do.

There is porn, but there's also sexual crime. Porn can help REDUCE sexual crime, but it doesn't eliminate it.

Nothing eliminates any form of crime entirely. If anything, free birth control would actually increase crime rates... like pedophilia. You're not going to be able to justify theft.

Do you have any data to support that?
But then someone will always have to pay. Either they pay for birth control, or they end up paying for the kid once it's born. Which is cheaper? Especially when the child ends up committing crimes.
I don't care, it's a personal problem and a person responsibility, dependent on a personal decision, and nobody else should have to deal with the cost one way or the other.

Fine, no one should have to deal with the cost one way or another. Then go off to an island where there is only you and other people who don't have much testosterone.

The problem is you're looking at it from a very idealist reasoning.

I shouldn't have to deal with politicians being bastards looking out for their own career. But I do have to.
I shouldn't have to deal with the problem of pollution, but I do have to.

There are many "I shouldn't have to....... but I do"s in the world.

But there are two ways. The first is to say "i'm not doing anything about it" in which case it gets worse, or you act intelligently and deal with the problems before they become problems.
Liberals are what causes a single person's problem to become everyone's problem. We should just ship you all to Russia, problem solved.

No, that's complete bullshit. Again, if you want to debate properly, okay, if you want to post this shit, then I won't bother with you.
Oh, but you're advocating exactly that.

No, I'm not.
The problem you are ignoring is that the consequences of said actions are far more wide reaching than people dealing with their own consequences.
Society changes because of the people in society. You have kids brought up by parents who don't have a clue, or don't care, and they're more likely to be criminals, more likely to disrupt at school. This is the reality of the situation.

You say they can choose not to take the risk and not have sex. I'm sorry, but this is extremely naive. You claim to be 15 years old, so I can understand that you don't get it yet.

The impulse for sex is testosterone. It's a drug within the body. Some people have to have sex in order to deal with the amount of testosterone in their body.

It has been found that porn has a POSITIVE effect on the rape rates and sex crimes.


Scientific examination of the subject has found that as the use of porn increases, the rate of sex crimes goes down."

Why? Because men (mostly) need to get rid of this testosterone in their body.

If the need is there, then they will have to do something about it. For some it's about having sex. You seem to think sex is like a donut, that you can make the decision to stop eating donuts and it's that easy.

Actually it's more like trying to quit smoking. The drugs take over. The problem with sex is that the drug continues to be produced.

But you're talking about "I don't care, as long as I don't have to pay", again, this doesn't work. You WILL PAY no matter what. Now you can choose to pay for things like sex education, free birth control and the like, or you can choose to pay for more judges, more lawyers, more prison time. Do you know how much it costs to keep one person in prison for a year? Do you know how much free birth control for a year costs? Let's just say that the latter is far cheaper.

You can't pretend that this can just go away by people being responsible. One thing humans are good at is being irresponsible. You either deal with it before it becomes a problem, or you clean up the problem and spend 100 times more doing so.
You just made an argument against your own. First, that people can masturbate instead of having sex. Second, that more inmates should receive the death penalty. Thank you.

You call this debate?

I'm not here to make arguments to "win" some kind of fucking prize, alright? I'm here to say the truth. I'm not going to make stuff up, twist the statistics, or any of that usual crap that happens on sites like this all the time.

So, either you want to debate with me, or you want to play silly little games. If it's the latter then I'm not going to bother with you, okay?

Yes, men can wank off. But not all of them do.

There is porn, but there's also sexual crime. Porn can help REDUCE sexual crime, but it doesn't eliminate it.

Nothing eliminates any form of crime entirely. If anything, free birth control would actually increase crime rates... like pedophilia. You're not going to be able to justify theft.

Are you making this argument? Or are you just throwing out sentences based on what you want to exist?

Either way it's pointless, because you haven't make an argument at all. You're dealing with something complex and you've written 3 short sentences.
Stealing any amount of money from someone else to give to another is thievery and forced charity, yes. You're also intentionally ignoring the fact that it's not only more than one girl, but any that decide that for whatever reason keeping your legs closed is difficult, and also that it's not just once. Any amount of forced charity is wrong, regardless, but this would be for something that's not absolutely necessary and encourages immorality.

Kids have sex, rich ones poor ones.. I can't walk around the United States and talk to children and ask them are they having sex? And give them $5 bucks and tell them to go buy birth control..

I would be locked up..

Pumpkin some things I don't mind my taxes going for..

And why is birth control immoral?

Abortion to me is murder.. But condoms,kids being educated on sex, birth control?

That's not immoral.. That's doing the right thing.
If someone asks you for money, go for it. Pay them to go sleep with people. Not my problem. You have a right to do what you want with your money. On the other hand, you don't have a right to use other people's money to force them to buy things against their will.

Birth control isn't. Stealing money from people to give it to others is. Pre-marrital sex is, as is encouraging people to do it.

I have to go with bear on this being pragmatic.
I would much rather stop unwanted pregnancies than to see women getting abortions. Which I find abhorrent.
Abortions shouldn't be legal in the first place, and the government has no business stealing taxpayer money to buy things for other people who are fully capable of buying it themselves or keeping their legs closed. Sex isn't a necessity.

While I agree,you cant stop people from having sex.
I know throughout my youth I thought with the wrong head consequences be damned.
I'm not advocating stopping them, I'm telling you they can deal with the consequences. I, personally, don't care. Not my problem, and it shouldn't be made other people's problem.
If someone asks you for money, go for it. Pay them to go sleep with people. Not my problem. You have a right to do what you want with your money. On the other hand, you don't have a right to use other people's money to force them to buy things against their will.

Birth control isn't. Stealing money from people to give it to others is. Pre-marrital sex is, as is encouraging people to do it.

I have to go with bear on this being pragmatic.
I would much rather stop unwanted pregnancies than to see women getting abortions. Which I find abhorrent.
I go with me on this one. Its not my responsibility to keep them from getting pregnant, or for them getting an abortion.

I believe we should hand out BC like skittles.
If they get pregnant thats on them and we refuse to pay for them.
Neither should be paid for by Taxpayers in the first place.

I agree whole heartedly. The problem being is humane nature.
As a guy I was willing to screw anything without three legs in my youth.
Thats something you'll never control with legislation.
Pass out BC like skittles and the over all cost to the tax payer drops from the cost of raising an illegitimate kid for 18 years to the cost of BC pills.
So what costs the tax payer less...a few pills a month or the cost of raising a child a month?
Neither one should cost the taxpayers.

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