Why the fight against Birth Control?

The IQ of generations of Americans have been intentionally lowered for years by liberals running our public school system and using our colleges as public indoctrination centers.

Liberals believe / pushed the idea that learning how to masterbate and how to use a condom was / is more important in schools than learning about our nation's govt / history / Constitution ...

... while colleges have been taken over by radical liberals - like bomb-throwing domestic terrorists Bill Ayers - who refuse to allow Conservative ideas and speakers onto campuses, indoctrinate the kids, and turn them into pu$$ies who need 'safe spaces'...when they're not out at Trump rallies chasing down and beating Trump supporters bloody ...

Oh, yeah, and.... that's worked, hasn't it?

Oh, wait, no it hasn't. The abstinence without birth control form of "education" is the worst form of education.

Yes, people's bad choice becomes your problem. So, the CHEAPEST way of dealing with it is to have a targeted campaign of birth control. There's no way to solve this by saying "I don't want to pay for stuff", you pay or you pay more.

So the answer is to reward people and enable their behaviour? it has already been pointed out, a planned parenthood you can get rubbers for free. Be my guest

Firstly, the behavior happens. Where I grew up, in a small place with a few hundred people, a 13 year old got pregnant. Why do you think that was?

I worked with a guy who left his job to do a PhD in Biology, he had an STD, why do you think that was?

I went on a combi in Lesotho and when the combi got to the last stop in some rural-ish place, everyone who got off but me went to the HIV/AIDS hospital. A poster in the capital had the HIV/AIDS rate of every region in the country. The lowest was 19%. They estimate that women of child bearing age in the capital had a 50%+ rate.

You can talk about not having sex, but it happens regardless of what you will say. It happens to intellectual people and stupid people, it happens to most people.

And for those people who tell others not to do it, well, they can scream and shout all they like, but it won't solve the problem. We know how to solve the problem, and we know how to avoid the problem. I have ask, why do you choose the latter?

A lot of your post reeks of lack of education. Get educated. Don't make your problem mine.

No, it doesn't. If you think knowledge and understanding "reeks of lack of education", well... If you actually thought you have more education, you'd have come back with an educated answer, instead of just attacks.
No, it doesn't. If you think knowledge and understanding "reeks of lack of education", well... If you actually thought you have more education, you'd have come back with an educated answer, instead of just attacks.

I get accused a lot on here of being a socialist, communist, whatever. I see myself as a centrist in most things. I think health should be free - i.e. the important stuff. This issue is the kind of thing that drives the neocon right nuts and gives them the ammunition. This is such an easy, non-issue to solve. Look after your own contraception. I don't give a free pass to robbers, burglars or murderers. They made choices. Again, rubbers are free. Use them.
Seriously...I just don't get it.

What's wrong with letting women have it?

The argument that they shouldn't have it free doesn't fly. ACA includes a bunch of different free items: Preventive care benefits for adults - but I have yet to hear an argument against aspirin or vaccinations being offered and birth control is a relatively cheap thing to offer.

The Pill is, as of this time, the most reliable method of pregnancy prevention. Yes...abstinence itself works, but isn't realistic as few people stick with it and, frankly, why should they if the pill can offer a more reliable option if they don't want to be abstinent? There is a direct correlation between preventing unwanted pregnancies, particularly teens, and the availability of reliable contraception.

as far as I'm concerned they can start putting it in their baby formula
Dissect coyotes statement, which is totally bereft of any critical thinking. Does she really think free birth control especially given to a minor without the parents permission is going to help that minor make a responsible decision? Hell no. Now we can copulate whenever we want without thinking about any of the side effects, emotional or physical. Second sentence, responsible choice. That is the key and that is what invalidates her vaccination argument. You get vaccinations to protect you against things you have no control over. Having sex is a choice, you have the power not to engage in it, therefore it is not a health issue that is devoid of personal responsibility. And let's get this out of the way, men should not be getting any free sexual enhancement or anything else related to engaging in sex for free either.

Sex isn't always a choice. And you know that. I'd also add, a lot of folks happily preaching on this subject have forgotten what it was like to actually be a teenager. On top of the emotional wreckage that is the teenage years, your body is pumped full of hormones to the point most kids can barely think straight. There's a reason there have been teenage pregnancies as long as mankind has been around and in every single culture in the world. Hell, there's a reason that for a long time in history folks got married in their early teens.

Far far better to pre-emptively give a kid birth control and educate them about the consequences.

Let's also address the it's cheaper to give them free birth control than to let them have kids. Ya think? If the govt didn't make having children your own private ATM machine we wouldn't have so many kids in the first place. If fathers of every color were forced to pay for the kids they fathered, there would be less out of wedlock pregnancies. No person is suggesting that anyone be prohibited from having sex, but liberals want to say it is more important to feel good first and consider your responsibilities second and if it goes south the rest of us should shoulder the consequences. Screw that. Birth control is free or in the nine dollar a month range if you get off your ass and search for it. Sex may be impossible to regulate but it is not an inalienable right, it is a choice.
Your argument makes no sense. Birth control costs far less than even the cost of public education, never mind the rest of the stuff we shell out to support kids whose parents can afford to have kids. Better to give folks the pill and let them responsibly decide when they're ready to shoulder that burden.
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Liberals are what causes a single person's problem to become everyone's problem. We should just ship you all to Russia, problem solved.
Yeah, I don't take any talk about sex and personal responsibility from a person using a teenage anime girls as their avatar seriously. So welcome to ignore.
I have to go with bear on this being pragmatic.
I would much rather stop unwanted pregnancies than to see women getting abortions. Which I find abhorrent.
Abortions shouldn't be legal in the first place, and the government has no business stealing taxpayer money to buy things for other people who are fully capable of buying it themselves or keeping their legs closed. Sex isn't a necessity.

While I agree,you cant stop people from having sex.
I know throughout my youth I thought with the wrong head consequences be damned.
I'm not advocating stopping them, I'm telling you they can deal with the consequences. I, personally, don't care. Not my problem, and it shouldn't be made other people's problem.

I feel the same way but unfortunately we end up paying one way or another and BC is far cheaper than a kid.

God I feel like such a liberal in this thread..

I said a few times.. I may be old but not that old to remember how I used to be as teen. It was a hell of a time..

This is the only way I can explain it it pumpkin

If you advocate abortion factories so that young men can avoid child support then you are just like a liberal. Nazis used the same feel good reasons to justify their crimes against humanity. Yes, federally subsidized abortion is a crime against humanity. Nobody who has ever seen the inside of an abortion clinic would ever say differently. The difference between the.left and right is.simple...the lefties think some crimes against humanity are okay, if it makes life.easier for.them. If you believe abortion is horrible, but you want it so you don't have to deal with consequences, you might as well join up with the rioters and engage in the next kristallnacht.
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Seriously...I just don't get it.

What's wrong with letting women have it?

The argument that they shouldn't have it free doesn't fly. ACA includes a bunch of different free items: Preventive care benefits for adults - but I have yet to hear an argument against aspirin or vaccinations being offered and birth control is a relatively cheap thing to offer.

The Pill is, as of this time, the most reliable method of pregnancy prevention. Yes...abstinence itself works, but isn't realistic as few people stick with it and, frankly, why should they if the pill can offer a more reliable option if they don't want to be abstinent? There is a direct correlation between preventing unwanted pregnancies, particularly teens, and the availability of reliable contraception.

Organized religions are very similar to political parties, they both seek to have more and more members . Thus, more kids, more followers
They can go fuck a dildo for all I care. You want dick? Pay for the consequences your damn self.


Foolish. Pay for a pill, or increase the number of abortions, or, repeal Roe and live with the consequences of unwanted children raised by social services.

It's no wonder Trump got so many votes, the crazy right wing lacks common sense.
They can go fuck a dildo for all I care. You want dick? Pay for the consequences your damn self.


Foolish. Pay for a pill, or increase the number of abortions, or, repeal Roe and live with the consequences of unwanted children raised by social services.

It's no wonder Trump got so many votes, the crazy right wing lacks common sense.
That's what we did when we listened to you morons who said we should subsidize alternative andepraved lifestyles, and abort everybody.

It's been fifty years. You've brought us to the realization of everything you claimed federal social programs...including the.illegal one of abortion....would supposedly prevent.
Liberals are what causes a single person's problem to become everyone's problem. We should just ship you all to Russia, problem solved.
Yeah, I don't take any talk about sex and personal responsibility from a person using a teenage anime girls as their avatar seriously. So welcome to ignore.
Lol...says the guy with a kitty cat in his...
And a dog for hers.

Let's just say that I've been around social media and forums enough to know what to expect out of folks with teenage anime girls for their avatars. And nothing I've seen to this point has surprised me from this user.
They can go fuck a dildo for all I care. You want dick? Pay for the consequences your damn self.


Foolish. Pay for a pill, or increase the number of abortions, or, repeal Roe and live with the consequences of unwanted children raised by social services.

It's no wonder Trump got so many votes, the crazy right wing lacks common sense.
That's what we did when we listened to you morons who said we should subsidize alternative andepraved lifestyles, and abort everybody.

It's been fifty years. You've brought us to the realization of everything you claimed federal social programs...including the.illegal one of abortion....would supposedly prevent.
We've reduced the cost to folks of unintended pregnancies in states that have sex ed and free contraception. The problem is that unwanted pregnancies are rampant in the states that prefer to go the only abstinence route.

I lived in Louisiana for 9 long years. You'd be hard pressed to find a state with a more firm policy of teaching abstinence as THE form of birth control. Do you have any idea how rampant teenage pregnancy was? What the average age at marriage was? Do you know how much of a public menace STD's were? It was a disaster. And it still cost the taxpayers millions in education, health, and yes, prison costs. You will pay for it either in the cheapest way possible, via birth control, or in the far more expensive way by providing public education, funding the hospitals when parent's can't pay for the costs of the birth, or in incarceration costs. Better for us all to have folks take the pill until they're ready to raise a kid responsibly.
Seriously...I just don't get it.

What's wrong with letting women have it?

The argument that they shouldn't have it free doesn't fly. ACA includes a bunch of different free items: Preventive care benefits for adults - but I have yet to hear an argument against aspirin or vaccinations being offered and birth control is a relatively cheap thing to offer.

The Pill is, as of this time, the most reliable method of pregnancy prevention. Yes...abstinence itself works, but isn't realistic as few people stick with it and, frankly, why should they if the pill can offer a more reliable option if they don't want to be abstinent? There is a direct correlation between preventing unwanted pregnancies, particularly teens, and the availability of reliable contraception.
It still boils down to responsibility. The employer shouldn't subsidize a persons private life. I thought the left wanted people out of the bedrooms? :dunno:
Seriously...I just don't get it.

What's wrong with letting women have it?

The argument that they shouldn't have it free doesn't fly. ACA includes a bunch of different free items: Preventive care benefits for adults - but I have yet to hear an argument against aspirin or vaccinations being offered and birth control is a relatively cheap thing to offer.

The Pill is, as of this time, the most reliable method of pregnancy prevention. Yes...abstinence itself works, but isn't realistic as few people stick with it and, frankly, why should they if the pill can offer a more reliable option if they don't want to be abstinent? There is a direct correlation between preventing unwanted pregnancies, particularly teens, and the availability of reliable contraception.
It still boils down to responsibility. The employer shouldn't subsidize a persons private life. I thought the left wanted people out of the bedrooms? :dunno:
The thing is, we do legislate things that fall under personal responsibility when it entails huge costs to the public. For example: we require warning on cigarettes. At this point every single person in America is well aware those things will kill you. But the problem is how you die is likely to cost me a lot of money. Ditto the reason we make illegal drugs illegal. Marijuana, Heroin, PCP, LSD, etc, all fall under personal responsibility as far as the impact on you, but your actions are likely to cost me a lot of money down the road.

Ditto here with vaccines, flu shots, etc. If I can save myself thousands by paying a few bucks, I will and I should. Birth control is the same. It isn't expensive, but if you can't afford it I have no problem with taxpayer money subsidizing it because if we don't, as a taxpayer I'm out a lot of money when nature inevitably catches up.
Liberals are what causes a single person's problem to become everyone's problem. We should just ship you all to Russia, problem solved.
Yeah, I don't take any talk about sex and personal responsibility from a person using a teenage anime girls as their avatar seriously. So welcome to ignore.
Lol...says the guy with a kitty cat in his...
And a dog for hers.

Let's just say that I've been around social media and forums enough to know what to expect out of folks with teenage anime girls for their avatars. And nothing I've seen to this point has surprised me from this user.
She IS a teenage girl and her views on this matter are certainly as relevant as anyone else's. Didn't you say 'we' seem to have forgotten what it's like to be a teenager? Well you just put the only one posting here on ignore :cuckoo:
They can go fuck a dildo for all I care. You want dick? Pay for the consequences your damn self.


Foolish. Pay for a pill, or increase the number of abortions, or, repeal Roe and live with the consequences of unwanted children raised by social services.

It's no wonder Trump got so many votes, the crazy right wing lacks common sense.
That's what we did when we listened to you morons who said we should subsidize alternative andepraved lifestyles, and abort everybody.

It's been fifty years. You've brought us to the realization of everything you claimed federal social programs...including the.illegal one of abortion....would supposedly prevent.
We've reduced the cost to folks of unintended pregnancies in states that have sex ed and free contraception. The problem is that unwanted pregnancies are rampant in the states that prefer to go the only abstinence route.

I lived in Louisiana for 9 long years. You'd be hard pressed to find a state with a more firm policy of teaching abstinence as THE form of birth control. Do you have any idea how rampant teenage pregnancy was? What the average age at marriage was? Do you know how much of a public menace STD's were? It was a disaster. And it still cost the taxpayers millions in education, health, and yes, prison costs. You will pay for it either in the cheapest way possible, via birth control, or in the far more expensive way by providing public education, funding the hospitals when parent's can't pay for the costs of the birth, or in incarceration costs. Better for us all to have folks take the pill until they're ready to raise a kid responsibly.
The pill doesn't protect anyone from STDs. Condoms do, and they are already freely available.
The IQ of generations of Americans have been intentionally lowered for years by liberals running our public school system and using our colleges as public indoctrination centers.

Liberals believe / pushed the idea that learning how to masterbate and how to use a condom was / is more important in schools than learning about our nation's govt / history / Constitution ...

... while colleges have been taken over by radical liberals - like bomb-throwing domestic terrorists Bill Ayers - who refuse to allow Conservative ideas and speakers onto campuses, indoctrinate the kids, and turn them into pu$$ies who need 'safe spaces'...when they're not out at Trump rallies chasing down and beating Trump supporters bloody ...

Yet liberals were not fooled by Trump, who thus far has walked back his promises. The panacea he offered did not convince liberals, but the crazy right wing, biddable to the extreme, bought what amounts to a nostrum.
They can go fuck a dildo for all I care. You want dick? Pay for the consequences your damn self.


Foolish. Pay for a pill, or increase the number of abortions, or, repeal Roe and live with the consequences of unwanted children raised by social services.

It's no wonder Trump got so many votes, the crazy right wing lacks common sense.

That's what we did when we listened to you morons who said we should subsidize alternative andepraved lifestyles, and abort everybody.

It's been fifty years. You've brought us to the realization of everything you claimed federal social programs...including the.illegal one of abortion....would supposedly prevent.

"prevent", hardly, but AFDC is no more; TANF replaced it over two decades ago, yet the ignorant and echo chamber continue in the belief that 'welfare queens' still exploit a system which allows indefinite aid to those who have no required responsibilities. And, BTW, TANF allows each state to craft aid programs to fit their needs (States Rights people ought to cheer that component of TANF but most are too ill informed).

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