Why the fight against Birth Control?

Or, maybe, you're just full of hot air :)

Teen pregnancy rates are highest in primarily rural southern states. Did you notice that?

Yes, I did. In the areas where the schools spend more per child than ANYWHERE ELSE IN THE COUNTRY.

I'm afraid that is another "fail" on your part. The schools with the highest levels of per capital spending on education have, on average - LOWER rates of teen pregnancy.


So apparently the more intense federal involvement, the more likely people are to fail. Which is in total agreement with my philosophy.

And please tell me where the legend is on that meme, and from whence it originated?

So apparently...you are wrong.

Source for the image is: CDC Features - Teen Birth Rates Drop, But Disparities Persist

Your friends at the CDC and Guttmacher's, just like the politicians and media they pay, are good at lying and making it look good. It's all about money laundering and racketeering:

"The researchers noted they did not include Washington D.C. with their ranking of U.S. states, because the District is more comparable to a city than to a state. The teen pregnancy rate in Washington D.C. is 90/1,000."

Which is why they left it out. That is the #1 unwed pregnancy rate in the entire country.

The dem stronghold of the nation has a PRONOUNCED lead in the teen pregnancy rate.

Hmmmmmmmm.....just one example of the games the left likes to play in order to justify whatever nonsense they're promoting.

In this instance...federally funded birth control. The CDC and Guttmacher get a LOT of money from the feds to promote this stuff.

Trends in Teen Pregnancy and Childbearing - The Office of Adolescent Health

You're flailing.

You still can't escape your lies. On average - the states with the LOWEST per capita spending on education have the HIGHEST teen pregnancy rates. True or false?

Everything else is just a diversion on your part.

I'm not lying, Coyote, you are. When I source my statements and provide numbers, and you respond with utter hogwash and memes, you have officially lost it. You're spouting completely unsupported blather.

The #1 teen pregnancy population..WASHINGTON DC. 90 per 1000, compared to the next highest rate..which has 76 per 1000.

I respond with sources and graphs (not memes) from those sources. Learn the difference.
They can go fuck a dildo for all I care. You want dick? Pay for the consequences your damn self.


Foolish. Pay for a pill, or increase the number of abortions, or, repeal Roe and live with the consequences of unwanted children raised by social services.

It's no wonder Trump got so many votes, the crazy right wing lacks common sense.
That's what we did when we listened to you morons who said we should subsidize alternative andepraved lifestyles, and abort everybody.

It's been fifty years. You've brought us to the realization of everything you claimed federal social programs...including the.illegal one of abortion....would supposedly prevent.
We've reduced the cost to folks of unintended pregnancies in states that have sex ed and free contraception. The problem is that unwanted pregnancies are rampant in the states that prefer to go the only abstinence route.

I lived in Louisiana for 9 long years. You'd be hard pressed to find a state with a more firm policy of teaching abstinence as THE form of birth control. Do you have any idea how rampant teenage pregnancy was? What the average age at marriage was? Do you know how much of a public menace STD's were? It was a disaster. And it still cost the taxpayers millions in education, health, and yes, prison costs. You will pay for it either in the cheapest way possible, via birth control, or in the far more expensive way by providing public education, funding the hospitals when parent's can't pay for the costs of the birth, or in incarceration costs. Better for us all to have folks take the pill until they're ready to raise a kid responsibly.

  • The states with the highest unintended pregnancy rates in 2010 were Delaware (62 unintended pregnancies per 1,000 women aged 15–44), Hawaii (61), New York (61) and Maryland (60).[10]

Hmmm. All democratic voting states with liberal,education policies and a lot of bitrth control. Obviously the facts don't back up your statement. Anyone who believes that we just give teenagers the pill and let them make the decision is social,anarchist. Argument fail big time.

That's looking at more then just teen pregnancy. Where do those states stand on TEEN pregnancies?
Yes, I did. In the areas where the schools spend more per child than ANYWHERE ELSE IN THE COUNTRY.

I'm afraid that is another "fail" on your part. The schools with the highest levels of per capital spending on education have, on average - LOWER rates of teen pregnancy.


So apparently the more intense federal involvement, the more likely people are to fail. Which is in total agreement with my philosophy.

And please tell me where the legend is on that meme, and from whence it originated?

So apparently...you are wrong.

Source for the image is: CDC Features - Teen Birth Rates Drop, But Disparities Persist

Your friends at the CDC and Guttmacher's, just like the politicians and media they pay, are good at lying and making it look good. It's all about money laundering and racketeering:

"The researchers noted they did not include Washington D.C. with their ranking of U.S. states, because the District is more comparable to a city than to a state. The teen pregnancy rate in Washington D.C. is 90/1,000."

Which is why they left it out. That is the #1 unwed pregnancy rate in the entire country.

The dem stronghold of the nation has a PRONOUNCED lead in the teen pregnancy rate.

Hmmmmmmmm.....just one example of the games the left likes to play in order to justify whatever nonsense they're promoting.

In this instance...federally funded birth control. The CDC and Guttmacher get a LOT of money from the feds to promote this stuff.

Trends in Teen Pregnancy and Childbearing - The Office of Adolescent Health

You're flailing.

You still can't escape your lies. On average - the states with the LOWEST per capita spending on education have the HIGHEST teen pregnancy rates. True or false?

Everything else is just a diversion on your part.

I'm not lying, Coyote, you are. When I source my statements and provide numbers, and you respond with utter hogwash and memes, you have officially lost it. You're spouting completely unsupported blather.

The #1 teen pregnancy population..WASHINGTON DC. 90 per 1000, compared to the next highest rate..which has 76 per 1000.

I respond with sources and graphs (not memes) from those sources. Learn the difference.

I do know the difference, sweetie. You apparently don't.
Seriously...I just don't get it.

What's wrong with letting women have it?

The argument that they shouldn't have it free doesn't fly. ACA includes a bunch of different free items: Preventive care benefits for adults - but I have yet to hear an argument against aspirin or vaccinations being offered and birth control is a relatively cheap thing to offer.

The Pill is, as of this time, the most reliable method of pregnancy prevention. Yes...abstinence itself works, but isn't realistic as few people stick with it and, frankly, why should they if the pill can offer a more reliable option if they don't want to be abstinent? There is a direct correlation between preventing unwanted pregnancies, particularly teens, and the availability of reliable contraception.
I think they want poor people breeding poor kids that one day the corporations can hire cheap. Also to fill fews.

But you are wrong about the pill being the best. Iud's are way more effective.

As a new Republican I would say the woman who's sexually active and poor has a choice to make. Why do we pay for free birth control? Because it saves us money. Welfare and food stamps and free insurance we give these mistakes. Not to mention crime.

Republicans need to realize birth control saves us money and lowers abortions

But it doesn't. Birth control is already almost free, yet here we are. Then there are all the other issues especially with IUD's that would need to be addressed that jacks up the cost of insurance.
You guys won so take it out and let's see what happens. We tried telling voters but they didn't listen.

A couple guys i work with have been married for around 18 years or so. Yes, yes, i know there were laws and they could not have been married, but for all intents and purpose they were and are married. These guys want children and some time around Christmas they will have their first boy. The kid comes from a girl in the fourth ward who was heading in for an abortion. At any rate, the girl screwed up and was to far along, they all met up and basically did an adaption under the table. So one thing they could do is more education on abortion, std's and what they do and reform the hell out of adoption. Doing that would be more effective as those are actually a problem, especially among minorities.

Adoption is a viable alternative to abortion, but much less viable than preventing an unwanted pregnancy/child. What if the apocryphal child had not been so lucky? And, if abortion was not vetted by social service workers, how many young children might be placed with straw parents and sold into sexual slavery? Have you considered that?

Yeah, and those social workers should be tied to a flag pole and horse whipped over all the kids they have fed to sex predators. The government over seeing adoption is just like them doing health care which is just no bueno. Far as considering it gos, in this country and in this day and age its unlikely. Mexico is another story all together. But if a lady is pregnant and is lucky enough to give the kid a shot with a loving family be they gay or whatever then by all means let them do it.
I'm afraid that is another "fail" on your part. The schools with the highest levels of per capital spending on education have, on average - LOWER rates of teen pregnancy.


So apparently...you are wrong.

Source for the image is: CDC Features - Teen Birth Rates Drop, But Disparities Persist

Your friends at the CDC and Guttmacher's, just like the politicians and media they pay, are good at lying and making it look good. It's all about money laundering and racketeering:

"The researchers noted they did not include Washington D.C. with their ranking of U.S. states, because the District is more comparable to a city than to a state. The teen pregnancy rate in Washington D.C. is 90/1,000."

Which is why they left it out. That is the #1 unwed pregnancy rate in the entire country.

The dem stronghold of the nation has a PRONOUNCED lead in the teen pregnancy rate.

Hmmmmmmmm.....just one example of the games the left likes to play in order to justify whatever nonsense they're promoting.

In this instance...federally funded birth control. The CDC and Guttmacher get a LOT of money from the feds to promote this stuff.

Trends in Teen Pregnancy and Childbearing - The Office of Adolescent Health

You're flailing.

You still can't escape your lies. On average - the states with the LOWEST per capita spending on education have the HIGHEST teen pregnancy rates. True or false?

Everything else is just a diversion on your part.

I'm not lying, Coyote, you are. When I source my statements and provide numbers, and you respond with utter hogwash and memes, you have officially lost it. You're spouting completely unsupported blather.

The #1 teen pregnancy population..WASHINGTON DC. 90 per 1000, compared to the next highest rate..which has 76 per 1000.

I respond with sources and graphs (not memes) from those sources. Learn the difference.

I do know the difference, sweetie. You apparently don't.

That's not apparent from your postings. Since when is a graph of states teen pregnancy rates a "meme"? Look it up dear.
Seriously...I just don't get it.

What's wrong with letting women have it?

The argument that they shouldn't have it free doesn't fly. ACA includes a bunch of different free items: Preventive care benefits for adults - but I have yet to hear an argument against aspirin or vaccinations being offered and birth control is a relatively cheap thing to offer.

The Pill is, as of this time, the most reliable method of pregnancy prevention. Yes...abstinence itself works, but isn't realistic as few people stick with it and, frankly, why should they if the pill can offer a more reliable option if they don't want to be abstinent? There is a direct correlation between preventing unwanted pregnancies, particularly teens, and the availability of reliable contraception.
I think they want poor people breeding poor kids that one day the corporations can hire cheap. Also to fill fews.

But you are wrong about the pill being the best. Iud's are way more effective.

As a new Republican I would say the woman who's sexually active and poor has a choice to make. Why do we pay for free birth control? Because it saves us money. Welfare and food stamps and free insurance we give these mistakes. Not to mention crime.

Republicans need to realize birth control saves us money and lowers abortions

But it doesn't. Birth control is already almost free, yet here we are. Then there are all the other issues especially with IUD's that would need to be addressed that jacks up the cost of insurance.
The States With the Highest Teenage Birth Rates Have One Thing in Common

There's countless articles and studies here that conclude the same thing. Better sex ed+Better availability to birth control=lower pregnancy risk. The states teaching abstinence only are the ones with the highest pregnancy rates and worst STD infection rates. So it works, and works well.

So again, why are we being stupid about this as a people? If you don't pay for the birth control, you'll pay for the kid one way or another. Either through welfare, education, or incarceration. So go the cheaper route and pay for birth control.

Cheaper for those who get it, but we folks who work have to pay more. Birth control is already cheap. You need only go to PPH website and look.
You are already paying. I do not understand how you fail to get this.

If a teen gets pregnant and goes to the hospital to give birth, chances are she won't be able to pay for the procedure. The hospital will be passing that cost on to you when you do come in for help. Or they'll pass it on to your insurance when others on your plan come in for help which will be passed on to you in the form of higher premiums.

Forget welfare, when that kid gets to school age YOU WILL PAY for his education through property taxes, or higher rents, or higher business costs when they have higher property taxes.

Unwed mothers frequently live in poverty and poverty is the single greatest indicator for a likelyhood to become incarcerated. When that kid becomes incarcerated, YOU WILL PAY to arrest him, try him, and lock him up in higher taxes.

At every single damn point of the kids life YOU WILL PAY for what happens because we as a people were too cheap to provide birth control. So stop being cheap and take the cheapest out. Pay for birth control.

If a teen go's to a clinic that treats VD we absorb that cost of prolonged treatment of that disease. So your IUD and pills do nothing here. The cost is still there. Then there is the IUD and pills. Most of the chicks I now hate the little wire things and that form of birth control has a bunch of side affects so our gal hits the ER and there are those costs again. No way out of spending the money really. all that aside, birth control is already extremely getable at an extremely low price.
If a woman gets pregnant while using a condom, she should name the kid Houdini !!

Better yet, pill AND condom.

The Catholic Church is the main opponent of birth control.

The Protestants as well as Catholics are opposed to abortion.

They call it murder.

Murder is a statutory felony stipulated as enumerated with elements of proof in Federal, State, and Foreign law.

It pertains to the unlawful killing of a human being with malice aforethought.

A fetus is not a human being, at least not until about the 7th month when it is viable outside of the womb.

Until the 7th month a fetus is just a parasitic growth inside a female's womb.

Removing parasites is everyone's right, male or female, old or young. This notion is self evident and as such a-priori.

Birth control is the prevention of such a parasite from attaching.

Sort of like insect repellant.
You couldn't sound more psychopathic if you tried.
All one has to do is watch Maury Povich and you will realize that not only should BC be free, it should be a requirement.
so say all Nazis and concentration camp advocates.

I'm neither.... it's a joke and I'm not advocating sterilization, just the use of BC.
I think we all knew you were joking.
When I've suggested that women on welfare be fixed in order to get it, idiots claim I'm suggesting genocide. That's not true. If you don't ask for welfare I'll never ask you to get fixed. But if you want the free money you have to cut out your baby maker. Its only genocide if 100% of the woman decide they want the free money.
That is a shite argument. Why the woman and not the man ? Its still a shite argument.
They need to seriously go after the dad too.

All these foodstampers and welfare bums are going to eventually want social security. I hope they keep track of welfare and food stamps and take it off the back end. That might mean some people can't retire till 70. Then I wouldn't mind giving welfare. If you want to draw SS at 45 for a year then you can't retire till 66.
so say all Nazis and concentration camp advocates.

I'm neither.... it's a joke and I'm not advocating sterilization, just the use of BC.
I think we all knew you were joking.
When I've suggested that women on welfare be fixed in order to get it, idiots claim I'm suggesting genocide. That's not true. If you don't ask for welfare I'll never ask you to get fixed. But if you want the free money you have to cut out your baby maker. Its only genocide if 100% of the woman decide they want the free money.
That is a shite argument. Why the woman and not the man ? Its still a shite argument.
They need to seriously go after the dad too.

All these foodstampers and welfare bums are going to eventually want social security. I hope they keep track of welfare and food stamps and take it off the back end. That might mean some people can't retire till 70. Then I wouldn't mind giving welfare. If you want to draw SS at 45 for a year then you can't retire till 66.
After 30 years of Voodoo: worst min. wage, work conditions, illegal work safeguards, vacations, work week, college costs, rich/poor gap, upward social mobility, % homeless and in prison EVAH, and in the modern world!! And you complain about the victims? Are you an idiot or an A-hole? :cuckoo:
I'm neither.... it's a joke and I'm not advocating sterilization, just the use of BC.
I think we all knew you were joking.
When I've suggested that women on welfare be fixed in order to get it, idiots claim I'm suggesting genocide. That's not true. If you don't ask for welfare I'll never ask you to get fixed. But if you want the free money you have to cut out your baby maker. Its only genocide if 100% of the woman decide they want the free money.
That is a shite argument. Why the woman and not the man ? Its still a shite argument.
They need to seriously go after the dad too.

All these foodstampers and welfare bums are going to eventually want social security. I hope they keep track of welfare and food stamps and take it off the back end. That might mean some people can't retire till 70. Then I wouldn't mind giving welfare. If you want to draw SS at 45 for a year then you can't retire till 66.
After 30 years of Voodoo: worst min. wage, work conditions, illegal work safeguards, vacations, work week, college costs, rich/poor gap, upward social mobility, % homeless and in prison EVAH, and in the modern world!! And you complain about the victims? Are you an idiot or an A-hole? :cuckoo:
I lived through the bush great recession. I remember. That's why I didn't have kids. And why many people didn't have multiple kids these last 2 decades.

Bush did a lot to lower birth rates. Putting one or two kids through college is tough forget 3.
Casual sex has long been denied women because she is the one that always pays the price of pregnancy - historically.

The whole idea of it all is not to pay any price for it whatsoever. Hence, abstinence. Like I said, sex isn't supposed to be "casual." It is precisely because it is seen as "casual" that women are often "paying the price for pregnancy" --historically.

The pill changed that hugely and allowed women to indulge in what was long considered the male prerogative.

That only makes my point. The wide availability of "birth control" only makes it easier for a woman to indulge in casual sexual activity. I always thought sex was something someone would think long and hard over. Not anymore I guess.
In my view, when a woman uses birth control she is not engaging in the same behavior that got her pregnant, she is altering it by taking responsibility. And that means using birth control.

In my view, birth control is nothing but a way for a woman to escape that responsibility.

As soon as the cell in that zygote begins to divide, that is human life. When a woman starts using birth control, she is ending that life. That is the ultimate abandonment of responsibility. And in my view, an act of murder.
They can go fuck a dildo for all I care. You want dick? Pay for the consequences your damn self.


Foolish. Pay for a pill, or increase the number of abortions, or, repeal Roe and live with the consequences of unwanted children raised by social services.

It's no wonder Trump got so many votes, the crazy right wing lacks common sense.
That's what we did when we listened to you morons who said we should subsidize alternative andepraved lifestyles, and abort everybody.

It's been fifty years. You've brought us to the realization of everything you claimed federal social programs...including the.illegal one of abortion....would supposedly prevent.
We've reduced the cost to folks of unintended pregnancies in states that have sex ed and free contraception. The problem is that unwanted pregnancies are rampant in the states that prefer to go the only abstinence route.

I lived in Louisiana for 9 long years. You'd be hard pressed to find a state with a more firm policy of teaching abstinence as THE form of birth control. Do you have any idea how rampant teenage pregnancy was? What the average age at marriage was? Do you know how much of a public menace STD's were? It was a disaster. And it still cost the taxpayers millions in education, health, and yes, prison costs. You will pay for it either in the cheapest way possible, via birth control, or in the far more expensive way by providing public education, funding the hospitals when parent's can't pay for the costs of the birth, or in incarceration costs. Better for us all to have folks take the pill until they're ready to raise a kid responsibly.

  • The states with the highest unintended pregnancy rates in 2010 were Delaware (62 unintended pregnancies per 1,000 women aged 15–44), Hawaii (61), New York (61) and Maryland (60).[10]

Hmmm. All democratic voting states with liberal,education policies and a lot of bitrth control. Obviously the facts don't back up your statement. Anyone who believes that we just give teenagers the pill and let them make the decision is social,anarchist. Argument fail big time.
Where's your source? Here's mine:

U.S. Teenage Pregnancies, Births and Abortions, 2011: State Trends by Age, Race and Ethnicity

State levels in 2011 (Tables 1.1–1.2)*
• In 2011, New Mexico had the highest teenage pregnancy rate (72 per 1,000 women); the next highest rates were in Mississippi (70), Arkansas (69), Louisiana (66), Texas (65) and Oklahoma (65). The lowest rates were in New Hampshire (26), Minnesota (31), Vermont (32), Massachusetts (33) and Utah (33).

• In 2011, the teenage birthrate was highest in Mississippi (51 per 1,000 women), and the next highest rates were in Arkansas (50), New Mexico (48), Oklahoma (48) and Texas (47). The lowest rates were in New Hampshire (14), Massachusetts (15), Connecticut (16), Vermont (17) and New Jersey (19).

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