Why the fight against Birth Control?

Yeah, the reason stuff like that happens is due to a lack of governing rules. There are teenagers at my church that act more mature than some adults I know, it all lies with their parentage. If you implement rules which encourage the teenager to exercise better judgement, they will in turn learn to do the same regarding sex. There's a reason why you don't touch a hot eye on the stove as a 3 year old or get near a pot of boiling water. For me it was throwing temper tantrums and breaking a few fingers and toes from punching a steel washing machine as a toddler because I didn't get my way. Important thing was that I never punched nor kicked a washing machine again (at least not with that much force).
Yeah, teenagers are a real conundrum. I've known a lot of mature teenagers that still end up pregnant. I've known a lot of very very immature ones that don't. The difference? The immature one was taught about birth control, the mature one wasn't.

From a personal standpoint, I was taught that sex was a pretty important thing that should be reserved for the person you love and practiced in the safe confines of marriage. And my wife I both followed through on that. It was 100% effective. That doesn't stop you from having unplanned kids after you are married and those can be just as disastrous financially, emotionally, and physically. So you want to educate folks about birth control before they have sex, whatever that timeline is. As it is, sex can have such disastrous life changing consequences I'd like to educate kids early and have them take precautions seriously well before marriage. As a parent, I know I'll be raising my kids to practice abstinence, but I'd be remiss not to also teach them about birth control. And for my daughter especially, if she wants to go on birth control I'll support that. It's preventative medicine and given the consequences I'm very much in favor of that.

There is not a child in the US today who has attended public schools who hasn't been "taught about birth control". So I know you're full of shit by the end of the first paragraph of your irrelevant post. If you know "responsible" teens who got knocked up because they weren't *taught* about birth control, then you apparently live in an isolated society that has no contact with the outside world.
Thing is, in states like Louisiana, not all children are in public school. In fact, a very very HIGH percentage are not. What do you think the odds are that a kid is taught about birth control in a religious school?

As it is, there's taught about birth control and "taught about" birth control. In a fair number of pretty conservative states the birth control conversation is rushed past as soon as possible and topped off with "But abstinence is the only thing that works." And those states have much higher teen pregnancy rates.

Funny, the teen pregnancy rate is much higher in populations with intense *interventions* in place..inner cities, sanctuary cities.

It seems that the more we pay to educate kids, the more likely they are to get knocked up, and come down with STDs! Why do you figure that is????

The stuff about the huge numbers of children not attending school in Louisiana is of course just your own bias, and has no basis in fact. I'm pretty sure that the school attendance rate in Buttfuck LA is about the same as it is in InnerCity Chicago, IL.
Yeah, the reason stuff like that happens is due to a lack of governing rules. There are teenagers at my church that act more mature than some adults I know, it all lies with their parentage. If you implement rules which encourage the teenager to exercise better judgement, they will in turn learn to do the same regarding sex. There's a reason why you don't touch a hot eye on the stove as a 3 year old or get near a pot of boiling water. For me it was throwing temper tantrums and breaking a few fingers and toes from punching a steel washing machine as a toddler because I didn't get my way. Important thing was that I never punched nor kicked a washing machine again (at least not with that much force).
Yeah, teenagers are a real conundrum. I've known a lot of mature teenagers that still end up pregnant. I've known a lot of very very immature ones that don't. The difference? The immature one was taught about birth control, the mature one wasn't.

From a personal standpoint, I was taught that sex was a pretty important thing that should be reserved for the person you love and practiced in the safe confines of marriage. And my wife I both followed through on that. It was 100% effective. That doesn't stop you from having unplanned kids after you are married and those can be just as disastrous financially, emotionally, and physically. So you want to educate folks about birth control before they have sex, whatever that timeline is. As it is, sex can have such disastrous life changing consequences I'd like to educate kids early and have them take precautions seriously well before marriage. As a parent, I know I'll be raising my kids to practice abstinence, but I'd be remiss not to also teach them about birth control. And for my daughter especially, if she wants to go on birth control I'll support that. It's preventative medicine and given the consequences I'm very much in favor of that.

There is not a child in the US today who has attended public schools who hasn't been "taught about birth control". So I know you're full of shit by the end of the first paragraph of your irrelevant post. If you know "responsible" teens who got knocked up because they weren't *taught* about birth control, then you apparently live in an isolated society that has no contact with the outside world.
Thing is, in states like Louisiana, not all children are in public school. In fact, a very very HIGH percentage are not. What do you think the odds are that a kid is taught about birth control in a religious school?

As it is, there's taught about birth control and "taught about" birth control. In a fair number of pretty conservative states the birth control conversation is rushed past as soon as possible and topped off with "But abstinence is the only thing that works." And those states have much higher teen pregnancy rates.

Funny, the teen pregnancy rate is much higher in populations with intense *interventions* in place..inner cities, sanctuary cities.

It seems that the more we pay to educate kids, the more likely they are to get knocked up, and come down with STDs! Why do you figure that is????

The stuff about the huge numbers of children not attending school in Louisiana is of course just your own bias, and has no basis in fact. I'm pretty sure that the school attendance rate in Buttfuck LA is about the same as it is in InnerCity Chicago, IL.

Is it?

Not according to the statistics I've found. Teen birthrates (which would exclude abortion) have gone down since 1957. Teen pregnancy rates rose between 1980-91 then fell. The pill was not approved for contraceptive purposes until 1960. If you look at the trends - there isn't an "explosion" of teen pregnancy until around 1990 when there was an upswing. Newer versions of the pill have a lower failure rate because they are easier to use which accounts for some of the downward trend. States that offer free birth control, for example Colorado, have seen a significant reduction in teen pregnancies.



The top chart reflects nothing except the commitment of young marrieds to not have as many children as they did in the past.

Aside from that, the CDC is a joke. They get their numbers from Planned Parenthood, who isn't required to provide any information at all. They get the numbers from a few states where they *choose* to provide inaccurate and false information.

No indication that they are married. Average age (and median age) of first marriage in the US has consistently been over 20 - not 15-19. So...you can't dispute the data?

I did dispute the data. And you have nothing except a bunch of lies lol.

Beginning with the lie that the fact that the married status of the pregnant teens is not noted on the chart means that they aren't married. No, it doesn't.

Followed by the lie that I didn't dispute the data. I did dispute it, and you came back with..nothing.

No, it doesn't mean that they were married. But given the average age of marriage it's highly likely they weren't. If they were then that also blows your claim of an explosion of teen pregnancies to bits.

You haven't disputed anything :lol:

More nonsense.

Yes, I did dispute it. Do you not know what the word *dispute* means, you poor ignoramus?

Meanwhile, in the world of letters and ideas:

"As far back as 1976, the Alan Guttmacher Institute published a

widely distributed booklet, “11 Million Teenagers,” proclaiming a teen pregnancy

“epidemic.” Two years later, Congress passed a bill doubling family planning

funds that the U.S. Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare described as “the

centerpiece of President Carter’s strategy” to combat “the urgent problem” of teen


"Yet until quite recently, despite many successive government and community

efforts to reverse the trend, the unwed teen pregnancy rate continued to climb, from

23.9 births per 1000 single female teenagers in 1975 to 31.4 in 1985, and to an alltime

high of 46.4 in 1994. Nothing that adults said or did seemed to matter. From

1975 to 1994, the unmarried teen birth rate almost doubled.2"


Words matter, coyote.
It really looks like you have given up on this. You are flapping now. Why dont you take a moment to compose yourself and come back to debate the issue ?
Yeah, the reason stuff like that happens is due to a lack of governing rules. There are teenagers at my church that act more mature than some adults I know, it all lies with their parentage. If you implement rules which encourage the teenager to exercise better judgement, they will in turn learn to do the same regarding sex. There's a reason why you don't touch a hot eye on the stove as a 3 year old or get near a pot of boiling water. For me it was throwing temper tantrums and breaking a few fingers and toes from punching a steel washing machine as a toddler because I didn't get my way. Important thing was that I never punched nor kicked a washing machine again (at least not with that much force).
Yeah, teenagers are a real conundrum. I've known a lot of mature teenagers that still end up pregnant. I've known a lot of very very immature ones that don't. The difference? The immature one was taught about birth control, the mature one wasn't.

From a personal standpoint, I was taught that sex was a pretty important thing that should be reserved for the person you love and practiced in the safe confines of marriage. And my wife I both followed through on that. It was 100% effective. That doesn't stop you from having unplanned kids after you are married and those can be just as disastrous financially, emotionally, and physically. So you want to educate folks about birth control before they have sex, whatever that timeline is. As it is, sex can have such disastrous life changing consequences I'd like to educate kids early and have them take precautions seriously well before marriage. As a parent, I know I'll be raising my kids to practice abstinence, but I'd be remiss not to also teach them about birth control. And for my daughter especially, if she wants to go on birth control I'll support that. It's preventative medicine and given the consequences I'm very much in favor of that.

There is not a child in the US today who has attended public schools who hasn't been "taught about birth control". So I know you're full of shit by the end of the first paragraph of your irrelevant post. If you know "responsible" teens who got knocked up because they weren't *taught* about birth control, then you apparently live in an isolated society that has no contact with the outside world.
Thing is, in states like Louisiana, not all children are in public school. In fact, a very very HIGH percentage are not. What do you think the odds are that a kid is taught about birth control in a religious school?

As it is, there's taught about birth control and "taught about" birth control. In a fair number of pretty conservative states the birth control conversation is rushed past as soon as possible and topped off with "But abstinence is the only thing that works." And those states have much higher teen pregnancy rates.

Funny, the teen pregnancy rate is much higher in populations with intense *interventions* in place..inner cities, sanctuary cities.

It seems that the more we pay to educate kids, the more likely they are to get knocked up, and come down with STDs! Why do you figure that is????

The stuff about the huge numbers of children not attending school in Louisiana is of course just your own bias, and has no basis in fact. I'm pretty sure that the school attendance rate in Buttfuck LA is about the same as it is in InnerCity Chicago, IL.

South Bronx school district is NYC's worst

“This child could be a genius,” she continued. “But if this child is coming home to a house that has no heat, no lights, no food — then this child can’t learn.”

education depends as much on a student’s home life as on homework.
The top chart reflects nothing except the commitment of young marrieds to not have as many children as they did in the past.

Aside from that, the CDC is a joke. They get their numbers from Planned Parenthood, who isn't required to provide any information at all. They get the numbers from a few states where they *choose* to provide inaccurate and false information.

No indication that they are married. Average age (and median age) of first marriage in the US has consistently been over 20 - not 15-19. So...you can't dispute the data?

I did dispute the data. And you have nothing except a bunch of lies lol.

Beginning with the lie that the fact that the married status of the pregnant teens is not noted on the chart means that they aren't married. No, it doesn't.

Followed by the lie that I didn't dispute the data. I did dispute it, and you came back with..nothing.

No, it doesn't mean that they were married. But given the average age of marriage it's highly likely they weren't. If they were then that also blows your claim of an explosion of teen pregnancies to bits.

You haven't disputed anything :lol:

More nonsense.

Yes, I did dispute it. Do you not know what the word *dispute* means, you poor ignoramus?

Meanwhile, in the world of letters and ideas:

"As far back as 1976, the Alan Guttmacher Institute published a

widely distributed booklet, “11 Million Teenagers,” proclaiming a teen pregnancy

“epidemic.” Two years later, Congress passed a bill doubling family planning

funds that the U.S. Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare described as “the

centerpiece of President Carter’s strategy” to combat “the urgent problem” of teen


"Yet until quite recently, despite many successive government and community

efforts to reverse the trend, the unwed teen pregnancy rate continued to climb, from

23.9 births per 1000 single female teenagers in 1975 to 31.4 in 1985, and to an alltime

high of 46.4 in 1994. Nothing that adults said or did seemed to matter. From

1975 to 1994, the unmarried teen birth rate almost doubled.2"


Words matter, coyote.
It really looks like you have given up on this. You are flapping now. Why dont you take a moment to compose yourself and come back to debate the issue ?

When they start making up statistics to confuse. 48% of the 52% that were given a choice decided that they'd rather be in the bottom half of the top 2%ile.
All one has to do is watch Maury Povich and you will realize that not only should BC be free, it should be a requirement.
so say all Nazis and concentration camp advocates.

I'm neither.... it's a joke and I'm not advocating sterilization, just the use of BC.
I think we all knew you were joking.
When I've suggested that women on welfare be fixed in order to get it, idiots claim I'm suggesting genocide. That's not true. If you don't ask for welfare I'll never ask you to get fixed. But if you want the free money you have to cut out your baby maker. Its only genocide if 100% of the woman decide they want the free money.
But the problem is - abstinence works, but abstinence only programs don't. And the reason is - kids will have sex. They don't enter into unprotected sex thinking - ok, I might get her pregnant/get pregnant. There's a lot of wrong information out there about sex and pregnancy readily available. I'd rather they have a reliable responsible "Plan B" to fall back on - if you are bound and determined to have sex, then be protected and part of that Plan B is making birth control easily available.

Another thing to consider here is that you can make "birth control" as "free" and "easily available" as you want. But there will be women out there who will simply, flat out not want it. They want to take that risk without considering the consequences (either positive or negative) in relation to it. An unborn child is both a positive consequence and a negative one. Positive for being planned, negative for being "unplanned." However, my opinion is that if you, as a perfectly healthy young woman, take that risk and reject any medically approved method of birth control (short of abortion), then you should bear (literally) the negative consequence of your decision.

I'm a strong believer in rewards and punishments, or acts and consequences. When a woman uses birth control, it only gives her an out to keep engaging in the same sexual behavior that got her pregnant in the first place. Hence, abstinence. If married, family planning. It's not hard. I know, because I was an unplanned pregnancy, and a bastard child. I had to reconcile myself with my religious views on pre-marital sex. That's why I now encourage abstinence and self-control.
All one has to do is watch Maury Povich and you will realize that not only should BC be free, it should be a requirement.
so say all Nazis and concentration camp advocates.

I'm neither.... it's a joke and I'm not advocating sterilization, just the use of BC.
I think we all knew you were joking.
When I've suggested that women on welfare be fixed in order to get it, idiots claim I'm suggesting genocide. That's not true. If you don't ask for welfare I'll never ask you to get fixed. But if you want the free money you have to cut out your baby maker. Its only genocide if 100% of the woman decide they want the free money.
That is a shite argument. Why the woman and not the man ? Its still a shite argument.
But the problem is - abstinence works, but abstinence only programs don't. And the reason is - kids will have sex. They don't enter into unprotected sex thinking - ok, I might get her pregnant/get pregnant. There's a lot of wrong information out there about sex and pregnancy readily available. I'd rather they have a reliable responsible "Plan B" to fall back on - if you are bound and determined to have sex, then be protected and part of that Plan B is making birth control easily available.

Another thing to consider here is that you can make "birth control" as "free" and "easily available" as you want. But there will be women out there who will simply, flat out not want it. They want to take that risk without considering the consequences (either positive or negative) in relation to it. An unborn child is both a positive consequence and a negative one. Positive for being planned, negative for being "unplanned." However, my opinion is that if you, as a perfectly healthy young woman, take that risk and reject any medically approved method of birth control (short of abortion), then you should bear (literally) the negative consequence of your decision.

I'm a strong believer in rewards and punishments, or acts and consequences. When a woman uses birth control, it only gives her an out to keep engaging in the same sexual behavior that got her pregnant in the first place. Hence, abstinence. If married, family planning. It's not hard. I know, because I was an unplanned pregnancy, and a bastard child. I had to reconcile myself with my religious views on pre-marital sex. That's why I now encourage abstinence and self-control.
Why the woman and not the man ?
Yeah, the reason stuff like that happens is due to a lack of governing rules. There are teenagers at my church that act more mature than some adults I know, it all lies with their parentage. If you implement rules which encourage the teenager to exercise better judgement, they will in turn learn to do the same regarding sex. There's a reason why you don't touch a hot eye on the stove as a 3 year old or get near a pot of boiling water. For me it was throwing temper tantrums and breaking a few fingers and toes from punching a steel washing machine as a toddler because I didn't get my way. Important thing was that I never punched nor kicked a washing machine again (at least not with that much force).
Yeah, teenagers are a real conundrum. I've known a lot of mature teenagers that still end up pregnant. I've known a lot of very very immature ones that don't. The difference? The immature one was taught about birth control, the mature one wasn't.

From a personal standpoint, I was taught that sex was a pretty important thing that should be reserved for the person you love and practiced in the safe confines of marriage. And my wife I both followed through on that. It was 100% effective. That doesn't stop you from having unplanned kids after you are married and those can be just as disastrous financially, emotionally, and physically. So you want to educate folks about birth control before they have sex, whatever that timeline is. As it is, sex can have such disastrous life changing consequences I'd like to educate kids early and have them take precautions seriously well before marriage. As a parent, I know I'll be raising my kids to practice abstinence, but I'd be remiss not to also teach them about birth control. And for my daughter especially, if she wants to go on birth control I'll support that. It's preventative medicine and given the consequences I'm very much in favor of that.

There is not a child in the US today who has attended public schools who hasn't been "taught about birth control". So I know you're full of shit by the end of the first paragraph of your irrelevant post. If you know "responsible" teens who got knocked up because they weren't *taught* about birth control, then you apparently live in an isolated society that has no contact with the outside world.
Thing is, in states like Louisiana, not all children are in public school. In fact, a very very HIGH percentage are not. What do you think the odds are that a kid is taught about birth control in a religious school?

As it is, there's taught about birth control and "taught about" birth control. In a fair number of pretty conservative states the birth control conversation is rushed past as soon as possible and topped off with "But abstinence is the only thing that works." And those states have much higher teen pregnancy rates.

Funny, the teen pregnancy rate is much higher in populations with intense *interventions* in place..inner cities, sanctuary cities.

It seems that the more we pay to educate kids, the more likely they are to get knocked up, and come down with STDs! Why do you figure that is????

The stuff about the huge numbers of children not attending school in Louisiana is of course just your own bias, and has no basis in fact. I'm pretty sure that the school attendance rate in Buttfuck LA is about the same as it is in InnerCity Chicago, IL.

Is it?


What imaginary point are you making now?

I guarantee it's not the one you think you're making, nor is it relevant to anything I've said, but I'm game to see what explanation you come up with. Maybe it's random association day in your berg?
Yeah, teenagers are a real conundrum. I've known a lot of mature teenagers that still end up pregnant. I've known a lot of very very immature ones that don't. The difference? The immature one was taught about birth control, the mature one wasn't.

Well, that doesn't jibe. Being the "mature" teenager would also include the possibility of being taught the importance of "birth control," that such maturity would preclude such ignorance. The best form of birth control is to encourage and educate them to employ a healthy thought process which includes exercising better judgement regarding sexual activity.

Education doesn't always have to mean buying birth control. Abstinence is free, and it can be taught at a very early age, when children are the most impressionable.
All one has to do is watch Maury Povich and you will realize that not only should BC be free, it should be a requirement.
so say all Nazis and concentration camp advocates.

I'm neither.... it's a joke and I'm not advocating sterilization, just the use of BC.
Yeah well nobody in this thread has advocated that people don't use BC.

Coyote likes to pretend that if you object to state funded birth control, then you object to birth control, period.

She is so wired into being controlled by the state, she thinks things don't exist if they aren't funded by other people.
But the problem is - abstinence works, but abstinence only programs don't. And the reason is - kids will have sex. They don't enter into unprotected sex thinking - ok, I might get her pregnant/get pregnant. There's a lot of wrong information out there about sex and pregnancy readily available. I'd rather they have a reliable responsible "Plan B" to fall back on - if you are bound and determined to have sex, then be protected and part of that Plan B is making birth control easily available.

Another thing to consider here is that you can make "birth control" as "free" and "easily available" as you want. But there will be women out there who will simply, flat out not want it. They want to take that risk without considering the consequences (either positive or negative) in relation to it. An unborn child is both a positive consequence and a negative one. Positive for being planned, negative for being "unplanned." However, my opinion is that if you, as a perfectly healthy young woman, take that risk and reject any medically approved method of birth control (short of abortion), then you should bear (literally) the negative consequence of your decision.

I'm a strong believer in rewards and punishments, or acts and consequences. When a woman uses birth control, it only gives her an out to keep engaging in the same sexual behavior that got her pregnant in the first place. Hence, abstinence. If married, family planning. It's not hard. I know, because I was an unplanned pregnancy, and a bastard child. I had to reconcile myself with my religious views on pre-marital sex. That's why I now encourage abstinence and self-control.
Why the woman and not the man ?
Because boob, like most hardcore lefties, despises women and children.
They can go fuck a dildo for all I care. You want dick? Pay for the consequences your damn self.


Foolish. Pay for a pill, or increase the number of abortions, or, repeal Roe and live with the consequences of unwanted children raised by social services.

It's no wonder Trump got so many votes, the crazy right wing lacks common sense.
That's what we did when we listened to you morons who said we should subsidize alternative andepraved lifestyles, and abort everybody.

It's been fifty years. You've brought us to the realization of everything you claimed federal social programs...including the.illegal one of abortion....would supposedly prevent.
We've reduced the cost to folks of unintended pregnancies in states that have sex ed and free contraception. The problem is that unwanted pregnancies are rampant in the states that prefer to go the only abstinence route.

I lived in Louisiana for 9 long years. You'd be hard pressed to find a state with a more firm policy of teaching abstinence as THE form of birth control. Do you have any idea how rampant teenage pregnancy was? What the average age at marriage was? Do you know how much of a public menace STD's were? It was a disaster. And it still cost the taxpayers millions in education, health, and yes, prison costs. You will pay for it either in the cheapest way possible, via birth control, or in the far more expensive way by providing public education, funding the hospitals when parent's can't pay for the costs of the birth, or in incarceration costs. Better for us all to have folks take the pill until they're ready to raise a kid responsibly.
The pill doesn't protect anyone from STDs. Condoms do, and they are already freely available.
And condoms used in conjunction with the pill can bring pregnancy risks down to almost negligible levels. Not to mention, the pill is something preventative a woman can take before hand so that she is protected from unwanted pregnancy even in the case of non-consensual sex. So I'd see giving the pill away as a win for us all as taxpayers.

Condoms can and should be part of the solution, but aren't the whole solution. Of course pill+condom isn't the whole solution either. You'd want education about STD's and the emotional and psychological side effects of sex too for both girls and boys.
But the figures prove that most teens stop using condoms as soon as the pill is made available and std's skyrocket in that group. Fact. If they couldn't be bothered to get hold of a condom before, they sure as hell don't bother after they've been given the pill. Also fact.
Yeah, teenagers are a real conundrum. I've known a lot of mature teenagers that still end up pregnant. I've known a lot of very very immature ones that don't. The difference? The immature one was taught about birth control, the mature one wasn't.

Well, that doesn't jibe. Being the "mature" teenager would also include the possibility of being taught the importance of "birth control," that such maturity would preclude such ignorance. The best form of birth control is to encourage and educate them to employ a healthy thought process which includes exercising better judgement regarding sexual activity.

Education doesn't always have to mean buying birth control. Abstinence is free, and it can be taught at a very early age, when children are the most impressionable.

And if abstinence isn't for you and your family, by all means, load up on cancer causing birth control pills and penicillin or whatever works best these days for stds!

But don't expect others to pay for it.
Has anybody figured out what the hell point Coyote thought she was making with her meme?

Anyway, in the real world:

"That unmarried birth rates among older teens are so similar to those of women

in their early 20s should alert us to an important possibility. Perhaps the teens who

are becoming single mothers are responding not only to specific conditions affecting

their age group, but also, and even especially, to broader cultural messages

influencing all young women. In short, perhaps our “teen pregnancy” problem

stems from a larger issue that we have yet to confront. That issue is the weakening

of norms connecting marriage to childbearing throughout our society."

As one respected researcher
summed it up in a 1999 article in Journal of School Health: “Twenty years of research

has informed the field that knowledge level is only weakly related to behavior . . .
and that programs that focus on knowledge acquisition do increase student knowledge,
but they do not significantly change sexual or contraceptive behavior.”30"

In other words...it doesn't matter how great your "sexual indoctrination" programs are.

And the kicker:


Nor is teens’ access to contraceptives the main problem: “Most studies that have

been conducted during the past 20 years have indicated that improving access to

contraception did not significantly increase contraceptive use or decrease teen pregnancy.”

Even when schools in high-risk areas dispensed free contraceptives, hired

trained staff, and provided other health services to insure confidentiality, “schoolwide

rates of contraceptive use typically did not increase and pregnancy or childbearing

rates did not decrease.”31"

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