Why the fight against Birth Control?

Teenage girls have always wanted to be older than they actually are. And, in my experience, they always "know" too much to listen to good advice. Its all about protecting them from the consequences of their ignorance until they are old enough to know better.

The rest of it is a bigger issue and another debate.

No, it's not.

You asked why 16 year old girls think it's cool to have sex before they're ready.

It's because perverts through the schools and the media tell them that's their purpose in life.

I dont think that is the case. I think you are edging in a political stance on this. The evidence of history is that teenagers want,or are, sexually active once they get the kit to do so.
Of course having the capability to do so doesnt mean that they should be doing so.
And so it is all about protecting them until they are old enough to look after themselves.
Who are these "perverts" that you are on about ?

Anyone who thinks sex is fun.

Anyone who thinks it's okay to tell kids that they are expected to have sex before they are independent adults.

People like you.
Ok, that explains a lot. I was thinking that there might be an army of paedos hanging around the school gates.

What you actually mean when you say perverts is people who accept that teenagers have been shagging since Noah was a lad and are looking for strategies to protect kids from the consequences of it.

Or,in other words, adults.

Havent you got a stoning to go to tonight ?

Not at all.

My "people" have always accepted that teens have sex. We developed a wonderful social structure..known as *marriage*....to protect the women and offspring that are vulnerable during pregnancy and childhood.

The perverts don't like that social structure because it protects young, nubile victims from predators who like to engage them in sex, watch them having sex, sell them for sex.

So they developed a two-pronged approach, meant to decimate the structure that protects kids from sexual predation, and instead tell kids that they should be having sex for FUN, and that they don't need to worry about consequences like pregnancy and poverty because the magical application of free birth control and abortion will remove all their worries.

It isn't a new approach for progressives seeking to victimizing people they find problematic. Progressive Americans were the heroes of Nazis and commies alike, who took their ideology and applied it nationwide.

And it worked! They were able to victimize people by the millions. It's always worked. It's an excellent program if you want to advance a depraved and psychotic ideology.
Your stats are misleading. We have one of the biggest most pretty PPH offices and clinics in the country right on I45 in the bario. Birth control is extremely accessible. The issue here is all the Mexican and black kids and a surprisingly huge number of rich white kids are getting syphilis and the HPV epidemic as well as all the complications that go with it are out of control. PPH also farms out allot of work, but pricing and availability is all there, its getting these kids to go get it is the issue. I included a link to their website. Check it out for your state.

Planned Parenthood of Greater Texas, Inc. Welcome :: Greater Texas

Funny how the PP abortion mills are concentrated in low income areas.

It's almost like they target certain segments of the population for extermination....
No, it's not.

You asked why 16 year old girls think it's cool to have sex before they're ready.

It's because perverts through the schools and the media tell them that's their purpose in life.

I dont think that is the case. I think you are edging in a political stance on this. The evidence of history is that teenagers want,or are, sexually active once they get the kit to do so.
Of course having the capability to do so doesnt mean that they should be doing so.
And so it is all about protecting them until they are old enough to look after themselves.
Who are these "perverts" that you are on about ?

Anyone who thinks sex is fun.

Anyone who thinks it's okay to tell kids that they are expected to have sex before they are independent adults.

People like you.
Ok, that explains a lot. I was thinking that there might be an army of paedos hanging around the school gates.

What you actually mean when you say perverts is people who accept that teenagers have been shagging since Noah was a lad and are looking for strategies to protect kids from the consequences of it.

Or,in other words, adults.

Havent you got a stoning to go to tonight ?

Not at all.

My "people" have always accepted that teens have sex. We developed a wonderful social structure..known as *marriage*....to protect the women and offspring that are vulnerable during pregnancy and childhood.

The perverts don't like that social structure because it protects young, nubile victims from predators who like to engage them in sex, watch them having sex, sell them for sex.

So they developed a two-pronged approach, meant to decimate the structure that protects kids from sexual predation, and instead tell kids that they should be having sex for FUN, and that they don't need to worry about consequences like pregnancy and poverty because the magical application of free birth control and abortion will remove all their worries.

It isn't a new approach for progressives seeking to victimizing people they find problematic. Progressive Americans were the heroes of Nazis and commies alike, who took their ideology and applied it nationwide.

And it worked! They were able to victimize people by the millions. It's always worked. It's an excellent program if you want to advance a depraved and psychotic ideology.

I don't think very many people are telling kids they "should" have sex for "fun". The approach I see more commonly used is a combination of abstinance and, if you are going to have sex anyway then be responsible.
I dont think that is the case. I think you are edging in a political stance on this. The evidence of history is that teenagers want,or are, sexually active once they get the kit to do so.
Of course having the capability to do so doesnt mean that they should be doing so.
And so it is all about protecting them until they are old enough to look after themselves.
Who are these "perverts" that you are on about ?

Anyone who thinks sex is fun.

Anyone who thinks it's okay to tell kids that they are expected to have sex before they are independent adults.

People like you.

Your bible said it retard. The bible is that book you fakes run around with and try and quote, but never can because you refuse to read it. You are saying they are all perverts ? i mean, those guys even had sex with close relatives. Fact is, its you who is infatuated with sex.

Why do you keep ranting about religion?

I haven't brought it up. Maybe you need to start a different thread?

I'm trying to help you. You sound like you need help.

Because thats your usual shtick. You are also saying Abraham was an incest loving child molester. You need the help. You are no better then the libs you rail against because like them, you want someone else, anyone but you to be accountable for your kids and the messes they make. You need the help toots, not me. Me and my kids got through our teens pregnancy and VD free.

Still ranting, you poor sad tool. Try to contain your slavering hatred.


"Guess where American progressives originally got their philosophy and their ideas. From socialists in Germany in the late 1800s. The German socialists came up with all sorts of socialist and interventionist programs that would later be embraced by German leader Otto von Bismarck, the so-called Iron Chancellor of Germany, as well as American progressives.

"So, it shouldn’t surprise anyone that the U.S. Social Security Administration has a bust of Bismarck on its website. It also shouldn’t surprise anyone that Nazi Germany embraced wage controls, Social Security, public schooling, a government-managed economy, a military-industrial complex, and other programs that have long been central to the American progressive program.

"A quote by Hitler regarding the importance of public schooling, one of the main German socialist programs that progressives imported to the United States, should be contemplated by every American who enthusiastically supports the idea that the state should be responsible for the education of people’s children:

"When an opponent declares, “I will not come over to your side,” I calmly say, “Your child belongs to us already… What are you? You will pass on. Your descendants, however, now stand in the new camp. In a short time they will know nothing else but this new community.”

"When President Roosevelt brought the progressive revolution to fruition here in the United States, it was none other than Adolf Hitler who wrote him a letter commending him on his new economic program for America."

Progressives. They never change.

American Progressives Inspired Hitler (and Vice Versa) - The Future of Freedom Foundation
I dont think that is the case. I think you are edging in a political stance on this. The evidence of history is that teenagers want,or are, sexually active once they get the kit to do so.
Of course having the capability to do so doesnt mean that they should be doing so.
And so it is all about protecting them until they are old enough to look after themselves.
Who are these "perverts" that you are on about ?

Anyone who thinks sex is fun.

Anyone who thinks it's okay to tell kids that they are expected to have sex before they are independent adults.

People like you.
Ok, that explains a lot. I was thinking that there might be an army of paedos hanging around the school gates.

What you actually mean when you say perverts is people who accept that teenagers have been shagging since Noah was a lad and are looking for strategies to protect kids from the consequences of it.

Or,in other words, adults.

Havent you got a stoning to go to tonight ?

Not at all.

My "people" have always accepted that teens have sex. We developed a wonderful social structure..known as *marriage*....to protect the women and offspring that are vulnerable during pregnancy and childhood.

The perverts don't like that social structure because it protects young, nubile victims from predators who like to engage them in sex, watch them having sex, sell them for sex.

So they developed a two-pronged approach, meant to decimate the structure that protects kids from sexual predation, and instead tell kids that they should be having sex for FUN, and that they don't need to worry about consequences like pregnancy and poverty because the magical application of free birth control and abortion will remove all their worries.

It isn't a new approach for progressives seeking to victimizing people they find problematic. Progressive Americans were the heroes of Nazis and commies alike, who took their ideology and applied it nationwide.

And it worked! They were able to victimize people by the millions. It's always worked. It's an excellent program if you want to advance a depraved and psychotic ideology.

I don't think very many people are telling kids they "should" have sex for "fun". The approach I see more commonly used is a combination of abstinance and, if you are going to have sex anyway then be responsible.

You and tommy and crixus et al adamantly maintain that children must accept the likelihood of engaging in risky sex, because "they're teenagers"..and thus the STATE must foot the bill. You keep pretending that this conversation isn't about having the STATE foot the bill. You try to pretend that people like me don't want anybody to have access to birth control. It's a lie, but everything you say is a lie.

The argument isn't whether or not you should be allowed to trot your daughter into the clinic for her std treatments and her cancer-causing oral birth control...it's about whether or not I should have to pay for it, because you're a crappy parent and a piss-poor provider.

I opt not to pay for it, thanks. I am responsible for my kids, you can be responsible for yours.
What is known however, is that despite looking like and wanting to be adults, they aren't really. Important parts of the brain (those that control impulses and judgement) are not mature until around 25. Those are the factors involved in judgement of risky behavior and consequences. Why, for example is auto insurance higher for teens and young adults then for older adults?

That's what I meant by "if encouraged properly." Important caveat there.

What I find hard to understand is that we wouldn't think of having a 3 yr old learn about the "consequences" of a hot stove by upending a pot of boiling water on himself. Somehow though when it comes to teenagers and sex, we assume they are going to think and act like adults. We wouldn't trust the judgement of a 6 year old and send him across 6 lanes of traffic unaccompanied. The might or they might not. But it seems to me we shouldn't rely on it and there should be a Plan B for preventing pregnancy. Plan B shouldn't be a baby.

Yeah, the reason stuff like that happens is due to a lack of governing rules. There are teenagers at my church that act more mature than some adults I know, it all lies with their parentage. If you implement rules which encourage the teenager to exercise better judgement, they will in turn learn to do the same regarding sex. There's a reason why you don't touch a hot eye on the stove as a 3 year old or get near a pot of boiling water. For me it was throwing temper tantrums and breaking a few fingers and toes from punching a steel washing machine as a toddler because I didn't get my way. Important thing was that I never punched nor kicked a washing machine again (at least not with that much force).

In summation, the punishment should fit the deed. Sex is a primal instinct which drives any species, human or otherwise, to procreate. It wasn't meant to be a recreational activity. So if you're going to have sex without a condom, be prepared for possible pregnancy. If you're prepared to pay for birth control, great. But don't wait until the pregnancy happens, when the child starts to take a more human form to decide "oh well, I don't want this, I guess I'll have an abortion or start a birth control regimen." If you let it go that far, you should be forced to carry the child to term as a punishment. Let the government provide adoption services if necessary, but by no means suggest birth control to a perfectly healthy woman with a developing child in her womb. Make the teenager recognize the gravitas of their lack of judgment

That is why I fight against "birth control." The best most cost-effective method of birth control is abstinence. If you don't want your child doing drugs, teach them abstinence. If you don't want a child as a result of your sexual activity, practice abstinence and self restraint.
No, it's not.

You asked why 16 year old girls think it's cool to have sex before they're ready.

It's because perverts through the schools and the media tell them that's their purpose in life.

I dont think that is the case. I think you are edging in a political stance on this. The evidence of history is that teenagers want,or are, sexually active once they get the kit to do so.
Of course having the capability to do so doesnt mean that they should be doing so.
And so it is all about protecting them until they are old enough to look after themselves.
Who are these "perverts" that you are on about ?

Anyone who thinks sex is fun.

Anyone who thinks it's okay to tell kids that they are expected to have sex before they are independent adults.

People like you.
Ok, that explains a lot. I was thinking that there might be an army of paedos hanging around the school gates.

What you actually mean when you say perverts is people who accept that teenagers have been shagging since Noah was a lad and are looking for strategies to protect kids from the consequences of it.

Or,in other words, adults.

Havent you got a stoning to go to tonight ?

Not at all.

My "people" have always accepted that teens have sex. We developed a wonderful social structure..known as *marriage*....to protect the women and offspring that are vulnerable during pregnancy and childhood.

The perverts don't like that social structure because it protects young, nubile victims from predators who like to engage them in sex, watch them having sex, sell them for sex.

So they developed a two-pronged approach, meant to decimate the structure that protects kids from sexual predation, and instead tell kids that they should be having sex for FUN, and that they don't need to worry about consequences like pregnancy and poverty because the magical application of free birth control and abortion will remove all their worries.

It isn't a new approach for progressives seeking to victimizing people they find problematic. Progressive Americans were the heroes of Nazis and commies alike, who took their ideology and applied it nationwide.

And it worked! They were able to victimize people by the millions. It's always worked. It's an excellent program if you want to advance a depraved and psychotic ideology.
You seem to be under the impression that kids need to be encouraged to have sex. Its laughable. Were you ever a teenager ?

You also seem to be under the impression that this started quite recently. Let me take you into a secret - its been happening forever.

But you offer no solutions to this.

In fact, apart from some bogus political conspiracy nonsense, you offer nothing of substance at all.
Anyone who thinks sex is fun.

Anyone who thinks it's okay to tell kids that they are expected to have sex before they are independent adults.

People like you.
Ok, that explains a lot. I was thinking that there might be an army of paedos hanging around the school gates.

What you actually mean when you say perverts is people who accept that teenagers have been shagging since Noah was a lad and are looking for strategies to protect kids from the consequences of it.

Or,in other words, adults.

Havent you got a stoning to go to tonight ?

Not at all.

My "people" have always accepted that teens have sex. We developed a wonderful social structure..known as *marriage*....to protect the women and offspring that are vulnerable during pregnancy and childhood.

The perverts don't like that social structure because it protects young, nubile victims from predators who like to engage them in sex, watch them having sex, sell them for sex.

So they developed a two-pronged approach, meant to decimate the structure that protects kids from sexual predation, and instead tell kids that they should be having sex for FUN, and that they don't need to worry about consequences like pregnancy and poverty because the magical application of free birth control and abortion will remove all their worries.

It isn't a new approach for progressives seeking to victimizing people they find problematic. Progressive Americans were the heroes of Nazis and commies alike, who took their ideology and applied it nationwide.

And it worked! They were able to victimize people by the millions. It's always worked. It's an excellent program if you want to advance a depraved and psychotic ideology.

I don't think very many people are telling kids they "should" have sex for "fun". The approach I see more commonly used is a combination of abstinance and, if you are going to have sex anyway then be responsible.

You and tommy and crixus et al adamantly maintain that children must accept the likelihood of engaging in risky sex, because "they're teenagers"..and thus the STATE must foot the bill. You keep pretending that this conversation isn't about having the STATE foot the bill. You try to pretend that people like me don't want anybody to have access to birth control. It's a lie, but everything you say is a lie.

The argument isn't whether or not you should be allowed to trot your daughter into the clinic for her std treatments and her cancer-causing oral birth control...it's about whether or not I should have to pay for it, because you're a crappy parent and a piss-poor provider.

I opt not to pay for it, thanks. I am responsible for my kids, you can be responsible for yours.

Its a fact, the young adults do in fact engage in risky sex. Thats why its such a big deal.

And its a fact, the state does NOT foot much of the bill. thats why the "donate" pop up is the first thing you see at a PPH website.

One could go back and prove you are misstating a fact with your very own posts.

Again, one could go way back and read YOUR old posts and prove you are misstating facts again.

you are all over the place.
I dont think that is the case. I think you are edging in a political stance on this. The evidence of history is that teenagers want,or are, sexually active once they get the kit to do so.
Of course having the capability to do so doesnt mean that they should be doing so.
And so it is all about protecting them until they are old enough to look after themselves.
Who are these "perverts" that you are on about ?

Anyone who thinks sex is fun.

Anyone who thinks it's okay to tell kids that they are expected to have sex before they are independent adults.

People like you.
Ok, that explains a lot. I was thinking that there might be an army of paedos hanging around the school gates.

What you actually mean when you say perverts is people who accept that teenagers have been shagging since Noah was a lad and are looking for strategies to protect kids from the consequences of it.

Or,in other words, adults.

Havent you got a stoning to go to tonight ?

Not at all.

My "people" have always accepted that teens have sex. We developed a wonderful social structure..known as *marriage*....to protect the women and offspring that are vulnerable during pregnancy and childhood.

The perverts don't like that social structure because it protects young, nubile victims from predators who like to engage them in sex, watch them having sex, sell them for sex.

So they developed a two-pronged approach, meant to decimate the structure that protects kids from sexual predation, and instead tell kids that they should be having sex for FUN, and that they don't need to worry about consequences like pregnancy and poverty because the magical application of free birth control and abortion will remove all their worries.

It isn't a new approach for progressives seeking to victimizing people they find problematic. Progressive Americans were the heroes of Nazis and commies alike, who took their ideology and applied it nationwide.

And it worked! They were able to victimize people by the millions. It's always worked. It's an excellent program if you want to advance a depraved and psychotic ideology.
You seem to be under the impression that kids need to be encouraged to have sex. Its laughable. Were you ever a teenager ?

You also seem to be under the impression that this started quite recently. Let me take you into a secret - its been happening forever.

But you offer no solutions to this.

In fact, apart from some bogus political conspiracy nonsense, you offer nothing of substance at all.

She was, and she likely got pregnant at 12.
Anyone who thinks sex is fun.

Anyone who thinks it's okay to tell kids that they are expected to have sex before they are independent adults.

People like you.
Ok, that explains a lot. I was thinking that there might be an army of paedos hanging around the school gates.

What you actually mean when you say perverts is people who accept that teenagers have been shagging since Noah was a lad and are looking for strategies to protect kids from the consequences of it.

Or,in other words, adults.

Havent you got a stoning to go to tonight ?

Not at all.

My "people" have always accepted that teens have sex. We developed a wonderful social structure..known as *marriage*....to protect the women and offspring that are vulnerable during pregnancy and childhood.

The perverts don't like that social structure because it protects young, nubile victims from predators who like to engage them in sex, watch them having sex, sell them for sex.

So they developed a two-pronged approach, meant to decimate the structure that protects kids from sexual predation, and instead tell kids that they should be having sex for FUN, and that they don't need to worry about consequences like pregnancy and poverty because the magical application of free birth control and abortion will remove all their worries.

It isn't a new approach for progressives seeking to victimizing people they find problematic. Progressive Americans were the heroes of Nazis and commies alike, who took their ideology and applied it nationwide.

And it worked! They were able to victimize people by the millions. It's always worked. It's an excellent program if you want to advance a depraved and psychotic ideology.

I don't think very many people are telling kids they "should" have sex for "fun". The approach I see more commonly used is a combination of abstinance and, if you are going to have sex anyway then be responsible.

You and tommy and crixus et al adamantly maintain that children must accept the likelihood of engaging in risky sex, because "they're teenagers"..and thus the STATE must foot the bill. You keep pretending that this conversation isn't about having the STATE foot the bill. You try to pretend that people like me don't want anybody to have access to birth control. It's a lie, but everything you say is a lie.

The argument isn't whether or not you should be allowed to trot your daughter into the clinic for her std treatments and her cancer-causing oral birth control...it's about whether or not I should have to pay for it, because you're a crappy parent and a piss-poor provider.

I opt not to pay for it, thanks. I am responsible for my kids, you can be responsible for yours.

Not "likelihood" - but possibility. I haven't said one thing or another how you feel about access to birth control.

What I've said is consistent: providing free birth control has been shown to reduce teen pregnancy rates. You can argue around that all you want, but it's an evidence based claim.

The state can choose to pay the comparatively cheap cost of prevention now or the much more expensive cost of a pregnancy and child later because some people are "crappy parents" and "piss poor providers".
Your stats are misleading. We have one of the biggest most pretty PPH offices and clinics in the country right on I45 in the bario. Birth control is extremely accessible. The issue here is all the Mexican and black kids and a surprisingly huge number of rich white kids are getting syphilis and the HPV epidemic as well as all the complications that go with it are out of control. PPH also farms out allot of work, but pricing and availability is all there, its getting these kids to go get it is the issue. I included a link to their website. Check it out for your state.

Planned Parenthood of Greater Texas, Inc. Welcome :: Greater Texas

Funny how the PP abortion mills are concentrated in low income areas.

It's almost like they target certain segments of the population for extermination....
Yea, the places where people can't afford to have kids and where those people don't raise them right and it ends up causing a spike in violent crime.
I dont think that is the case. I think you are edging in a political stance on this. The evidence of history is that teenagers want,or are, sexually active once they get the kit to do so.
Of course having the capability to do so doesnt mean that they should be doing so.
And so it is all about protecting them until they are old enough to look after themselves.
Who are these "perverts" that you are on about ?

Anyone who thinks sex is fun.

Anyone who thinks it's okay to tell kids that they are expected to have sex before they are independent adults.

People like you.
Ok, that explains a lot. I was thinking that there might be an army of paedos hanging around the school gates.

What you actually mean when you say perverts is people who accept that teenagers have been shagging since Noah was a lad and are looking for strategies to protect kids from the consequences of it.

Or,in other words, adults.

Havent you got a stoning to go to tonight ?

Not at all.

My "people" have always accepted that teens have sex. We developed a wonderful social structure..known as *marriage*....to protect the women and offspring that are vulnerable during pregnancy and childhood.

The perverts don't like that social structure because it protects young, nubile victims from predators who like to engage them in sex, watch them having sex, sell them for sex.

So they developed a two-pronged approach, meant to decimate the structure that protects kids from sexual predation, and instead tell kids that they should be having sex for FUN, and that they don't need to worry about consequences like pregnancy and poverty because the magical application of free birth control and abortion will remove all their worries.

It isn't a new approach for progressives seeking to victimizing people they find problematic. Progressive Americans were the heroes of Nazis and commies alike, who took their ideology and applied it nationwide.

And it worked! They were able to victimize people by the millions. It's always worked. It's an excellent program if you want to advance a depraved and psychotic ideology.
You seem to be under the impression that kids need to be encouraged to have sex. Its laughable. Were you ever a teenager ?

You also seem to be under the impression that this started quite recently. Let me take you into a secret - its been happening forever.

But you offer no solutions to this.

In fact, apart from some bogus political conspiracy nonsense, you offer nothing of substance at all.

You just blather nonsense. What exactly is *this* that you are referring to? Coyote's pretense that if the state doesn't provide birth control, we'll have a population explosion of hated children of teen parents, who you maintain *just can't say no and shouldn't be asked to say no* to sex?

Because we already established that the imaginary problem that Coyote names in her OP is a lie. Nobody is protesting against birth control.

People are only willing to pay for their own, however.

Coyote conflates the two because she's never paid for anything entirely on her own in her fucking life. So she seriously cannot conceive of a world where she's expected to pay for the stuff she wants, and she doesn't believe that existence and success is possible unless the state hands it to you on a silver platter.

I suspect you're of the same cloth, only in a different location.
Anyone who thinks sex is fun.

Anyone who thinks it's okay to tell kids that they are expected to have sex before they are independent adults.

People like you.
Ok, that explains a lot. I was thinking that there might be an army of paedos hanging around the school gates.

What you actually mean when you say perverts is people who accept that teenagers have been shagging since Noah was a lad and are looking for strategies to protect kids from the consequences of it.

Or,in other words, adults.

Havent you got a stoning to go to tonight ?

Not at all.

My "people" have always accepted that teens have sex. We developed a wonderful social structure..known as *marriage*....to protect the women and offspring that are vulnerable during pregnancy and childhood.

The perverts don't like that social structure because it protects young, nubile victims from predators who like to engage them in sex, watch them having sex, sell them for sex.

So they developed a two-pronged approach, meant to decimate the structure that protects kids from sexual predation, and instead tell kids that they should be having sex for FUN, and that they don't need to worry about consequences like pregnancy and poverty because the magical application of free birth control and abortion will remove all their worries.

It isn't a new approach for progressives seeking to victimizing people they find problematic. Progressive Americans were the heroes of Nazis and commies alike, who took their ideology and applied it nationwide.

And it worked! They were able to victimize people by the millions. It's always worked. It's an excellent program if you want to advance a depraved and psychotic ideology.

I don't think very many people are telling kids they "should" have sex for "fun". The approach I see more commonly used is a combination of abstinance and, if you are going to have sex anyway then be responsible.

You and tommy and crixus et al adamantly maintain that children must accept the likelihood of engaging in risky sex, because "they're teenagers"..and thus the STATE must foot the bill. You keep pretending that this conversation isn't about having the STATE foot the bill. You try to pretend that people like me don't want anybody to have access to birth control. It's a lie, but everything you say is a lie.

The argument isn't whether or not you should be allowed to trot your daughter into the clinic for her std treatments and her cancer-causing oral birth control...it's about whether or not I should have to pay for it, because you're a crappy parent and a piss-poor provider.

I opt not to pay for it, thanks. I am responsible for my kids, you can be responsible for yours.
Anyone who thinks it's okay to tell kids that they are expected to have sex before they are independent adults.

People like you.
Ok, that explains a lot. I was thinking that there might be an army of paedos hanging around the school gates.

What you actually mean when you say perverts is people who accept that teenagers have been shagging since Noah was a lad and are looking for strategies to protect kids from the consequences of it.

Or,in other words, adults.

Havent you got a stoning to go to tonight ?

Not at all.

My "people" have always accepted that teens have sex. We developed a wonderful social structure..known as *marriage*....to protect the women and offspring that are vulnerable during pregnancy and childhood.

The perverts don't like that social structure because it protects young, nubile victims from predators who like to engage them in sex, watch them having sex, sell them for sex.

So they developed a two-pronged approach, meant to decimate the structure that protects kids from sexual predation, and instead tell kids that they should be having sex for FUN, and that they don't need to worry about consequences like pregnancy and poverty because the magical application of free birth control and abortion will remove all their worries.

It isn't a new approach for progressives seeking to victimizing people they find problematic. Progressive Americans were the heroes of Nazis and commies alike, who took their ideology and applied it nationwide.

And it worked! They were able to victimize people by the millions. It's always worked. It's an excellent program if you want to advance a depraved and psychotic ideology.

I don't think very many people are telling kids they "should" have sex for "fun". The approach I see more commonly used is a combination of abstinance and, if you are going to have sex anyway then be responsible.

You and tommy and crixus et al adamantly maintain that children must accept the likelihood of engaging in risky sex, because "they're teenagers"..and thus the STATE must foot the bill. You keep pretending that this conversation isn't about having the STATE foot the bill. You try to pretend that people like me don't want anybody to have access to birth control. It's a lie, but everything you say is a lie.

The argument isn't whether or not you should be allowed to trot your daughter into the clinic for her std treatments and her cancer-causing oral birth control...it's about whether or not I should have to pay for it, because you're a crappy parent and a piss-poor provider.

I opt not to pay for it, thanks. I am responsible for my kids, you can be responsible for yours.

Not "likelihood" - but possibility. I haven't said one thing or another how you feel about access to birth control.

What I've said is consistent: providing free birth control has been shown to reduce teen pregnancy rates. You can argue around that all you want, but it's an evidence based claim.

The state can choose to pay the comparatively cheap cost of prevention now or the much more expensive cost of a pregnancy and child later because some people are "crappy parents" and "piss poor providers".
This is the bit that is puzzling me. Its cheaper to pay for a few pills than it is to pay for the upkeep of a gymslip mum and the consequences of social deprivation.

Its just common sense.

Perhaps by taking a pill or using a condom the shaggers arent getting punished as they should be ?

This is such a bizarre thread.
Anyone who thinks it's okay to tell kids that they are expected to have sex before they are independent adults.

People like you.
Ok, that explains a lot. I was thinking that there might be an army of paedos hanging around the school gates.

What you actually mean when you say perverts is people who accept that teenagers have been shagging since Noah was a lad and are looking for strategies to protect kids from the consequences of it.

Or,in other words, adults.

Havent you got a stoning to go to tonight ?

Not at all.

My "people" have always accepted that teens have sex. We developed a wonderful social structure..known as *marriage*....to protect the women and offspring that are vulnerable during pregnancy and childhood.

The perverts don't like that social structure because it protects young, nubile victims from predators who like to engage them in sex, watch them having sex, sell them for sex.

So they developed a two-pronged approach, meant to decimate the structure that protects kids from sexual predation, and instead tell kids that they should be having sex for FUN, and that they don't need to worry about consequences like pregnancy and poverty because the magical application of free birth control and abortion will remove all their worries.

It isn't a new approach for progressives seeking to victimizing people they find problematic. Progressive Americans were the heroes of Nazis and commies alike, who took their ideology and applied it nationwide.

And it worked! They were able to victimize people by the millions. It's always worked. It's an excellent program if you want to advance a depraved and psychotic ideology.

I don't think very many people are telling kids they "should" have sex for "fun". The approach I see more commonly used is a combination of abstinance and, if you are going to have sex anyway then be responsible.

You and tommy and crixus et al adamantly maintain that children must accept the likelihood of engaging in risky sex, because "they're teenagers"..and thus the STATE must foot the bill. You keep pretending that this conversation isn't about having the STATE foot the bill. You try to pretend that people like me don't want anybody to have access to birth control. It's a lie, but everything you say is a lie.

The argument isn't whether or not you should be allowed to trot your daughter into the clinic for her std treatments and her cancer-causing oral birth control...it's about whether or not I should have to pay for it, because you're a crappy parent and a piss-poor provider.

I opt not to pay for it, thanks. I am responsible for my kids, you can be responsible for yours.

Not "likelihood" - but possibility. I haven't said one thing or another how you feel about access to birth control.

What I've said is consistent: providing free birth control has been shown to reduce teen pregnancy rates. You can argue around that all you want, but it's an evidence based claim.

The state can choose to pay the comparatively cheap cost of prevention now or the much more expensive cost of a pregnancy and child later because some people are "crappy parents" and "piss poor providers".

You're fine until the last sentence, which is a complete fabrication lol. Our teen pregnancy rate EXPLODED after the introduction of free birth control.
What is known however, is that despite looking like and wanting to be adults, they aren't really. Important parts of the brain (those that control impulses and judgement) are not mature until around 25. Those are the factors involved in judgement of risky behavior and consequences. Why, for example is auto insurance higher for teens and young adults then for older adults?

That's what I meant by "if encouraged properly." Important caveat there.

What I find hard to understand is that we wouldn't think of having a 3 yr old learn about the "consequences" of a hot stove by upending a pot of boiling water on himself. Somehow though when it comes to teenagers and sex, we assume they are going to think and act like adults. We wouldn't trust the judgement of a 6 year old and send him across 6 lanes of traffic unaccompanied. The might or they might not. But it seems to me we shouldn't rely on it and there should be a Plan B for preventing pregnancy. Plan B shouldn't be a baby.

Yeah, the reason stuff like that happens is due to a lack of governing rules. There are teenagers at my church that act more mature than some adults I know, it all lies with their parentage. If you implement rules which encourage the teenager to exercise better judgement, they will in turn learn to do the same regarding sex. There's a reason why you don't touch a hot eye on the stove as a 3 year old or get near a pot of boiling water. For me it was throwing temper tantrums and breaking a few fingers and toes from punching a steel washing machine as a toddler because I didn't get my way. Important thing was that I never punched nor kicked a washing machine again (at least not with that much force).

In summation, the punishment should fit the deed. Sex is a primal instinct which drives any species, human or otherwise, to procreate. It wasn't meant to be a recreational activity. So if you're going to have sex without a condom, be prepared for possible pregnancy. If you're prepared to pay for birth control, great. But don't wait until the pregnancy happens, when the child starts to take a more human form to decide "oh well, I don't want this, I guess I'll have an abortion or start a birth control regimen." If you let it go that far, you should be forced to carry the child to term as a punishment. Let the government provide adoption services if necessary, but by no means suggest birth control to a perfectly healthy woman with a developing child in her womb. Make the teenager recognize the gravitas of their lack of judgment

That is why I fight against "birth control." The best most cost-effective method of birth control is abstinence. If you don't want your child doing drugs, teach them abstinence. If you don't want a child as a result of your sexual activity, practice abstinence and self restraint.

But the problem is - abstinence works, but abstinence only programs don't. And the reason is - kids will have sex. They don't enter into unprotected sex thinking - ok, I might get her pregnant/get pregnant. There's a lot of wrong information out there about sex and pregnancy readily available. I'd rather they have a reliable responsible "Plan B" to fall back on - if you are bound and determined to have sex, then be protected and part of that Plan B is making birth control easily available.

Good communication and relationship between children and parents can help discourage them from having sex, but it's not always there. In my mind - consequences should not include an unwanted child if there is a way to prevent it that.
Anyone who thinks sex is fun.

Anyone who thinks it's okay to tell kids that they are expected to have sex before they are independent adults.

People like you.
Ok, that explains a lot. I was thinking that there might be an army of paedos hanging around the school gates.

What you actually mean when you say perverts is people who accept that teenagers have been shagging since Noah was a lad and are looking for strategies to protect kids from the consequences of it.

Or,in other words, adults.

Havent you got a stoning to go to tonight ?

Not at all.

My "people" have always accepted that teens have sex. We developed a wonderful social structure..known as *marriage*....to protect the women and offspring that are vulnerable during pregnancy and childhood.

The perverts don't like that social structure because it protects young, nubile victims from predators who like to engage them in sex, watch them having sex, sell them for sex.

So they developed a two-pronged approach, meant to decimate the structure that protects kids from sexual predation, and instead tell kids that they should be having sex for FUN, and that they don't need to worry about consequences like pregnancy and poverty because the magical application of free birth control and abortion will remove all their worries.

It isn't a new approach for progressives seeking to victimizing people they find problematic. Progressive Americans were the heroes of Nazis and commies alike, who took their ideology and applied it nationwide.

And it worked! They were able to victimize people by the millions. It's always worked. It's an excellent program if you want to advance a depraved and psychotic ideology.
You seem to be under the impression that kids need to be encouraged to have sex. Its laughable. Were you ever a teenager ?

You also seem to be under the impression that this started quite recently. Let me take you into a secret - its been happening forever.

But you offer no solutions to this.

In fact, apart from some bogus political conspiracy nonsense, you offer nothing of substance at all.

You just blather nonsense. What exactly is *this* that you are referring to? Coyote's pretense that if the state doesn't provide birth control, we'll have a population explosion of hated children of teen parents, who you maintain *just can't say no and shouldn't be asked to say no* to sex?

Because we already established that the imaginary problem that Coyote names in her OP is a lie. Nobody is protesting against birth control.

People are only willing to pay for their own, however.

Coyote conflates the two because she's never paid for anything entirely on her own in her fucking life. So she seriously cannot conceive of a world where she's expected to pay for the stuff she wants, and she doesn't believe that existence and success is possible unless the state hands it to you on a silver platter.

I suspect you're of the same cloth, only in a different location.
Well you know more about Coyote than I do. I think that, despite being a woman, she talks sense on a lot of issues.

You say that it is just about you having to pay for it.

That is such a dishonest position. It is cheaper to prevent a conception than to deal with the consequences. You have no argument on this so why not come clean and give us the real reason ?
Anyone who thinks it's okay to tell kids that they are expected to have sex before they are independent adults.

People like you.
Ok, that explains a lot. I was thinking that there might be an army of paedos hanging around the school gates.

What you actually mean when you say perverts is people who accept that teenagers have been shagging since Noah was a lad and are looking for strategies to protect kids from the consequences of it.

Or,in other words, adults.

Havent you got a stoning to go to tonight ?

Not at all.

My "people" have always accepted that teens have sex. We developed a wonderful social structure..known as *marriage*....to protect the women and offspring that are vulnerable during pregnancy and childhood.

The perverts don't like that social structure because it protects young, nubile victims from predators who like to engage them in sex, watch them having sex, sell them for sex.

So they developed a two-pronged approach, meant to decimate the structure that protects kids from sexual predation, and instead tell kids that they should be having sex for FUN, and that they don't need to worry about consequences like pregnancy and poverty because the magical application of free birth control and abortion will remove all their worries.

It isn't a new approach for progressives seeking to victimizing people they find problematic. Progressive Americans were the heroes of Nazis and commies alike, who took their ideology and applied it nationwide.

And it worked! They were able to victimize people by the millions. It's always worked. It's an excellent program if you want to advance a depraved and psychotic ideology.

I don't think very many people are telling kids they "should" have sex for "fun". The approach I see more commonly used is a combination of abstinance and, if you are going to have sex anyway then be responsible.

You and tommy and crixus et al adamantly maintain that children must accept the likelihood of engaging in risky sex, because "they're teenagers"..and thus the STATE must foot the bill. You keep pretending that this conversation isn't about having the STATE foot the bill. You try to pretend that people like me don't want anybody to have access to birth control. It's a lie, but everything you say is a lie.

The argument isn't whether or not you should be allowed to trot your daughter into the clinic for her std treatments and her cancer-causing oral birth control...it's about whether or not I should have to pay for it, because you're a crappy parent and a piss-poor provider.

I opt not to pay for it, thanks. I am responsible for my kids, you can be responsible for yours.
Ok, that explains a lot. I was thinking that there might be an army of paedos hanging around the school gates.

What you actually mean when you say perverts is people who accept that teenagers have been shagging since Noah was a lad and are looking for strategies to protect kids from the consequences of it.

Or,in other words, adults.

Havent you got a stoning to go to tonight ?

Not at all.

My "people" have always accepted that teens have sex. We developed a wonderful social structure..known as *marriage*....to protect the women and offspring that are vulnerable during pregnancy and childhood.

The perverts don't like that social structure because it protects young, nubile victims from predators who like to engage them in sex, watch them having sex, sell them for sex.

So they developed a two-pronged approach, meant to decimate the structure that protects kids from sexual predation, and instead tell kids that they should be having sex for FUN, and that they don't need to worry about consequences like pregnancy and poverty because the magical application of free birth control and abortion will remove all their worries.

It isn't a new approach for progressives seeking to victimizing people they find problematic. Progressive Americans were the heroes of Nazis and commies alike, who took their ideology and applied it nationwide.

And it worked! They were able to victimize people by the millions. It's always worked. It's an excellent program if you want to advance a depraved and psychotic ideology.

I don't think very many people are telling kids they "should" have sex for "fun". The approach I see more commonly used is a combination of abstinance and, if you are going to have sex anyway then be responsible.

You and tommy and crixus et al adamantly maintain that children must accept the likelihood of engaging in risky sex, because "they're teenagers"..and thus the STATE must foot the bill. You keep pretending that this conversation isn't about having the STATE foot the bill. You try to pretend that people like me don't want anybody to have access to birth control. It's a lie, but everything you say is a lie.

The argument isn't whether or not you should be allowed to trot your daughter into the clinic for her std treatments and her cancer-causing oral birth control...it's about whether or not I should have to pay for it, because you're a crappy parent and a piss-poor provider.

I opt not to pay for it, thanks. I am responsible for my kids, you can be responsible for yours.

Not "likelihood" - but possibility. I haven't said one thing or another how you feel about access to birth control.

What I've said is consistent: providing free birth control has been shown to reduce teen pregnancy rates. You can argue around that all you want, but it's an evidence based claim.

The state can choose to pay the comparatively cheap cost of prevention now or the much more expensive cost of a pregnancy and child later because some people are "crappy parents" and "piss poor providers".
This is the bit that is puzzling me. Its cheaper to pay for a few pills than it is to pay for the upkeep of a gymslip mum and the consequences of social deprivation.

Its just common sense.

Perhaps by taking a pill or using a condom the shaggers arent getting punished as they should be ?

This is such a bizarre thread.

It's bizarre because the OP presents a false narrative.

And that false narrative is the same one that you're engaged in..which is that the state must pay for contraception or the state must support children. THE STATE DOES NOT HAVE TO PAY FOR EITHER. It is not the state's JOB to pay for either.

It is YOUR job to take care of yourself, your kids, and your community. It is NOT the job of the state..and YOU are not the state..and the state is not YOU. Particularly if you, like Coyote, are not a productive member of society, but rather a parasite.
Yeah, the reason stuff like that happens is due to a lack of governing rules. There are teenagers at my church that act more mature than some adults I know, it all lies with their parentage. If you implement rules which encourage the teenager to exercise better judgement, they will in turn learn to do the same regarding sex. There's a reason why you don't touch a hot eye on the stove as a 3 year old or get near a pot of boiling water. For me it was throwing temper tantrums and breaking a few fingers and toes from punching a steel washing machine as a toddler because I didn't get my way. Important thing was that I never punched nor kicked a washing machine again (at least not with that much force).
Yeah, teenagers are a real conundrum. I've known a lot of mature teenagers that still end up pregnant. I've known a lot of very very immature ones that don't. The difference? The immature one was taught about birth control, the mature one wasn't.

From a personal standpoint, I was taught that sex was a pretty important thing that should be reserved for the person you love and practiced in the safe confines of marriage. And my wife I both followed through on that. It was 100% effective. That doesn't stop you from having unplanned kids after you are married and those can be just as disastrous financially, emotionally, and physically. So you want to educate folks about birth control before they have sex, whatever that timeline is. As it is, sex can have such disastrous life changing consequences I'd like to educate kids early and have them take precautions seriously well before marriage. As a parent, I know I'll be raising my kids to practice abstinence, but I'd be remiss not to also teach them about birth control. And for my daughter especially, if she wants to go on birth control I'll support that. It's preventative medicine and given the consequences I'm very much in favor of that.
Anyone who thinks it's okay to tell kids that they are expected to have sex before they are independent adults.

People like you.
Ok, that explains a lot. I was thinking that there might be an army of paedos hanging around the school gates.

What you actually mean when you say perverts is people who accept that teenagers have been shagging since Noah was a lad and are looking for strategies to protect kids from the consequences of it.

Or,in other words, adults.

Havent you got a stoning to go to tonight ?

Not at all.

My "people" have always accepted that teens have sex. We developed a wonderful social structure..known as *marriage*....to protect the women and offspring that are vulnerable during pregnancy and childhood.

The perverts don't like that social structure because it protects young, nubile victims from predators who like to engage them in sex, watch them having sex, sell them for sex.

So they developed a two-pronged approach, meant to decimate the structure that protects kids from sexual predation, and instead tell kids that they should be having sex for FUN, and that they don't need to worry about consequences like pregnancy and poverty because the magical application of free birth control and abortion will remove all their worries.

It isn't a new approach for progressives seeking to victimizing people they find problematic. Progressive Americans were the heroes of Nazis and commies alike, who took their ideology and applied it nationwide.

And it worked! They were able to victimize people by the millions. It's always worked. It's an excellent program if you want to advance a depraved and psychotic ideology.
You seem to be under the impression that kids need to be encouraged to have sex. Its laughable. Were you ever a teenager ?

You also seem to be under the impression that this started quite recently. Let me take you into a secret - its been happening forever.

But you offer no solutions to this.

In fact, apart from some bogus political conspiracy nonsense, you offer nothing of substance at all.

You just blather nonsense. What exactly is *this* that you are referring to? Coyote's pretense that if the state doesn't provide birth control, we'll have a population explosion of hated children of teen parents, who you maintain *just can't say no and shouldn't be asked to say no* to sex?

Because we already established that the imaginary problem that Coyote names in her OP is a lie. Nobody is protesting against birth control.

People are only willing to pay for their own, however.

Coyote conflates the two because she's never paid for anything entirely on her own in her fucking life. So she seriously cannot conceive of a world where she's expected to pay for the stuff she wants, and she doesn't believe that existence and success is possible unless the state hands it to you on a silver platter.

I suspect you're of the same cloth, only in a different location.
Well you know more about Coyote than I do. I think that, despite being a woman, she talks sense on a lot of issues.

You say that it is just about you having to pay for it.

That is such a dishonest position. It is cheaper to prevent a conception than to deal with the consequences. You have no argument on this so why not come clean and give us the real reason ?

no, I never said that it was just "about you having to pay for it". I said that COYOTE'S premise..which is that if the state doesn't pay for contraception, then contraception doesn't exist...is a false one. I said that COYOTE'S assertion that young women can't get free contraception UNLESS THE STATE PAYS FOR IT..is false.

And it is.
Yeah, the reason stuff like that happens is due to a lack of governing rules. There are teenagers at my church that act more mature than some adults I know, it all lies with their parentage. If you implement rules which encourage the teenager to exercise better judgement, they will in turn learn to do the same regarding sex. There's a reason why you don't touch a hot eye on the stove as a 3 year old or get near a pot of boiling water. For me it was throwing temper tantrums and breaking a few fingers and toes from punching a steel washing machine as a toddler because I didn't get my way. Important thing was that I never punched nor kicked a washing machine again (at least not with that much force).
Yeah, teenagers are a real conundrum. I've known a lot of mature teenagers that still end up pregnant. I've known a lot of very very immature ones that don't. The difference? The immature one was taught about birth control, the mature one wasn't.

From a personal standpoint, I was taught that sex was a pretty important thing that should be reserved for the person you love and practiced in the safe confines of marriage. And my wife I both followed through on that. It was 100% effective. That doesn't stop you from having unplanned kids after you are married and those can be just as disastrous financially, emotionally, and physically. So you want to educate folks about birth control before they have sex, whatever that timeline is. As it is, sex can have such disastrous life changing consequences I'd like to educate kids early and have them take precautions seriously well before marriage. As a parent, I know I'll be raising my kids to practice abstinence, but I'd be remiss not to also teach them about birth control. And for my daughter especially, if she wants to go on birth control I'll support that. It's preventative medicine and given the consequences I'm very much in favor of that.

There is not a child in the US today who has attended public schools who hasn't been "taught about birth control". So I know you're full of shit by the end of the first paragraph of your irrelevant post. If you know "responsible" teens who got knocked up because they weren't *taught* about birth control, then you apparently live in an isolated society that has no contact with the outside world.

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