Why the fight against Birth Control?

its not called abstinence when you are too fat to fuck and to big a mooch to take a female out

Hmm, that must mean you had the same experience with a guy. Thanks for the tip.

Many chicks have sadly. Abstinence is 100%, but we are talking about teenagers here.

What? Teenagers are quite capable of exercising better judgment, when properly encouraged.

Some do, some don't.

What is known however, is that despite looking like and wanting to be adults, they aren't really. Important parts of the brain (those that control impulses and judgement) are not mature until around 25. Those are the factors involved in judgement of risky behavior and consequences. Why, for example is auto insurance higher for teens and young adults then for older adults?

What I find hard to understand is that we wouldn't think of having a 3 yr old learn about the "consequences" of a hot stove by upending a pot of boiling water on himself. We wouldn't trust the judgement of a 6 year old and send him across 6 lanes of traffic unaccompanied. Somehow though when it comes to teenagers and sex, we assume they are going to think and act like adults. The might or they might not. But it seems to me we shouldn't rely on it and there should be a Plan B for preventing pregnancy. Plan B shouldn't be a baby.

True, but we are going to extreams. 9 times out of ten the 3 year old will end up touching the stove anyway, and will likely see the stupidity of running out in traffic. Teens are different all together and they know better.

They may "know" better but they're still going to do stupid stuff. So why not make it easier for them to make the right choice? Ok, we understand that despite what we say, you still might find yourself in a situation where you're going to have sex - so get birth control.
I think they want poor people breeding poor kids that one day the corporations can hire cheap. Also to fill fews.

But you are wrong about the pill being the best. Iud's are way more effective.

As a new Republican I would say the woman who's sexually active and poor has a choice to make. Why do we pay for free birth control? Because it saves us money. Welfare and food stamps and free insurance we give these mistakes. Not to mention crime.

Republicans need to realize birth control saves us money and lowers abortions

But it doesn't. Birth control is already almost free, yet here we are. Then there are all the other issues especially with IUD's that would need to be addressed that jacks up the cost of insurance.
The States With the Highest Teenage Birth Rates Have One Thing in Common

There's countless articles and studies here that conclude the same thing. Better sex ed+Better availability to birth control=lower pregnancy risk. The states teaching abstinence only are the ones with the highest pregnancy rates and worst STD infection rates. So it works, and works well.

So again, why are we being stupid about this as a people? If you don't pay for the birth control, you'll pay for the kid one way or another. Either through welfare, education, or incarceration. So go the cheaper route and pay for birth control.

Cheaper for those who get it, but we folks who work have to pay more. Birth control is already cheap. You need only go to PPH website and look.
You are already paying. I do not understand how you fail to get this.

If a teen gets pregnant and goes to the hospital to give birth, chances are she won't be able to pay for the procedure. The hospital will be passing that cost on to you when you do come in for help. Or they'll pass it on to your insurance when others on your plan come in for help which will be passed on to you in the form of higher premiums.

Forget welfare, when that kid gets to school age YOU WILL PAY for his education through property taxes, or higher rents, or higher business costs when they have higher property taxes.

Unwed mothers frequently live in poverty and poverty is the single greatest indicator for a likelyhood to become incarcerated. When that kid becomes incarcerated, YOU WILL PAY to arrest him, try him, and lock him up in higher taxes.

At every single damn point of the kids life YOU WILL PAY for what happens because we as a people were too cheap to provide birth control. So stop being cheap and take the cheapest out. Pay for birth control.

First off, Birth control is extremely available to anyone who wants it. That is a fact backed by Planned Parenthoods own website in their pricing guidelines, not to mention all the other various programs offered by states and counties. face it, Sandra Fluk was indeed a dumb slut and a flagrant liar. Second, I dont want to end free birth control, I am saying leave that alone and EDUCATE the damn kids. Show them how the various methods of abortion work, explain things like how simply taking a pill or ramming a copper wire thing up your snatch is not how one young woman will prevent wrecking her life, but its the chronic VD thats killing these kids in their 30's. All that aside, No place in the constitution does it state that I need to be on the hook for anyone's stupidity and ignorance. All facts. I still notice none of you guys are posting directly from PPH website. Only from yalls emotional place.

States like Texas have been passing legislation that have forced many PP clinics to close. If conservatives had their way they would all close. There are only 20 in Texas, all clustered in the eastern end of the state. Texas has 268,597 square miles to it. Education and free birth control are both important.
Seriously...I just don't get it.

What's wrong with letting women have it?

The argument that they shouldn't have it free doesn't fly. ACA includes a bunch of different free items: Preventive care benefits for adults - but I have yet to hear an argument against aspirin or vaccinations being offered and birth control is a relatively cheap thing to offer.

The Pill is, as of this time, the most reliable method of pregnancy prevention. Yes...abstinence itself works, but isn't realistic as few people stick with it and, frankly, why should they if the pill can offer a more reliable option if they don't want to be abstinent? There is a direct correlation between preventing unwanted pregnancies, particularly teens, and the availability of reliable contraception.

Where in the constitution does it say the tax payer be on the hook for some woman's birth control? No woman is prevented from getting birth control. Any planned parenthood clinic will give it to them at a discounted price. Go to any planned parenthood web site and you will see this argument is truly a straw man argument. As far as teens go, in this town STD's are a bigger issue then unwanted pregnancy.
And nobody has objected to "women having it".
STDs and unplanned pregnancy have exponentially increased since the state started dispensing abortions and the pill and telling kids that it's their *right* to have sex with any perv that comes along.
Hmm, that must mean you had the same experience with a guy. Thanks for the tip.

Many chicks have sadly. Abstinence is 100%, but we are talking about teenagers here.

What? Teenagers are quite capable of exercising better judgment, when properly encouraged.

Some do, some don't.

What is known however, is that despite looking like and wanting to be adults, they aren't really. Important parts of the brain (those that control impulses and judgement) are not mature until around 25. Those are the factors involved in judgement of risky behavior and consequences. Why, for example is auto insurance higher for teens and young adults then for older adults?

What I find hard to understand is that we wouldn't think of having a 3 yr old learn about the "consequences" of a hot stove by upending a pot of boiling water on himself. We wouldn't trust the judgement of a 6 year old and send him across 6 lanes of traffic unaccompanied. Somehow though when it comes to teenagers and sex, we assume they are going to think and act like adults. The might or they might not. But it seems to me we shouldn't rely on it and there should be a Plan B for preventing pregnancy. Plan B shouldn't be a baby.

True, but we are going to extreams. 9 times out of ten the 3 year old will end up touching the stove anyway, and will likely see the stupidity of running out in traffic. Teens are different all together and they know better.

They may "know" better but they're still going to do stupid stuff. So why not make it easier for them to make the right choice? Ok, we understand that despite what we say, you still might find yourself in a situation where you're going to have sex - so get birth control.

Yes sir. And what many are not seeing due to my inability to put it is, I agree. What I dont agree with is the notion that these kids have no access to it for whatever reason, or mostly they just dont care. I know I never did. Never thought about having a kid as a teen, and surely did not stop and ask my girl if she was on the pill when we were getting busy. And then there are the STD's. Read up on HPV. Scary shit right there considering its highly likely most posters on this bored are infected with it. So prevention education is only part of it. Education on where to go, who talk to is much needed due to parents inability to be open with their kids, and the political ruling class using the issue as a football. We have the birth control angle covered. Education and awareness is where we lack and are failing.
Hmm, that must mean you had the same experience with a guy. Thanks for the tip.

Many chicks have sadly. Abstinence is 100%, but we are talking about teenagers here.

What? Teenagers are quite capable of exercising better judgment, when properly encouraged.

Some do, some don't.

What is known however, is that despite looking like and wanting to be adults, they aren't really. Important parts of the brain (those that control impulses and judgement) are not mature until around 25. Those are the factors involved in judgement of risky behavior and consequences. Why, for example is auto insurance higher for teens and young adults then for older adults?

What I find hard to understand is that we wouldn't think of having a 3 yr old learn about the "consequences" of a hot stove by upending a pot of boiling water on himself. We wouldn't trust the judgement of a 6 year old and send him across 6 lanes of traffic unaccompanied. Somehow though when it comes to teenagers and sex, we assume they are going to think and act like adults. The might or they might not. But it seems to me we shouldn't rely on it and there should be a Plan B for preventing pregnancy. Plan B shouldn't be a baby.

True, but we are going to extreams. 9 times out of ten the 3 year old will end up touching the stove anyway, and will likely see the stupidity of running out in traffic. Teens are different all together and they know better.

They may "know" better but they're still going to do stupid stuff. So why not make it easier for them to make the right choice? Ok, we understand that despite what we say, you still might find yourself in a situation where you're going to have sex - so get birth control.

How does federally funded birth control make it easier for them to say no to sex?

What it does is give those who are pressuring them to have sex another tool in their arsenal..."Go ahead and try it kiddo, you're on birth control and we can get you an abortion, it'll be fun". Which is exactly what lefty loons do.

States like Texas have been passing legislation that have forced many PP clinics to close. If conservatives had their way they would all close. There are only 20 in Texas, all clustered in the eastern end of the state. Texas has 268,597 square miles to it. Education and free birth control are both important.

Planned Parenthood is the industrial abortion complex. Blocking government funding is what you claim is "forcing" PP to close. IF they have a valuable service to sell, then they can sell it without the taxpayer supporting them.

But the abortion mills have no bearing on birth control.

The Hollywood star first accused Planned Parenthood of inflicting “real genocide” on African-Americans during an interview last week with “The Breakfast Club” radio show.

“Hillary was sneaking and cheating,” Cannon said. “Think about all the stuff they did with Planned Parenthood and all that type of stuff. That type of stuff is to take our community — and forget gentrification, it’s real genocide, and it’s been like that for years.”

When pressed by a TMZ reporter on Saturday to clarify his statements, Cannon doubled-down by saying, “Yeah, it’s population control.” Planned Parenthood is “modern day eugenics,” he said.}

Nick Cannon Doubles Down: Planned Parenthood is Black Genocide

What can you say? When the man is right, he's right.
Many chicks have sadly. Abstinence is 100%, but we are talking about teenagers here.

What? Teenagers are quite capable of exercising better judgment, when properly encouraged.

Some do, some don't.

What is known however, is that despite looking like and wanting to be adults, they aren't really. Important parts of the brain (those that control impulses and judgement) are not mature until around 25. Those are the factors involved in judgement of risky behavior and consequences. Why, for example is auto insurance higher for teens and young adults then for older adults?

What I find hard to understand is that we wouldn't think of having a 3 yr old learn about the "consequences" of a hot stove by upending a pot of boiling water on himself. We wouldn't trust the judgement of a 6 year old and send him across 6 lanes of traffic unaccompanied. Somehow though when it comes to teenagers and sex, we assume they are going to think and act like adults. The might or they might not. But it seems to me we shouldn't rely on it and there should be a Plan B for preventing pregnancy. Plan B shouldn't be a baby.

True, but we are going to extreams. 9 times out of ten the 3 year old will end up touching the stove anyway, and will likely see the stupidity of running out in traffic. Teens are different all together and they know better.

They may "know" better but they're still going to do stupid stuff. So why not make it easier for them to make the right choice? Ok, we understand that despite what we say, you still might find yourself in a situation where you're going to have sex - so get birth control.

Yes sir. And what many are not seeing due to my inability to put it is, I agree. What I dont agree with is the notion that these kids have no access to it for whatever reason, or mostly they just dont care. I know I never did. Never thought about having a kid as a teen, and surely did not stop and ask my girl if she was on the pill when we were getting busy. And then there are the STD's. Read up on HPV. Scary shit right there considering its highly likely most posters on this bored are infected with it. So prevention education is only part of it. Education on where to go, who talk to is much needed due to parents inability to be open with their kids, and the political ruling class using the issue as a football. We have the birth control angle covered. Education and awareness is where we lack and are failing.

Obviously, you had absentee parents. As most hard core lefties did.

My kids are taught from the age of about 10 that sex is for adults who can support themselves and the people they love...and that the natural outcome of having sex is pregnancy.

None of my kids have had unexpected children. Because they understand that sex = babies. I don't teach them that sex is SOOOO much fun that they won't be able to say no. I don't tell them that I expect them to be unable to control themselves and so they should go ahead and jump on birth control at the age of 14 because I expect them to get raped or knocked up, or to rape or knock up somebody else. I explain to them that the better part of valor is restraint, and that being superior individuals, they have the power to control their urges until they are in a position to support a partner and children.

It's pretty basic.
But it doesn't. Birth control is already almost free, yet here we are. Then there are all the other issues especially with IUD's that would need to be addressed that jacks up the cost of insurance.
The States With the Highest Teenage Birth Rates Have One Thing in Common

There's countless articles and studies here that conclude the same thing. Better sex ed+Better availability to birth control=lower pregnancy risk. The states teaching abstinence only are the ones with the highest pregnancy rates and worst STD infection rates. So it works, and works well.

So again, why are we being stupid about this as a people? If you don't pay for the birth control, you'll pay for the kid one way or another. Either through welfare, education, or incarceration. So go the cheaper route and pay for birth control.

Cheaper for those who get it, but we folks who work have to pay more. Birth control is already cheap. You need only go to PPH website and look.
You are already paying. I do not understand how you fail to get this.

If a teen gets pregnant and goes to the hospital to give birth, chances are she won't be able to pay for the procedure. The hospital will be passing that cost on to you when you do come in for help. Or they'll pass it on to your insurance when others on your plan come in for help which will be passed on to you in the form of higher premiums.

Forget welfare, when that kid gets to school age YOU WILL PAY for his education through property taxes, or higher rents, or higher business costs when they have higher property taxes.

Unwed mothers frequently live in poverty and poverty is the single greatest indicator for a likelyhood to become incarcerated. When that kid becomes incarcerated, YOU WILL PAY to arrest him, try him, and lock him up in higher taxes.

At every single damn point of the kids life YOU WILL PAY for what happens because we as a people were too cheap to provide birth control. So stop being cheap and take the cheapest out. Pay for birth control.

First off, Birth control is extremely available to anyone who wants it. That is a fact backed by Planned Parenthoods own website in their pricing guidelines, not to mention all the other various programs offered by states and counties. face it, Sandra Fluk was indeed a dumb slut and a flagrant liar. Second, I dont want to end free birth control, I am saying leave that alone and EDUCATE the damn kids. Show them how the various methods of abortion work, explain things like how simply taking a pill or ramming a copper wire thing up your snatch is not how one young woman will prevent wrecking her life, but its the chronic VD thats killing these kids in their 30's. All that aside, No place in the constitution does it state that I need to be on the hook for anyone's stupidity and ignorance. All facts. I still notice none of you guys are posting directly from PPH website. Only from yalls emotional place.

States like Texas have been passing legislation that have forced many PP clinics to close. If conservatives had their way they would all close. There are only 20 in Texas, all clustered in the eastern end of the state. Texas has 268,597 square miles to it. Education and free birth control are both important.

Your stats are misleading. We have one of the biggest most pretty PPH offices and clinics in the country right on I45 in the bario. Birth control is extremely accessible. The issue here is all the Mexican and black kids and a surprisingly huge number of rich white kids are getting syphilis and the HPV epidemic as well as all the complications that go with it are out of control. PPH also farms out allot of work, but pricing and availability is all there, its getting these kids to go get it is the issue. I included a link to their website. Check it out for your state.

Planned Parenthood of Greater Texas, Inc. Welcome :: Greater Texas

States like Texas have been passing legislation that have forced many PP clinics to close. If conservatives had their way they would all close. There are only 20 in Texas, all clustered in the eastern end of the state. Texas has 268,597 square miles to it. Education and free birth control are both important.

Planned Parenthood is the industrial abortion complex. Blocking government funding is what you claim is "forcing" PP to close. IF they have a valuable service to sell, then they can sell it without the taxpayer supporting them.

But the abortion mills have no bearing on birth control.

The Hollywood star first accused Planned Parenthood of inflicting “real genocide” on African-Americans during an interview last week with “The Breakfast Club” radio show.

“Hillary was sneaking and cheating,” Cannon said. “Think about all the stuff they did with Planned Parenthood and all that type of stuff. That type of stuff is to take our community — and forget gentrification, it’s real genocide, and it’s been like that for years.”

When pressed by a TMZ reporter on Saturday to clarify his statements, Cannon doubled-down by saying, “Yeah, it’s population control.” Planned Parenthood is “modern day eugenics,” he said.}

Nick Cannon Doubles Down: Planned Parenthood is Black Genocide

What can you say? When the man is right, he's right.

I know I saw that, it's awesome.

Successful black people like Cannon and Carson...and others...finding their voice and standing against the destruction of their race and their culture.
Its free over here - as it should be.Kids can also get the morning after pill for free in school as well.

There is still a problem with teen pregnancies though as sex education is sometimes lacking.

The biggest problem though is low self esteem. Why do so many 16 year old girls want to take on the responsibility of raising a child and all that entails ?

In my view there are several reasons.

1. They dont have anything better to do.
2. They genuinely want a baby.
3. They are pressured into having the baby by societal attitudes.
4. They are fucking stupid.

Free birth control and easy access through schools should be mandatory though.

States like Texas have been passing legislation that have forced many PP clinics to close. If conservatives had their way they would all close. There are only 20 in Texas, all clustered in the eastern end of the state. Texas has 268,597 square miles to it. Education and free birth control are both important.

Planned Parenthood is the industrial abortion complex. Blocking government funding is what you claim is "forcing" PP to close. IF they have a valuable service to sell, then they can sell it without the taxpayer supporting them.

But the abortion mills have no bearing on birth control.

The Hollywood star first accused Planned Parenthood of inflicting “real genocide” on African-Americans during an interview last week with “The Breakfast Club” radio show.

“Hillary was sneaking and cheating,” Cannon said. “Think about all the stuff they did with Planned Parenthood and all that type of stuff. That type of stuff is to take our community — and forget gentrification, it’s real genocide, and it’s been like that for years.”

When pressed by a TMZ reporter on Saturday to clarify his statements, Cannon doubled-down by saying, “Yeah, it’s population control.” Planned Parenthood is “modern day eugenics,” he said.}

Nick Cannon Doubles Down: Planned Parenthood is Black Genocide

What can you say? When the man is right, he's right.

I know I saw that, it's awesome.

Successful black people like Cannon and Carson...and others...finding their voice and standing against the destruction of their race and their culture.

Not really. All he did is gin you retards up and get ya to donate. Yall are the other half of the problem.
While I don't see many "fighting" against it, some of us think abstinence is the most effective form of birth control. And it's free.

its not called abstinence when you are too fat to fuck and to big a mooch to take a female out

Hmm, that must mean you had the same experience with a guy. Thanks for the tip.

Many chicks have sadly. Abstinence is 100%, but we are talking about teenagers here.

What? Teenagers are quite capable of exercising better judgment, when properly encouraged.

Some do, some don't.

What is known however, is that despite looking like and wanting to be adults, they aren't really. Important parts of the brain (those that control impulses and judgement) are not mature until around 25. Those are the factors involved in judgement of risky behavior and consequences. Why, for example is auto insurance higher for teens and young adults then for older adults?

What I find hard to understand is that we wouldn't think of having a 3 yr old learn about the "consequences" of a hot stove by upending a pot of boiling water on himself. We wouldn't trust the judgement of a 6 year old and send him across 6 lanes of traffic unaccompanied. Somehow though when it comes to teenagers and sex, we assume they are going to think and act like adults. The might or they might not. But it seems to me we shouldn't rely on it and there should be a Plan B for preventing pregnancy. Plan B shouldn't be a baby.

Again Coyote misses the mark.

What she says is that kids are thrown into sex on a regular basis...and if they get knocked up it's their parents' fault..not the fault of the perverts. And instead of going after the perverts for knocking up children, she thinks we should attack the parents for not providing adequate birth control against the eventuality of their kids' sexcapades.

Its free over here - as it should be.Kids can also get the morning after pill for free in school as well.

There is still a problem with teen pregnancies though as sex education is sometimes lacking.

The biggest problem though is low self esteem. Why do so many 16 year old girls want to take on the responsibility of raising a child and all that entails ?

In my view there are several reasons.

1. They dont have anything better to do.
2. They genuinely want a baby.
3. They are pressured into having the baby by societal attitudes.
4. They are fucking stupid.

Free birth control and easy access through schools should be mandatory though.

16 year old girls are told by perverts through the schools and through the media that it's natural to engage in risky sex, and that their entire female identity is tied to abortion and sex.
Its free over here - as it should be.Kids can also get the morning after pill for free in school as well.

There is still a problem with teen pregnancies though as sex education is sometimes lacking.

The biggest problem though is low self esteem. Why do so many 16 year old girls want to take on the responsibility of raising a child and all that entails ?

In my view there are several reasons.

1. They dont have anything better to do.
2. They genuinely want a baby.
3. They are pressured into having the baby by societal attitudes.
4. They are fucking stupid.

Free birth control and easy access through schools should be mandatory though.

16 year old girls are told by perverts through the schools and through the media that it's natural to engage in risky sex, and that their entire female identity is tied to abortion and sex.
Teenage girls have always wanted to be older than they actually are. And, in my experience, they always "know" too much to listen to good advice. Its all about protecting them from the consequences of their ignorance until they are old enough to know better.

The rest of it is a bigger issue and another debate.
its not called abstinence when you are too fat to fuck and to big a mooch to take a female out

Hmm, that must mean you had the same experience with a guy. Thanks for the tip.

Many chicks have sadly. Abstinence is 100%, but we are talking about teenagers here.

What? Teenagers are quite capable of exercising better judgment, when properly encouraged.

Some do, some don't.

What is known however, is that despite looking like and wanting to be adults, they aren't really. Important parts of the brain (those that control impulses and judgement) are not mature until around 25. Those are the factors involved in judgement of risky behavior and consequences. Why, for example is auto insurance higher for teens and young adults then for older adults?

What I find hard to understand is that we wouldn't think of having a 3 yr old learn about the "consequences" of a hot stove by upending a pot of boiling water on himself. We wouldn't trust the judgement of a 6 year old and send him across 6 lanes of traffic unaccompanied. Somehow though when it comes to teenagers and sex, we assume they are going to think and act like adults. The might or they might not. But it seems to me we shouldn't rely on it and there should be a Plan B for preventing pregnancy. Plan B shouldn't be a baby.

Again Coyote misses the mark.

What she says is that kids are thrown into sex on a regular basis...and if they get knocked up it's their parents' fault..not the fault of the perverts. And instead of going after the perverts for knocking up children, she thinks we should attack the parents for not providing adequate birth control against the eventuality of their kids' sexcapades.


Lol, all this talk about being a super christian, yet here you are. All of it starts with the parents. Because of lazy phoenix collage educated twerps like you we have this issue. You completely miss the mark by letting the parents off with any accountability at all. This is very cowardly.
Its free over here - as it should be.Kids can also get the morning after pill for free in school as well.

There is still a problem with teen pregnancies though as sex education is sometimes lacking.

The biggest problem though is low self esteem. Why do so many 16 year old girls want to take on the responsibility of raising a child and all that entails ?

In my view there are several reasons.

1. They dont have anything better to do.
2. They genuinely want a baby.
3. They are pressured into having the baby by societal attitudes.
4. They are fucking stupid.

Free birth control and easy access through schools should be mandatory though.

16 year old girls are told by perverts through the schools and through the media that it's natural to engage in risky sex, and that their entire female identity is tied to abortion and sex.
Teenage girls have always wanted to be older than they actually are. And, in my experience, they always "know" too much to listen to good advice. Its all about protecting them from the consequences of their ignorance until they are old enough to know better.

The rest of it is a bigger issue and another debate.

Gee! Imagine that, and so do many progressives. Yet, we refuse to believe that one shoe fits all.
If someone chooses to not abstain, how about using some form of BC and allow those who want to give it to their sons and daughters, be none of our business.
Great idea.

While I don't see many "fighting" against it, some of us think abstinence is the most effective form of birth control. And it's free.
Its free over here - as it should be.Kids can also get the morning after pill for free in school as well.

There is still a problem with teen pregnancies though as sex education is sometimes lacking.

The biggest problem though is low self esteem. Why do so many 16 year old girls want to take on the responsibility of raising a child and all that entails ?

In my view there are several reasons.

1. They dont have anything better to do.
2. They genuinely want a baby.
3. They are pressured into having the baby by societal attitudes.
4. They are fucking stupid.

Free birth control and easy access through schools should be mandatory though.

16 year old girls are told by perverts through the schools and through the media that it's natural to engage in risky sex, and that their entire female identity is tied to abortion and sex.
Teenage girls have always wanted to be older than they actually are. And, in my experience, they always "know" too much to listen to good advice. Its all about protecting them from the consequences of their ignorance until they are old enough to know better.

The rest of it is a bigger issue and another debate.

No, it's not.

You asked why 16 year old girls think it's cool to have sex before they're ready.

It's because perverts through the schools and the media tell them that's their purpose in life.
its not called abstinence when you are too fat to fuck and to big a mooch to take a female out

Hmm, that must mean you had the same experience with a guy. Thanks for the tip.

Many chicks have sadly. Abstinence is 100%, but we are talking about teenagers here.

What? Teenagers are quite capable of exercising better judgment, when properly encouraged.

Some do, some don't.

What is known however, is that despite looking like and wanting to be adults, they aren't really. Important parts of the brain (those that control impulses and judgement) are not mature until around 25. Those are the factors involved in judgement of risky behavior and consequences. Why, for example is auto insurance higher for teens and young adults then for older adults?

What I find hard to understand is that we wouldn't think of having a 3 yr old learn about the "consequences" of a hot stove by upending a pot of boiling water on himself. We wouldn't trust the judgement of a 6 year old and send him across 6 lanes of traffic unaccompanied. Somehow though when it comes to teenagers and sex, we assume they are going to think and act like adults. The might or they might not. But it seems to me we shouldn't rely on it and there should be a Plan B for preventing pregnancy. Plan B shouldn't be a baby.

Again Coyote misses the mark.

What she says is that kids are thrown into sex on a regular basis...and if they get knocked up it's their parents' fault..not the fault of the perverts. And instead of going after the perverts for knocking up children, she thinks we should attack the parents for not providing adequate birth control against the eventuality of their kids' sexcapades.


No, I'm not saying that :lol:

If two 15 yr olds have sex....who's the pervert?

And no, I'm not attacking the parents. I'm saying free bc should be available to those kids because some will eventually experiment with sex (as is confirmed by teen pregnancy statistics).

But keep on telling me what I'm "saying".
Hmm, that must mean you had the same experience with a guy. Thanks for the tip.

Many chicks have sadly. Abstinence is 100%, but we are talking about teenagers here.

What? Teenagers are quite capable of exercising better judgment, when properly encouraged.

Some do, some don't.

What is known however, is that despite looking like and wanting to be adults, they aren't really. Important parts of the brain (those that control impulses and judgement) are not mature until around 25. Those are the factors involved in judgement of risky behavior and consequences. Why, for example is auto insurance higher for teens and young adults then for older adults?

What I find hard to understand is that we wouldn't think of having a 3 yr old learn about the "consequences" of a hot stove by upending a pot of boiling water on himself. We wouldn't trust the judgement of a 6 year old and send him across 6 lanes of traffic unaccompanied. Somehow though when it comes to teenagers and sex, we assume they are going to think and act like adults. The might or they might not. But it seems to me we shouldn't rely on it and there should be a Plan B for preventing pregnancy. Plan B shouldn't be a baby.

Again Coyote misses the mark.

What she says is that kids are thrown into sex on a regular basis...and if they get knocked up it's their parents' fault..not the fault of the perverts. And instead of going after the perverts for knocking up children, she thinks we should attack the parents for not providing adequate birth control against the eventuality of their kids' sexcapades.


Lol, all this talk about being a super christian, yet here you are. All of it starts with the parents. Because of lazy phoenix collage educated twerps like you we have this issue. You completely miss the mark by letting the parents off with any accountability at all. This is very cowardly.

No, I believe it's the parents' responsibility to teach and monitor their children, and to protect them.

You believe that nobody should protect children, that rapists and child molesters should never have to worry about getting their victims knocked up.

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