Why the GOP base wants Trump:

Listening to rderp's theory of why anybody on the right wants Trump is akin to the far left wing liberal Democrat Party listening to John Birch's "advice" on how to field the strongest Democrat candidates.
It's actually a couple of reasons.

First, the GOP base has been lied to for the last 40 years. Everything from the deficit creating Bush Tax Cuts would create jobs, which they didn't create to you don't need health care. Remember the last election? Ebola, refugee children and Isis will be in your back yard? We know the truth about Benghazi. The GOP base sent their kids off to Iraq for no apparent reason. Education is for snobs, Obama is from Kenya and so on.

Then he is fear mongering worse that the GOP leadership. He would create a wall. He would strip certain Americans of their citizenship. He would protect us from scary outside countries.

So now, they are believing the guy who will turn out to be the biggest liar of all.


October 17, 2008

The Economic Blue Screen of Death

"work done by James Kennedy and Alan Greenspan, on the effect of mortgage equity withdrawals (MEWs) on the growth of the US economy."


Notice that in both 2001 and 2002, the US economy continued to grow on an annual basis (the "technical" recession was just a few quarters). Their work suggests that this growth was entirely due to MEWs. In fact, MEWs contributed over 3% to GDP growth in 2004 and 2005, and 2% in 2006. Without US homeowners using their homes as an ATM, the economy would have been very sluggish indeed, averaging much less than 1% for the six years of the Bush presidency. Indeed, as a side observation, without home equity withdrawals the economy would have been so bad it would have been almost impossible for Bush to have won a second term.

The Economic Blue Screen of Death

December 2007

The Economic Consequences of Mr. Bush

The next president will have to deal with yet another crippling legacy of George W. Bush: the economy. A Nobel laureate, Joseph E. Stiglitz, sees a generation-long struggle to recoup.

The Economic Consequences of Mr. Bush


Stop posting the same old bullshit over and over....because anyone with a brain knows it's bullshit.
Seriously dude...you're full of shit.

So, NO you can't refute a damn thing AND you don't like using reason and logic. Got it
It's actually a couple of reasons.

First, the GOP base has been lied to for the last 40 years. Everything from the deficit creating Bush Tax Cuts would create jobs, which they didn't create to you don't need health care. Remember the last election? Ebola, refugee children and Isis will be in your back yard? We know the truth about Benghazi. The GOP base sent their kids off to Iraq for no apparent reason. Education is for snobs, Obama is from Kenya and so on.

Then he is fear mongering worse that the GOP leadership. He would create a wall. He would strip certain Americans of their citizenship. He would protect us from scary outside countries.

So now, they are believing the guy who will turn out to be the biggest liar of all.


October 17, 2008

The Economic Blue Screen of Death

"work done by James Kennedy and Alan Greenspan, on the effect of mortgage equity withdrawals (MEWs) on the growth of the US economy."


Notice that in both 2001 and 2002, the US economy continued to grow on an annual basis (the "technical" recession was just a few quarters). Their work suggests that this growth was entirely due to MEWs. In fact, MEWs contributed over 3% to GDP growth in 2004 and 2005, and 2% in 2006. Without US homeowners using their homes as an ATM, the economy would have been very sluggish indeed, averaging much less than 1% for the six years of the Bush presidency. Indeed, as a side observation, without home equity withdrawals the economy would have been so bad it would have been almost impossible for Bush to have won a second term.

The Economic Blue Screen of Death

December 2007

The Economic Consequences of Mr. Bush

The next president will have to deal with yet another crippling legacy of George W. Bush: the economy. A Nobel laureate, Joseph E. Stiglitz, sees a generation-long struggle to recoup.

The Economic Consequences of Mr. Bush


Stop posting the same old bullshit over and over....because anyone with a brain knows it's bullshit.
Seriously dude...you're full of shit.

So, NO you can't refute a damn thing AND you don't like using reason and logic. Got it

Your lame ass shit is getting tiresome....off to iggy you go.

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