Why the GOP is scared to death of Hillary...

If we in the GOP do not reach out sincerely to women, we should be scared of HRC.
Hillary Clinton is a member in good standing of the CFR, Trilateral Commission, attends Bilderberg Group meetings and is an advocate of World Government.

She's like the perfect woman.
I don't know why anyone should be scared of Hillary Clinton. She'll make a great president. And when she puts Julian Castro on the ticket as her running mate, she'll take Texas which will make it impossible for any Republican to have any chance at winning in the general election.

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She was rejected once nationally,by Dems,what makes you think she would make it this time around?

30 % chance she will run
15 % chance she is giving an acceptance speech at the convention.
If we in the GOP do not reach out sincerely to women, we should be scared of HRC.

Very true... I was thniking that the GOP would make some credible changes after November to address their shortcomings. But it has not happened. Instead we see an internal sruggle emerging between the Establishment GOP and the Tea Baggers. The results could result in even voters turning their back on the Repubs.
She was rejected once nationally,by Dems,what makes you think she would make it this time around?

30 % chance she will run
15 % chance she is giving an acceptance speech at the convention.

So how is the weather on Mars this time of the year?
Republicans do not have a candidate who can compete with her right now

If they try to run another moderate in Tea Bagger clothing they will lose big

They are scared. The Clintons are very popular. And in the democrat party popularity, not policies, get you elected. They are indeed the party of popular rule. Just look how Hillary made her way into government. Her credentials? Wife of a president. Just look at how many qualified people with a life time of service in international affairs got passed over for her to be Secretary of State. She is a popular woman, but that is all. And that should scare Republicans. Why? Because she has zero cred to sit in the oval office.
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No one is scared of Hillary.

It's quite likely that she won't want to deal with the obama mess, especially since she will still have obama stink all over her/
She was rejected once nationally,by Dems,what makes you think she would make it this time around?

30 % chance she will run
15 % chance she is giving an acceptance speech at the convention.

The only way she doesn't run is if her health is failing. Outside of that, it's about a 90% chance she wins the nomination.
She was rejected once nationally,by Dems,what makes you think she would make it this time around?

30 % chance she will run
15 % chance she is giving an acceptance speech at the convention.

So how is the weather on Mars this time of the year?

That's it ??

what make you think she has a lock on the nomination? bet you did last time also.

You guys will go with another smooth talking front man.
No one is scared of Hillary.

It's quite likely that she won't want to deal with the obama mess, especially since she will still have obama stink all over her/

The economy will be much stronger going into 2016. She's a virtual lock. There is almost nothing that can now be done to stop the economic boom that is beginning.
She was rejected once nationally,by Dems,what makes you think she would make it this time around?

30 % chance she will run
15 % chance she is giving an acceptance speech at the convention.

The only way she doesn't run is if her health is failing. Outside of that, it's about a 90% chance she wins the nomination.

90% ??

When was the last time the Dems let a proven loser run again??
Hillary? What difference does it make?


Exactly. We have already passes the point of no return, and Hillary could not be any worse than Obama. I hope our next President is NOT a Republican, because he/she will be blamed for the financial mess Obama has created.
She was rejected once nationally,by Dems,what makes you think she would make it this time around?

30 % chance she will run
15 % chance she is giving an acceptance speech at the convention.

The only way she doesn't run is if her health is failing. Outside of that, it's about a 90% chance she wins the nomination.

I doubt many Democrats would run against her. With her name recognition, positive polling and huge financial war chest she will be tough to beat

Given that Republicans will dust off their anti-Hillary talking points from 2008 it is unlikely she can be beaten
She was rejected once nationally,by Dems,what makes you think she would make it this time around?

30 % chance she will run
15 % chance she is giving an acceptance speech at the convention.

The only way she doesn't run is if her health is failing. Outside of that, it's about a 90% chance she wins the nomination.

I doubt many Democrats would run against her. With her name recognition, positive polling and huge financial war chest she will be tough to beat

Given that Republicans will dust off their anti-Hillary talking points from 2008 it is unlikely she can be beaten

You sound just like 2008 word for freaking word !!! and she didn't win did she?
The only way she doesn't run is if her health is failing. Outside of that, it's about a 90% chance she wins the nomination.

I doubt many Democrats would run against her. With her name recognition, positive polling and huge financial war chest she will be tough to beat

Given that Republicans will dust off their anti-Hillary talking points from 2008 it is unlikely she can be beaten

You sound just like 2008 word for freaking word !!! and she didn't win did she?

Her Iraq war vote killed her in 2008 and she never recovered from Obama hitting her on the issue
It will be old news in 2016

But I got a big one for you Republicans......Benghazi

Hang your anti_Hillary campaign on that one

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