Why the GOP is scared to death of Hillary...

Republicans do not have a candidate who can compete with her right now

If they try to run another moderate in Tea Bagger clothing they will lose big

The dem nominee will have 8 years of Obama fatigue. So I predict a GOP win. That being said.... the more you examine their candidates,the less impressive they are at this point
Republicans do not have a candidate who can compete with her right now

If they try to run another moderate in Tea Bagger clothing they will lose big

The dem nominee will have 8 years of Obama fatigue. So I predict a GOP win. That being said.... the more you examine their candidates,the less impressive they are at this point

what candidates?? the only candidate announcements are being made everyone but the candidates.
Why the GOP is scared to death of Hillary...


....big, bad John Wayne fans....

....absolutely DREAD the idea of gettin' their collective-ass KICKED by some woman!!!!


Which Republican's are you talking about? The entrenched Neo-Con's? The Tea Party? The non-radicalized "normal" Republican's? You can't just make a blanket statement about a party in transition and hope to make any sense.

Anyhow, the Neo-Con's are not afraid of her at all because the Clinton's ARE Neo-Con's under a Democratic moniker. Don't think so? Check out their policy record and compare it with the Bushes and Reagan. They're all pro-corporate toadies.

The Tea Partier's? That depends upon whether you're talking about the real, grass roots partiers, or the "official" partier's co-opted by the radical Koch brothers. They're not the same thing.

But, at the end of the day, Hillary is really no threat to anyone. She'll be 69 years old by the time the next election rolls around, which would make her the second oldest President we ever elected (just months younger than Ronald Reagan) and she would be running to capture the votes of an increasingly younger voting population.

Hillary's time has passed. She had her shot and lost it to the charismatic young Senator from Illinois who spoke to the generations which came after the Baby Boomer's. The next election will represent the passing of the Boomer generation even more so.
Republicans do not have a candidate who can compete with her right now

If they try to run another moderate in Tea Bagger clothing they will lose big

The dem nominee will have 8 years of Obama fatigue. So I predict a GOP win. That being said.... the more you examine their candidates,the less impressive they are at this point

what candidates?? the only candidate announcements are being made everyone but the candidates.

True, you don't know who is going to run until the time comes. Let me adjust it to say "potential" candidates.
Anyhow, the Neo-Con's are not afraid of her at all because the Clinton's ARE Neo-Con's under a Democratic moniker. Don't think so? Check out their policy record and compare it with the Bushes and Reagan. They're all pro-corporate toadies.

You don't know what a "neo-con" is, do you?

Tell me again how Democrats threw Hillary under the Bus for Obama in 2008... I just love hearing that story.

She was named Secretary of State in the deal.....some bus

It's called a consolation prize. Democrats still tossed her under the Bus in the primaries, which incidentally... Happened before she became Sec. of State.

First of all Obama still has over 3-1/2 years left in his term, so it's kind of early to lock anyone into the 2016 nomination right now. There are rising stars within the Democratic party, so even looking at it from that perspective she's not a lock to win the nomination.

Her health appears to be an issue as of late, so maybe you should be fearful for her.

She'll get 'swiftboated' with the Benghazi incident - that could hurt her if she were to win the nomination. The Secretary of State experience is good for the resume, but some people will try to trash her on that incident.

Still too early to hang your hat on anyone or predict victory.
Tell me again how Democrats threw Hillary under the Bus for Obama in 2008... I just love hearing that story.

She was named Secretary of State in the deal.....some bus

It's called a consolation prize. Democrats still tossed her under the Bus in the primaries, which incidentally... Happened before she became Sec. of State.

Getting beaten in the prmaries is not getting thrown under the bus

Getting a premium cabinet position is far from being under the bus
Tell me again how Democrats threw Hillary under the Bus for Obama in 2008... I just love hearing that story.

She was named Secretary of State in the deal.....some bus

It's called a consolation prize. Democrats still tossed her under the Bus in the primaries, which incidentally... Happened before she became Sec. of State.

Uh, the primary process you define as being "tossed under the Bus"?


This is what you define the democratic process: "tossed"?

No cred, Fred, for you today.

Tell me again how Democrats threw Hillary under the Bus for Obama in 2008... I just love hearing that story.

She was named Secretary of State in the deal.....some bus

so a deal was made?.....the better candidate steps down so they could appear to be politically correct and let the black guy in.....is that what your saying?.....:eusa_eh:
You lefties have it back assward as usual. Lefties including blog sites like the daily beast spend way too much time in a fantasy world probably fueled by illegal drugs. The more they talk to each other the more they convince themselves that conservatives should, really, really should be afraid of Hillary. The assumption is based on nothing but smoke and it's all a laughable pipe dream. Nobody is afraid of (WHAT DIFFERENCE DOES IT MAKE) Hillary and Conservatives want nothing more than the world class enabler for her sleaze bag husband to run for president.

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