Why the GOP is scared to death of Hillary...

Yeah right ......... PFFT ..........


Post a picture of yourself so we can compare.
Anyhow, the Neo-Con's are not afraid of her at all because the Clinton's ARE Neo-Con's under a Democratic moniker. Don't think so? Check out their policy record and compare it with the Bushes and Reagan. They're all pro-corporate toadies.

You don't know what a "neo-con" is, do you?

Yes. Do you? Tell me how the Clinton's are so much different from the Bushes.
She was named Secretary of State in the deal.....some bus

It's called a consolation prize. Democrats still tossed her under the Bus in the primaries, which incidentally... Happened before she became Sec. of State.

Getting beaten in the prmaries is not getting thrown under the bus

Getting a premium cabinet position is far from being under the bus

Quite so. I doubt that Hillary will run due to age and health concerns. She does have the experience as a Senator and Secretary of State that would serve her well as President if she does decide to run though. I doubt Biden runs for President either. He will be up there in age as well. VP is a fitting capstone for his political career. I think we will be seeing new blood in the Presidential races for both parties the next time around.
No one is scared of Hillary.

It's quite likely that she won't want to deal with the obama mess, especially since she will still have obama stink all over her/

The economy will be much stronger going into 2016. She's a virtual lock. There is almost nothing that can now be done to stop the economic boom that is beginning.

I don't think Hillary showed he best game against Obama. Both she and Bill were so happy to see a credible black nominee that she pulled punches. She will leave a charred body of anyone the GOP can put up against her. Christie is the best the GOP has right now, but most of the RW loons are against him for praising O during Sandy. So, it will probably be Rubio. Or even Jeb. Like we need another Bush to totally screw us up again.

If the economy is strong and Hillary runs, I think Christie will pass, as will Rubio. The GOP will end up with a very weak candidate.
Republicans do not have a candidate who can compete with her right now

If they try to run another moderate in Tea Bagger clothing they will lose big

The dem nominee will have 8 years of Obama fatigue. So I predict a GOP win. That being said.... the more you examine their candidates,the less impressive they are at this point

Normally I would agree that we would be due for a change and a Republican would be likely to win. The biggest thing going against that scenario is that the economy is likely to be much stronger by 2016, and Dems are going to get credit for it, even though it has more to do with normal economic cycles than anything else.
No one is scared of Hillary.

It's quite likely that she won't want to deal with the obama mess, especially since she will still have obama stink all over her/

The economy will be much stronger going into 2016. She's a virtual lock. There is almost nothing that can now be done to stop the economic boom that is beginning.

Unfortunately, the economy is going to continue to be stagnant in 2016. And she isnt lkely going to run.

How about we deal with our current problems before we decide who gets to create more problems anyway?
No one is scared of Hillary.

It's quite likely that she won't want to deal with the obama mess, especially since she will still have obama stink all over her/

The economy will be much stronger going into 2016. She's a virtual lock. There is almost nothing that can now be done to stop the economic boom that is beginning.

Unfortunately, the economy is going to continue to be stagnant in 2016. And she isnt lkely going to run.

How about we deal with our current problems before we decide who gets to create more problems anyway?

The economy is going to start growing at a steady pace over the next three years. By 2016 it will be ready to boom. You will see economists predicting massive growth. Maybe I'm just being overly optimistic, but knowing that over 70 million people hitting the age where they are going to be starting their own families with lots of kids, well to me that means an economic boom. Those people will begin buying homes and cars, and lots of them, and all kinds of other goods. Most of these people are still living at home with Mom and Dad, but they have to move out and go it on their own eventually. They're called the Milleniums, or Generation Y, and there are about 77 million of them. Besides this, we have American companies now sitting on close to $3 trillion that they are just waiting to put to use. It really is the perfect storm, in a good way.

They are scared. The Clintons are very popular. And in the democrat party popularity, not policies, get you elected. They are indeed the party of popular rule. Just look how Hillary made her way into government. Her credentials? Wife of a president. Just look at how many qualified people with a life time of service in international affairs got passed over for her to be Secretary of State. She is a popular woman, but that is all. And that should scare Republicans. Why? Because she has zero cred to sit in the oval office.

dear, HRC was one of the top 100 lawyers in America before Bill was elected to the WH.

She is competent, she is popular in her party, women like her more than not.

If she pairs with a popular Hispanic candidate, and if we in the GOP are still quarreling with the Tea Party instead of sincerely reaching out to women and minorities, my GOP will probably lose the 5th of 7 elections and the 6th of 7 popular votes.

Yeah, maybe you should run Mitt the fucktard again.

I really can't believe people are being this dumb and projecting winners for 2016. If Obama with Dems are still running a ground on the entire economy in 2015 it's gonna be a bitch to win shit. But with that, who even fucking knows who will be running in 2016 for Republicans, or if Hillary will even run. SHE LOST last time.

If things still suck in 2015 how do you energize your base after 8 years of failing to get anything good done. If your answer is put a vagina on stage after a black man then you know you're lost as a party.
The economy will be much stronger going into 2016. She's a virtual lock. There is almost nothing that can now be done to stop the economic boom that is beginning.

Unfortunately, the economy is going to continue to be stagnant in 2016. And she isnt lkely going to run.

How about we deal with our current problems before we decide who gets to create more problems anyway?

The economy is going to start growing at a steady pace over the next three years. By 2016 it will be ready to boom. You will see economists predicting massive growth. Maybe I'm just being overly optimistic, but knowing that over 70 million people hitting the age where they are going to be starting their own families with lots of kids, well to me that means an economic boom. Those people will begin buying homes and cars, and lots of them, and all kinds of other goods. Most of these people are still living at home with Mom and Dad, but they have to move out and go it on their own eventually. They're called the Milleniums, or Generation Y, and there are about 77 million of them. Besides this, we have American companies now sitting on close to $3 trillion that they are just waiting to put to use. It really is the perfect storm, in a good way.

Every month you Bots claim the economy will start growing, despite the fact that it's impossible considering we still lose more jobs every single month than we gain, by the hundreds of thousands. Less money, less discretionary money... Moooore debt, and that college bubble has been busting if you haven't noticed. 40k in debt with no job, awesome.

Seriously I can pull up the threads going 2+ years back where you all claim the economy is right on the verge of EPIC GROWTH!!!! It's retarded.... considering every peice of data shows the economy is turning to pure Government injected shit. What would the markets be without 40 billion a month, Oh I know, recovering.
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No one is scared of Hillary.

It's quite likely that she won't want to deal with the obama mess, especially since she will still have obama stink all over her/

The economy will be much stronger going into 2016. She's a virtual lock. There is almost nothing that can now be done to stop the economic boom that is beginning.

Unfortunately, the economy is going to continue to be stagnant in 2016. And she isnt lkely going to run.

How about we deal with our current problems before we decide who gets to create more problems anyway?
Republicans do not have a candidate who can compete with her right now

If they try to run another moderate in Tea Bagger clothing they will lose big

The dem nominee will have 8 years of Obama fatigue. So I predict a GOP win. That being said.... the more you examine their candidates,the less impressive they are at this point

Normally I would agree that we would be due for a change and a Republican would be likely to win. The biggest thing going against that scenario is that the economy is likely to be much stronger by 2016, and Dems are going to get credit for it, even though it has more to do with normal economic cycles than anything else.

I doubt it will matter; in 2000, the voters walked away from 8 years of peace and prosperity. Still, the Gore fiasco shows us what happens when the Party nominates a candidate that has limited capabilities as a campaigner.

What limits your campaign capabilities? It can be a number of things; how you behaving in the previous four years with your constituents, poor strategy during the campaign and just plain bad luck.

Hillary, after serving four years under Obama, is going to have a lot to explain...not so much because of failures or successes but what she would have done differently. All who run as former officers of the previous administration face this hurdle. So they come off as being weak because they didn't suggest it during the previous four years (or in Ms. Clinton's case 08-12). An outsider doesn't have this hurdle going in.

I still think that the dems should nominate someone other than Biden of Ms. Clinton but if I were going to bet on it, I'd bet on one of those two getting the nomination.

I sometimes wonder if Chris Christie would consider running as a Democrat.

I'm not so sure.

Here's the thing about Hillary. And not just Hillary but women politicians in general.

If Hillary had a dick, we'd admire her as a tough, no-nonsense politician who can get things done.

But because she's a woman, men tend to be threatened by her and women can be catty.

Not even a partisan thing. Whether it be Hillary or Sarah Palin, we spend a lot of time talking about their clothes, makeup and hair, which we sould NEVER do with a male politician.

I think Hillary did gain a lot of credit as Secretary of State, but that's in part to the non-partisan nature of that role.

For myself... If it was 6 years ago, Jeb Bush vs. Hillary, I'd have probably voted for Jeb.

Now... probably more inclined to vote for Hillary, with some reservations.

Some of the worst political decisions made by her husband were at her instigation. HillaryCare, not settling with Paula Jones when she was only asking a quarter million.

They are scared. The Clintons are very popular. And in the democrat party popularity, not policies, get you elected. They are indeed the party of popular rule. Just look how Hillary made her way into government. Her credentials? Wife of a president. Just look at how many qualified people with a life time of service in international affairs got passed over for her to be Secretary of State. She is a popular woman, but that is all. And that should scare Republicans. Why? Because she has zero cred to sit in the oval office.

Yup and who says she will even run??

2008 was her year and the Dems threw her under the bus for a half black candidate who had no more business sitting in the oval office than Hillary does.
As Republicans gear up to run against Hillary 2016 they dust off their anti-Hillary agenda from 2008. They fail to realize that Hillary is not the same candidate she was in 2008. Her Iraq war vote cost her the presidency in 2008 but will not be an issue in 2016.

So what do republicans have?

- Benghazi and trying to equate four dead to the three thousand killed on 9-11
- Their anti-Clinton propaganda and blow job jokes
- Hillary is old and ugly

Doesn't exactly bode well for the GOP in 2016
As Republicans gear up to run against Hillary 2016 they dust off their anti-Hillary agenda from 2008. They fail to realize that Hillary is not the same candidate she was in 2008. Her Iraq war vote cost her the presidency in 2008 but will not be an issue in 2016.

So what do republicans have?

- Benghazi and trying to equate four dead to the three thousand killed on 9-11
- Their anti-Clinton propaganda and blow job jokes
- Hillary is old and ugly

Doesn't exactly bode well for the GOP in 2016

Hillary seemed to think Benghazi was a problem. A problem so serious she had to fake a concussion to get out of testifying before congress. Eventually, when she finally showed up she felt she could use her condition as a crutch. It was a pathetic display, and you dip-shits want her to be president.

Makes me want to bitch-slap every one of you dumpasses.

Hillary seemed to think Benghazi was a problem. A problem so serious she had to fake a concussion to get out of testifying before congress. Eventually, when she finally showed up she felt she could use her condition as a crutch. It was a pathetic display, and you dip-shits want her to be president.

Makes me want to bitch-slap every one of you dumpasses.

Actually, the only ones who came off as "dumbasses" on Benghazi were the Repbulicans. Mitt Romney got slapped down the day it happened when he tried to exploit it, and you guys have gotten slapped down every attempt since.

Hillary spanked the Senators, and it was sad to watch.
Hillary? What difference does it make?


Exactly. We have already passes the point of no return, and Hillary could not be any worse than Obama. I hope our next President is NOT a Republican, because he/she will be blamed for the financial mess Obama has created.

LOL. You guys created 2008. President Obama spent his first four years repairing, as much as possible, the damage you did. Now the economy is on an upswing, in spite of all of your efforts, continued efforts, to destroy it. And President Obama and the Democrats will get the credit for it, for the GOP has done nothing but act as a roadblock to all efforts to rebuild our economy.

Look at just one issue in the economy. The GOP wanted to go the austerity route, and Europe did exactly that. Now we are in the beginnings of a strong recovery, and they are still in recession and economic crisis. Had we followed the path the GOP was pushing, we would be as bad off, or possibly in worst shape, than Europe.

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