Why the GOP is scared to death of Hillary...

They are scared. The Clintons are very popular. And in the democrat party popularity, not policies, get you elected. They are indeed the party of popular rule. Just look how Hillary made her way into government. Her credentials? Wife of a president. Just look at how many qualified people with a life time of service in international affairs got passed over for her to be Secretary of State. She is a popular woman, but that is all. And that should scare Republicans. Why? Because she has zero cred to sit in the oval office.

Yup and who says she will even run??

2008 was her year and the Dems threw her under the bus for a half black candidate who had no more business sitting in the oval office than Hillary does.

LOL. Your opinion. The rest of America elected President Obama twice. :razz:
Does anyone actually bother to ask republicans if they are afraid of Hillary?

Nah, just state it as a fact and move on.


Hillary seemed to think Benghazi was a problem. A problem so serious she had to fake a concussion to get out of testifying before congress. Eventually, when she finally showed up she felt she could use her condition as a crutch. It was a pathetic display, and you dip-shits want her to be president.

Makes me want to bitch-slap every one of you dumpasses.

Actually, the only ones who came off as "dumbasses" on Benghazi were the Repbulicans. Mitt Romney got slapped down the day it happened when he tried to exploit it, and you guys have gotten slapped down every attempt since.

Hillary spanked the Senators, and it was sad to watch.

Hillary didn't spank anyone.

She showed us why she faked that concussion. It was a delay tactic that she practically admitted to when she pounded on her table screaming "What difference does it make now??"

Well, considering the fact that the Administration floated a phony excuse about a video, won't allow the survivors to testify, and Hillary was out of the country so she couldn't be reached when the story Obama used turned out to be false, yes God Dammit. It does make a difference. It's obvious Hillary dropped the ball, shirked her responsiblies and attempted to use a concussion as a crutch during her testimony, I think she was getting slapped around and she showed everyone just how arrogant she was. How dare they question the great Hillary. Don't you know she used to be the First Lady God Dammit. Stop asking fucken questions or prepare to face her fury.
Pubs are not at all afraid of Hillary, or at least the wiser ones.

However, we in the mainstream recognize she can be a formidable opponent.
Does anyone actually bother to ask republicans if they are afraid of Hillary?

Nah, just state it as a fact and move on.


Republicans were not afraid of Obama either

Their polls told them so

And now the polls are telling them to be afraid of Hillary.

Ho hum.

Come on, she couldn't beat the junior senator from Illinois for the nomination.

Polls this early mean nothing.
Actually, the only ones who came off as "dumbasses" on Benghazi were the Repbulicans. Mitt Romney got slapped down the day it happened when he tried to exploit it, and you guys have gotten slapped down every attempt since.

Hillary spanked the Senators, and it was sad to watch.

Ah, you mean she huffed and puffed and blew Wolf Blitzer down.

Opposition candidates are made of sterner stuff.
They are scared. The Clintons are very popular. And in the democrat party popularity, not policies, get you elected. They are indeed the party of popular rule. Just look how Hillary made her way into government. Her credentials? Wife of a president. Just look at how many qualified people with a life time of service in international affairs got passed over for her to be Secretary of State. She is a popular woman, but that is all. And that should scare Republicans. Why? Because she has zero cred to sit in the oval office.

Yup and who says she will even run??

2008 was her year and the Dems threw her under the bus for a half black candidate who had no more business sitting in the oval office than Hillary does.

LOL. Your opinion. The rest of America elected President Obama twice. :razz:

Besides the fact he had to hide behind Executive Privilege to avoid implication in Fast & Furious, he had to bury the truth about Benghazi, he had to exclude California from his last two UE3 reports to get below 8%, he had to hide behind his media on every issue including the Bin Laden raid, and to top it off he waited till after the election to start his push against guns even though a Colorado theater shooting gave him ample cause in July, I figure he had to give half of America a false impression of himself just to get 4 more years. This nothing to crow about you fucken idiot. I guess winning overrules being good at one's job with you.
Sounds like BHO has become as skillful as was Bush.

Mud, let's work for a great candidate for our Pubs this time.
One of the Dem Intellectuals like Ashley Judd or Al Franken will get the nomination, maybe even PDitty

A made for TV movie about a lost dog could make Boehner cry.

The GOP is not deathly afraid of Shrillary.

But after what will be 8 years of the ruination of America by the Obama Administration, which is a disaster from which it is possibly already too late to recover, the prospect of another 4 to 8 years of rancid liberalism is pretty disturbing.
No one is scared of Hillary.

It's quite likely that she won't want to deal with the obama mess, especially since she will still have obama stink all over her/

The economy will be much stronger going into 2016. She's a virtual lock. There is almost nothing that can now be done to stop the economic boom that is beginning.

Private sector hiring is down and retailer shares fall on weak consumer confidence last week. Better not engage in chicken counting yet.
Does anyone actually bother to ask republicans if they are afraid of Hillary?

Nah, just state it as a fact and move on.


Republicans were not afraid of Obama either

Their polls told them so

And now the polls are telling them to be afraid of Hillary.

Ho hum.

Come on, she couldn't beat the junior senator from Illinois for the nomination.

Polls this early mean nothing.

Obama came in like a tidal wave in 2008. Hillary was the first victim. There was too much in Obamas favor to stop his campaign especially a McCain/Palin ticket

Republicans fall back on the "polls don't matter until they show us ahead"
Hillary has said she isn't interested and it's because of her age.

As for qualified, she is more qualified than anyone the Republicans have now.
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Sounds like BHO has become as skillful as was Bush.

Mud, let's work for a great candidate for our Pubs this time.

The best candidate Democrats have had since JFK was Clinton and he was a pervert.

I don't see why you can be so smug about that. Any Butt-Reaming Shit-For-Brains Democrat could get elected and that's a scary thought.
What smugness, chum?

We Pubs need somebody far better than what the field has provided us the last two times.

Let's get Rubio, Christie, Jindal, Martinez, and so forth into it. Some say Rubio is TP, but he is playing them, just like Perry plays the social traditionalists. But Rubio is far more gifted.

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