Why the GOP is scared to death of Hillary...

Look at you be pitiful, mudshit. :lol

Then it is up to us that the Pub controlled media counters the Dem propaganda machine.

Quit yer whinin, troop.
I've got a better idea........why don't you put your thumb up your butt.

You still upset at accepting we got beat last fall, in good part, because of fucked up attitudes like yours that can't accept that culture and demographics are changing?

'wah' all you want, troop, but you can't stop it.

Why bother with the guy? The painful truth is that if the gop embraced keeping the govt out of bedrooms and immigration, and got back to an econ platform of using govt and taxes to make markets transparent and make sure the vast majority can be in markets ... we conservatives wouldn't be looking at another ten years of dem potus's and probably the loss of both Houses and the supreme court to a 1972 level.
Fakey is a liberal Democratic. And everybody knows it.

And Hillary Meilyr liars on. (Hillary: hint ~ liar on. :lol)

But do accept the facts that (1) we are going to nominate a Pub candidate that has nothing owed to the reactionary right and (2) we are not going to allow the reactionaries' lies and hatred from your gang cost us the election.

It has been done before in the other party, when Harry Truman had to fight off the assholes on the right and left in his party, and he won.

1. Harry Truman was a Democrat comparison

2. Unseating a sitting President is more difficult than beating a challenger that never held the office. not impossible

3. You can't speak for the GOP because nothing you say is part of their platform. nothing but the rage of the impotent reactionary right

So STFU you lying POS.

My answers above.
And of course, the more it claims that "we" are going to do anything when talking about what the Republican Party is going to do, the more laughably strained it comes across

The "we" mentioned above is much more applicable to raging of the reactionary right.

Take a Hillary Meilyr fly, put him in a bottle, and he would sound as buzzy and silly as a reactionary fuming and fussing. :lol:
Look at you be pitiful, mudshit. :lol

Then it is up to us that the Pub controlled media counters the Dem propaganda machine.

Quit yer whinin, troop.
I've got a better idea........why don't you put your thumb up your butt.

You still upset at accepting we got beat last fall, in good part, because of fucked up attitudes like yours that can't accept that culture and demographics are changing?

'wah' all you want, troop, but you can't stop it.
Why do you continue with this charade?

You use the same bogus talking points all the liberals use.

Wanna know what the demographic has shifted to? Blacks that feel any butt-reaming know nothing Democrat is better than any Republican, women that want free BC and are afraid of a White bogeyman who wants to put them back in the kitchen, college kids that think they know everything but can't tell you who Nancy Pelosi is, and Mexicans who bought the Dems' bullshit. And then there's dickheads like you that say they're Republicans but they sound like Libertarians which is just a more sane version of a Democrap.......but not by much.
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I've got a better idea........why don't you put your thumb up your butt.

You still upset at accepting we got beat last fall, in good part, because of fucked up attitudes like yours that can't accept that culture and demographics are changing?

'wah' all you want, troop, but you can't stop it.
Why do you continue with this charade?

You use the same bogus talking points all the liberals use.

Wanna know what the demographic has shifted to? Blacks that feel any butt-reaming know nothing Democrat is better than any Republican, women that want free BC and are afraid of a White bogeyman who wants to put them back in the kitchen, college kids that think they know everything but can't tell you who Nancy Pelosi is, and Mexicans who bought the Dems' bullshit. And then there's dickheads like you that say they're Republicans but they sound like Libertarians which is just a more sane version of a Democrap.......but not by much.

I use the same points as Christie, as Rove, as Will, as Jindal, as Martinez, as O'Reilly as all same moderate and conservative GOP.

We are not going to let the reactionary fuckhead bullshit get us defeated again.
She was rejected once nationally,by Dems,what makes you think she would make it this time around?

30 % chance she will run
15 % chance she is giving an acceptance speech at the convention.
I don't think any democratic could have taken the nomination away from Obama in 2008. He was a hell of a campaigner and he could connect with an audience better that any candidate I have seen in many years.

Hillary would make the best president we have had in this century. She certainly has the experience and I think she could work much better with Republicans than Obama.
You still upset at accepting we got beat last fall, in good part, because of fucked up attitudes like yours that can't accept that culture and demographics are changing?

'wah' all you want, troop, but you can't stop it.
Why do you continue with this charade?

You use the same bogus talking points all the liberals use.

Wanna know what the demographic has shifted to? Blacks that feel any butt-reaming know nothing Democrat is better than any Republican, women that want free BC and are afraid of a White bogeyman who wants to put them back in the kitchen, college kids that think they know everything but can't tell you who Nancy Pelosi is, and Mexicans who bought the Dems' bullshit. And then there's dickheads like you that say they're Republicans but they sound like Libertarians which is just a more sane version of a Democrap.......but not by much.

I use the same points as Christie, as Rove, as Will, as Jindal, as Martinez, as O'Reilly as all same moderate and conservative GOP.

We are not going to let the reactionary fuckhead bullshit get us defeated again.


Fakey never fails to try. He never succeeds, of course. But he is willing to repeat himself. Endlessly. Fakey is forever unpersuasive.

And Hillary Meilyr liars on. (Hillary: hint ~ liar on. :lol)

But do accept the facts that (1) we are going to nominate a Pub candidate that has nothing owed to the reactionary right and (2) we are not going to allow the reactionaries' lies and hatred from your gang cost us the election.

It has been done before in the other party, when Harry Truman had to fight off the assholes on the right and left in his party, and he won.

1. Harry Truman was a Democrat comparison

2. Unseating a sitting President is more difficult than beating a challenger that never held the office. not impossible

3. You can't speak for the GOP because nothing you say is part of their platform. nothing but the rage of the impotent reactionary right

So STFU you lying POS.

My answers above.

It is against forum rules to edit quotes.

Learn how to respond properly.
No one is scared of Hillary.

It's quite likely that she won't want to deal with the obama mess, especially since she will still have obama stink all over her/

The economy will be much stronger going into 2016. She's a virtual lock. There is almost nothing that can now be done to stop the economic boom that is beginning.

How will the Republucans try to take credit for the boom? How will they discredit Hillary and the Democrats.
Obama came in like a tidal wave in 2008. Hillary was the first victim. There was too much in Obamas favor to stop his campaign especially a McCain/Palin ticket

Republicans fall back on the "polls don't matter until they show us ahead"

he came in like a tidal wave?.....must have been a small one.....many Democrats where i am at thought Hillary was going to get the nod....

Everybody did.

Obama was considered an up and comer who would someday be President, but not in 2008. The Obama 2008 Presidential campaign was to be a chance to get him visibility and campaign experience but the consensus was that Hillary would get the nomination

But the Obama campaign caught fire. He hit Hillary hard on her Iraq vote while playing tapes of himself advising against the invasion. Hillary fought a good campaign and came close but never overcame that initial Obama surge in support.

so i was right.....it was a small wave....
She was rejected once nationally,by Dems,what makes you think she would make it this time around?

30 % chance she will run
15 % chance she is giving an acceptance speech at the convention.

The only way she doesn't run is if her health is failing. Outside of that, it's about a 90% chance she wins the nomination.

I doubt many Democrats would run against her. With her name recognition, positive polling and huge financial war chest she will be tough to beat

Given that Republicans will dust off their anti-Hillary talking points from 2008 it is unlikely she can be beaten

Some young Democrats would run against her so that their name is out there.
If obama's fuck ups reach their conclusion and by the time 2016 comes around we are at war with Iran and North Korea, how likely is it that Hillary will want to inherit his mess?

By "Obama's fuck-ups" do you mean the stock market reaching record highs, the resurgence in the housing market, and the continuing decline in the unemployment statistics?

Obama hasn't indicated that he has any intention of invading Iraq, and the North Koreans are a joke.

why should he?......its already been done.....:eusa_eh:
She was rejected once nationally,by Dems,what makes you think she would make it this time around?

30 % chance she will run
15 % chance she is giving an acceptance speech at the convention.
I don't think any democratic could have taken the nomination away from Obama in 2008. He was a hell of a campaigner and he could connect with an audience better that any candidate I have seen in many years.

Hillary would make the best president we have had in this century. She certainly has the experience and I think she could work much better with Republicans than Obama.
Hillary, best president in a century, concussion notwithstanding?

And Obama has conteol of the media along with hundreds of thousands of volunteers helping him cheat in every battleground state. He stole the nomonation from under Hillary.
She was rejected once nationally,by Dems,what makes you think she would make it this time around?

30 % chance she will run
15 % chance she is giving an acceptance speech at the convention.
I don't think any democratic could have taken the nomination away from Obama in 2008. He was a hell of a campaigner and he could connect with an audience better that any candidate I have seen in many years.

Hillary would make the best president we have had in this century. She certainly has the experience and I think she could work much better with Republicans than Obama.
Hillary, best president in a century, concussion notwithstanding?

And Obama has conteol of the media along with hundreds of thousands of volunteers helping him cheat in every battleground state. He stole the nomonation from under Hillary.
You misread the statement.
"Hillary would make the best president we have had in this century."
When you reword my statements, they are no longer mine but yours.
he came in like a tidal wave?.....must have been a small one.....many Democrats where i am at thought Hillary was going to get the nod....

Everybody did.

Obama was considered an up and comer who would someday be President, but not in 2008. The Obama 2008 Presidential campaign was to be a chance to get him visibility and campaign experience but the consensus was that Hillary would get the nomination

But the Obama campaign caught fire. He hit Hillary hard on her Iraq vote while playing tapes of himself advising against the invasion. Hillary fought a good campaign and came close but never overcame that initial Obama surge in support.

so i was right.....it was a small wave....

The wave took him from relative obscurity to President of the United States

Quite a wave
Why do liberals take pride in the "successful" campaign of the ineffectual lightweight empty suit, Obama?

Yes. He won. But in the process, we've all lost.
Why do liberals take pride in the "successful" campaign of the ineffectual lightweight empty suit, Obama?

Yes. He won. But in the process, we've all lost.

You've never been clear, as to state how and what we've all lost. Lightweight, empty suit????? LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL. You wish.
Why do liberals take pride in the "successful" campaign of the ineffectual lightweight empty suit, Obama?

Yes. He won. But in the process, we've all lost.

You've never been clear, as to state how and what we've all lost. Lightweight, empty suit????? LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL. You wish.

ah poet, you are neither good with poetry nor with prose. And certainly not with logic or observation.

We have lost more than you blind ignorant foolish liberal sheep can fathom.

He is indeed a lightweight. And of course, it's clear that he's an empty suit.

It takes a special kind of liberal stupidity to deny it. And there you are. :thup:

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