Why the GOP is scared to death of Hillary...

Why do liberals take pride in the "successful" campaign of the ineffectual lightweight empty suit, Obama?

Yes. He won. But in the process, we've all lost.

You've never been clear, as to state how and what we've all lost. Lightweight, empty suit????? LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL. You wish.

ah poet, you are neither good with poetry nor with prose. And certainly not with logic or observation.

We have lost more than you blind ignorant foolish liberal sheep can fathom.

He is indeed a lightweight. And of course, it's clear that he's an empty suit.

It takes a special kind of liberal stupidity to deny it. And there you are. :thup:

And that's your explanation, or facsimile thereof????????????? LMAO. Well, I dare say, we don't have anything to worry about when it comes to pitting your grey matter to mine.
And you've never seen a sampling of my poetry, so your characterization is meaningless...but don't let that stop you.
The only thing lost is your presumption of "white privilege" and world dominance. Get to back of the bus until otherwise instructed.
Liberal stupidity????? Liberal stupidity? Try this on: Conservatism: The Politics Of Ignorance and Self-Interest
1. Harry Truman was a Democrat comparison

2. Unseating a sitting President is more difficult than beating a challenger that never held the office. not impossible

3. You can't speak for the GOP because nothing you say is part of their platform. nothing but the rage of the impotent reactionary right

So STFU you lying POS.

My answers above.

It is against forum rules to edit quotes.

Learn how to respond properly.

I did not edit your words, mud. I answered them in bold without editing your remarks.
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Why do liberals take pride in the "successful" campaign of the ineffectual lightweight empty suit, Obama?

Yes. He won. But in the process, we've all lost.

You've never been clear, as to state how and what we've all lost. Lightweight, empty suit????? LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL. You wish.

ah poet, you are neither good with poetry nor with prose. And certainly not with logic or observation.

We have lost more than you blind ignorant foolish liberal sheep can fathom.

He is indeed a lightweight. And of course, it's clear that he's an empty suit.

It takes a special kind of liberal stupidity to deny it. And there you are. :thup:

I don't care for him, but he's not a lightweight. He made hard decisions on bailing out the carmakers and Osama (Not obama), which had he guessed wrong would have doomed him. He enacted national healthcare, the liberal dream of the 20th century. It's flawed, but he'll leave it for successors to fix ... but it's there.

It's a question as to whether he can work congress. Arguably, the gop as it now exists simply cannot accept any compromise that is more than a tactical retreat, as opposed to intending to move the country forward on common ground. But, he did little in the Senate.

imo, his bottom line is that he's content to let the issues come to him. The gop has shown it's simply unable to accomodate the social liberalism necessary to capture the emerging HUGE generation Y vote, and the Xers show little enthusiasm for the bible bangers either. His legacy is the end of reaganism. I don't mind that. But, he seems also to be enamoured with ushering in a new bigger better government. I don't like that, but the gop is busily conceeding the arena to him.
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We shall see. I do hope she does, and look forward to watching her and plugs have at it in the primary.
Hillary is as bad ass as is Christie.

The two of them going at it would rejuvenate the country, strengthen the mainstream, and marginalize and dismiss the lefties and the reactionaries.
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The Dem controlled media will turn any decent GOP candidate into a racist rich Bible-thumping incompetent. Doesn't matter who it is. They could turn Jesus fucken Christ into a evil white guy who hates women, children, blacks, undocumented Democrats, or cute little puppies.

It wasn't the Democrats who put out the video "When Mitt Romney Came To Town". The Republican candidates did such a dandy job of discrediting one another, there was very little left for the Democrats to do. Any hope of Romney recovering from what Gingerich, Perry and Santorum did to him was obliterated with his 47% comment.

For the record, Jesus Christ wasn't a white man. He was a semetic Jew which means his skin was likely light brown with black curly hair. I know that Europeans have been picturing him as a white guy forever, but those representations have no basis in reality.
What policy did he sign that is helping the rich folks on Wallstreet pocket all of that cash? Are you gonna blame him when the market crashes?

He stopped the freefall of the economy and he helped restore confidence in the US so that investors are willing to put money back into the markets.

Republicans were quick to blame him for higher gas prices - an area of the economy that he has no sway over whatsoever.

Hillary didn't spank anyone.

She showed us why she faked that concussion. It was a delay tactic that she practically admitted to when she pounded on her table screaming "What difference does it make now??"

Well, considering the fact that the Administration floated a phony excuse about a video, won't allow the survivors to testify, and Hillary was out of the country so she couldn't be reached when the story Obama used turned out to be false, yes God Dammit. It does make a difference. It's obvious Hillary dropped the ball, shirked her responsiblies and attempted to use a concussion as a crutch during her testimony, I think she was getting slapped around and she showed everyone just how arrogant she was. How dare they question the great Hillary. Don't you know she used to be the First Lady God Dammit. Stop asking fucken questions or prepare to face her fury.

The only people who got slapped around were Old Man McCain and LIndsey Grahmn...

Seriously, the problem is, trying to make hay out of a tragedy is the lowest of the low in politics, which is why people usually avoid it.
Don't be a retard Jakeshit.

The Dem controlled media will turn any decent GOP candidate into a racist rich Bible-thumping incompetent. Doesn't matter who it is. They could turn Jesus fucken Christ into a evil white guy who hates women, children, blacks, undocumented Democrats, or cute little puppies.

Look at you be pitiful, mudshit. :lol

Then it is up to us that the Pub controlled media counters the Dem propaganda machine.

Quit yer whinin, troop.
I've got a better idea........why don't you put your thumb up your butt.

He would have to extract his head first.
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Then I can count on you "mainstream" reactionaries to support Christie as I will. Good for you.
You still upset at accepting we got beat last fall, in good part, because of fucked up attitudes like yours that can't accept that culture and demographics are changing?

'wah' all you want, troop, but you can't stop it.
Why do you continue with this charade?

You use the same bogus talking points all the liberals use.

Wanna know what the demographic has shifted to? Blacks that feel any butt-reaming know nothing Democrat is better than any Republican, women that want free BC and are afraid of a White bogeyman who wants to put them back in the kitchen, college kids that think they know everything but can't tell you who Nancy Pelosi is, and Mexicans who bought the Dems' bullshit. And then there's dickheads like you that say they're Republicans but they sound like Libertarians which is just a more sane version of a Democrap.......but not by much.

I use the same points as Christie, as Rove, as Will, as Jindal, as Martinez, as O'Reilly as all same moderate and conservative GOP.

We are not going to let the reactionary fuckhead bullshit get us defeated again.

The GOP got defeated by the media, and putting a moderate in the running.

Romney was the last man standing after the media machine ground up all the other candidates, because they knew Romney would fail.

Santorum, Gingrich and especially Herman Cain would have made a complete fool of the moonbat messiah during all the debates. Candy Crowley wouldn't have saved the moonbat messiah's ass by parroting a lie.

The GOP better get it's shit in gear and nominate a decent conservative.

Rand Paul could crush any democrook in a head to head debate, even with democrook moderators. I just hope the GOP doesn't allow the bed wetters to dictate the terms of the debates again.
Why do you continue with this charade?

You use the same bogus talking points all the liberals use.

Wanna know what the demographic has shifted to? Blacks that feel any butt-reaming know nothing Democrat is better than any Republican, women that want free BC and are afraid of a White bogeyman who wants to put them back in the kitchen, college kids that think they know everything but can't tell you who Nancy Pelosi is, and Mexicans who bought the Dems' bullshit. And then there's dickheads like you that say they're Republicans but they sound like Libertarians which is just a more sane version of a Democrap.......but not by much.

I use the same points as Christie, as Rove, as Will, as Jindal, as Martinez, as O'Reilly as all same moderate and conservative GOP.

We are not going to let the reactionary fuckhead bullshit get us defeated again.

The GOP got defeated by the media, and putting a moderate in the running.

Romney was the last man standing after the media machine ground up all the other candidates, because they knew Romney would fail.

Santorum, Gingrich and especially Herman Cain would have made a complete fool of the moonbat messiah during all the debates. Candy Crowley wouldn't have saved the moonbat messiah's ass by parroting a lie.

The GOP better get it's shit in gear and nominate a decent conservative.

Rand Paul could crush any democrook in a head to head debate, even with democrook moderators. I just hope the GOP doesn't allow the bed wetters to dictate the terms of the debates again.

The GOP got defeated by placing Romney a mirror image of obama on the ticket.
I don't think any democratic could have taken the nomination away from Obama in 2008. He was a hell of a campaigner and he could connect with an audience better that any candidate I have seen in many years.

Hillary would make the best president we have had in this century. She certainly has the experience and I think she could work much better with Republicans than Obama.
Hillary, best president in a century, concussion notwithstanding?

And Obama has conteol of the media along with hundreds of thousands of volunteers helping him cheat in every battleground state. He stole the nomonation from under Hillary.
You misread the statement.
"Hillary would make the best president we have had in this century."
When you reword my statements, they are no longer mine but yours.

You're actually right, but a house plant could be the best POTUS we've had this century.
The GOP was defeated, in good part, by far right reactionary and libertarian hatred. If we followed the advice of people like littledebbie, we would have lost by 15%.

The far right ground up Romney in the primaries, which only fed our political opponent, BHO.

BHO would have ground up SGC like sausage: anybody who thinks differently better go back and look at what Obama did to Trump at the dinner.

Christie or Jindal or Martinez or some solid mainstream Republican can win. The far right moonbats can't. I like Rubio because he is pulling on Tea Party wang but has no intention of pleasuring it in the long run. Give him a chance and he will abandon the TPM in a heartbeat.

Paul would get 25% of the vote if that, then die of an heart attack at the amount of the vote.

The GOP will not let the reactionary bed wetters dictate anything this time. The crazy far right's time is over, thank heavens..
The GOP was defeated, in good part, by far right reactionary and libertarian hatred. If we followed the advice of people like littledebbie, we would have lost by 15%.

The far right ground up Romney in the primaries, which only fed our political opponent, BHO.

BHO would have ground up SGC like sausage: anybody who thinks differently better go back and look at what Obama did to Trump at the dinner.

Christie or Jindal or Martinez or some solid mainstream Republican can win. The far right moonbats can't. I like Rubio because he is pulling on Tea Party wang but has no intention of pleasuring it in the long run. Give him a chance and he will abandon the TPM in a heartbeat.

Paul would get 25% of the vote if that, then die of an heart attack at the amount of the vote.

The GOP will not let the reactionary bed wetters dictate anything this time. The crazy far right's time is over, thank heavens..

completely wrong but at least you consistent

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