Why the GOP is scared to death of Hillary...

Why do you continue with this charade?

You use the same bogus talking points all the liberals use.

Wanna know what the demographic has shifted to? Blacks that feel any butt-reaming know nothing Democrat is better than any Republican, women that want free BC and are afraid of a White bogeyman who wants to put them back in the kitchen, college kids that think they know everything but can't tell you who Nancy Pelosi is, and Mexicans who bought the Dems' bullshit. And then there's dickheads like you that say they're Republicans but they sound like Libertarians which is just a more sane version of a Democrap.......but not by much.

I use the same points as Christie, as Rove, as Will, as Jindal, as Martinez, as O'Reilly as all same moderate and conservative GOP.

We are not going to let the reactionary fuckhead bullshit get us defeated again.

The GOP got defeated by the media, and putting a moderate in the running.

Romney was the last man standing after the media machine ground up all the other candidates, because they knew Romney would fail.

Santorum, Gingrich and especially Herman Cain would have made a complete fool of the moonbat messiah during all the debates. Candy Crowley wouldn't have saved the moonbat messiah's ass by parroting a lie.

The GOP better get it's shit in gear and nominate a decent conservative.

Rand Paul could crush any democrook in a head to head debate, even with democrook moderators. I just hope the GOP doesn't allow the bed wetters to dictate the terms of the debates again.

The GOP "woe is me" act is wearing thin.
The GOP was defeated, in good part, by far right reactionary and libertarian hatred. If we followed the advice of people like littledebbie, we would have lost by 15%.

The far right ground up Romney in the primaries, which only fed our political opponent, BHO.

BHO would have ground up SGC like sausage: anybody who thinks differently better go back and look at what Obama did to Trump at the dinner.

Christie or Jindal or Martinez or some solid mainstream Republican can win. The far right moonbats can't. I like Rubio because he is pulling on Tea Party wang but has no intention of pleasuring it in the long run. Give him a chance and he will abandon the TPM in a heartbeat.

Paul would get 25% of the vote if that, then die of an heart attack at the amount of the vote.

The GOP will not let the reactionary bed wetters dictate anything this time. The crazy far right's time is over, thank heavens..

Jake, still unwilling to admit the GOP's biggest problem in 2012 was Romney himself.

Romney was the problem, not what the GOP was saying.

Romney finally put Plutocracy on the ballot and it lost.
JoeB, a lefty atheist of little moral character, I am not concerned with your take on matters.
We need to get rid of the Republican "Moderates" (aka:Democrats)
No, what is needed is moderates on both sides that can work together for the good of the nations. The last thing we need is right wing reactionaries and left wing dreamers. As Lincoln said a house divided can not sand. It's one thing to have differing political positions. It's another thing to stick with those position regardless of the consequences to the nation.
JoeB, a lefty atheist of little moral character, I am not concerned with your take on matters.

Translation, still refusing to own Romney.

Come on, guy, you went UP AND DOWN insisting Romney was the ONLY one who could beat Obama.

And Obama kicked his magic-underwear clad ass up and down the country.

Can you man up and admit it was a big fuckup?
JoeB, a lefty atheist of little moral character, I am not concerned with your take on matters.

Translation, still refusing to own Romney.

Come on, guy, you went UP AND DOWN insisting Romney was the ONLY one who could beat Obama.

And Obama kicked his magic-underwear clad ass up and down the country.

Can you man up and admit it was a big fuckup?

No what happen was people felt sorry for obama because they thought obama was kicking his own ass up and down the road.

No what happen was people felt sorry for obama because they thought obama was kicking his own ass up and down the road.

Right, you keep telling yourself that.

I know you guys can't admit to yourselves why you lost.

(Psssst... it's because guys like me stopped voting for you!)

Very true

Can you believe I used to vote Republican because I considered them to be the "sane" party?
A lot of you drones are obsessed with elections. We're 4 years away from the next presidential election and we just went through one of the most grueling presidential elections ever. Still, all you people talk about is how no Republican can win, Hillary's a lock, women votters, blah blah blah.
A lot of you drones are obsessed with elections. We're 4 years away from the next presidential election and we just went through one of the most grueling presidential elections ever. Still, all you people talk about is how no Republican can win, Hillary's a lock, women votters, blah blah blah.

Its a political message board.....what are we supposed to talk about?

Hillary didn't spank anyone.

She showed us why she faked that concussion. It was a delay tactic that she practically admitted to when she pounded on her table screaming "What difference does it make now??"

Well, considering the fact that the Administration floated a phony excuse about a video, won't allow the survivors to testify, and Hillary was out of the country so she couldn't be reached when the story Obama used turned out to be false, yes God Dammit. It does make a difference. It's obvious Hillary dropped the ball, shirked her responsiblies and attempted to use a concussion as a crutch during her testimony, I think she was getting slapped around and she showed everyone just how arrogant she was. How dare they question the great Hillary. Don't you know she used to be the First Lady God Dammit. Stop asking fucken questions or prepare to face her fury.

The only people who got slapped around were Old Man McCain and LIndsey Grahmn...

Seriously, the problem is, trying to make hay out of a tragedy is the lowest of the low in politics, which is why people usually avoid it.

Except for Rom Emanuel, and this president. Fucking the leg of tragedy is a huge part of there political planning. You are right though, it is tasteless and it is hurting him. Even Bill C did not use the death of children to push his pet political issues. He at least had class. I do hope Hillery runs, I really do. I would also hope against hope Biden runs to. It would make for awesome TV during the primaries. I cant wait to see both dance around Benghazi after both of them spent so much time lying about it, and having them talk about the crash and burn of Obama care ? that will be gold right there. They will both turn on their old boss's policy's in a New York minute. 2016 in my opinion will be the most entertaining year in politics ever.
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I respect the woman for her achievements in life but I do fear a third Obama term if she were elected. Our country needs time to breathe and recover before another loons takes the reigns.
I respect the woman for her achievements in life but I do fear a third Obama term if she were elected. Our country needs time to breathe and recover before another loons takes the reigns.

I think Hillery is an individual with her own ideas. Matter of fact, I think she would come out against a good deal of Obama's stuff. She will criticize one or more aspects of his policies after the primaries, but during, will claim 3rd term Obama to play to the base. Biden will get slaughtered though as he is just to stupid to hack it. The real test will be Benghazi. That will haunt her I think, as will gun control .
A lot of you drones are obsessed with elections. We're 4 years away from the next presidential election and we just went through one of the most grueling presidential elections ever. Still, all you people talk about is how no Republican can win, Hillary's a lock, women votters, blah blah blah.

Its a political message board.....what are we supposed to talk about?

How about some issues that effect the country for a change.
A lot of you drones are obsessed with elections. We're 4 years away from the next presidential election and we just went through one of the most grueling presidential elections ever. Still, all you people talk about is how no Republican can win, Hillary's a lock, women votters, blah blah blah.

Its a political message board.....what are we supposed to talk about?

How about some issues that effect the country for a change.

What? The gop is suddenly going to stop banging on latinos women and gays and DO SOMETHING? Surely you jest.
Everybody did.

Obama was considered an up and comer who would someday be President, but not in 2008. The Obama 2008 Presidential campaign was to be a chance to get him visibility and campaign experience but the consensus was that Hillary would get the nomination

But the Obama campaign caught fire. He hit Hillary hard on her Iraq vote while playing tapes of himself advising against the invasion. Hillary fought a good campaign and came close but never overcame that initial Obama surge in support.

so i was right.....it was a small wave....

The wave took him from relative obscurity to President of the United States

Quite a wave

you were talking about how he got there RW.....so i was right....it was a small wave.....not no tidal wave like you said.....and a lot of people think Hillery got screwed....in the deal....
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I don't think Hillary showed he best game against Obama. Both she and Bill were so happy to see a credible black nominee that she pulled punches. She will leave a charred body of anyone the GOP can put up against her. Christie is the best the GOP has right now, but most of the RW loons are against him for praising O during Sandy. So, it will probably be Rubio. Or even Jeb. Like we need another Bush to totally screw us up again.

If you think she pulled punches,boy howdy no freaking way.She wanted it bad had the taste in her mouth,good gewad you guys had her a lock for months.

She has to get your party nod 1st before she can beat anyone.

I will say she would have been a much better choice,but you guys didn't choose her now did you?

And the GOP still lost....TWICE. So you are saying the second best, Obama, won the nomination? What does that say about your party of Old White Guys?

:eusa_drool:What does it say? It just shows the left were still hoping Ubama would finally come through with all his campaign promises he made. Their still on their knees waiting for the glorious handouts they have their minds on. It wasn't for his policies...it was for his handouts.

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