Why the GOP is scared to death of Hillary...

What? The dems are suddenly going to talk about REAL issues? Surely you troll

Oh, I think the dems are happy to talk about limiting raises to soc sec and other slow down to entitlements, but only if they get 600 bil in more revenue.

The gop's getting its ass handed to it over social issues, but they just had 10 guys and one woman in clown costumes doing debates to see who could be more batshit crazy.

The problem for the gop (and country) is that the gop isn't talking about how to do healthcare without govt controlling insurance contracts, or how we can turn illegal guest workers into citizens with liveable wages, or how we deal with the reality of a couple of million same sex 'unions." They're even still hung up on a morning after pill. How silly is that? There are issue debates conservatives can win, but they arent focused on those. And there's nothin inherently un-conservative about raising money via taxes from medical providers to pay for healthcare, so providers get consumers. It's called faciliting markets. It only stops being conservative when you have the govt telling people what is covered.
It will be interesting to see how Republicans vote on the immigration bill. If the sentiments still run toward the "send them back to Mexico idea" then the GOP isn't going to make much headway with minorities. Women, minorities, gays, and the working poor are becoming stronger voices in politics and these are groups that favor Democrats. If the GOP doesn't join the rest of us in 21st century, they will become irrelevant.

Lose/Lose for the republicans

Block immigration reform and lose the Hispanic vote forever
Allow 12 million new Democratic voters
Oh, I think the dems are happy to talk about limiting raises to soc sec and other slow down to entitlements, but only if they get 600 bil in more revenue.

The gop's getting its ass handed to it over social issues, but they just had 10 guys and one woman in clown costumes doing debates to see who could be more batshit crazy.

The problem for the gop (and country) is that the gop isn't talking about how to do healthcare without govt controlling insurance contracts, or how we can turn illegal guest workers into citizens with liveable wages, or how we deal with the reality of a couple of million same sex 'unions." They're even still hung up on a morning after pill. How silly is that? There are issue debates conservatives can win, but they arent focused on those. And there's nothin inherently un-conservative about raising money via taxes from medical providers to pay for healthcare, so providers get consumers. It's called faciliting markets. It only stops being conservative when you have the govt telling people what is covered.
It will be interesting to see how Republicans vote on the immigration bill. If the sentiments still run toward the "send them back to Mexico idea" then the GOP isn't going to make much headway with minorities. Women, minorities, gays, and the working poor are becoming stronger voices in politics and these are groups that favor Democrats. If the GOP doesn't join the rest of us in 21st century, they will become irrelevant.

Lose/Lose for the republicans

Block immigration reform and lose the Hispanic vote forever
Allow 12 million new Democratic voters
Obviously you support illegal immigrants voting illegally then? Figures, a libtard with no ethics, as usual!!!
It will be interesting to see how Republicans vote on the immigration bill. If the sentiments still run toward the "send them back to Mexico idea" then the GOP isn't going to make much headway with minorities. Women, minorities, gays, and the working poor are becoming stronger voices in politics and these are groups that favor Democrats. If the GOP doesn't join the rest of us in 21st century, they will become irrelevant.

Lose/Lose for the republicans

Block immigration reform and lose the Hispanic vote forever
Allow 12 million new Democratic voters
Obviously you support illegal immigrants voting illegally then? Figures, a libtard with no ethics, as usual!!!

Try to brush up on proposed immigration reform before you come on here looking like an asshole
what candidates?? the only candidate announcements are being made everyone but the candidates.

True, you don't know who is going to run until the time comes. Let me adjust it to say "potential" candidates.

:confused:You have to remember...the left believes all 4 years of presidency is for campaigning. They love seeing their nitwit leader blabbering off so much and not doing any real work. What a pity.

Yeah, an illiterate fuckstain on a message board like you is doing "real" work.

The only people who got slapped around were Old Man McCain and LIndsey Grahmn...

Seriously, the problem is, trying to make hay out of a tragedy is the lowest of the low in politics, which is why people usually avoid it.

Except for Rom Emanuel, and this president. Fucking the leg of tragedy is a huge part of there political planning. You are right though, it is tasteless and it is hurting him. Even Bill C did not use the death of children to push his pet political issues. He at least had class. I do hope Hillery runs, I really do. I would also hope against hope Biden runs to. It would make for awesome TV during the primaries. I cant wait to see both dance around Benghazi after both of them spent so much time lying about it, and having them talk about the crash and burn of Obama care ? that will be gold right there. They will both turn on their old boss's policy's in a New York minute. 2016 in my opinion will be the most entertaining year in politics ever.[/QUOTE]

Actually, Clinton did do that sort of thing, and probably what fueled my unfortnate clinging to the GOP for an extra decade was that he was such a sleaze. (For instance, when he commented on Columbine when the incident was still in progress.)

ObamaCare will be pretty popular by 2016 when most people figure out it's made their lives better, not worse.
No one is scared of Hillary.

April 12, 2013

Republicans; Scared SHITLESS Of Hillary!

"If she gets in, we’re toast.”

“All the polls say she will destroy anyone that we put up — it’s [f---ng] terrifying


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