Why the GOP is scared to death of Hillary...

We need to get rid of the Republican "Moderates" (aka:Democrats)
No, what is needed is moderates on both sides that can work together for the good of the nations. The last thing we need is right wing reactionaries and left wing dreamers. As Lincoln said a house divided can not sand. It's one thing to have differing political positions. It's another thing to stick with those position regardless of the consequences to the nation.

yep......but that is no good to the Far Left and Right.....they believe that they are the only people that live here and are the only ones who should have a say....

No what happen was people felt sorry for obama because they thought obama was kicking his own ass up and down the road.

Right, you keep telling yourself that.

I know you guys can't admit to yourselves why you lost.

(Psssst... it's because guys like me stopped voting for you!)

Very true

Can you believe I used to vote Republican because I considered them to be the "sane" party?

i used to be Democrat and thought the same thing about them.....but unlike you and Joe RW.....i did not get sucked into the other guys bullshit...just sayin.....
A lot of you drones are obsessed with elections. We're 4 years away from the next presidential election and we just went through one of the most grueling presidential elections ever. Still, all you people talk about is how no Republican can win, Hillary's a lock, women votters, blah blah blah.

Its a political message board.....what are we supposed to talk about?

How about some issues that effect the country for a change.

there are a whole bunch of threads out there on those Rock.....check them out....
The dem nominee will have 8 years of Obama fatigue. So I predict a GOP win. That being said.... the more you examine their candidates,the less impressive they are at this point

what candidates?? the only candidate announcements are being made everyone but the candidates.

True, you don't know who is going to run until the time comes. Let me adjust it to say "potential" candidates.

:confused:You have to remember...the left believes all 4 years of presidency is for campaigning. They love seeing their nitwit leader blabbering off so much and not doing any real work. What a pity.
Well she did ya know but not kissed.

Hillary seemed to think Benghazi was a problem. A problem so serious she had to fake a concussion to get out of testifying before congress. Eventually, when she finally showed up she felt she could use her condition as a crutch. It was a pathetic display, and you dip-shits want her to be president.

Makes me want to bitch-slap every one of you dumpasses.

Actually, the only ones who came off as "dumbasses" on Benghazi were the Repbulicans. Mitt Romney got slapped down the day it happened when he tried to exploit it, and you guys have gotten slapped down every attempt since.

Hillary spanked the Senators, and it was sad to watch.

:eusa_hand:Nope. Only thing thats happened since is Hillary and the Dems. hidding behind closed doors. They love it back there.
If obama's fuck ups reach their conclusion and by the time 2016 comes around we are at war with Iran and North Korea, how likely is it that Hillary will want to inherit his mess?

By "Obama's fuck-ups" do you mean the stock market reaching record highs, the resurgence in the housing market, and the continuing decline in the unemployment statistics?

Obama hasn't indicated that he has any intention of invading Iraq, and the North Koreans are a joke.

:eusa_pray:Yep. Hasn't indicated anything yet. Why? Hes a coward...and the rest of the world knows it. As far as fuck-ups...hes in the process now of pushing the banks again to make those loans to the ones who can't afford them. You see that dude just doesn't learn. And his followers...they learn from him...nothing.
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How about some issues that effect the country for a change.

What? The gop is suddenly going to stop banging on latinos women and gays and DO SOMETHING? Surely you jest.

What? The dems are suddenly going to talk about REAL issues? Surely you troll

Oh, I think the dems are happy to talk about limiting raises to soc sec and other slow down to entitlements, but only if they get 600 bil in more revenue.

The gop's getting its ass handed to it over social issues, but they just had 10 guys and one woman in clown costumes doing debates to see who could be more batshit crazy.

The problem for the gop (and country) is that the gop isn't talking about how to do healthcare without govt controlling insurance contracts, or how we can turn illegal guest workers into citizens with liveable wages, or how we deal with the reality of a couple of million same sex 'unions." They're even still hung up on a morning after pill. How silly is that? There are issue debates conservatives can win, but they arent focused on those. And there's nothin inherently un-conservative about raising money via taxes from medical providers to pay for healthcare, so providers get consumers. It's called faciliting markets. It only stops being conservative when you have the govt telling people what is covered.
Everybody did.

Obama was considered an up and comer who would someday be President, but not in 2008. The Obama 2008 Presidential campaign was to be a chance to get him visibility and campaign experience but the consensus was that Hillary would get the nomination

But the Obama campaign caught fire. He hit Hillary hard on her Iraq vote while playing tapes of himself advising against the invasion. Hillary fought a good campaign and came close but never overcame that initial Obama surge in support.

so i was right.....it was a small wave....

The wave took him from relative obscurity to President of the United States

Quite a wave

:eusa_drool:Only thing is now hes drowning in it.
The Dem controlled media will turn any decent GOP candidate into a racist rich Bible-thumping incompetent. Doesn't matter who it is. They could turn Jesus fucken Christ into a evil white guy who hates women, children, blacks, undocumented Democrats, or cute little puppies.

It wasn't the Democrats who put out the video "When Mitt Romney Came To Town". The Republican candidates did such a dandy job of discrediting one another, there was very little left for the Democrats to do. Any hope of Romney recovering from what Gingerich, Perry and Santorum did to him was obliterated with his 47% comment.

For the record, Jesus Christ wasn't a white man. He was a semetic Jew which means his skin was likely light brown with black curly hair. I know that Europeans have been picturing him as a white guy forever, but those representations have no basis in reality.

:razz:Oh Jesus Christ wasn't a white man? And how do you know? Were you there? I didn't realize you were that old. WoW.
What policy did he sign that is helping the rich folks on Wallstreet pocket all of that cash? Are you gonna blame him when the market crashes?

He stopped the freefall of the economy and he helped restore confidence in the US so that investors are willing to put money back into the markets.

Republicans were quick to blame him for higher gas prices - an area of the economy that he has no sway over whatsoever.

:eusa_silenced:Oh and how about the repeat mistake thats coming up. He again wants the banks to dish out loans for homes to ones with no credit and bad credit. There goes his confidence.
Anyhow, the Neo-Con's are not afraid of her at all because the Clinton's ARE Neo-Con's under a Democratic moniker. Don't think so? Check out their policy record and compare it with the Bushes and Reagan. They're all pro-corporate toadies.

You don't know what a "neo-con" is, do you?

Yes. Do you? Tell me how the Clinton's are so much different from the Bushes.

There is little difference between the Clintons and the Bushs, that isn't the point. So if you know what the word means, why are you using it wrong? Hint: Neocon doesn't mean you don't like them. You can be a pro-corporate toadie and be a neo-con, or you could be a pro-corporate toadie and not be a neo-con. It has nothing to do with the term.

Google is cool to look up what words you don't know the definition of before you use them incorrectly.
I respect the woman for her achievements in life but I do fear a third Obama term if she were elected. Our country needs time to breathe and recover before another loons takes the reigns.
I don't see much of an ideological between Hillary and Obama. Hillary has a bit more political savvy and foreign relations experience than Obama. However, I doubt think that Hillary has the stamina needed for a long campaign and 4 years in the White House. She has aged a lot since her run for president.
What? The gop is suddenly going to stop banging on latinos women and gays and DO SOMETHING? Surely you jest.

What? The dems are suddenly going to talk about REAL issues? Surely you troll

Oh, I think the dems are happy to talk about limiting raises to soc sec and other slow down to entitlements, but only if they get 600 bil in more revenue.

The gop's getting its ass handed to it over social issues, but they just had 10 guys and one woman in clown costumes doing debates to see who could be more batshit crazy.

The problem for the gop (and country) is that the gop isn't talking about how to do healthcare without govt controlling insurance contracts, or how we can turn illegal guest workers into citizens with liveable wages, or how we deal with the reality of a couple of million same sex 'unions." They're even still hung up on a morning after pill. How silly is that? There are issue debates conservatives can win, but they arent focused on those. And there's nothin inherently un-conservative about raising money via taxes from medical providers to pay for healthcare, so providers get consumers. It's called faciliting markets. It only stops being conservative when you have the govt telling people what is covered.
It will be interesting to see how Republicans vote on the immigration bill. If the sentiments still run toward the "send them back to Mexico idea" then the GOP isn't going to make much headway with minorities. Women, minorities, gays, and the working poor are becoming stronger voices in politics and these are groups that favor Democrats. If the GOP doesn't join the rest of us in 21st century, they will become irrelevant.
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