Why the GOP Should Fight For It's Life Like It's Never Fought Before

The GOP should:

  • Fight for its moral high ground & get creative doing it; to regain control at this crux of history

  • Should give up & embrace platforms of blatant sin & blasphemy in order to stay afloat.

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Gold Member
Jul 15, 2013
Another generation is being born who will worship the anti-christ courtesy of the Justices Hillary (because of how bad Trump was as a candidate) will ensconce in the SCOTUS... The GOP is in danger of going extinct. Just who do you think will be voting for the party of morality in 20 years? More or less people?

If the GOP wants to stay alive, there needs to be a renaissance of going back to religion and decent faith. If there isn't (a couple supreme court justices could go further upholding standards than a hundred Popes..), you can start building a display section for the GOP at the Smithsonian.

It's as if the anti-christ himself has infiltrated the party and struck them at their core. The message is "if you want to broaden your base enough to stay alive, you must turn your back on God". He has been testing them; and they have been failing. The group splintering off aren't so different from the evangelical voters after all. They are just the ones more openly pissed off at the GOP's failure to uphold the Good Standard WITH TEETH.

Should the GOP turn their backs on God to stay alive? Or should they get really creative, really fierce, really quick? Don't say it's too late. Nothing is impossible with God at your right hand.

It's true. You really can say "NO!!" to Dick Cheney's boys. And now you must, or perish. Because what would we call a GOP that embraces (or refuses to fight vigorously against...same thing..) gay marriage, deranged men in women's showers or teaching anal fisting to boys in elementary school? We'd have to call them "democrats".

Here's how you spell that ^^..>> E-X-T-I-N-C-T. <<
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Well, I'm glad you aren't pretending your homophobia is based on anything other than your religion.

But to the point, the GOP doesn't have much to worry about. They will still be in charge of most of the Governorships, most of the state legislature and the US House. They will only lose the Senate by a seat or two, and more than likely, will retake it in 2018.

Now, whether they can win in 2020 or not is an open question. I'm guessing- probably not if they don't get right with women and minorities.
Well, I'm glad you aren't pretending your homophobia is based on anything other than your religion.

But to the point, the GOP doesn't have much to worry about. They will still be in charge of most of the Governorships, most of the state legislature and the US House. They will only lose the Senate by a seat or two, and more than likely, will retake it in 2018.

Now, whether they can win in 2020 or not is an open question. I'm guessing- probably not if they don't get right with women and minorities.
In what way? If they agree with democrat platforms, how is it they will be "in control"?? Don't you mean your cult will be in control, no matter what the pin on the lapel says?

Yeah, in 2018. Meanwhile your pocket liberal Hillary will have two liberal Justices in place and it won't matter who calls themself a republican after that. The clock will be ticking on the extinction of morality in the US. In 30 years they'll have a couple thousand people left voting for them.

So they DO have to worry. Your timeline gives them great cause for worry in fact. Your cult has done its homework for your Master.. I'll give you that. Too bad the GOP hasn't done its homework on the sheer math in 20 years with their "just go with the flow" attitude about the erosion of moral principles in this country.

Sure, there's a lot of hot and active Trumpees right now and some evangelicals. But where will we be in 30 years with their kids and grandkids learning how "cool" it is to have gay sex from gay marriage and being taught that in schools (already being done in California..coming to a state near you..)? The GOP will functionally cease to exist as the very last of the millions in favor of strictly sticking by morality are slowly shaved away with the sands of time....and selective education...peer pressure...and media dominance.

In 30 years kids on the playground at nearly every school across the country will think their classmates who are religious and don't embrace the cult of LGBT values are "weird". And they will drum them out of their morality with peer pressure; always stronger than parental pressure as a child ages. Heck, we're already half way there now. We really are at a tipping point.
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Republican will not be able to rid themselves of the racist vermin they invited into their house. Without them, they don't have a party.

Republicans are on a fast track to becoming the Whigs.
After Hillary's inauguration I'm declaring Sundays to be Heathen Sabbath Orgy day.
No, make it a school day. M-F. Can't leave the kids out of that celebration...California is serving as the litmus test for where all this shit is heading: straight to children.


Can you imagine how this picture would've been received just in the 1990s? With horror and shock. Now it's passe'. Add 30 years hence and ask yourselves if we don't pull in the reins HARD right now, where will we be?

This is not a test. Repeat. This is not a test.
Another generation is being born who will worship the anti-christ courtesy of the Justices Hillary (because of how bad Trump was as a candidate) will ensconce in the SCOTUS... The GOP is in danger of going extinct. Just who do you think will be voting for the party of morality in 20 years? More or less people?

If the GOP wants to stay alive, there needs to be a renaissance of going back to religion and decent faith. If there isn't (a couple supreme court justices could go further upholding standards than a hundred Popes..), you can start building a display section for the GOP at the Smithsonian.

It's as if the anti-christ himself has infiltrated the party and struck them at their core. The message is "if you want to broaden your base enough to stay alive, you must turn your back on God". He has been testing them; and they have been failing. The group splintering off aren't so different from the evangelical voters after all. They are just the ones more openly pissed off at the GOP's failure to uphold the Good Standard WITH TEETH.

Should the GOP turn their backs on God to stay alive? Or should they get really creative, really fierce, really quick? Don't say it's too late. Nothing is impossible with God at your right hand.

It's true. You really can say "NO!!" to Dick Cheney's boys. And now you must, or perish. Because what would we call a GOP that embraces (or refuses to fight vigorously against...same thing..) gay marriage, deranged men in women's showers or teaching anal fisting to boys in elementary school? We'd have to call them "democrats".

Here's how you spell that ^^..>> E-X-T-I-N-C-T. <<

You gave only 2 choices, keep fighting or give up. I have a third choice- Change the party, drop the moral high ground issues like abortion, same sex marriage, quit coddling the religious right. Become the party that upholds the constitution and isn't clouded by what people are doing in their bedroom. Reinstall states's rights, and begin by anolishing the 17th amendment. Actually start working on smaller federal government rather than giving it lip service as you vote to increase the debt limit. I am not a Repugnican, I am a conservative. I will never join that party again.
Another generation is being born who will worship the anti-christ courtesy of the Justices Hillary (because of how bad Trump was as a candidate) will ensconce in the SCOTUS... The GOP is in danger of going extinct. Just who do you think will be voting for the party of morality in 20 years? More or less people?

If the GOP wants to stay alive, there needs to be a renaissance of going back to religion and decent faith. If there isn't (a couple supreme court justices could go further upholding standards than a hundred Popes..), you can start building a display section for the GOP at the Smithsonian.

It's as if the anti-christ himself has infiltrated the party and struck them at their core. The message is "if you want to broaden your base enough to stay alive, you must turn your back on God". He has been testing them; and they have been failing. The group splintering off aren't so different from the evangelical voters after all. They are just the ones more openly pissed off at the GOP's failure to uphold the Good Standard WITH TEETH.

Should the GOP turn their backs on God to stay alive? Or should they get really creative, really fierce, really quick? Don't say it's too late. Nothing is impossible with God at your right hand.

It's true. You really can say "NO!!" to Dick Cheney's boys. And now you must, or perish. Because what would we call a GOP that embraces (or refuses to fight vigorously against...same thing..) gay marriage, deranged men in women's showers or teaching anal fisting to boys in elementary school? We'd have to call them "democrats".

Here's how you spell that ^^..>> E-X-T-I-N-C-T. <<

Silhouette....coming unglued again.....
You gave only 2 choices, keep fighting or give up. I have a third choice- Change the party, drop the moral high ground issues like abortion, same sex marriage, quit coddling the religious right. Become the party that upholds the constitution and isn't clouded by what people are doing in their bedroom. Reinstall states's rights, and begin by anolishing the 17th amendment. Actually start working on smaller federal government rather than giving it lip service as you vote to increase the debt limit. I am not a Repugnican, I am a conservative. I will never join that party again.

That was choice number 2 you idiot. You have made my point quite nicely.
Republican will not be able to rid themselves of the racist vermin they invited into their house. Without them, they don't have a party.

Republicans are on a fast track to becoming the Whigs.
Racist vermin? Shall we talk about the LGBT cult on the left? Religiophobes.
Another generation is being born who will worship the anti-christ courtesy of the Justices Hillary (because of how bad Trump was as a candidate) will ensconce in the SCOTUS... The GOP is in danger of going extinct. Just who do you think will be voting for the party of morality in 20 years? More or less people?

If the GOP wants to stay alive, there needs to be a renaissance of going back to religion and decent faith. If there isn't (a couple supreme court justices could go further upholding standards than a hundred Popes..), you can start building a display section for the GOP at the Smithsonian.

It's as if the anti-christ himself has infiltrated the party and struck them at their core. The message is "if you want to broaden your base enough to stay alive, you must turn your back on God". He has been testing them; and they have been failing. The group splintering off aren't so different from the evangelical voters after all. They are just the ones more openly pissed off at the GOP's failure to uphold the Good Standard WITH TEETH.

Should the GOP turn their backs on God to stay alive? Or should they get really creative, really fierce, really quick? Don't say it's too late. Nothing is impossible with God at your right hand.

It's true. You really can say "NO!!" to Dick Cheney's boys. And now you must, or perish. Because what would we call a GOP that embraces (or refuses to fight vigorously against...same thing..) gay marriage, deranged men in women's showers or teaching anal fisting to boys in elementary school? We'd have to call them "democrats".

Here's how you spell that ^^..>> E-X-T-I-N-C-T. <<
You gave only 2 choices, keep fighting or give up. I have a third choice- Change the party, drop the moral high ground issues like abortion, same sex marriage, quit coddling the religious right. Become the party that upholds the constitution and isn't clouded by what people are doing in their bedroom. Reinstall states's rights, and begin by anolishing the 17th amendment. Actually start working on smaller federal government rather than giving it lip service as you vote to increase the debt limit. I am not a Repugnican, I am a conservative. I will never join that party again.

That was choice number 2 you idiot. You have made my point quite nicely.

Blatant sin and blasphemy is a choice? Yep, you're part of the problem. Religious right wacko who wants to dictate morality thru legislation. GOP is twisting in the wind because of that type of thinking. Abortion is a loser issue for the Repubs, but their too stupid to see it, demonizing gays- loser issue. Die GOP, die.
In what way? If they agree with democrat platforms, how is it they will be "in control"?? Don't you mean your cult will be in control, no matter what the pin on the lapel says?

Yeah, in 2018. Meanwhile your pocket liberal Hillary will have two liberal Justices in place and it won't matter who calls themself a republican after that. The clock will be ticking on the extinction of morality in the US. In 30 years they'll have a couple thousand people left voting for them.

Guy, the problem here is you mistake Religion, proud sponsors of Witch Burnings and Homophobia, as being the same as "Morality". It isn't.

NOw, once they can't fool stupid people into voting against their own economic interests because, shit, only mean old people are still homophobic, they might actually have to convince people on policy issues, so that might be a challenge. Who'd really vote for "Work Harder for Less Money so a Rich Person can get a tax break"?

Sure, there's a lot of hot and active Trumpees right now and some evangelicals. But where will we be in 30 years with their kids and grandkids learning how "cool" it is to have gay sex from gay marriage and being taught that in schools (already being done in California..coming to a state near you..)? The GOP will functionally cease to exist as the very last of the millions in favor of strictly sticking by morality are slowly shaved away with the sands of time....and selective education...peer pressure...and media dominance.

Again... unlikely. The thing is, the GOP will reject Homophobia because the big businesses who are really calling the shots have realized it just isn't useful to promote it Gays have more dipsoable cash than straights. So it's why when a few Red States tried to pass "The Homophobes Right to be an Asshole" act, big businesses bitch-slapped them down.

And Pence said, "What is thy bidding, my Master?" when they did.

So you gave away your middle class and didn't even get your homophobia.
Another generation is being born who will worship the anti-christ courtesy of the Justices Hillary (because of how bad Trump was as a candidate) will ensconce in the SCOTUS... The GOP is in danger of going extinct. Just who do you think will be voting for the party of morality in 20 years? More or less people?

If the GOP wants to stay alive, there needs to be a renaissance of going back to religion and decent faith. If there isn't (a couple supreme court justices could go further upholding standards than a hundred Popes..), you can start building a display section for the GOP at the Smithsonian.

It's as if the anti-christ himself has infiltrated the party and struck them at their core. The message is "if you want to broaden your base enough to stay alive, you must turn your back on God". He has been testing them; and they have been failing. The group splintering off aren't so different from the evangelical voters after all. They are just the ones more openly pissed off at the GOP's failure to uphold the Good Standard WITH TEETH.

Should the GOP turn their backs on God to stay alive? Or should they get really creative, really fierce, really quick? Don't say it's too late. Nothing is impossible with God at your right hand.

It's true. You really can say "NO!!" to Dick Cheney's boys. And now you must, or perish. Because what would we call a GOP that embraces (or refuses to fight vigorously against...same thing..) gay marriage, deranged men in women's showers or teaching anal fisting to boys in elementary school? We'd have to call them "democrats".

Here's how you spell that ^^..>> E-X-T-I-N-C-T. <<

The GOP establishment is as degenerate and unprincipled as the Democratic Party's establishment is; good riddance to both. The only difference is the voter base that keeps the Democratic establishment intact is just as degenerate and corrupt and vile as their leadership is, which is why the vermin or so fond of Hillary and the other vermin appeasing them, while a large enough base of the GOP's base is willing to rise up and bitch slap the feckless GOP establishment. The GOP establishment was never with 'God' in the first place, never was.

Those on the modern Right are just as dedicated to the sociopathic worship of the Marxist cult of materialism as the Left is, and why both are disasters and unprincipled gimps. The Right just calls its Marxism 'libertarianism'. They skip over the middle stages and go right to the end game of Marxism, is all.
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I think the GOP is not in trouble, as long as we have a two party system. If it becomes a multi-party system, things may change.
I think the GOP is not in trouble, as long as we have a two party system. If it becomes a multi-party system, things may change.

Doesn't matter how it's spun, the truth is both Parties and our government are representations of the American people and products of its culture; it's not the Parties that need reforming, they are just the hired help and are drawn from the culture itself, not aliens dropped in by flying saucers and forced on the country or something.
Guy, the problem here is you mistake Religion, proud sponsors of Witch Burnings and Homophobia, as being the same as "Morality". It isn't.


No, I read Jude 1 and understand that any Christian who aids, abets or sits idly by while a culture of homosexuality spreads to overtake a normal one is doomed to hell for an eternity. God doesn't want the matrix fucked with. There is nothing more potent to get that done than the hub of society itself: marriage.

Nobody is talking hate. Because Jude 1 says to not hate the individual, but instead the movement. The passage doesn't say "burn them". It says "reach out to each one, making a difference". It is immoral for any Christian to aid or abet the expansion of a gay culture like Sodom into a normal one. It has nothing to do with violence and everything to do with saying to gays "no, this far and no farther".

Of course, like spoiled children, gays hear those words and consider them the same as if they were grabbed by the ankles and thrown off a building by Muslims. Obviously, people doing gay stuff don't like boundaries drawn for them.
Nobody is talking hate. Because Jude 1 says to not hate the individual, but instead the movement. The passage doesn't say "burn them". It says "reach out to each one, making a difference". It is immoral for any Christian to aid or abet the expansion of a gay culture like Sodom into a normal one. It has nothing to do with violence and everything to do with saying to gays "no, this far and no farther".

Wait, where does Jude 1 talk about a "movement"? Guy, when gays get the same rights you enjoy, that's far enough.

The happy day is when Religion goes away and never comes back.

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