Why The Left Loves Socialism

God cursed me.
If I hadn't of hooked up with the VA and got on these drugs I would've ended up killing someone. I had a really violent temper. Thus, you don't know what the fuck you're talking about. I wonder how many people in jail are in jail because of chemical imbalances controlling their actions through no fault of their own but a so called loving God made them that way.

Well, I do have a degree in psychology, so I think the University of Alabama believed I knew what I was talking about. "God cursed me" is an excuse. You use this excuse as a crutch to justify your lack of confidence in your ability to compete. When someone reveals that to you, it causes you to become defensive and repel what they have to say because you don't want to accept the truth.

I wonder how many people in society blame their shortcomings on "chemical imbalances" because it's a convenient way to avoid the truth about themselves? Modern society seems to be on a bender of setting up convenient excuses for people who fail. It's part and parcel to our problem as a society who cannot face it's own shortcomings. Everyone is a victim, everyone has a reason for why they're fucked up. It's not their fault... it's society's fault... it's God's fault... it's someone else's fault.

And this is how a deplorable ideology like Socialism roots it's way into the minds of otherwise rational people.
God cursed me.
If I hadn't of hooked up with the VA and got on these drugs I would've ended up killing someone. I had a really violent temper. Thus, you don't know what the fuck you're talking about. I wonder how many people in jail are in jail because of chemical imbalances controlling their actions through no fault of their own but a so called loving God made them that way.

Well, I do have a degree in psychology, so I think the University of Alabama believed I knew what I was talking about. "God cursed me" is an excuse. You use this excuse as a crutch to justify your lack of confidence in your ability to compete. When someone reveals that to you, it causes you to become defensive and repel what they have to say because you don't want to accept the truth.

I wonder how many people in society blame their shortcomings on "chemical imbalances" because it's a convenient way to avoid the truth about themselves? Modern society seems to be on a bender of setting up convenient excuses for people who fail. It's part and parcel to our problem as a society who cannot face it's own shortcomings. Everyone is a victim, everyone has a reason for why they're fucked up. It's not their fault... it's society's fault... it's God's fault... it's someone else's fault.

And this is how a deplorable ideology like Socialism roots it's way into the minds of otherwise rational people.
Dude you don't know what uncontrollable rage feels like, I do. Note the key word there "uncontrollable". I'm lucky, I have medical via the VA so the fire in my stomach is now gone. The side effect is that I'm depressed and sleepy all of the time. I sleep 12 - 24 hours sometimes.
But it's better than what I was going through. Those who don't suffer think the power of will can over come anything. You are wrong.
Well I don't understand that because profit is something realized AFTER they are paid. Salaries and commissions are part of the expenses.

And again, it sounds like you don't really understand how business works. Managers and bosses aren't paid less than their employees. It just doesn't work out that way in our universe... sorry. If we paid managers and bosses less than their employees, no one would want to be the manager or boss, would they? I mean, why would you take a pay cut? So... in OUR universe, where us normal people live... that's called a reality.

If it's not profit, what do you want to call it? Maybe compensation allocation? I think you know what I mean. And managers are routinely paid less than the 'talent' that they manage. However, it may surprise you to know that I don't begrudge them more money than I make. I take issue when the proportions reach the absurd level to which they have - 1000x average for CEOs and somewhat less ridiculous amounts for lesser upper level managers.

Well no... Jimi Hendrix died of a drug overdose.

When a record company signs an artist to a contract, it is very specific on the amount of "creativity" to be generated by the artist, it is never "unlimited." Again, this is a free market voluntary transaction... the record company didn't go out there and hold a gun to Jimi Hendrix's head and make him sign a contract to produce "unlimited" creativity... that didn't happen in our universe.

What you are going to need to do before we can have any kind of a rational conversation is come back to our universe.
Jimi Hendrix developed a drug addiction which later ended his life because of the extreme constraints and pressure his recording contract put him under. He must have just been a shitty negotiator I guess. How left wing of him. Now that Martin Shkrelli boy, there's a guy who really 'gets' the free market concept. I take it he's your guy.
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If it's not profit, what do you want to call it? Maybe compensation allocation? I think you know what I mean. And managers are routinely paid less than the 'talent' that they manage. However, it may surprise you to know that I don't begrudge them more money than I make. I take issue when the proportions reach the absurd level to which they have - 1000x average for CEOs and somewhat less ridiculous amounts for lesser upper level managers.

Again, profits are what is left after all expenses are paid. Salaries and commissions of managers as well as employees are part of expenses. So you simply can't say anyone is paid out of the profits because that's not true and shows a lack of understanding in how business works. Profits are only realized after everyone is paid.

Yes, in some rare cases, managers make less than the talent they manage but that's because the talent they manage generally do something that not a lot of people can do. In a typical manufacturing industry or assembly line setting, this isn't usually the case. The widget maker isn't specially qualified with a talent few people have.

You're not qualified to decide what is an appropriate salary for a CEO or manager. That decision is made by a board of directors or president of a company. It's their decision, not yours. You may think it's absurd but they obviously don't share your uneducated and unqualified opinion on the matter. In a free enterprise society, you are perfectly free to start your OWN company and pay people whatever you feel is appropriate.

Jimi Hendrix developed a drug addiction which later ended his life because of the extreme constraints and pressure his recording contract put him under. He must have just been a shitty negotiator I guess. How left wing of him. Now that Martin Shkrelli boy, there's a guy who really 'gets' the free market concept. I take it he's your guy.

Well no... that's a supposition you are making and again, you are unqualified to make such a determination. Hendrix died because he took too many barbiturates and aspirated on his own vomit. That's according to the expert who did his post-mortem. We simply don't know why he made the decisions he made.

He signed a recording contract of his own volition, no one forced him to accept the terms. Whether he was a good or bad negotiator is, again, a determination you're not qualified to make. It wasn't your decision to make, no one left it up to you. And again, in a free enterprise system, you are perfectly free to start a business representing musical talent and handle their negotiations if you think you can do a better job. Side note: In 1969, Hendrix was the highest paid rock musician in the world.
God cursed me.
If I hadn't of hooked up with the VA and got on these drugs I would've ended up killing someone. I had a really violent temper. Thus, you don't know what the fuck you're talking about. I wonder how many people in jail are in jail because of chemical imbalances controlling their actions through no fault of their own but a so called loving God made them that way.

Well, I do have a degree in psychology, so I think the University of Alabama believed I knew what I was talking about. "God cursed me" is an excuse. You use this excuse as a crutch to justify your lack of confidence in your ability to compete. When someone reveals that to you, it causes you to become defensive and repel what they have to say because you don't want to accept the truth.

I wonder how many people in society blame their shortcomings on "chemical imbalances" because it's a convenient way to avoid the truth about themselves? Modern society seems to be on a bender of setting up convenient excuses for people who fail. It's part and parcel to our problem as a society who cannot face it's own shortcomings. Everyone is a victim, everyone has a reason for why they're fucked up. It's not their fault... it's society's fault... it's God's fault... it's someone else's fault.

And this is how a deplorable ideology like Socialism roots it's way into the minds of otherwise rational people.
Dude you don't know what uncontrollable rage feels like, I do. Note the key word there "uncontrollable". I'm lucky, I have medical via the VA so the fire in my stomach is now gone. The side effect is that I'm depressed and sleepy all of the time. I sleep 12 - 24 hours sometimes.
But it's better than what I was going through. Those who don't suffer think the power of will can over come anything. You are wrong.

I know that you are continuing to make excuses for your lack of confidence in your ability to compete with others, which fully explains why you embrace Socialism. Thank you for continuing to confirm and validate the argument made by the OP.
If it's not profit, what do you want to call it? Maybe compensation allocation? I think you know what I mean. And managers are routinely paid less than the 'talent' that they manage. However, it may surprise you to know that I don't begrudge them more money than I make. I take issue when the proportions reach the absurd level to which they have - 1000x average for CEOs and somewhat less ridiculous amounts for lesser upper level managers.

Again, profits are what is left after all expenses are paid. Salaries and commissions of managers as well as employees are part of expenses. So you simply can't say anyone is paid out of the profits because that's not true and shows a lack of understanding in how business works. Profits are only realized after everyone is paid.

Yes, in some rare cases, managers make less than the talent they manage but that's because the talent they manage generally do something that not a lot of people can do. In a typical manufacturing industry or assembly line setting, this isn't usually the case. The widget maker isn't specially qualified with a talent few people have.

You're not qualified to decide what is an appropriate salary for a CEO or manager. That decision is made by a board of directors or president of a company. It's their decision, not yours. You may think it's absurd but they obviously don't share your uneducated and unqualified opinion on the matter. In a free enterprise society, you are perfectly free to start your OWN company and pay people whatever you feel is appropriate.

Jimi Hendrix developed a drug addiction which later ended his life because of the extreme constraints and pressure his recording contract put him under. He must have just been a shitty negotiator I guess. How left wing of him. Now that Martin Shkrelli boy, there's a guy who really 'gets' the free market concept. I take it he's your guy.

Well no... that's a supposition you are making and again, you are unqualified to make such a determination. Hendrix died because he took too many barbiturates and aspirated on his own vomit. That's according to the expert who did his post-mortem. We simply don't know why he made the decisions he made.

He signed a recording contract of his own volition, no one forced him to accept the terms. Whether he was a good or bad negotiator is, again, a determination you're not qualified to make. It wasn't your decision to make, no one left it up to you. And again, in a free enterprise system, you are perfectly free to start a business representing musical talent and handle their negotiations if you think you can do a better job. Side note: In 1969, Hendrix was the highest paid rock musician in the world.
You obviously don't know anything about Hendrix. I do note that you avoid mentioning Martin Shkreli - probably because people like him make the free enterprise system look like the sick joke that it is.
You obviously don't know anything about Hendrix. I do note that you avoid mentioning Martin Shkreli - probably because people like him make the free enterprise system look like the sick joke that it is.

Again... he was the highest paid rock musician in 1969.

No, I don't know Martin Shkreli so I can't comment on him. The free market system is why Hendrix was the highest paid rock musician in the world.
You obviously don't know anything about Hendrix. I do note that you avoid mentioning Martin Shkreli - probably because people like him make the free enterprise system look like the sick joke that it is.

Again... he was the highest paid rock musician in 1969.

No, I don't know Martin Shkreli so I can't comment on him. The free market system is why Hendrix was the highest paid rock musician in the world.
Well, too bad you can't take it with you right?
God cursed me.
If I hadn't of hooked up with the VA and got on these drugs I would've ended up killing someone. I had a really violent temper. Thus, you don't know what the fuck you're talking about. I wonder how many people in jail are in jail because of chemical imbalances controlling their actions through no fault of their own but a so called loving God made them that way.

Well, I do have a degree in psychology, so I think the University of Alabama believed I knew what I was talking about. "God cursed me" is an excuse. You use this excuse as a crutch to justify your lack of confidence in your ability to compete. When someone reveals that to you, it causes you to become defensive and repel what they have to say because you don't want to accept the truth.

I wonder how many people in society blame their shortcomings on "chemical imbalances" because it's a convenient way to avoid the truth about themselves? Modern society seems to be on a bender of setting up convenient excuses for people who fail. It's part and parcel to our problem as a society who cannot face it's own shortcomings. Everyone is a victim, everyone has a reason for why they're fucked up. It's not their fault... it's society's fault... it's God's fault... it's someone else's fault.

And this is how a deplorable ideology like Socialism roots it's way into the minds of otherwise rational people.
Dude you don't know what uncontrollable rage feels like, I do. Note the key word there "uncontrollable". I'm lucky, I have medical via the VA so the fire in my stomach is now gone. The side effect is that I'm depressed and sleepy all of the time. I sleep 12 - 24 hours sometimes.
But it's better than what I was going through. Those who don't suffer think the power of will can over come anything. You are wrong.

I know that you are continuing to make excuses for your lack of confidence in your ability to compete with others, which fully explains why you embrace Socialism. Thank you for continuing to confirm and validate the argument made by the OP.
It's not a lack of confidence that keeps you out of jail because you had a temper tantrum and hit the wrong person.
Which is where I would be without medical care. I only have medical care because of the VA, socialized medicine.
It's not a lack of confidence that keeps you out of jail because you had a temper tantrum and hit the wrong person.
Which is where I would be without medical care. I only have medical care because of the VA, socialized medicine.

All I hear is bad decisions and excuses for your bad decisions. If you assault someone, you deserve to be in jail. If you're sick, you need to get help or your family needs the authority to have you institutionalized until they can cure you. The VA is NOT "socialized medicine" ...it's a government carrying out it's constitutionally-enumerated power.

But again, thanks for demonstrating why some people embrace Socialism.
It's not a lack of confidence that keeps you out of jail because you had a temper tantrum and hit the wrong person.
Which is where I would be without medical care. I only have medical care because of the VA, socialized medicine.

All I hear is bad decisions and excuses for your bad decisions. If you assault someone, you deserve to be in jail. If you're sick, you need to get help or your family needs the authority to have you institutionalized until they can cure you. The VA is NOT "socialized medicine" ...it's a government carrying out it's constitutionally-enumerated power.

But again, thanks for demonstrating why some people embrace Socialism.
Open up a dictionary and look up "Uncontrollable rage". Stop spouting shit.
Open up a dictionary and look up "Uncontrollable rage". Stop spouting shit.

Open up a dictionary and look up "Ass Hat" ...Oh look, it has a picture of you!

Look... if you are sick and have "uncontrollable rage" then you need to be locked up in a mental institution away from the public so you can't hurt people. As a citizen concerned with public safety, I am okay with a portion of my tax money being devoted to such a facility because I am pro-life and don't believe in euthanizing you. What I am NOT okay with is turning our beautiful and great free enterprise, free market capitalist, constitutional republic into a commie-socialist shithole.
Open up a dictionary and look up "Uncontrollable rage". Stop spouting shit.

Open up a dictionary and look up "Ass Hat" ...Oh look, it has a picture of you!

Look... if you are sick and have "uncontrollable rage" then you need to be locked up in a mental institution away from the public so you can't hurt people. As a citizen concerned with public safety, I am okay with a portion of my tax money being devoted to such a facility because I am pro-life and don't believe in euthanizing you. What I am NOT okay with is turning our beautiful and great free enterprise, free market capitalist, constitutional republic into a commie-socialist shithole.
I used one extreme. But the point is without socialized medicine I would be in a mental institution.

I took a call from a pharmacist. He thought his monitor was the computer. He couldn't figure out why it wouldn't turn on. His asst turned off the computer under the counter. He couldn't bend his legs to look under the counter to turn it back on, even when I told him to do so on the phone. Some people are too stupid to help themselves. Some people are too stupid to compete. Do we kill them or let them starve?

My nephew can't graduate high school. He's 24. He's too dumb. When you try to explain stuff too him he gets all panicky and runs. Or he has an anxiety attack. Should he starve without medial care, food, and/or shelter, because he's too stupid to exist?

Maybe we should make an institute to store stupid people like we do the mentally ill?
Open up a dictionary and look up "Uncontrollable rage". Stop spouting shit.

Open up a dictionary and look up "Ass Hat" ...Oh look, it has a picture of you!

Look... if you are sick and have "uncontrollable rage" then you need to be locked up in a mental institution away from the public so you can't hurt people. As a citizen concerned with public safety, I am okay with a portion of my tax money being devoted to such a facility because I am pro-life and don't believe in euthanizing you. What I am NOT okay with is turning our beautiful and great free enterprise, free market capitalist, constitutional republic into a commie-socialist shithole.
I used one extreme. But the point is without socialized medicine I would be in a mental institution.

I took a call from a pharmacist. He thought his monitor was the computer. He couldn't figure out why it wouldn't turn on. His asst turned off the computer under the counter. He couldn't bend his legs to look under the counter to turn it back on, even when I told him to do so on the phone. Some people are too stupid to help themselves. Some people are too stupid to compete. Do we kill them or let them starve?

My nephew can't graduate high school. He's 24. He's too dumb. When you try to explain stuff too him he gets all panicky and runs. Or he has an anxiety attack. Should he starve without medial care, food, and/or shelter, because he's too stupid to exist?

Maybe we should make an institute to store stupid people like we do the mentally ill?

And MY point is, you don't have "socialized medicine", you have the VA. I understand many people make the mistake of calling the VA a form of socialized medicine and in a purely generic sense, I can see where they get that idea. However, if we apply "socialist" in the generic sense, ALL government can be said to be Socialist. So where can there be any debate if by the very act of having government, it makes you Socialists? Obviously, I reject this nonsense on the more specific and less generic context that Socialism is a specific kind of government. ALL government is NOT Socialist.

When we examine the definition of Socialism, we see that it's a set of social or economic principles whereby government controls means of production. So you say, great... this proves that the VA is socialized medicine because government controls means of production. But the problem is, in OUR form of government we have a Constitution which enumerates specific powers to government and everything else is governed by the people (as opposed to the government). The VA is the result of free people who self-govern, allowing government to administer health care for veterans because they've served our country. This same principle applies to federal highway departments, military branches. on a state and local level-- fire and police services. These are not "Socialist" because the government is "by the people" in our system. There is no autonomous entity called "the government" which controls anything because "we the people" are the government. Now, we can certainly vote to cede our control and power over to a central authority and become a Socialist government. That's where the debate is.

As for your argument about what we do about stupid people... I see your point. Back in the old days we kind of had a "self-cleaning" society... stupid people would hang out behind a kicking mule or look down the barrel of their loaded six-shooter and pull the trigger to see if it was loaded. Later on, they'd drop their electric fans in the bathtub or step in front of a bus. Slowly but surely, progressives built a society where we protect the stupid from themselves and they have procreated. Even progressive icons like Margaret Sanger saw this problem and suggested we put these stupid people on farms and sterilize them... that idea fell out of favor and we settled on abortion instead. But, I digress.

You're right, we have to come to terms as a society what to do with the stupid among us. I wish I knew of a solution because if we continue to placate them and set up safety nets so they continue to procreate and thrive, eventually our nation will be comprised of mostly idiots. We seem to be getting there at a rapid rate. Perhaps Margaret Sanger was on to something? But.... I would like to think that most "stupid people" have something within them, deep down inside, that is capable of success. It becomes a matter of restoring their confidence in their ability to compete. Encouraging them and motivating them... sometimes using a "tough love" strategy if needed. Yeah, I know it may sound cruel but an empty stomach is a great motivator. You'd be surprised what people can do whenever the alternative is starving.

And let's be clear on something else... This Socialist Utopia the leftists dream of... whenever it fails (and it will) there will be starving people. In Venezuela, where just a few short years ago the American progressives lauded Hugo Chavez, a nation rich in natural oil reserves, the people are literally fighting over dogs and cats to eat. That's where Socialism leads... it always has and always will.
Socialism produces bad music, bad art, social stagnation, and really unhappy people. - Frank Zappa
God cursed me.
If I hadn't of hooked up with the VA and got on these drugs I would've ended up killing someone. I had a really violent temper. Thus, you don't know what the fuck you're talking about. I wonder how many people in jail are in jail because of chemical imbalances controlling their actions through no fault of their own but a so called loving God made them that way.

Well, I do have a degree in psychology, so I think the University of Alabama believed I knew what I was talking about. "God cursed me" is an excuse. You use this excuse as a crutch to justify your lack of confidence in your ability to compete. When someone reveals that to you, it causes you to become defensive and repel what they have to say because you don't want to accept the truth.

I wonder how many people in society blame their shortcomings on "chemical imbalances" because it's a convenient way to avoid the truth about themselves? Modern society seems to be on a bender of setting up convenient excuses for people who fail. It's part and parcel to our problem as a society who cannot face it's own shortcomings. Everyone is a victim, everyone has a reason for why they're fucked up. It's not their fault... it's society's fault... it's God's fault... it's someone else's fault.

And this is how a deplorable ideology like Socialism roots it's way into the minds of otherwise rational people.
Dude you don't know what uncontrollable rage feels like, I do. Note the key word there "uncontrollable". I'm lucky, I have medical via the VA so the fire in my stomach is now gone. The side effect is that I'm depressed and sleepy all of the time. I sleep 12 - 24 hours sometimes.
But it's better than what I was going through. Those who don't suffer think the power of will can over come anything. You are wrong.

I know that you are continuing to make excuses for your lack of confidence in your ability to compete with others, which fully explains why you embrace Socialism. Thank you for continuing to confirm and validate the argument made by the OP.
It's not a lack of confidence that keeps you out of jail because you had a temper tantrum and hit the wrong person.
Which is where I would be without medical care. I only have medical care because of the VA, socialized medicine.
How is that socialized medicine and not benefit of employment?

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