Why The Left Loves Socialism

There is a very distinct reason why liberals love socialism.

Liberalism believes in all things equal for all people - regardless of contribution.

Socialism celebrates, encourages, and breeds mediocrity - only in mediocrity can we have equal results without equal effort.
socialism requires social morals for free.

Yeah ... we've seen how well THAT works.

No thanks ... I'll stick with my Christian morals.
Religion is socialism. It also requires social morals for free. Only the right, never gets it.
Socialism took us to the Moon and back last millennium, while capitalism is still looking for a capital clue and a capital Cause.

Socialism did that, huh?

Maybe you can explain just exactly how you arrived at THAT conclusion.
SpaceX is still trying to get to the Moon.

I'm pretty sure you have a point --- you just haven't gotten to it yet.
just sort of slow? SpaceX is not a government program, but a capital business venture on a for-profit basis.

That's interesting .... so, those contractors who built Mercury, Apollo, and the Space Shuttle weren't capitalists?
State capitalism is a form of socialism. SpaceX has not made a profit going to the Moon and back.
yes, Government is Socialism.

Nonsense, igmo... there would't even be the word "Socialism" if that were the case. It would simply be redundant. Your point has failed in ignorance. Sorry!
Socialism is an invented term. We have a mixed market economy. one part socialism and one part capitalism. can you guess which part is the socialism part?

You said "government is socialism" and now you're trying to claim a "mixed" system. So you are already backpedaling on what you said.

Yes, Socialism is an invented term, so is Government. All words are invented terms. Dumb ass. As I said, there is absolutely NO reason to invent a term "Socialism" if ALL governments are Socialist.

So now we can agree that ALL government's are NOT Socialist as you ignorantly claimed.

Our system is NOT Socialist. It is a free market Capitalist system which includes free market capitalism, free enterprise, individual liberty, private property rights and a constitution with inalienable rights including the right to self-govern. That comprises our system.

Our constitution, which WE ratified as part of our right to self-govern, contains "enumerated powers" of the Federal government. This is what you MISTAKE for "Socialism" but it's not.

"Socialism" is when government controls the means of production. Our constitution doesn't grant such authority to government. We self-govern in our system... it's an inalienable right.
Just lousy reading comprehension from the right wing, like usual?

We have a mixed market economy. one part socialism and one part capitalism. can you guess which part is the socialism part?
yes, Government is Socialism.

Nonsense, igmo... there would't even be the word "Socialism" if that were the case. It would simply be redundant. Your point has failed in ignorance. Sorry!
Socialism is an invented term. We have a mixed market economy. one part socialism and one part capitalism. can you guess which part is the socialism part?

You said "government is socialism" and now you're trying to claim a "mixed" system. So you are already backpedaling on what you said.

Yes, Socialism is an invented term, so is Government. All words are invented terms. Dumb ass. As I said, there is absolutely NO reason to invent a term "Socialism" if ALL governments are Socialist.

So now we can agree that ALL government's are NOT Socialist as you ignorantly claimed.

Our system is NOT Socialist. It is a free market Capitalist system which includes free market capitalism, free enterprise, individual liberty, private property rights and a constitution with inalienable rights including the right to self-govern. That comprises our system.

Our constitution, which WE ratified as part of our right to self-govern, contains "enumerated powers" of the Federal government. This is what you MISTAKE for "Socialism" but it's not.

"Socialism" is when government controls the means of production. Our constitution doesn't grant such authority to government. We self-govern in our system... it's an inalienable right.
Just lousy reading comprehension from the right wing, like usual?

We have a mixed market economy. one part socialism and one part capitalism. can you guess which part is the socialism part?

The part where the lazy pieces of shit refusing to do for themselves get handed a check because worthless pieces of Liberal shit think doing so will motivate good for nothing to better themselves.
yes, Government is Socialism.

Nonsense, igmo... there would't even be the word "Socialism" if that were the case. It would simply be redundant. Your point has failed in ignorance. Sorry!
Socialism is an invented term. We have a mixed market economy. one part socialism and one part capitalism. can you guess which part is the socialism part?

You said "government is socialism" and now you're trying to claim a "mixed" system. So you are already backpedaling on what you said.

Yes, Socialism is an invented term, so is Government. All words are invented terms. Dumb ass. As I said, there is absolutely NO reason to invent a term "Socialism" if ALL governments are Socialist.

So now we can agree that ALL government's are NOT Socialist as you ignorantly claimed.

Our system is NOT Socialist. It is a free market Capitalist system which includes free market capitalism, free enterprise, individual liberty, private property rights and a constitution with inalienable rights including the right to self-govern. That comprises our system.

Our constitution, which WE ratified as part of our right to self-govern, contains "enumerated powers" of the Federal government. This is what you MISTAKE for "Socialism" but it's not.

"Socialism" is when government controls the means of production. Our constitution doesn't grant such authority to government. We self-govern in our system... it's an inalienable right.
Just lousy reading comprehension from the right wing, like usual?

We have a mixed market economy. one part socialism and one part capitalism. can you guess which part is the socialism part?

The part where the lazy pieces of shit refusing to do for themselves get handed a check because worthless pieces of Liberal shit think doing so will motivate good for nothing to better themselves.
Only the right wing is that fantastical. We have a first world economy due to socialism since capitalism died in 1929, and has been bailed out by socialism, ever since.
Nonsense, igmo... there would't even be the word "Socialism" if that were the case. It would simply be redundant. Your point has failed in ignorance. Sorry!
Socialism is an invented term. We have a mixed market economy. one part socialism and one part capitalism. can you guess which part is the socialism part?

You said "government is socialism" and now you're trying to claim a "mixed" system. So you are already backpedaling on what you said.

Yes, Socialism is an invented term, so is Government. All words are invented terms. Dumb ass. As I said, there is absolutely NO reason to invent a term "Socialism" if ALL governments are Socialist.

So now we can agree that ALL government's are NOT Socialist as you ignorantly claimed.

Our system is NOT Socialist. It is a free market Capitalist system which includes free market capitalism, free enterprise, individual liberty, private property rights and a constitution with inalienable rights including the right to self-govern. That comprises our system.

Our constitution, which WE ratified as part of our right to self-govern, contains "enumerated powers" of the Federal government. This is what you MISTAKE for "Socialism" but it's not.

"Socialism" is when government controls the means of production. Our constitution doesn't grant such authority to government. We self-govern in our system... it's an inalienable right.
Just lousy reading comprehension from the right wing, like usual?

We have a mixed market economy. one part socialism and one part capitalism. can you guess which part is the socialism part?

The part where the lazy pieces of shit refusing to do for themselves get handed a check because worthless pieces of Liberal shit think doing so will motivate good for nothing to better themselves.
Only the right wing is that fantastical. We have a first world economy due to socialism since capitalism died in 1929, and has been bailed out by socialism, ever since.

Our economy would be better if the freeloaders didn't exist or, in the least, weren't allowed to be freeloaders by the left.
Just lousy reading comprehension from the right wing, like usual?

We have a mixed market economy. one part socialism and one part capitalism. can you guess which part is the socialism part?

No we don't. You can keep repeating that nonsense all you like, it's not true and you've not proven it true, nor will your incessant repeating it make it true.

You've demonstrated for everyone that you simply don't understand what "Socialism" means. Your argument failed the test of simple logic and I showed you how. Now it seems you want to grandstand and insist you are right in spite of your own ignorance.
Just lousy reading comprehension from the right wing, like usual?

We have a mixed market economy. one part socialism and one part capitalism. can you guess which part is the socialism part?

No we don't. You can keep repeating that nonsense all you like, it's not true and you've not proven it true, nor will your incessant repeating it make it true.

You've demonstrated for everyone that you simply don't understand what "Socialism" means. Your argument failed the test of simple logic and I showed you how. Now it seems you want to grandstand and insist you are right in spite of your own ignorance.
dude, you are simply full of fallacy, if you don't believe we have a mixed-market economy. it is why i don't take the right seriously about economics, or the law.
Just lousy reading comprehension from the right wing, like usual?

We have a mixed market economy. one part socialism and one part capitalism. can you guess which part is the socialism part?

No we don't. You can keep repeating that nonsense all you like, it's not true and you've not proven it true, nor will your incessant repeating it make it true.

You've demonstrated for everyone that you simply don't understand what "Socialism" means. Your argument failed the test of simple logic and I showed you how. Now it seems you want to grandstand and insist you are right in spite of your own ignorance.
dude, you are simply full of fallacy, if you don't believe we have a mixed-market economy. it is why i don't take the right seriously about economics, or the law.
The fallacy is you arguing for socialism without openly admitting you are for socialism and without you extolling the virtues of socialism.
I know that you are continuing to make excuses for your lack of confidence in your ability to compete with others, which fully explains why you embrace Socialism. Thank you for continuing to confirm and validate the argument made by the OP.
It's not a lack of confidence that keeps you out of jail because you had a temper tantrum and hit the wrong person.
Which is where I would be without medical care. I only have medical care because of the VA, socialized medicine.
How is that socialized medicine and not benefit of employment?
it is government provided.
Only because the government was the employer.
Government is socialism; it only exists via the other Peoples' tax monies.
I hope you don't mind if I see it differently. Your religion is socialism. You worship big government and social policy. It is based on atheism and deification of man. It proceeds in almost all its manifestations from the assumption that the basic principles guiding the life of an individual and of mankind in general do not go beyond the satisfaction of material needs or primitive instincts. You have no distinction between good and evil, no morality or any other kind of value, save pleasure. Your doctrine is abolition of private property, abolition of family, abolition of religion and communality or equality. The religious nature of socialism explains its extraordinary ability to incite and inflame its adherents and inspire social movements. You practice moral relativity, indiscriminate indiscriminateness, multiculturalism, cultural marxism and normalization of deviance.
Just lousy reading comprehension from the right wing, like usual?

We have a mixed market economy. one part socialism and one part capitalism. can you guess which part is the socialism part?

No we don't. You can keep repeating that nonsense all you like, it's not true and you've not proven it true, nor will your incessant repeating it make it true.

You've demonstrated for everyone that you simply don't understand what "Socialism" means. Your argument failed the test of simple logic and I showed you how. Now it seems you want to grandstand and insist you are right in spite of your own ignorance.
dude, you are simply full of fallacy, if you don't believe we have a mixed-market economy. it is why i don't take the right seriously about economics, or the law.
The fallacy is you arguing for socialism without openly admitting you are for socialism and without you extolling the virtues of socialism.
Socialism starts with a social Contract. I, for one, am grateful for the most Excellent job our Founding Fathers did at the convention with our Constitution, which limits the amount of socialism, to those express exigencies.
This OP might be a little wordy, so I will go ahead and tell you, if you don't like wordy OPs, you may want to pass this one up and move along. It is intended to address a burning question that many on the right side of the political spectrum have had for a while about the left's fascination with socialism and socialist policies. To answer tough questions, it sometimes takes more than a paragraph. So, forgive me for the length and try to muddle through to glean the overall point.

I watched an old movie the other day. It was from 1949, called The Green Promise, starring a young Natalie Wood as a child and a middle-aged Walter Brennan as her father. In the story, he was a widower with 4 children, three daughters and a son, and he was a farmer. The five of them worked together to make their farm life work and the father was really big on having these "family meetings" where they would routinely vote on various issues and decisions. At first, this is presented as a proud and virtuous way to handle things, democracy in action as opposed to the iron-fisted tyranny of the father. Everyone working together for the common good. It was the perfect model of Democratic Socialism in every respect.

Okay... So the youngest daughter (Natalie Wood), meets this young boy her age, I am guessing they are around 12-13ish... His name is Buzz. Now, Buzz has done very well for himself at his young age. He has a herd of cattle and a prize bull worth over $1,000. He started with two calves his father sold him on credit, which he has long since paid for. She admires he has done this on his own at his age, and she starts thinking about doing the same thing with a couple of lambs. One of the protagonists in the story is a County Extension Agent who is trying to help the farmers in his community with advice and mentors to the young people by introducing them to the 4-H Club. He kind of puts the notion in the young daughter's head that she can do the same thing as Buzz and raise two lambs into her own flock of sheep.

Her oldest sister is kind of taking on the role of matriarch, is on her side. She explains how she understands how it's important for her to do this because it's her individuality and sense of self-accomplishment. The middle sister is unsympathetic because she is a suck-up to the father for attention. So this issue of her getting two lambs to raise on her own finally comes to a "family meeting" where a vote will be cast on what they should do. The father has his mind set on purchasing a tractor, even though it's something they really can't afford. And this is where the model of Democratic Socialism goes awry.

The father begins the meeting with a little lecture to his young daughter that her idea of raising two lambs on her own is selfish and it must be because she doesn't love the rest of her family. Greed is the only reason he can see for her wanting to do this. He then demands the family show hands if they oppose the idea. The older daughter speaks up, asking why not show hands in favor first, and he quickly shoots back... it doesn't matter! Of course, he has already raised his hand in opposition, and the suck-up middle daughter raises her hand. His son, sits there contemplating the situation... he is going to be the deciding vote and he has to live with his dad. You can tell that he begrudgingly votes with the dad, which seals the deal. The father goes on to lobby through his idea of buying a tractor and the little girl's dream is crushed.

Now, as fate would have it, the father is injured severely on the farm and the older daughter has to take over running the farm. So she ends up approving the young daughter's plan if she can raise the money to buy the initial lambs. She does so with the help of the County Extension Agent. A lot of other things take place as well but the father finally comes to realize the error of his ways and this is where I gained some insight into why I believe the left is so fascinated with Socialism, and why most people are so enamored.

In his confessional, he admits that his reluctance to allow his children to be independent, the reason he insisted on everyone working together as a cooperative unit, was because he was afraid to compete, afraid of his own lack of ability. As long as everyone was working for the common cause, he felt secure, he didn't have to worry about being left alone to fend for himself. This is where I realized what lies behind this modern Democrat Socialist view of the world and what is motivating it. These are people who are afraid to compete as individuals because they have no confidence in their own ability. They feel more secure as part of a supporting cast who can carry most of the load and where their underachievement can be hidden. They are unwilling to let that go, even though it stifles individuality and sense of self-accomplishment for others.
Do as I say NOT as I do?
Donald Trump has been shaming and bullying American companies that locate their facilities in other countries. But Trump’s own companies do exactly the same thing.

From an economic point of view, there’s no difference between United Technologies’ UTX, -0.60% Carrier heating-and-cooling division locating a manufacturing plant in Mexico and the Trump Organization’s development of a golf course in Scotland.

Trump (still) owns more than a hundred companies that do business in dozens of countries. He’s no different than any other multinational company that scours the global market for opportunities to make money, without regard to national pride or borders on a map.
Socialism starts with a social Contract. I, for one, am grateful for the most Excellent job our Founding Fathers did at the convention with our Constitution, which limits the amount of socialism, to those express exigencies.

But that's not what Socialism is. Sorry. It's just not what the word means. You are ignorant of what things mean as you've demonstrated here. You have an infantile view that isn't supported with logic or reason. There is NO amount of Socialism, limited or otherwise, in our Constitution. There are constitutionally-enumerated powers which the people ratified, and that is our social contract. Socialism is not simply the presence of a social contract. It is government controlling the means of production. In OUR system, that is inherently impossible because we are self-governing.
Do as I say NOT as I do?
Donald Trump has been shaming and bullying American companies that locate their facilities in other countries. But Trump’s own companies do exactly the same thing.

From an economic point of view, there’s no difference between United Technologies’ UTX, -0.60% Carrier heating-and-cooling division locating a manufacturing plant in Mexico and the Trump Organization’s development of a golf course in Scotland.

Trump (still) owns more than a hundred companies that do business in dozens of countries. He’s no different than any other multinational company that scours the global market for opportunities to make money, without regard to national pride or borders on a map.

I don't support Trump's trade policies. That's not what the thread is about.
Just lousy reading comprehension from the right wing, like usual?

We have a mixed market economy. one part socialism and one part capitalism. can you guess which part is the socialism part?

No we don't. You can keep repeating that nonsense all you like, it's not true and you've not proven it true, nor will your incessant repeating it make it true.

You've demonstrated for everyone that you simply don't understand what "Socialism" means. Your argument failed the test of simple logic and I showed you how. Now it seems you want to grandstand and insist you are right in spite of your own ignorance.
dude, you are simply full of fallacy, if you don't believe we have a mixed-market economy. it is why i don't take the right seriously about economics, or the law.
The fallacy is you arguing for socialism without openly admitting you are for socialism and without you extolling the virtues of socialism.
Socialism starts with a social Contract. I, for one, am grateful for the most Excellent job our Founding Fathers did at the convention with our Constitution, which limits the amount of socialism, to those express exigencies.
No. Socialism starts with a reaction.
Do as I say NOT as I do?
Donald Trump has been shaming and bullying American companies that locate their facilities in other countries. But Trump’s own companies do exactly the same thing.

From an economic point of view, there’s no difference between United Technologies’ UTX, -0.60% Carrier heating-and-cooling division locating a manufacturing plant in Mexico and the Trump Organization’s development of a golf course in Scotland.

Trump (still) owns more than a hundred companies that do business in dozens of countries. He’s no different than any other multinational company that scours the global market for opportunities to make money, without regard to national pride or borders on a map.

I don't support Trump's trade policies. That's not what the thread is about.
sorry that belongs elsewhere
Socialism starts with a social Contract. I, for one, am grateful for the most Excellent job our Founding Fathers did at the convention with our Constitution, which limits the amount of socialism, to those express exigencies.

But that's not what Socialism is. Sorry. It's just not what the word means. You are ignorant of what things mean as you've demonstrated here. You have an infantile view that isn't supported with logic or reason. There is NO amount of Socialism, limited or otherwise, in our Constitution. There are constitutionally-enumerated powers which the people ratified, and that is our social contract. Socialism is not simply the presence of a social contract. It is government controlling the means of production. In OUR system, that is inherently impossible because we are self-governing.
Yes, that is what social-ism means; groups rights over individual rights.

You are merely, clueless and Causeless.

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