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Why The Little Kids?


Gold Member
Jun 11, 2010
Brick, New Jersey
That Lanza fellow must have been an extreme sociopath as well as a homicidal psychopath with a fiendishly cruel awareness of how to inflict the worst pain on those he clearly hated.

As expected the media is alive with anti-gun rhetoric, along with a few equally impotent preventive suggestions, but there really is no way to prevent something as difficult to anticipate as the deliberate execution of twenty little children. The simple fact is the rational mind is incapable of even contemplating such an action.

We can think of ways to protect celebrities and politicians from assassination but who would expect something like this?

What a goddam shame this is. What a Christmas. Those poor parents.
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why the little kids, the kid was a COWARD..that's why

Horrible person who would do something like that..
Morgan Freeman on Adam Lanza - National Facebook | Examiner.com

Morgan Freeman:

"You want to know why. This may sound cynical, but here's why.

It's because of the way the media reports it. Flip on the news and watch how we treat the Batman theater shooter and the Oregon mall shooter like celebrities. Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris are household names, but do you know the name of a single victim of Columbine? Disturbed

people who would otherwise just off themselves in their basements see the news and want to top it by doing something worse, and going out in a memorable way. Why a grade school? Why children? Because he'll be remembered as a horrible monster, instead of a sad nobody.

CNN's article says that if the body count "holds up", this will rank as the second deadliest shooting behind Virginia Tech, as if statistics somehow make one shooting worse than another. Then they post a video interview of third-graders for all the details of what they saw and heard while the shootings were happening. Fox News has plastered the killer's face on all their reports for hours. Any articles or news stories yet that focus on the victims and ignore the killer's identity? None that I've seen yet. Because they don't sell. So congratulations, sensationalist media, you've just lit the fire for someone to top this and knock off a day care center or a maternity ward next.
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That Lanza fellow must have been an extreme sociopath as well as a homicidal psychopath with a fiendishly cruel awareness of how to inflict the worst pain on those he clearly hated.

As expected the media is alive with anti-gun rhetoric, along with a few equally impotent preventive suggestions, but there really is no way to prevent something as difficult to anticipate as the deliberate execution of twenty little children. The simple fact is the rational mind is incapable of even contemplating such an action.

We can think of ways to protect celebrities and politicians from assassination but who would expect something like this?

What a goddam shame this is. What a Christmas. Those poor parents.

The killer had Asperger's and was developmentally disabled, meaning a low IQ.... but he was not a sociopath in the sense that Ted Bundy was.

He was a basically seeking revenge ... he did have a certain degree of clear-headedness to plan and execute a crime like this...and he is as evil as they come.... a monster!

But we must not forget that the problem is not only about mental disease, it is 50% the other 50% of mass murderers often are not mentally ill.
The reasoning for targeting the school could be that it was purportedly a source for a great deal of angst and grief for the killer and his mother. "Adam's mother, Nancy Lanza, had disputes with the local school district and eventually ended up home schooling Adam." His aunt stated, "I'm not 100 percent certain if it was behavior, learning disabilities, I really don't know. But he was very, very bright. He was smart."

However, the apple did not fall far from the tree, "Nancy Lanza kept guns for own safety, and had something of a survivalist mentality; she was worried about protecting her home if the economy went south." Worry about the economy is one thing, arming one' self in the event of a failed economy is another. The house was a breeding ground for emotional instability and perhaps mental illness.

The brief, enigmatic life of mass-murderer Adam Lanza - CBS News
What Morgan Freeman said is very much true, but the reason why the murderers are easier to remember is because its just that one person or two so there aren't as many names to remember. Sadly the number of victims always out number how many shooters there are. I still remember the names of the two sniper guys who shot and killed several people in the Washington DC area back in late 2002: John Muhammad and John Lee Malvo. I recently heard that John Lee Malvo did eventually say that he is sorry for all that he did. He was given life prison without parole. John Muhammad was given the death sentence which has already been carried out.

God bless you and John Lee and Morgan Freeman always!!! :) :) :)


P.S. To answer what was originally asked, why the kids? To me that is a good question when they didn't have anything to do with whatever Adam Lanza's problem was.
That Lanza fellow must have been an extreme sociopath as well as a homicidal psychopath with a fiendishly cruel awareness of how to inflict the worst pain on those he clearly hated.

As expected the media is alive with anti-gun rhetoric, along with a few equally impotent preventive suggestions, but there really is no way to prevent something as difficult to anticipate as the deliberate execution of twenty little children. The simple fact is the rational mind is incapable of even contemplating such an action.

We can think of ways to protect celebrities and politicians from assassination but who would expect something like this?

What a goddam shame this is. What a Christmas. Those poor parents.

The killer had Asperger's and was developmentally disabled, meaning a low IQ..

That does not mean a low IQ. Many people on the autism spectrum are smarter than you could ever hope to be.
That Lanza fellow must have been an extreme sociopath as well as a homicidal psychopath with a fiendishly cruel awareness of how to inflict the worst pain on those he clearly hated.

As expected the media is alive with anti-gun rhetoric, along with a few equally impotent preventive suggestions, but there really is no way to prevent something as difficult to anticipate as the deliberate execution of twenty little children. The simple fact is the rational mind is incapable of even contemplating such an action.

We can think of ways to protect celebrities and politicians from assassination but who would expect something like this?

What a goddam shame this is. What a Christmas. Those poor parents.

The killer had Asperger's and was developmentally disabled, meaning a low IQ..

That does not mean a low IQ. Many people on the autism spectrum are smarter than you could ever hope to be.

I had stated in my previous post that he was considered "very, very bright. He was smart."
Adam Lanza has been described as "socially awkward", "shy", "a nerd" and "super smart".
The killer ( I refuse to write his name) most likely felt very rejected by his school experiences. He would meet with less resistance from the younger students and that is why he went there versus a high school in my opinion.
Adam Lanza has been described as "socially awkward", "shy", "a nerd" and "super smart".

It does not make a whole lot of sense that the killer would be stupid or slow, While not something to aspire to, the planning and preparation speaks to a level of intelligence that diabolical and crafty.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
this guy was on anti depressants and malaria drugs...

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZACSsQBMc8k]Mefloquine, the military's own zombie potion - YouTube[/ame]

the shooter was hopped up on several different psych drugs...
That Lanza fellow must have been an extreme sociopath as well as a homicidal psychopath with a fiendishly cruel awareness of how to inflict the worst pain on those he clearly hated.

As expected the media is alive with anti-gun rhetoric, along with a few equally impotent preventive suggestions, but there really is no way to prevent something as difficult to anticipate as the deliberate execution of twenty little children. The simple fact is the rational mind is incapable of even contemplating such an action.

We can think of ways to protect celebrities and politicians from assassination but who would expect something like this?

What a goddam shame this is. What a Christmas. Those poor parents.

The killer had Asperger's and was developmentally disabled, meaning a low IQ..

That does not mean a low IQ. Many people on the autism spectrum are smarter than you could ever hope to be.

I didn't say that because he had Asperger's he had low IQ .I said he had Asperger's and was developmentally disabled. :)
The killer had Asperger's and was developmentally disabled, meaning a low IQ..

That does not mean a low IQ. Many people on the autism spectrum are smarter than you could ever hope to be.

I didn't say that because he had Asperger's he had low IQ .I said he had Asperger's and was developmentally disabled. :)

Um, no. You clearly said "meaning a low IQ".

And there's no "and" there. Aspergers IS a developmental disability. They're not two different things.
he was on the same drugs as all the school shooters and mothers that kill their children take...

Cross referencing the drug and families with gun purchases/ownership should yield some good intel then. We could pass a law which requires extra security measures on accessing the weapons in such situations.

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