Why the Media Keeps Losing to Trump


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
Trump’s genius is for making his opponents seem crazier than he is — and I’m using “crazy” as a pejorative in the former example, but not in the latter.

It is the Trump view that the media has been so wrong in its predictions, and made to look in the eyes of the public so woeful and ludicrous, that it must now double down in an effort to prove its thesis about the president and restore its honor. (The Trump White House now hammers a persistent theme: Why was nobody fired in the mainstream media for such dunderheaded election coverage?)

The media strategy is to show Trump to be an inept and craven sociopath. The Trump strategy is to show that media people are hopeless prigs out of touch with the nation (e.g., CNN’s media correspondent, Brian Stelter, who turns to the camera every Sunday morning and delivers a pious sermon about Trump’s perfidiousness) and nursing personal grudges.

Accordingly, “alternative facts.” It’s curious to pick a battle whose outcome won’t change anything—like over the actual size of the inaugural crowd. But both sides grabbed it. Hence, the argument becomes about relative reaction. Who is perceived as overreacting more? Whose apoplexy is greater?
Michael Wolff: Why the media keeps losing to Donald Trump
At this point I'm certain he tosses these side issues out to keep the wolves at bay. Meanwhile he has been moving things along at a break neck speed.
At this point I'm certain he tosses these side issues out to keep the wolves at bay. Meanwhile he has been moving things along at a break neck speed.
Yep. While the left are busy with mine is bigger than yours he has half of his campaign promises fulfilled without the left even recognizing it.

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