Why the media want to bury the Susan Rice ‘unmasking’ news


Diamond Member
Apr 1, 2011
The media has been 'complicit' in using the information from Susan Rice's espionage on the Trump campaign, so naturally they want to divert attention from it as much as possible.


The folks at CNN and MSNBC are working overtime to splash cold water all over the startling disclosure that President Barack Obama’s national security adviser, Susan Rice, was behind the “unmasking” of Trumpites in transcripts of calls with Russian officials.

“Another fake scandal being peddled by right-wing media” is what CNN anchor Chris Cuomo (brother of New York’s Democratic governor) called it.

National security correspondent Jim Sciutto (who joined the network straight from the Obama administration) labeled it “a ginned-up scandal” and President Trump’s “latest attempt” to “divert attention from his team’s contacts with Russia.”

Over at the even harder-left MSNBC, anchor Chris Matthews and analyst David Corn tried to outdo each other in implying base motives for the Rice coverage. “Notice it’s always a female” who’s attacked by conservatives, snarked Matthews. Added Corn: “Maybe because she’s a black woman.”

Or maybe it’s not sexism or racism, but the fact that Rice — with her clear history of dishonest public statements — has totally altered her story.

Two weeks ago, she insisted she knew “nothing about this” and was “surprised to see reports” about unmasked information.

Now, in a friendly interview with NBC’s Andrea Mitchell, she denies unmasking anyone’s identity “for any political purposes” — which basically confirms that her claim to know nothing about unmasking was far from true. Moreover, published reports stressed that the transcripts “contained valuable political information.”

You can see why so many in the media want to discredit this story: They’ve been eagerly relaying leaked info from the transcripts that makes Trump & Co. look bad.

To acknowledge the clear political motive behind those leaks, and behind Rice’s “unmasking,” is to admit that Team Obama abused intelligence data — and that its media friends were complicit in doing so.
you sure are stuck on stupid Bripat....and I've got a bridge in Brooklyn to sell you!

unmasking is a legal procedure, sh does not know who the masked USA person is so it's simply bull crap that she asked for Trump people to be unmasked, she did not KNOW who the masked person was...thus requesting the Intelligence agency that gave her the security brief to unmask the US person for HeR.

She requests the unmasking on need to understand the foreign intelligence

The intelligence agency has a 3 man team of lawyers to decide if the requested unmasking for Rice is necessary and meets constitutional muster....

if the 3 man team decides Rice's request is valid, they approve the unmasking for her and her ALONE and call her to the Intel Agency, put hr in a super duper classified room, and unveils it to her, then she leaves...

unmasking is NOT LEAKING, not even close.

unmasking is not spreading the names around

end of story.

The REAL Newspapers are not going bat sh t crazy over it BECAUSE there is nothing to go crazy over....it's a routine procedure for all National Security Advisors.

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