Why the Polls may be Wrong


Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2012
General distrust of the media, combined with concern about being labeled a racist or other forms of retribution may have caused a significant number of voters to hide their intention to vote for Romney by giving pollsters false or misleading information. We will see tonight.
General distrust of the media, combined with concern about being labeled a racist or other forms of retribution may have caused a significant number of voters to hide their intention to vote for Romney by giving pollsters false or misleading information. We will see tonight.

It's the Bradley Effect.

White people being too nice to tell a pollster they won't vote again for the failed black guy.
General distrust of the media, combined with concern about being labeled a racist or other forms of retribution may have caused a significant number of voters to hide their intention to vote for Romney by giving pollsters false or misleading information. We will see tonight.

It's the Bradley Effect.

White people being too nice to tell a pollster they won't vote again for the failed black guy.

Never really understood that. I'm white and would have no problem telling people i'm not voting for Obama because i disagree with pretty much all his ideas.
General distrust of the media, combined with concern about being labeled a racist or other forms of retribution may have caused a significant number of voters to hide their intention to vote for Romney by giving pollsters false or misleading information. We will see tonight.

It's the Bradley Effect.

White people being too nice to tell a pollster they won't vote again for the failed black guy.

Never really understood that. I'm white and would have no problem telling people i'm not voting for Obama because i disagree with pretty much all his ideas.

It's a white guilt thing.
It's a white guilt thing.

I would agree that a lot of white people probably let race play a big part in their vote last time. Combine Obama's masterful campaign with his almost complete lack of a record which meant he could be anything you wanted him to be, it's a nice feel-good story to say "i helped elect the first black president."

Now, we've had a black president and he has a record. I highly doubt that many whites who voted for Obama last time, at least partly based on his race, will do so again.
It's a white guilt thing.

I would agree that a lot of white people probably let race play a big part in their vote last time. Combine Obama's masterful campaign with his almost complete lack of a record which meant he could be anything you wanted him to be, it's a nice feel-good story to say "i helped elect the first black president."

Now, we've had a black president and he has a record. I highly doubt that many whites who voted for Obama last time, at least partly based on his race, will do so again.
well this man former bush gop man Ari Fleischer in flordia seems confident.

Ari Fleischer @AriFleischer Verified account
General distrust of the media, combined with concern about being labeled a racist or other forms of retribution may have caused a significant number of voters to hide their intention to vote for Romney by giving pollsters false or misleading information. We will see tonight.

It's the Bradley Effect.

White people being too nice to tell a pollster they won't vote again for the failed black guy.

Never really understood that. I'm white and would have no problem telling people i'm not voting for Obama because i disagree with pretty much all his ideas.

Well I've written about this several times coming from my former Iowan background I KNOW some if not many IOWANS put Obama in the primary BECAUSE in Iowa you have to stand in the caucus for the candidate.
Well with ALL the glare of MSM during 2008 Iowa primary Iowans NOT wanting to fit the supposed stereotype of Iowans as hicks.. MANY Iowans stood up for Obama!
They wanted to show EVEN with less then 3% black population.. Iowans are NOT racists!
So these Iowans standing for Obama showed MSM they weren't hicks. There were sophisticated enough to stand for a Black man!

AND so as a former Iowan I know these Iowans were more concerned about PERCEPTION then the reality Obama WAS NEVER qualified!
But today's election in the quiet of voting booth I agree!
In 2008 The total voting by whites were 79% of which 44% voted for Obama!
Today that number will be the same i.e. 79% whites voting but 38% or less vote for Obama!

Blacks in 2008 constituted 15 million and 91% of blacks voted for Obama... today polls show it will be about 87% for Obama
Hispanics the same in 2012 as 2008 67% of 9 million for Obama..
SO that being the case.. 6% less Obama means a loss !
General distrust of the media, combined with concern about being labeled a racist or other forms of retribution may have caused a significant number of voters to hide their intention to vote for Romney by giving pollsters false or misleading information. We will see tonight.

Dragons COULD fly out of my ass tonight too, but that is just as highly unlikely to happen....

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