Why The Silence?

Here's how the retard brain works: "The terrorists are Muslims. Therefore, all Muslims are bad."

Then, when the terrorists kill a bunch of Muslims, they think, "All Muslims are bad, so terrorists killing Muslims is a good thing."

It's amazing their skulls don't implode from the fantastical vortex of paradoxical stupidity they create in themselves.

Using their own TardLogic™, any time you find a Republican Behaving Badly, it is proof all Republicans are bad.
Agreed. That's just as fucking stupid as the morons who say "Guns are bad. Therefore, all gun owners are bad and have small dicks".
I've been posting this for about a year now:

LIBTARD: Guns just killed some more people. We must ban them.

RUBE: Cars kill a lot more people than guns. So I guess we should ban them, too, right? Right? Right?

FOX NEWS: Some more Muslims just killed some more people. Every time any Muslim anywhere kills someone, we will be right here to tell you all about it, with doom music.

Here's how the retard brain works: "The terrorists are Muslims. Therefore, all Muslims are bad."
I've never heard anyone say that

See post #6, willfully blind monkey. My God, that's a serious pair of blinders you have on.

Allow me to enlighten you.

Islam is a barbaric pagan religion.

Everyone who truly knows Islam and isn't a psychopath like you hates Islam.

Islam is a bloodthirsty cult. No intelligent discussion can be had with morons like you who refuse to acknowledge that fact.

Satan's religion will lose in the end. Islam is a violent religion based on lies from a psychotic pedophile.

Beheading women and children and all infidels along the way.... Yeeeeee Ha.
The religion of peace killing it's way to a town near you!

Muslim scum are always calling for violence. It's in their DNA. A true cancer in this world.

More Muslims in America means more typically Muslim baggage and garbage.

We should never let another Muslim into this country.
No More Muslims, we have quite enough thank you.

Fuck Islam! The war between Islam and the West is brewing and soon there won't be a save corner on the planet for the demonic cult!

Liberals defend Islam because Islam wants the same thing: The destruction of America.
This ones' for me:
Muslims are just like Nazis.
These are for my sons:
Muslims are just like Nazis.
Muslims are just like Nazis.
This one is for Curt Shilling:
Muslims are just like Nazis.
This one is for Paint my House:
Muslims are just like Nazis.

I have plenty more examples if you need them, including deltex and his granddaughter calling for the extermination of the Syrian refugees.
Oh, you were just attacking board members. You posted this in politics though, not the flame zone.
I have plenty more examples if you need them, including deltex and his granddaughter calling for the extermination of the Syrian refugees.

You have examples of them calling for "the extermination of the Syrian refugees"?
I sure do!

if we could make the Hajj a daily event, and eliminate 700 Muslims per day, how long would it take to eliminate all muslims?

Mecca stampede: At least 717 killed and hundreds injured in crush during hajj

They breed too fast. It's like perpetual muzzies

You seem to like the Muzzies, careful there Pokiehontas

deltex's opinion of what should be done with the refugees:


That Winner tag attached to deltex's post calling for the extermination of the Syrian refugees was put there by his granddaughter.
ISIS is in its death throes. These attacks are a last gasp attempt to force the Arab world to react the same way we reacted. They want to force governments to become more totalitarian.
Congradulations. You just won the most ignorant post of the week award and it's only Tuesday.
ISIS loses 45 percent of territory in Iraq, 20 percent in Syria

"The Islamic State has lost 45 percent of the territory it once held in Iraq and 20 percent of areas it controlled in Syria."

ISIS has also lost Fallujah since that story.
You believe everything Obama tells you.
"Accept them (the refugees) at your peril."

"Or exterminate them...as we would have done before the rise of Libtard faggots."
The most important initiative in the worldwide campaign to end Muslim terrorism (80% of world terrorism is perpetrated by people claiming Muslim justification), is to get "mainstream" Muslims motivated. For that reason these recent attacks, especially in Saudi Arabia, are a good thing.

Israel used to have a policy (I don't know if it remains) that they would destroy the houses of Palestinian suicide bombers. Punishing the families - presumably innocent - was intended to be a deterrent to others intending to do the same thing.

The world needs to develop and execute a similar strategy. Identify the bombers and destroy the mosques where they were based. Or something similar. Make it painful.
I know this thread is to slam anti-Muslims, but this past week it seems like ISIS is really poking the world at large with a stick. And it's working--at least, it's pissing me off. Just want to squash them like the bugs they are, kick the living shit out of them. No one will. Why?
They have been getting their asses kicked. See post 19.

ISIS is cornered and acting like a cornered rat now.
We better figure out how to check up on them instead of simply throwing the doors wide open. It's causing major problems in Europe and starting here. Your hysteria will do nothing for our safety.
We have not thrown the doors wide open. Stop drinking Trump's piss. We have taken in less than 2000 refugees since the crisis began, and the screening process takes at least two years.

These refugees are running AWAY from the terrorists. Conflating the victims of terrorism with the terrorists is the asshole move of the decade.

As I have pointed out countless times, ISIS and AQ have killed more Muslims than we have.
I have plenty more examples if you need them, including deltex and his granddaughter calling for the extermination of the Syrian refugees.

You have examples of them calling for "the extermination of the Syrian refugees"?
I sure do!

if we could make the Hajj a daily event, and eliminate 700 Muslims per day, how long would it take to eliminate all muslims?

Mecca stampede: At least 717 killed and hundreds injured in crush during hajj

They breed too fast. It's like perpetual muzzies

You seem to like the Muzzies, careful there Pokiehontas

deltex's opinion of what should be done with the refugees:


That Winner tag attached to deltex's post calling for the extermination of the Syrian refugees was put there by his granddaughter.
that overweight retard SassyIrishLass is in a class by herself
I've told you dumb savages time and time again, the terrorists have killed more Muslims than all our Presidents and Putin combined. They have killed many tens of thousands more Muslims than they have a New York billionaire or his Chumps.

The refugees are running away from the terrorists. And they would be an invaluable source of intel to our people fighting terrorism.

For you parroting apes to conflate the VICTIMS of terror with the terrorists is the biggest asshole move I have seen in a very long time. Possibly ever. You are right down there with the Americans who are now burning in hell for turning away the Jews trying to flee Hitler. "Make those dirty beasts someone else's problem!"

And I also warned you that refugees are not the ones we have to worry about. I told you we have to worry about some dipshit loser watching too many ISIS videos, and the truth behind my warning was revealed in spades in Orlando.

You morons are focused on the wrong things, and it will cost us more lives and the lives of tens of thousands of innocent refugees.
Here's how the retard brain works: "The terrorists are Muslims. Therefore, all Muslims are bad."

Then, when the terrorists kill a bunch of Muslims, they think, "All Muslims are bad, so terrorists killing Muslims is a good thing."

It's amazing their skulls don't implode from the fantastical vortex of paradoxical stupidity they create in themselves.

Using their own TardLogic™, any time you find a Republican Behaving Badly, it is proof all Republicans are bad.

They have different rules for themselves. Anyone from a group is representative of everyone from that group*

*Unless White or Christian results may vary
Not all muslims are bad, but a lot are
Not all terrorists are muslim, but most are.
I think the problem with some Americans disdain for islam remains in the religion, not the individuals.
I would like to think so anyways.
People know, that in Islam, we are the bad guys. That's just the way it is. Anything else is bullshit.
When terrorists attacked Paris, the anti-Muslim bigots made a lot of noise. Dozens of topics.

When a loser who watched too many ISIS videos shot up a gay disco, the anti-Muslim bigots made a lot of noise. Dozens of topics.

But, as I have pointed out many, many times, ISIS and AQ have killed more Muslims than all our Presidents and Putin combined.

This weekend, the terrorists put an exclamation point on that truth. And I don't see the anti-Muslim bigots making a big fuss over it.

I guess when terrorists kill Muslims, it doesn't fit the narrative, eh? Or is this one of those "a good Muslim is a dead Muslim" things?

The terrorists attacked one of the most holy Muslim sites in the world. Anyone feel like posting another bogus claim about how much the world's Muslims support terrorism?

Kind of like the silence from the anti-American, anti 2nd Amendment Left on all those gun deaths in Chicago, amiright?
Not all muslims are bad, but a lot are
Not all terrorists are muslim, but most are.
I think the problem with some Americans disdain for islam remains in the religion, not the individuals.
I would like to think so anyways.
People know, that in Islam, we are the bad guys. That's just the way it is. Anything else is bullshit.
There are 1.2 billion Muslims. If they wanted you dead, you would be.

It's time to wake up, retard. Muslims are, by far, the biggest victims of terrorism.
I've told you dumb savages time and time again......
You should consider reading Dale Carnegie's "How to win friends and influence people".

The refugees are running away from the terrorists. And they would be an invaluable source of intel to our people fighting terrorism....

....And I also warned you that refugees are not the ones we have to worry about.....
Most are, but not 100%. Even if it was 100%, there's no guarantees their children will not grow up to be radicalized like the Tsarnaevs, Mateen or Farook.

Secondly, and most importantly, admitting "tens of thousands of refugees" is deceitful. What you are proposing is importing tens of thousands of immigrants to the front of the line. Better, IMHO, to fix the problem on why they are refugees so they can go home. This requires an international effort of which Middle Eastern, Mediterranean and European nations should bear the brunt of the work.
Not all muslims are bad, but a lot are
Not all terrorists are muslim, but most are.
I think the problem with some Americans disdain for islam remains in the religion, not the individuals.
I would like to think so anyways.
People know, that in Islam, we are the bad guys. That's just the way it is. Anything else is bullshit.
There are 1.2 billion Muslims. If they wanted you dead, you would be.

It's time to wake up, retard. Muslims are, by far, the biggest victims of terrorism.
We better figure out how to check up on them instead of simply throwing the doors wide open. It's causing major problems in Europe and starting here. Your hysteria will do nothing for our safety.
We have not thrown the doors wide open. Stop drinking Trump's piss. We have taken in less than 2000 refugees since the crisis began, and the screening process takes at least two years.

These refugees are running AWAY from the terrorists. Conflating the victims of terrorism with the terrorists is the asshole move of the decade.

As I have pointed out countless times, ISIS and AQ have killed more Muslims than we have.
Drinking Trump's piss? How about you quit gulping your high horse cum, big boy? What the fuck is wrong with you? You're a goddamn liar at that. We are letting 100 Syrians a month in now with no background on them and Hilarry want's it increased by a great measure.
Kind of like the silence from the anti-American, anti 2nd Amendment Left on all those gun deaths in Chicago, amiright?

Add to this, that if inner-city gang-banger murders of each other were removed from the stats, the US gun homicide rate would drop to European levels.
I've told you dumb savages time and time again......
You should consider reading Dale Carnegie's "How to win friends and influence people".

It works for Trump. :D

And I don't expect to change the minds of bigots.

The refugees are running away from the terrorists. And they would be an invaluable source of intel to our people fighting terrorism....

....And I also warned you that refugees are not the ones we have to worry about.....
Most are, but not 100%. Even if it was 100%, there's no guarantees their children will not grow up to be radicalized like the Tsarnaevs, Mateen or Farook.

Secondly, and most importantly, admitting "tens of thousands of refugees" is deceitful. What you are proposing is importing tens of thousands of immigrants to the front of the line. Better, IMHO, to fix the problem on why they are refugees so they can go home. This requires an international effort of which Middle Eastern, Mediterranean and European nations should bear the brunt of the work.
I've spoken long and often about what to do about ISIS. I asked the cowardly shits to tell us what should be done about ISIS many, many times, but they always demurred. Because their pattern is to wait to see what Obama does, and then oppose it. That way, if America fails, they can gloat. If America succeeds, they don't give Obama any credit. This is how weaseling cowards work.

I've said many times we need to let the Arab world solve its own problems, with as little interference on our part as possible. The Arab world has to go through the same bloody transition the Old World of Europe had to go through in WWI and WWII. There is no avoiding it.

In the meantime, we need to be a safe haven for the innocents.

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