Why The Silence?

1,854 Syrian refugees were admitted to the US from 2012 to 2015.

During the same period, Germany admitted 92,991.
This Is How the Syrian Refugee Screening Process Works

How are Syrian refugees referred to the U.S.?

The process begins with a referral from UNHCR. The U.N.’s refugee agency is responsible for registering some 15 million asylum seekers around the world, and providing aid and assistance until they are resettled abroad or (more likely) returned home once conditions ease. The registration process includes in-depth refugee interviews, home country reference checks and biological screening such as iris scans. Military combatants are weeded out.

Among those who pass background checks, a small percentage are referred for overseas resettlement based on criteria designed to determine the most vulnerable cases. This group may include survivors of torture, victims of sexual violence, targets of political persecution, the medically needy, families with multiple children and a female head of household.

What happens once a refugee is referred to the U.S.?

Our government performs its own intensive screening, a process that includes consultation from nine different government agencies. They meet weekly to review a refugee’s case file and, if appropriate, determine where in the U.S. the individual should be placed. When choosing where to place a refugee, officials consider factors such as existing family in the U.S., employment possibilities and special factors like access to needed medical treatment.

How do we know the refugees aren’t terrorists?

Every refugee goes through an intensive vetting process, but the precautions are increased for Syrians. Multiple law enforcement, intelligence and security agencies perform “the most rigorous screening of any traveler to the U.S.,” says a senior administration official. Among the agencies involved are the State Department, the FBI’s Terrorist Screening Center, the Department of Defense and the Department of Homeland Security. A DHS officer conducts in-person interviews with every applicant. Biometric information such as fingerprints are collected and matched against criminal databases. Biographical information such as past visa applications are scrutinized to ensure the applicant’s story coheres.

What percentage of applicants “pass” the screening process?

Just over 50%.

How long does the whole process take?

Eighteen to 24 months on average.

Who are they?

According to a senior administration official, roughly half the refugees admitted have been children. Around 25% are adults over 60. Only 2% of those admitted, the senior administration official said, have been single males of “combat age.”
Still waiting on that link, Iceweasel.
You said "no background on them". That's a lie.

If you go to the Refugee Processing Center site, you find half of the refugees being admitted are under 14: Refugee Processing Center > Reports > Interactive Reporting

There has been a total of 4,512 arrivals from Syria this year.

Obama has said he wants to bring in 10,000 refugees this year. So this is not news, and it is a drop in the bucket compared to what other countries are doing.
there's a reason the terrorists kill Muslims

Muslims didn't call the terrorists "radical Muslim terrorists"

works every time, ask Hannity.
You said "no background on them". That's a lie.

If you go to the Refugee Processing Center site, you find half of the refugees being admitted are under 14: Refugee Processing Center > Reports > Interactive Reporting

There has been a total of 4,512 arrivals from Syria this year.

Obama has said he wants to bring in 10,000 refugees this year. So this is not news, and it is a drop in the bucket compared to what other countries are doing.
4,512 is way more than 100 a month but what background intel do they have on them? An interview is background intel?
It works for Trump. :D

And I don't expect to change the minds of bigots.

...I've said many times we need to let the Arab world solve its own problems, with as little interference on our part as possible. The Arab world has to go through the same bloody transition the Old World of Europe had to go through in WWI and WWII. There is no avoiding it.

In the meantime, we need to be a safe haven for the innocents.
1. No it doesn't which is why only 33.4% of Americans find him favorable and a whopping 61.1% unfavorable.

2. Then why try? Why troll?

3. Like Africans, we would, but since they're sitting on top of 66% of the world's oil reserves, it's in the civilized nation's best interests to be involved.

4. No, we don't. Where in the Constitution does it say that?
When terrorists attacked Paris, the anti-Muslim bigots made a lot of noise. Dozens of topics.

When a loser who watched too many ISIS videos shot up a gay disco, the anti-Muslim bigots made a lot of noise. Dozens of topics.

But, as I have pointed out many, many times, ISIS and AQ have killed more Muslims than all our Presidents and Putin combined.

This weekend, the terrorists put an exclamation point on that truth. And I don't see the anti-Muslim bigots making a big fuss over it.

I guess when terrorists kill Muslims, it doesn't fit the narrative, eh? Or is this one of those "a good Muslim is a dead Muslim" things?

The terrorists attacked one of the most holy Muslim sites in the world. Anyone feel like posting another bogus claim about how much the world's Muslims support terrorism?

Did anyone put up Arab profile flags this time? Didn't think so, either. :afro:
Obama has said he wants to bring in 10,000 refugees this year. So this is not news, and it is a drop in the bucket compared to what other countries are doing.
Be honest; they aren't refugees. They're immigrants.

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