Why the "slam dunk" statement was made...

Tell me in one sentence why you are unhappy that 2.8 million kids that would have starved are still alive if the Liberation of Iraq had not happened?
Quit calling it the "liberation of Iraq" as if we did them any favors. I do not know where you got your figures (and I don't really care) but it is conjecture, we have very real figures of dead, missing and displaced native Iraqis and damage to their country that is a direct result of our war there. We fucked the place up so bad it cannot be fixed until they get tired of killing each other. Saddam was a fucking evil bastard who needed to be deposed but he was not fucking his country up as badly as we ended up doing. We didn't do them any favors at all. Everything is worse, quit trying to justify it on those grounds.

God, you Monday morning quarterbacks are so totally pathetic. You have the luxury of hindsight, something Bush never had. He had to deal with what was presented to him at the time, by people he trusted.

Yea these idiots NEVER NEVER made any executive decisions in their lives!
They seem to forget that 2.8 million children are alive today that if it weren't for the
Liberation of Iraq they would be dead today and who knows how many more millions
if Saddam were still in power.
Words have meaning and when these traitors spoke these words the bad guys used them
to kill more of our good guys!

Senator Kerry (D) "American soldiers going into the homes of Iraqis in the dead of night, terrorizing kids and children."

U.S. Rep. John Murtha(D)"Our troops killed innocent civilians in cold blood,
NOTE: Do you not believe the terrorists LOVED to hear our troops were cold blooded killers???

Durbin (D) "must have been done by Nazis, Soviets"--action of Americans in the treatment of their prisoners.

then Senator Obama said "troops are air-raiding villages and killing civilians,"

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid(D) "The war is lost, the surge is not accomplishing anything "

I'm sure the images of Abu Ghraib helped them along too.

ABSOLUTELY! NO question about it!
And you idiots along with the MSM take one situation and made it sound like it was being done
ALL the time EVERYONE was doing it and everywhere!
YES those images blasted out because it HELPED Democrats and hurt America DID encourage
more terrorists!
That's why the above statements as YOU agree HELPED the enemy and killed our troops!
Eleven U.S. soldiers were convicted of crimes relating to the Abu Ghraib scandal.
Seven of those were from Maryland-based 372nd Military Police Company. A number of other service members were not charged but reprimanded.
AND yet you traitors make it sound like the entire military was involved!
GEEZ you idiots are really disgusting!
Eleven out of the half a million troops in and out of Iraq and you idiots HELPED kill more US
troops by gross exaggeration and blowing way out of proportion!
How stupid!

Right, the eleven of them just developed all these complicated and thorough torture/interrogation techniques all on their own, and then carried them out on their own....

...and then the eleven of them went out into the field to hunt all the bad guys they found out about from the torture....for real....

Have you heard about the publically released Senate Torture Report? You can buy it at book stores now...
How the systematic selling of the war worked, an example:

"At The New York Times, Miller wrote on security issues, particularly about Iraq and weapons of mass destruction. Many of these stories later turned out to have been based upon faulty information.

On September 7, 2002, Miller and fellow Times reporter
Michael R. Gordon reported the interception of "metal tubes" bound for Iraq. Her front-page story quoted unnamed "American officials" and "American intelligence experts" who said the tubes were intended to be used to enrich nuclear material, and cited unnamed "Bush administration officials" who claimed that, in recent months, Iraq had "stepped up its quest for nuclear weapons and [had] embarked on a worldwide hunt for materials to make an atomic bomb".[14] Miller added that

"Mr. Hussein's dogged insistence on pursuing his nuclear ambitions, along with what defectors described in interviews as Iraq's push to improve and expand Baghdad's chemical and biological arsenals, have brought Iraq and the United States to the brink of war."

Shortly after Miller's article was published,
Condoleezza Rice, Colin Powell, and Donald Rumsfeld all appeared on television and pointed to Miller's story in support of their position.[15] As summarized by the New York Review of Books, "in the following months, the tubes would become a key prop in the administration’s case for war, and the Times played a critical part in legitimizing it."[15]"

The administration planted the story via Judith Miller at the Times, then later cited the story as if it were evidence for their case. Classic manipulation of the media for propaganda purposes.
Quit calling it the "liberation of Iraq" as if we did them any favors. I do not know where you got your figures (and I don't really care) but it is conjecture, we have very real figures of dead, missing and displaced native Iraqis and damage to their country that is a direct result of our war there. We fucked the place up so bad it cannot be fixed until they get tired of killing each other. Saddam was a fucking evil bastard who needed to be deposed but he was not fucking his country up as badly as we ended up doing. We didn't do them any favors at all. Everything is worse, quit trying to justify it on those grounds.

God, you Monday morning quarterbacks are so totally pathetic. You have the luxury of hindsight, something Bush never had. He had to deal with what was presented to him at the time, by people he trusted.

Yea these idiots NEVER NEVER made any executive decisions in their lives!
They seem to forget that 2.8 million children are alive today that if it weren't for the
Liberation of Iraq they would be dead today and who knows how many more millions
if Saddam were still in power.
Words have meaning and when these traitors spoke these words the bad guys used them
to kill more of our good guys!

Senator Kerry (D) "American soldiers going into the homes of Iraqis in the dead of night, terrorizing kids and children."

U.S. Rep. John Murtha(D)"Our troops killed innocent civilians in cold blood,
NOTE: Do you not believe the terrorists LOVED to hear our troops were cold blooded killers???

Durbin (D) "must have been done by Nazis, Soviets"--action of Americans in the treatment of their prisoners.

then Senator Obama said "troops are air-raiding villages and killing civilians,"

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid(D) "The war is lost, the surge is not accomplishing anything "

I'm sure the images of Abu Ghraib helped them along too.

ABSOLUTELY! NO question about it!
And you idiots along with the MSM take one situation and made it sound like it was being done
ALL the time EVERYONE was doing it and everywhere!
YES those images blasted out because it HELPED Democrats and hurt America DID encourage
more terrorists!
That's why the above statements as YOU agree HELPED the enemy and killed our troops!
Eleven U.S. soldiers were convicted of crimes relating to the Abu Ghraib scandal.
Seven of those were from Maryland-based 372nd Military Police Company. A number of other service members were not charged but reprimanded.
AND yet you traitors make it sound like the entire military was involved!
GEEZ you idiots are really disgusting!
Eleven out of the half a million troops in and out of Iraq and you idiots HELPED kill more US
troops by gross exaggeration and blowing way out of proportion!
How stupid!

Right, the eleven of them just developed all these complicated and thorough torture/interrogation techniques all on their own, and then carried them out on their own....

...and then the eleven of them went out into the field to hunt all the bad guys they found out about from the torture....for real....

Have you heard about the publically released Senate Torture Report? You can buy it at book stores now...

What "complicated techniques" did these 11 convicted national guard members come up with?
MORE importantly... AGAIN 11!
Not 500,000 ELEVEN!
And you make this the RULE rather then the RARE the EXCEPTIONAL...
Blowing way out of proportion events making them sound as they HAPPEN ALL THE TIME is
the sign of a really hysterical, really ignorant group of people bent on making the USA the bad guys!
That is treasonous! That is disgusting!
YES there WERE JUST eleven! Not everyone dumb f...!
God, you Monday morning quarterbacks are so totally pathetic. You have the luxury of hindsight, something Bush never had. He had to deal with what was presented to him at the time, by people he trusted.

Yea these idiots NEVER NEVER made any executive decisions in their lives!
They seem to forget that 2.8 million children are alive today that if it weren't for the
Liberation of Iraq they would be dead today and who knows how many more millions
if Saddam were still in power.
Words have meaning and when these traitors spoke these words the bad guys used them
to kill more of our good guys!

Senator Kerry (D) "American soldiers going into the homes of Iraqis in the dead of night, terrorizing kids and children."

U.S. Rep. John Murtha(D)"Our troops killed innocent civilians in cold blood,
NOTE: Do you not believe the terrorists LOVED to hear our troops were cold blooded killers???

Durbin (D) "must have been done by Nazis, Soviets"--action of Americans in the treatment of their prisoners.

then Senator Obama said "troops are air-raiding villages and killing civilians,"

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid(D) "The war is lost, the surge is not accomplishing anything "

I'm sure the images of Abu Ghraib helped them along too.

ABSOLUTELY! NO question about it!
And you idiots along with the MSM take one situation and made it sound like it was being done
ALL the time EVERYONE was doing it and everywhere!
YES those images blasted out because it HELPED Democrats and hurt America DID encourage
more terrorists!
That's why the above statements as YOU agree HELPED the enemy and killed our troops!
Eleven U.S. soldiers were convicted of crimes relating to the Abu Ghraib scandal.
Seven of those were from Maryland-based 372nd Military Police Company. A number of other service members were not charged but reprimanded.
AND yet you traitors make it sound like the entire military was involved!
GEEZ you idiots are really disgusting!
Eleven out of the half a million troops in and out of Iraq and you idiots HELPED kill more US
troops by gross exaggeration and blowing way out of proportion!
How stupid!

Right, the eleven of them just developed all these complicated and thorough torture/interrogation techniques all on their own, and then carried them out on their own....

...and then the eleven of them went out into the field to hunt all the bad guys they found out about from the torture....for real....

Have you heard about the publically released Senate Torture Report? You can buy it at book stores now...

What "complicated techniques" did these 11 convicted national guard members come up with?
MORE importantly... AGAIN 11!
Not 500,000 ELEVEN!
And you make this the RULE rather then the RARE the EXCEPTIONAL...
Blowing way out of proportion events making them sound as they HAPPEN ALL THE TIME is
the sign of a really hysterical, really ignorant group of people bent on making the USA the bad guys!
That is treasonous! That is disgusting!
YES there WERE JUST eleven! Not everyone dumb f...!

The Senate Torture report would disagree with you.
God, you Monday morning quarterbacks are so totally pathetic. You have the luxury of hindsight, something Bush never had. He had to deal with what was presented to him at the time, by people he trusted.

Yea these idiots NEVER NEVER made any executive decisions in their lives!
They seem to forget that 2.8 million children are alive today that if it weren't for the
Liberation of Iraq they would be dead today and who knows how many more millions
if Saddam were still in power.
Words have meaning and when these traitors spoke these words the bad guys used them
to kill more of our good guys!

Senator Kerry (D) "American soldiers going into the homes of Iraqis in the dead of night, terrorizing kids and children."

U.S. Rep. John Murtha(D)"Our troops killed innocent civilians in cold blood,
NOTE: Do you not believe the terrorists LOVED to hear our troops were cold blooded killers???

Durbin (D) "must have been done by Nazis, Soviets"--action of Americans in the treatment of their prisoners.

then Senator Obama said "troops are air-raiding villages and killing civilians,"

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid(D) "The war is lost, the surge is not accomplishing anything "

I'm sure the images of Abu Ghraib helped them along too.

ABSOLUTELY! NO question about it!
And you idiots along with the MSM take one situation and made it sound like it was being done
ALL the time EVERYONE was doing it and everywhere!
YES those images blasted out because it HELPED Democrats and hurt America DID encourage
more terrorists!
That's why the above statements as YOU agree HELPED the enemy and killed our troops!
Eleven U.S. soldiers were convicted of crimes relating to the Abu Ghraib scandal.
Seven of those were from Maryland-based 372nd Military Police Company. A number of other service members were not charged but reprimanded.
AND yet you traitors make it sound like the entire military was involved!
GEEZ you idiots are really disgusting!
Eleven out of the half a million troops in and out of Iraq and you idiots HELPED kill more US
troops by gross exaggeration and blowing way out of proportion!
How stupid!

Right, the eleven of them just developed all these complicated and thorough torture/interrogation techniques all on their own, and then carried them out on their own....

...and then the eleven of them went out into the field to hunt all the bad guys they found out about from the torture....for real....

Have you heard about the publically released Senate Torture Report? You can buy it at book stores now...

What "complicated techniques" did these 11 convicted national guard members come up with?
MORE importantly... AGAIN 11!
Not 500,000 ELEVEN!
And you make this the RULE rather then the RARE the EXCEPTIONAL...
Blowing way out of proportion events making them sound as they HAPPEN ALL THE TIME is
the sign of a really hysterical, really ignorant group of people bent on making the USA the bad guys!
That is treasonous! That is disgusting!
YES there WERE JUST eleven! Not everyone dumb f...!

It was only eleven. Not like it was a hundred thousand or something

Then I'd be worried
Last edited:
Don't you love how liberals wish saddam was still in power torturing and murdering the poor Iraqi people they claim to care so much about?

They are such fucking double talking hypocritical pawns for their democrat cocksucking liars.
Yea these idiots NEVER NEVER made any executive decisions in their lives!
They seem to forget that 2.8 million children are alive today that if it weren't for the
Liberation of Iraq they would be dead today and who knows how many more millions
if Saddam were still in power.
Words have meaning and when these traitors spoke these words the bad guys used them
to kill more of our good guys!

Senator Kerry (D) "American soldiers going into the homes of Iraqis in the dead of night, terrorizing kids and children."

U.S. Rep. John Murtha(D)"Our troops killed innocent civilians in cold blood,
NOTE: Do you not believe the terrorists LOVED to hear our troops were cold blooded killers???

Durbin (D) "must have been done by Nazis, Soviets"--action of Americans in the treatment of their prisoners.

then Senator Obama said "troops are air-raiding villages and killing civilians,"

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid(D) "The war is lost, the surge is not accomplishing anything "

I'm sure the images of Abu Ghraib helped them along too.

ABSOLUTELY! NO question about it!
And you idiots along with the MSM take one situation and made it sound like it was being done
ALL the time EVERYONE was doing it and everywhere!
YES those images blasted out because it HELPED Democrats and hurt America DID encourage
more terrorists!
That's why the above statements as YOU agree HELPED the enemy and killed our troops!
Eleven U.S. soldiers were convicted of crimes relating to the Abu Ghraib scandal.
Seven of those were from Maryland-based 372nd Military Police Company. A number of other service members were not charged but reprimanded.
AND yet you traitors make it sound like the entire military was involved!
GEEZ you idiots are really disgusting!
Eleven out of the half a million troops in and out of Iraq and you idiots HELPED kill more US
troops by gross exaggeration and blowing way out of proportion!
How stupid!

Right, the eleven of them just developed all these complicated and thorough torture/interrogation techniques all on their own, and then carried them out on their own....

...and then the eleven of them went out into the field to hunt all the bad guys they found out about from the torture....for real....

Have you heard about the publically released Senate Torture Report? You can buy it at book stores now...

What "complicated techniques" did these 11 convicted national guard members come up with?
MORE importantly... AGAIN 11!
Not 500,000 ELEVEN!
And you make this the RULE rather then the RARE the EXCEPTIONAL...
Blowing way out of proportion events making them sound as they HAPPEN ALL THE TIME is
the sign of a really hysterical, really ignorant group of people bent on making the USA the bad guys!
That is treasonous! That is disgusting!
YES there WERE JUST eleven! Not everyone dumb f...!

The Senate Torture report would disagree with you.

Here you go folks. Liberals, loving to blame Americans for torturing the poor Iraqi sandNIGGERS, as they feign outrage over the poor sandNIGGERS that planned 911 being made uncomfortable, and yet they all wish saddam was still in power right now.

What pieces of hypocritical shit.
Yea these idiots NEVER NEVER made any executive decisions in their lives!
They seem to forget that 2.8 million children are alive today that if it weren't for the
Liberation of Iraq they would be dead today and who knows how many more millions
if Saddam were still in power.
Words have meaning and when these traitors spoke these words the bad guys used them
to kill more of our good guys!

Senator Kerry (D) "American soldiers going into the homes of Iraqis in the dead of night, terrorizing kids and children."

U.S. Rep. John Murtha(D)"Our troops killed innocent civilians in cold blood,
NOTE: Do you not believe the terrorists LOVED to hear our troops were cold blooded killers???

Durbin (D) "must have been done by Nazis, Soviets"--action of Americans in the treatment of their prisoners.

then Senator Obama said "troops are air-raiding villages and killing civilians,"

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid(D) "The war is lost, the surge is not accomplishing anything "

I'm sure the images of Abu Ghraib helped them along too.

ABSOLUTELY! NO question about it!
And you idiots along with the MSM take one situation and made it sound like it was being done
ALL the time EVERYONE was doing it and everywhere!
YES those images blasted out because it HELPED Democrats and hurt America DID encourage
more terrorists!
That's why the above statements as YOU agree HELPED the enemy and killed our troops!
Eleven U.S. soldiers were convicted of crimes relating to the Abu Ghraib scandal.
Seven of those were from Maryland-based 372nd Military Police Company. A number of other service members were not charged but reprimanded.
AND yet you traitors make it sound like the entire military was involved!
GEEZ you idiots are really disgusting!
Eleven out of the half a million troops in and out of Iraq and you idiots HELPED kill more US
troops by gross exaggeration and blowing way out of proportion!
How stupid!

Right, the eleven of them just developed all these complicated and thorough torture/interrogation techniques all on their own, and then carried them out on their own....

...and then the eleven of them went out into the field to hunt all the bad guys they found out about from the torture....for real....

Have you heard about the publically released Senate Torture Report? You can buy it at book stores now...

What "complicated techniques" did these 11 convicted national guard members come up with?
MORE importantly... AGAIN 11!
Not 500,000 ELEVEN!
And you make this the RULE rather then the RARE the EXCEPTIONAL...
Blowing way out of proportion events making them sound as they HAPPEN ALL THE TIME is
the sign of a really hysterical, really ignorant group of people bent on making the USA the bad guys!
That is treasonous! That is disgusting!
YES there WERE JUST eleven! Not everyone dumb f...!

It was only eleven. Not like it was a hundred thousand tprturing

Then I'd be worried

Yet, you wish saddam was still in power.

Your outrage over the dirty fucking murdering sandNIGGERS having panties put on their head does not work on me you hypocritical fuck.

Fuck you.
I'm sure the images of Abu Ghraib helped them along too.

ABSOLUTELY! NO question about it!
And you idiots along with the MSM take one situation and made it sound like it was being done
ALL the time EVERYONE was doing it and everywhere!
YES those images blasted out because it HELPED Democrats and hurt America DID encourage
more terrorists!
That's why the above statements as YOU agree HELPED the enemy and killed our troops!
Eleven U.S. soldiers were convicted of crimes relating to the Abu Ghraib scandal.
Seven of those were from Maryland-based 372nd Military Police Company. A number of other service members were not charged but reprimanded.
AND yet you traitors make it sound like the entire military was involved!
GEEZ you idiots are really disgusting!
Eleven out of the half a million troops in and out of Iraq and you idiots HELPED kill more US
troops by gross exaggeration and blowing way out of proportion!
How stupid!

Right, the eleven of them just developed all these complicated and thorough torture/interrogation techniques all on their own, and then carried them out on their own....

...and then the eleven of them went out into the field to hunt all the bad guys they found out about from the torture....for real....

Have you heard about the publically released Senate Torture Report? You can buy it at book stores now...

What "complicated techniques" did these 11 convicted national guard members come up with?
MORE importantly... AGAIN 11!
Not 500,000 ELEVEN!
And you make this the RULE rather then the RARE the EXCEPTIONAL...
Blowing way out of proportion events making them sound as they HAPPEN ALL THE TIME is
the sign of a really hysterical, really ignorant group of people bent on making the USA the bad guys!
That is treasonous! That is disgusting!
YES there WERE JUST eleven! Not everyone dumb f...!

The Senate Torture report would disagree with you.

Here you go folks. Liberals, loving to blame Americans for torturing the poor Iraqi sandNIGGERS, as they feign outrage over the poor sandNIGGERS that planned 911 being made uncomfortable, and yet they all wish saddam was still in power right now.

What pieces of hypocritical shit.

Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11. The CIA did utilize torture, and saying it was "uncomfortable" is....rather disturbing.
Iraq was a huge mistake and you cannot polish that turd enough to make it not a mistake. Even the Republican candidates are running away from defending that fuck up. Even among them the consensus is that they would not have went if they knew what they know now. Even trying to make it seem like an honest mistake requires massive history revision that only a total dumb-ass would attempt or believe.

Tell me in one sentence why you are unhappy that 2.8 million kids that would have starved are still alive if the Liberation of Iraq had not happened?
Quit calling it the "liberation of Iraq" as if we did them any favors. I do not know where you got your figures (and I don't really care) but it is conjecture, we have very real figures of dead, missing and displaced native Iraqis and damage to their country that is a direct result of our war there. We fucked the place up so bad it cannot be fixed until they get tired of killing each other. Saddam was a fucking evil bastard who needed to be deposed but he was not fucking his country up as badly as we ended up doing. We didn't do them any favors at all. Everything is worse, quit trying to justify it on those grounds.

Fuck you.

Look at them folks. Liberals, rewriting history (one of their favorite things) trying to claim saddam was a good guy.

You are fucking liar. You are a fucking pawn. You are fucking hypocrite. You are nothing but a dirty lying piece of shit.

That is all. Deal with it, you piece of shit.
ABSOLUTELY! NO question about it!
And you idiots along with the MSM take one situation and made it sound like it was being done
ALL the time EVERYONE was doing it and everywhere!
YES those images blasted out because it HELPED Democrats and hurt America DID encourage
more terrorists!
That's why the above statements as YOU agree HELPED the enemy and killed our troops!
Eleven U.S. soldiers were convicted of crimes relating to the Abu Ghraib scandal.
Seven of those were from Maryland-based 372nd Military Police Company. A number of other service members were not charged but reprimanded.
AND yet you traitors make it sound like the entire military was involved!
GEEZ you idiots are really disgusting!
Eleven out of the half a million troops in and out of Iraq and you idiots HELPED kill more US
troops by gross exaggeration and blowing way out of proportion!
How stupid!

Right, the eleven of them just developed all these complicated and thorough torture/interrogation techniques all on their own, and then carried them out on their own....

...and then the eleven of them went out into the field to hunt all the bad guys they found out about from the torture....for real....

Have you heard about the publically released Senate Torture Report? You can buy it at book stores now...

What "complicated techniques" did these 11 convicted national guard members come up with?
MORE importantly... AGAIN 11!
Not 500,000 ELEVEN!
And you make this the RULE rather then the RARE the EXCEPTIONAL...
Blowing way out of proportion events making them sound as they HAPPEN ALL THE TIME is
the sign of a really hysterical, really ignorant group of people bent on making the USA the bad guys!
That is treasonous! That is disgusting!
YES there WERE JUST eleven! Not everyone dumb f...!

The Senate Torture report would disagree with you.

Here you go folks. Liberals, loving to blame Americans for torturing the poor Iraqi sandNIGGERS, as they feign outrage over the poor sandNIGGERS that planned 911 being made uncomfortable, and yet they all wish saddam was still in power right now.

What pieces of hypocritical shit.

Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11. The CIA did utilize torture, and saying it was "uncomfortable" is....rather disturbing.

I did not say they did you fucking piece of shit. They were a terror sponsored nation and the nation changed their policy on dealing with terror sponsored nations post 911.

Clinton signed the Iraq Liberation Act for WMDs, Bush enforced it and your favorite double talking kuuuunt hillary voted for it.

You are ignorant. You are a fucking puppet. You are a tool bag. You are a lying piece of shit.
Right, the eleven of them just developed all these complicated and thorough torture/interrogation techniques all on their own, and then carried them out on their own....

...and then the eleven of them went out into the field to hunt all the bad guys they found out about from the torture....for real....

Have you heard about the publically released Senate Torture Report? You can buy it at book stores now...

What "complicated techniques" did these 11 convicted national guard members come up with?
MORE importantly... AGAIN 11!
Not 500,000 ELEVEN!
And you make this the RULE rather then the RARE the EXCEPTIONAL...
Blowing way out of proportion events making them sound as they HAPPEN ALL THE TIME is
the sign of a really hysterical, really ignorant group of people bent on making the USA the bad guys!
That is treasonous! That is disgusting!
YES there WERE JUST eleven! Not everyone dumb f...!

The Senate Torture report would disagree with you.

Here you go folks. Liberals, loving to blame Americans for torturing the poor Iraqi sandNIGGERS, as they feign outrage over the poor sandNIGGERS that planned 911 being made uncomfortable, and yet they all wish saddam was still in power right now.

What pieces of hypocritical shit.

Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11. The CIA did utilize torture, and saying it was "uncomfortable" is....rather disturbing.

I did not say they did you fucking piece of shit. They were a terror sponsored nation and the nation changed their policy on dealing with terror sponsored nations post 911.

Clinton signed the Iraq Liberation Act for WMDs, Bush enforced it and your favorite double talking kuuuunt hillary voted for it.

You are ignorant. You are a fucking puppet. You are a tool bag. You are a lying piece of shit.

So you support Hillary for her brilliant agreement with Bush?

The Bush (Cheney) Administration pushed the CIA into producing fake reports about Iraq and then utilized 9/11 into a fear-mongering parade to force everyone in Congress to support the invasion of Iraq or be vilified.

Oh, the poor ruling democrats were "forced."

What a fucktard. Was Clinton forced in 97'? You are spinning a partisan fantasy.

The occupation was a mess and Bush signed the treaty in 2008 to pull out of Iraq in the next few years, Iran more or less takes over Iraq.

The invasion led to us swapping one oppressor for the other....instead of Saddam and the Sunni's killing the Shia's and Kurds it was now Iran and the Shia's in Iraq killing the Sunni's and everyone killing the Kurds. Only now the Sunni's have tons of US military gear so they rise up and start a terrorist group.

Thanks Bush!

Regardless, you're lying through your fucking teeth about the drive to Iraq - your filthy party is every bit as culpable for the Iraq war as Bush.

This is a time of tremendous promise for America. The superpower confrontation has ended; on every continent democracy is securing for more and more people the basic freedoms we Americans have come to take for granted. Bit by bit the information age is chipping away at the barriers economic, political and social that once kept people locked in and freedom and prosperity locked out.

But for all our promise, all our opportunity, people in this room know very well that this is not a time free from peril, especially as a result of reckless acts of outlaw nations and an unholy axis of terrorists, drug traffickers and organized international criminals.

We have to defend our future from these predators of the 21st century. They feed on the free flow of information and technology. They actually take advantage of the freer movement of people, information and ideas.

And they will be all the more lethal if we allow them to build arsenals of nuclear, chemical and biological weapons and the missiles to deliver them. We simply cannot allow that to happen.

There is no more clear example of this threat than Saddam Hussein's Iraq. His regime threatens the safety of his people, the stability of his region and the security of all the rest of us.

I want the American people to understand first the past how did this crisis come about?

And I want them to understand what we must do to protect the national interest, and indeed the interest of all freedom-loving people in the world.} President BILL CLINTON, 1998.
Tell me in one sentence why you are unhappy that 2.8 million kids that would have starved are still alive if the Liberation of Iraq had not happened?
Quit calling it the "liberation of Iraq" as if we did them any favors. I do not know where you got your figures (and I don't really care) but it is conjecture, we have very real figures of dead, missing and displaced native Iraqis and damage to their country that is a direct result of our war there. We fucked the place up so bad it cannot be fixed until they get tired of killing each other. Saddam was a fucking evil bastard who needed to be deposed but he was not fucking his country up as badly as we ended up doing. We didn't do them any favors at all. Everything is worse, quit trying to justify it on those grounds.

God, you Monday morning quarterbacks are so totally pathetic. You have the luxury of hindsight, something Bush never had. He had to deal with what was presented to him at the time, by people he trusted.

The neocons had their sights set on Iraq long before 9/11 or Bush was elected. They found the info they sought after incriminating Saddam in whatever they needed to incriminate him for. It was all a stage.

How come you commiecrats never go after all your reps that voted for the war, were they just too fucking stupid to know what was going on or did they believe the intel just like Bush? You call Bush dumb and stupid, why is it you never talk about all your folks like that, you know the ones that voted FOR the war? In reality you're nothing but hypocrites and you would have defended your dear leader or Clinton to the death had they gone into Iraq with the same intel.

We elected Obama, remember? The guy who opposed the war long before it began.

Right, and he did such a bang up job finishing it up. LMAO
The Bush (Cheney) Administration pushed the CIA into producing fake reports about Iraq and then utilized 9/11 into a fear-mongering parade to force everyone in Congress to support the invasion of Iraq or be vilified.

Oh, the poor ruling democrats were "forced."

What a fucktard. Was Clinton forced in 97'? You are spinning a partisan fantasy.

The occupation was a mess and Bush signed the treaty in 2008 to pull out of Iraq in the next few years, Iran more or less takes over Iraq.

The invasion led to us swapping one oppressor for the other....instead of Saddam and the Sunni's killing the Shia's and Kurds it was now Iran and the Shia's in Iraq killing the Sunni's and everyone killing the Kurds. Only now the Sunni's have tons of US military gear so they rise up and start a terrorist group.

Thanks Bush!

Regardless, you're lying through your fucking teeth about the drive to Iraq - your filthy party is every bit as culpable for the Iraq war as Bush.

This is a time of tremendous promise for America. The superpower confrontation has ended; on every continent democracy is securing for more and more people the basic freedoms we Americans have come to take for granted. Bit by bit the information age is chipping away at the barriers economic, political and social that once kept people locked in and freedom and prosperity locked out.

But for all our promise, all our opportunity, people in this room know very well that this is not a time free from peril, especially as a result of reckless acts of outlaw nations and an unholy axis of terrorists, drug traffickers and organized international criminals.

We have to defend our future from these predators of the 21st century. They feed on the free flow of information and technology. They actually take advantage of the freer movement of people, information and ideas.

And they will be all the more lethal if we allow them to build arsenals of nuclear, chemical and biological weapons and the missiles to deliver them. We simply cannot allow that to happen.

There is no more clear example of this threat than Saddam Hussein's Iraq. His regime threatens the safety of his people, the stability of his region and the security of all the rest of us.

I want the American people to understand first the past how did this crisis come about?

And I want them to understand what we must do to protect the national interest, and indeed the interest of all freedom-loving people in the world.} President BILL CLINTON, 1998.
One does have to wonder what changed from the time Bill Clinton absolutely did NOT lie to us in the above statement and Bush absolutely DID lie to us when we liberated Iraq. Did Bubba know something Bush didn't?
Iraq was a huge mistake and you cannot polish that turd enough to make it not a mistake. Even the Republican candidates are running away from defending that fuck up. Even among them the consensus is that they would not have went if they knew what they know now. Even trying to make it seem like an honest mistake requires massive history revision that only a total dumb-ass would attempt or believe.

Tell me in one sentence why you are unhappy that 2.8 million kids that would have starved are still alive if the Liberation of Iraq had not happened?
Quit calling it the "liberation of Iraq" as if we did them any favors. I do not know where you got your figures (and I don't really care) but it is conjecture, we have very real figures of dead, missing and displaced native Iraqis and damage to their country that is a direct result of our war there. We fucked the place up so bad it cannot be fixed until they get tired of killing each other. Saddam was a fucking evil bastard who needed to be deposed but he was not fucking his country up as badly as we ended up doing. We didn't do them any favors at all. Everything is worse, quit trying to justify it on those grounds.

God, you Monday morning quarterbacks are so totally pathetic. You have the luxury of hindsight, something Bush never had. He had to deal with what was presented to him at the time, by people he trusted.

That's a lie. The case to go to war was systematically crafted by the Administration in one of the most elaborate propaganda schemes ever carried out.

Right, every credible intel agency in the world agreed, what a freaking conspiracy.
Tell me in one sentence why you are unhappy that 2.8 million kids that would have starved are still alive if the Liberation of Iraq had not happened?
Quit calling it the "liberation of Iraq" as if we did them any favors. I do not know where you got your figures (and I don't really care) but it is conjecture, we have very real figures of dead, missing and displaced native Iraqis and damage to their country that is a direct result of our war there. We fucked the place up so bad it cannot be fixed until they get tired of killing each other. Saddam was a fucking evil bastard who needed to be deposed but he was not fucking his country up as badly as we ended up doing. We didn't do them any favors at all. Everything is worse, quit trying to justify it on those grounds.

God, you Monday morning quarterbacks are so totally pathetic. You have the luxury of hindsight, something Bush never had. He had to deal with what was presented to him at the time, by people he trusted.

The neocons had their sights set on Iraq long before 9/11 or Bush was elected. They found the info they sought after incriminating Saddam in whatever they needed to incriminate him for. It was all a stage.

How come you commiecrats never go after all your reps that voted for the war, were they just too fucking stupid to know what was going on or did they believe the intel just like Bush? You call Bush dumb and stupid, why is it you never talk about all your folks like that, you know the ones that voted FOR the war? In reality you're nothing but hypocrites and you would have defended your dear leader or Clinton to the death had they gone into Iraq with the same intel.
Actually we did
Cost Hillary the presidency and one third were voted out

Why haven't republicans done anything other than double down on a bad decision

It didn't cost the hildabeast anything, she just couldn't hang against your dear leaders marketing campaign.
Yea these idiots NEVER NEVER made any executive decisions in their lives!
They seem to forget that 2.8 million children are alive today that if it weren't for the
Liberation of Iraq they would be dead today and who knows how many more millions
if Saddam were still in power.
Words have meaning and when these traitors spoke these words the bad guys used them
to kill more of our good guys!

Senator Kerry (D) "American soldiers going into the homes of Iraqis in the dead of night, terrorizing kids and children."

U.S. Rep. John Murtha(D)"Our troops killed innocent civilians in cold blood,
NOTE: Do you not believe the terrorists LOVED to hear our troops were cold blooded killers???

Durbin (D) "must have been done by Nazis, Soviets"--action of Americans in the treatment of their prisoners.

then Senator Obama said "troops are air-raiding villages and killing civilians,"

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid(D) "The war is lost, the surge is not accomplishing anything "

I'm sure the images of Abu Ghraib helped them along too.

ABSOLUTELY! NO question about it!
And you idiots along with the MSM take one situation and made it sound like it was being done
ALL the time EVERYONE was doing it and everywhere!
YES those images blasted out because it HELPED Democrats and hurt America DID encourage
more terrorists!
That's why the above statements as YOU agree HELPED the enemy and killed our troops!
Eleven U.S. soldiers were convicted of crimes relating to the Abu Ghraib scandal.
Seven of those were from Maryland-based 372nd Military Police Company. A number of other service members were not charged but reprimanded.
AND yet you traitors make it sound like the entire military was involved!
GEEZ you idiots are really disgusting!
Eleven out of the half a million troops in and out of Iraq and you idiots HELPED kill more US
troops by gross exaggeration and blowing way out of proportion!
How stupid!

Right, the eleven of them just developed all these complicated and thorough torture/interrogation techniques all on their own, and then carried them out on their own....

...and then the eleven of them went out into the field to hunt all the bad guys they found out about from the torture....for real....

Have you heard about the publically released Senate Torture Report? You can buy it at book stores now...

What "complicated techniques" did these 11 convicted national guard members come up with?
MORE importantly... AGAIN 11!
Not 500,000 ELEVEN!
And you make this the RULE rather then the RARE the EXCEPTIONAL...
Blowing way out of proportion events making them sound as they HAPPEN ALL THE TIME is
the sign of a really hysterical, really ignorant group of people bent on making the USA the bad guys!
That is treasonous! That is disgusting!
YES there WERE JUST eleven! Not everyone dumb f...!

It was only eleven. Not like it was a hundred thousand tprturing

Then I'd be worried

Now you get it! Dummy!
You and the MSM had a very very biased rationale to blow way out of proportion the rare, rare event! But this is your modus operandi!
YOU take one situation and make it sound like the rule!
Idiots like you caused the Liberation to be extended because the bad guys (including you!!) wanted more then ever to see more troops dead!
You were happy when the counts went up as a Harvard study showed idiots like you prolonged the conflict by EMBOLDING the bad guys!
I'm sure the images of Abu Ghraib helped them along too.

ABSOLUTELY! NO question about it!
And you idiots along with the MSM take one situation and made it sound like it was being done
ALL the time EVERYONE was doing it and everywhere!
YES those images blasted out because it HELPED Democrats and hurt America DID encourage
more terrorists!
That's why the above statements as YOU agree HELPED the enemy and killed our troops!
Eleven U.S. soldiers were convicted of crimes relating to the Abu Ghraib scandal.
Seven of those were from Maryland-based 372nd Military Police Company. A number of other service members were not charged but reprimanded.
AND yet you traitors make it sound like the entire military was involved!
GEEZ you idiots are really disgusting!
Eleven out of the half a million troops in and out of Iraq and you idiots HELPED kill more US
troops by gross exaggeration and blowing way out of proportion!
How stupid!

Right, the eleven of them just developed all these complicated and thorough torture/interrogation techniques all on their own, and then carried them out on their own....

...and then the eleven of them went out into the field to hunt all the bad guys they found out about from the torture....for real....

Have you heard about the publically released Senate Torture Report? You can buy it at book stores now...

What "complicated techniques" did these 11 convicted national guard members come up with?
MORE importantly... AGAIN 11!
Not 500,000 ELEVEN!
And you make this the RULE rather then the RARE the EXCEPTIONAL...
Blowing way out of proportion events making them sound as they HAPPEN ALL THE TIME is
the sign of a really hysterical, really ignorant group of people bent on making the USA the bad guys!
That is treasonous! That is disgusting!
YES there WERE JUST eleven! Not everyone dumb f...!

It was only eleven. Not like it was a hundred thousand tprturing

Then I'd be worried

Yet, you wish saddam was still in power.

Your outrage over the dirty fucking murdering sandNIGGERS having panties put on their head does not work on me you hypocritical fuck.

Fuck you.

Could I get back all the wasted American lives?

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