Why the sudden outrage over supposed massacres by Russians in Donbas? Ukraine has been doing it for years.


Diamond Member
Dec 18, 2012
Alls I know is I believe nothing from the western media at face value any more, the same media which told me that the covid vaccines were safe and effective, covid was like the Spanish flu, and Jeffrey Epstein killed himself. So when they say Russians are massacring Ukrainians, I say prove it. So far I've seen a lot of sketchy pictures and videos that look fake.

What we DO know is massacres of Ukrainian-Russians in Donbas, by Ukrainian divisions and NeoNazis, has been real for a decade. Why the sudden outrage? You think these same Neocons who bombed the living crap out of Syria and Libya care about human life?

"Why hasn’t NATO objected to the massacres taking place in the Donbas region of Ukraine ever since 2014, when Ukraine under Poroshenko took an anti-Russian position as an ally of the United States?

There were death squads, local leadership were being murdered, as were journalists. An estimated 14,000 Ukrainian Russians were killed between 2014 and early 2022 by the Ukrainian military and Nazi battalions,8 and the U.S. has supported it, and continues to do so.

Stone claims the logs of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) Special Monitoring Mission in Ukraine show that before Russia’s “invasion” of Ukraine, February 24, 2022, there was heavy artillery coming into the Donbas from the Ukrainian side. According to Russia’s Foreign Ministry, Moscow’s action against Ukraine was a “special military operation” to end the “systematic extermination of the Donbas population.”
Alls I know is I believe nothing from the western media at face value any more, the same media which told me that the covid vaccines were safe and effective, covid was like the Spanish flu, and Jeffrey Epstein killed himself. So when they say Russians are massacring Ukrainians, I say prove it. So far I've seen a lot of sketchy pictures and videos that look fake.

What we DO know is massacres of Ukrainian-Russians in Donbas, by Ukrainian divisions and NeoNazis, has been real for a decade. Why the sudden outrage? You think these same Neocons who bombed the living crap out of Syria and Libya care about human life?

"Why hasn’t NATO objected to the massacres taking place in the Donbas region of Ukraine ever since 2014, when Ukraine under Poroshenko took an anti-Russian position as an ally of the United States?

There were death squads, local leadership were being murdered, as were journalists. An estimated 14,000 Ukrainian Russians were killed between 2014 and early 2022 by the Ukrainian military and Nazi battalions,8 and the U.S. has supported it, and continues to do so.

Stone claims the logs of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) Special Monitoring Mission in Ukraine show that before Russia’s “invasion” of Ukraine, February 24, 2022, there was heavy artillery coming into the Donbas from the Ukrainian side. According to Russia’s Foreign Ministry, Moscow’s action against Ukraine was a “special military operation” to end the “systematic extermination of the Donbas population.”
So your point is you believe anything that favors Russia but nothing that is critical of it.
Ukranian forces were just bombing residentials in Donbas yesterday. Or the day before yesterday. Probably still are.

Seems like the iron curtain has been renewed because if you look at any western media, they're pretty much blocking access to anything that isn't forwarding their own narrative.

Pesonally, I don't care what they do to each other over there, it's none of my business, but the fact that American taxpayers are being conscripted to it is quite another issue. Notwithstanding the fact that they're clearly using it as a means to purposefully destroy prosperity here at home for the interest of arms dealers and to force the anti-freedom, anti-American WEF agenda onto our country.
Alls I know is I believe nothing from the western media at face value any more, the same media which told me that the covid vaccines were safe and effective, covid was like the Spanish flu, and Jeffrey Epstein killed himself. So when they say Russians are massacring Ukrainians, I say prove it. So far I've seen a lot of sketchy pictures and videos that look fake.

What we DO know is massacres of Ukrainian-Russians in Donbas, by Ukrainian divisions and NeoNazis, has been real for a decade. Why the sudden outrage? You think these same Neocons who bombed the living crap out of Syria and Libya care about human life?

"Why hasn’t NATO objected to the massacres taking place in the Donbas region of Ukraine ever since 2014, when Ukraine under Poroshenko took an anti-Russian position as an ally of the United States?

There were death squads, local leadership were being murdered, as were journalists. An estimated 14,000 Ukrainian Russians were killed between 2014 and early 2022 by the Ukrainian military and Nazi battalions,8 and the U.S. has supported it, and continues to do so.

Stone claims the logs of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) Special Monitoring Mission in Ukraine show that before Russia’s “invasion” of Ukraine, February 24, 2022, there was heavy artillery coming into the Donbas from the Ukrainian side. According to Russia’s Foreign Ministry, Moscow’s action against Ukraine was a “special military operation” to end the “systematic extermination of the Donbas population.”

Because all laws and constitutions are abolished now, the West leads the world into NWO and only Russia is against.
A sign of dumb imbecile is a trust to western presstitute 'medias.
Ukranian forces were just bombing residentials in Donbas yesterday. Or the day before yesterday. Probably still are.

Seems like the iron curtain has been renewed because if you look at any western media, they're pretty much blocking access to anything that isn't forwarding their own narrative.

Pesonally, I don't care what they do to each other over there, it's none of my business, but the fact that American taxpayers are being conscripted to it is quite another issue. Notwithstanding the fact that they're clearly using it as a means to purposefully destroy prosperity here at home for the interest of arms dealers and to force the anti-freedom, anti-American WEF agenda onto our country.

Even if NATO troops.... sorry, Ukrainian ones murder the entirely Russian population in Ukraine happens nothing.
The war is against the entirely Russian people, its culture, its heritage, its religion.
The West wants to kill everyone and to rob Russian commodities.
That's pretty easy
Alls I know is I believe nothing from the western media at face value any more, the same media which told me that the covid vaccines were safe and effective, covid was like the Spanish flu, and Jeffrey Epstein killed himself. So when they say Russians are massacring Ukrainians, I say prove it. So far I've seen a lot of sketchy pictures and videos that look fake.

What we DO know is massacres of Ukrainian-Russians in Donbas, by Ukrainian divisions and NeoNazis, has been real for a decade. Why the sudden outrage? You think these same Neocons who bombed the living crap out of Syria and Libya care about human life?

"Why hasn’t NATO objected to the massacres taking place in the Donbas region of Ukraine ever since 2014, when Ukraine under Poroshenko took an anti-Russian position as an ally of the United States?

There were death squads, local leadership were being murdered, as were journalists. An estimated 14,000 Ukrainian Russians were killed between 2014 and early 2022 by the Ukrainian military and Nazi battalions,8 and the U.S. has supported it, and continues to do so.

Stone claims the logs of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) Special Monitoring Mission in Ukraine show that before Russia’s “invasion” of Ukraine, February 24, 2022, there was heavy artillery coming into the Donbas from the Ukrainian side. According to Russia’s Foreign Ministry, Moscow’s action against Ukraine was a “special military operation” to end the “systematic extermination of the Donbas population.”


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