Why 'To Kill a Mockingbird' is Now Racist

Nice sample limiting. Of course they would not be offended by the n word. They claim to be offended by crude language, by topics like
underage drinking, perceived homo-code talk. Precious snowflakes.

Give me some examples then, Twinkletoes.
Of mice and men.

Catcher in the rye

Harry potter, cuz witchcraft. Lol
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Nice sample limiting. Of course they would not be offended by the n word. They claim to be offended by crude language, by topics like
underage drinking, perceived homo-code talk. Precious snowflakes.

Give me some examples then, Twinkletoes.
Of mice and men.

Catcher in the rye
OK, what MAJOR DENOMINATION, and I am excluding idiot fringe Protestant denominations, WHAT MAJOR DENOMINATION of Christianity has demanded these books be banned in the last 50 years?
a. I haven't seen any of that.[

You have never read any Pat Buchanan, Craig Roberts or Joseph Sobran?


The preoccupation with race seems to be a totally Leftwing, Liberal, Democrat thing.

Well until Identity Politics came to the fore and began launching attacks on white people like the following, there was no need for whites to have a 'race consciousness', but if we keep getting targeted by the left by racial set aside laws, racial quotas in private institutions and have the courts view of what is a reasonable perspective on events of a crime turned against whites using 'a reasonable minority perspective' then whites have to respond in the racial language that is used against them.

How Anti-White Rhetoric Is Fueling White Nationalism

Abolish the White Race

RACE TRAITOR | Abolish the White Race

White men must be stopped: The very future of mankind depends on it

Activist: Exterminate White People

b. Left refers to the values associated with the Western welfare state, secularism and the vast array of attitudes and positions identified as Left from Karl Marx to contemporary socialist democrat parties and today’s Democratic Party in the United States.
The Left-wing ‘trinity’= race, gender, class.

So you have no problem with laws that target white people for discrimination?

c. American is identified by the “American Trinity” of “Liberty,” “In God We Trust,” and “E Pluribus Unum.”
“E Pluribus Unum.” refers to a society based on neither ethnicity nor race.
I agree but if the left continues to make laws that discriminate against whites that will change.

1. You wrote: "But as white racialism returns in the guise of White Nationalism,"
Please quote that which shows same.

2."whites have to respond in the racial language that is used against them."
No they don't.
What they must do, if not a coward, is respond to every such statement and excoriate the talker.
I try to do that regularly.

3. "So you have no problem with laws that target white people for discrimination?"
Please don't begin with "So..." as though I have actually agreed to that absurdity.
Aside from affirmative action...which I have posted in opposition to....can you name any such laws?

a. I haven't seen any of that.

The preoccupation with race seems to be a totally Leftwing, Liberal, Democrat thing.

b. Left refers to the values associated with the Western welfare state, secularism and the vast array of attitudes and positions identified as Left from Karl Marx to contemporary socialist democrat parties and today’s Democratic Party in the United States.
The Left-wing ‘trinity’= race, gender, class.

c. American is identified by the “American Trinity” of “Liberty,” “In God We Trust,” and “E Pluribus Unum.”
“E Pluribus Unum.” refers to a society based on neither ethnicity nor race.

The goal of George Soros, the name put to the cabal that runs the American left, is to create division. America cannot be defeated, as Hitler, then Stalin found. In the end, Americans were united, despite the daily differences found among people.

Because of this, Soros and his minions have sought to create division. Obama is the most blatant actor, stirring up hatred and racism at every turn, but this plot predates Obama and the hate filled BLM scum. Certainly the brain dead left spews never ending hatred toward white people and Christians, but the goal is not to exterminate whites (though that is acceptable to the rulers.) The goal is to create division, to have Americans at each others' throats so that there is no united front such as the one that defeated Hitler and then Stalin's USSR. As whites are attacked, they are likely to react, and in reacting they further the goals of the Khmer Rouge democrats, who seek to pit neighbor against neighbor, brother against brother, so that there is no viable defense against this cabal.
Nice sample limiting. Of course they would not be offended by the n word. They claim to be offended by crude language, by topics like
underage drinking, perceived homo-code talk. Precious snowflakes.

Give me some examples then, Twinkletoes.
Of mice and men.

Catcher in the rye
OK, what MAJOR DENOMINATION, and I am excluding idiot fringe Protestant denominations, WHAT MAJOR DENOMINATION of Christianity has demanded these books be banned in the last 50 years?
Yeah, you exclude arbitrarily as fuck, until you think you have crafted a small enough sample to have a stool to sit on, snowflake. Thx 4 playing.

a. I haven't seen any of that.

The preoccupation with race seems to be a totally Leftwing, Liberal, Democrat thing.

b. Left refers to the values associated with the Western welfare state, secularism and the vast array of attitudes and positions identified as Left from Karl Marx to contemporary socialist democrat parties and today’s Democratic Party in the United States.
The Left-wing ‘trinity’= race, gender, class.

c. American is identified by the “American Trinity” of “Liberty,” “In God We Trust,” and “E Pluribus Unum.”
“E Pluribus Unum.” refers to a society based on neither ethnicity nor race.

The goal of George Soros, the name put to the cabal that runs the American left, is to create division. America cannot be defeated, as Hitler, then Stalin found. In the end, Americans were united, despite the daily differences found among people.

Because of this, Soros and his minions have sought to create division. Obama is the most blatant actor, stirring up hatred and racism at every turn, but this plot predates Obama and the hate filled BLM scum. Certainly the brain dead left spews never ending hatred toward white people and Christians, but the goal is not to exterminate whites (though that is acceptable to the rulers.) The goal is to create division, to have Americans at each others' throats so that there is no united front such as the one that defeated Hitler and then Stalin's USSR. As whites are attacked, they are likely to react, and in reacting they further the goals of the Khmer Rouge democrats, who seek to pit neighbor against neighbor, brother against brother, so that there is no viable defense against this cabal.

'Our government should foster a diverse meritocracy blind to the color of one’s skin, the categorization of one’s gender, the nature of one’s religious beliefs, or the orientation of one’s sexuality.

Society should promote a notion of equality that guarantees to treat all individuals fairly and justly, and any policy that subjectively places individuals into categories based on characteristics such as race, ethnicity, gender, religion, sexuality, language….undermines the very richness of our nation’s diversity.'
John Amble, “Reinventing the Right,” p.79.
When you see an article on Breitbart, it's good to go to the source. ALA.org is offline at the moment, but there's this from PBS
'To Kill A Mockingbird' remains among top banned classical novels
Note that the "Challenged" incidents were NOT successful in banning the book. This is not a groundswell of ignorant libtards trying to prevent sharing of an American classic. Just Breitbart's imaginative spin, per usual.
Well thank God these libtards are not being successful, dude, but it still supports the main point; Identity Politics has gone so far left that it is actually working to undo the reasons that held racism back and rid it from the political landscape except for the case of minority racism.
Jim, if you look at the link Syriusly posted in #26, the majority of bans were by the religious right/anti-homosexuality crowd, NOT liberals. I will admit there are jerks on both ends of the spectrum, but I'm TELLING YA, your thread's premise is off, son.
I have NEVER heard a religious conservative argue for the banning of a book, especially a classic like this one, because it use d the N-WORD, dude.
No, Mockingbird isn't on the list of the most banned books in 2015 that was in the link. You won't get cooties looking at the link, Jim.
You are living in a fucking fantasy world.

Lying doesn't alter reality, Comrade.

Why was To Kill a Mockingbird Banned? - History & Reasons | Study.com

To Kill a Mockingbird and Huckleberry Finn banned from schools in Virginia for racism

Leftists seek to crush civil rights, you are in a hot war to end the freedom of speech, religion, the press, self-defense, to be secure in person and papers (real privacy), etc.

The left in general goes along with this because the average Hillary voter reads at a 3rd grade level or less, and lacks anything even approaching critical thinking skills.

That Academia belongs to the left does not alter this calculus. No more than shepherds slaughtering lambs changes that the flock in general eats grass and pisses on itself.

The job of academia is to KEEP the stupid people ignorant and pliant.They are doing a bang up job, as a conversation with ANY leftard quickly confirms.

Fact is, democrats are the dumbest people in the nation, by a HUGE margin.
I'm not dumb, but I'm not a democrat either. I know democrats who aren't dumb and who TEACH Mockingbird and Huck Finn and who FIGHT the banning of books. I keep telling ya, you're not living in reality.
Nice sample limiting. Of course they would not be offended by the n word. They claim to be offended by crude language, by topics like
underage drinking, perceived homo-code talk. Precious snowflakes.

Give me some examples then, Twinkletoes.
Of mice and men.

Catcher in the rye
OK, what MAJOR DENOMINATION, and I am excluding idiot fringe Protestant denominations, WHAT MAJOR DENOMINATION of Christianity has demanded these books be banned in the last 50 years?

What major denomination of 'liberals' has demanded "To Kill a Mockingbird" be banned?

Here is a typical right wing nut job tactic- complain that the actions of a few liberals represents all liberals- and then of course refuse to accept the actions of Conservatives or Christians as the actions representing all Conservatives or Christians.

I'm not dumb, but I'm not a democrat either. I know democrats who aren't dumb and who TEACH Mockingbird and Huck Finn and who FIGHT the banning of books. I keep telling ya, you're not living in reality.

Again, the push to ban these and other books comes from the left. Anecdotal stories notwithstanding.

The push to ban these and other books comes primarily from the right. There is a long tradition of Conservative attempts at censorship.
You are living in a fucking fantasy world.

Lying doesn't alter reality, Comrade.

Why was To Kill a Mockingbird Banned? - History & Reasons | Study.com

To Kill a Mockingbird and Huckleberry Finn banned from schools in Virginia for racism

Leftists seek to crush civil rights, you are in a hot war to end the freedom of speech, religion, the press, self-defense, to be secure in person and papers (real privacy), etc.

The left in general goes along with this because the average Hillary voter reads at a 3rd grade level or less, and lacks anything even approaching critical thinking skills.

That Academia belongs to the left does not alter this calculus. No more than shepherds slaughtering lambs changes that the flock in general eats grass and pisses on itself.

The job of academia is to KEEP the stupid people ignorant and pliant.They are doing a bang up job, as a conversation with ANY leftard quickly confirms.

Fact is, democrats are the dumbest people in the nation, by a HUGE margin.
I'm not dumb, but I'm not a democrat either. I know democrats who aren't dumb and who TEACH Mockingbird and Huck Finn and who FIGHT the banning of books. I keep telling ya, you're not living in reality.

Remember- he lives in his basement and all the information he gets is from Infowars and other right wing nut job sites.
1. You wrote: "But as white racialism returns in the guise of White Nationalism,"
Please quote that which shows same.

Well until Identity Politics came to the fore and began launching attacks on white people like the following, there was no need for whites to have a 'race consciousness', but if we keep getting targeted by the left by racial set aside laws, racial quotas in private institutions and have the courts view of what is a reasonable perspective on events of a crime turned against whites using 'a reasonable minority perspective' then whites have to respond in the racial language that is used against them.

How Anti-White Rhetoric Is Fueling White Nationalism

Abolish the White Race

RACE TRAITOR | Abolish the White Race

White men must be stopped: The very future of mankind depends on it

Activist: Exterminate White People

2."whites have to respond in the racial language that is used against them."
No they don't.
What they must do, if not a coward, is respond to every such statement and excoriate the talker.
I try to do that regularly.

And how has that gone for you without making reference to white people also having rights too?

How does one argue successfully for a roll back in anti-white legal codes without speaking of white rights?

Why are you afraid to assert your rights as a white person?

3. "So you have no problem with laws that target white people for discrimination?"
Please don't begin with "So..." as though I have actually agreed to that absurdity.
Aside from affirmative action...which I have posted in opposition to....can you name any such laws?

I am not arguing against Affirmative Action as a hole as it can be administered in a way which is based on economic indicators instead of race.

I am arguing against racial set asides in government contracts, and there are others as well, but lets deal with one thing at a time.

Are you in favor of continuing these racially discriminatory laws or not?
'Our government should foster a diverse meritocracy blind to the color of one’s skin, the categorization of one’s gender, the nature of one’s religious beliefs, or the orientation of one’s sexuality.

Society should promote a notion of equality that guarantees to treat all individuals fairly and justly, and any policy that subjectively places individuals into categories based on characteristics such as race, ethnicity, gender, religion, sexuality, language….undermines the very richness of our nation’s diversity.'
John Amble, “Reinventing the Right,” p.79.

But how do you fight against racial discrimination against white people if you will not allow yourself to speak for the rights of those white people?

It is like trying to fight a war on terrorism while never saying "Islamic Terrorism", lol, and it mentally hobbles any such effort to resist it.
Nice sample limiting. Of course they would not be offended by the n word. They claim to be offended by crude language, by topics like
underage drinking, perceived homo-code talk. Precious snowflakes.

Give me some examples then, Twinkletoes.
Of mice and men.

Catcher in the rye

Harry potter, cuz witchcraft. Lol

Show me where Harry Potter was banned in a public library?

Conservatives Urge Ban on 'Harry Potter' Over Witchcraft, Homosexuality

The wildly popular Harry Potter books and their author, J.K. Rowling, have already been blasted by Christian conservatives for glamorizing witchcraft and the occult. The fantasy series is now charged with encouraging homosexuality following the author's announcement that one of the novels' main characters is gay.
Read more at Conservatives Urge Ban on 'Harry Potter' Over Witchcraft, Homosexuality

The books have been burning
United States, 2001
Harry Potter books were a "flashpoint" for book burners in the U.S. in 2001. One of those burnings was in the Harvest Assembly of God Church in Pennsylvania. "We got some people mad at us, but it's good to have publicity," said Rev. George Bender.

Besides the Potter series by J.K. Rowling, books by actress Shirley MacLaine and psychic Edgar Cayce were also torched.

There have been at least six book burnings involving Potter books in the U.S.
Nice sample limiting. Of course they would not be offended by the n word. They claim to be offended by crude language, by topics like
underage drinking, perceived homo-code talk. Precious snowflakes.

Give me some examples then, Twinkletoes.
Of mice and men.

Catcher in the rye
OK, what MAJOR DENOMINATION, and I am excluding idiot fringe Protestant denominations, WHAT MAJOR DENOMINATION of Christianity has demanded these books be banned in the last 50 years?
Yeah, you exclude arbitrarily as fuck, until you think you have crafted a small enough sample to have a stool to sit on, snowflake. Thx 4 playing.
Crafted a sample small enough by including all of Roman Catholicism, Eastern Orthodxy and the main stream Protestant Denominations?

You have a weird view of what a 'small sample' is, Twinkle
1. You wrote: "But as white racialism returns in the guise of White Nationalism,"
Please quote that which shows same.

Well until Identity Politics came to the fore and began launching attacks on white people like the following, there was no need for whites to have a 'race consciousness', but if we keep getting targeted by the left by racial set aside laws, racial quotas in private institutions and have the courts view of what is a reasonable perspective on events of a crime turned against whites using 'a reasonable minority perspective' then whites have to respond in the racial language that is used against them.

LOL- you poor snowflakes.

You have a 'need' for race consciousness'- because you are such victims.

As a white man- your cries of victimhood embarrass me.
You are living in a fucking fantasy world.

Lying doesn't alter reality, Comrade.

Why was To Kill a Mockingbird Banned? - History & Reasons | Study.com

To Kill a Mockingbird and Huckleberry Finn banned from schools in Virginia for racism

Leftists seek to crush civil rights, you are in a hot war to end the freedom of speech, religion, the press, self-defense, to be secure in person and papers (real privacy), etc.

The left in general goes along with this because the average Hillary voter reads at a 3rd grade level or less, and lacks anything even approaching critical thinking skills.

That Academia belongs to the left does not alter this calculus. No more than shepherds slaughtering lambs changes that the flock in general eats grass and pisses on itself.

The job of academia is to KEEP the stupid people ignorant and pliant.They are doing a bang up job, as a conversation with ANY leftard quickly confirms.

Fact is, democrats are the dumbest people in the nation, by a HUGE margin.
I'm not dumb, but I'm not a democrat either. I know democrats who aren't dumb and who TEACH Mockingbird and Huck Finn and who FIGHT the banning of books. I keep telling ya, you're not living in reality.

Remember- he lives in his basement and all the information he gets is from Infowars and other right wing nut job sites.
He's definitely a

can't hear you guy.

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