Why 'To Kill a Mockingbird' is Now Racist

United States, 2001
Harry Potter books were a "flashpoint" for book burners in the U.S. in 2001. One of those burnings was in the Harvest Assembly of God Church in Pennsylvania. "We got some people}.

You Stalinists sure do love your book burnings.

And sure do love to call for book bannings:
Conservatives Urge Ban on 'Harry Potter' Over Witchcraft, Homosexuality
Meanwhile, in a commentary posted on the website of the Christian Broadcasting Network, which has also called a ban on the Potter books, self-described cult expert Jack M. Roper reiterated past warnings from conservatives to parents over the impact that the disguised witchcraft contained in the novels may have on children
Read more at Conservatives Urge Ban on 'Harry Potter' Over Witchcraft, Homosexuality

Christian Coalition Wants “Twilight” Books Banned
Christian Coalition Wants “Twilight” Books Banned | Right Wing Watch

MO High School Bans ‘SlaughterHouse Five’ From Curriculum, Library Because Its Principles Are Contrary To The Bible

What's really cool about your links to the putrid hate sites that do your thinking, is that they are as devoid of integrity as you are.

Well, we know that "lying fucking Communist" is redundant.

A church burning copies of Harry Potter is their own business, No doubt you see at as your Muslim allies see burning the infernal book of evil, the Koran. But notice that despite the slanderous title, the dishonest article never bothers to point out who called for banning, or even show such a banning?

Yep, leftist are fucking liars and demagogues, it's your nature.

So to recap, zero banning of Harry Potter from ANY public library in any state in the nation. Despite your belief that the party rules all people with an iron fist, a private Catholic school is NOT a public library.

You just lied to try and create a false equivalence.
1. "there was no need for whites to have a 'race consciousness', but if we keep getting targeted by the left by racial set aside laws, racial quotas in private institutions and have the courts view of what is a reasonable perspective on events of a crime turned against whites using 'a reasonable minority perspective' then whites have to respond in the racial language that is used against them."

Nope. deracinated whites like yourself have steadily lost EVERY SOCIAL ISSUE that targets whites by the left, from racial contract set asides, to unfair grounds in our civil courts to the acceptance of racial "goals" (aka quotas).

You cant win a war against terror without naming your enemy and you sure as hell cannot defend your own group interests if you are too cuckolded to say the NAME OF WHAT RACIAL GROUP YOU ARE IN.

2. "And how has that gone for you without making reference to white people also having rights too?"
Why would I have to state the obvious?

Well for one because it is not obvious that you dont need to, instead the losing record the right has on defending the interests of white people in our legal system is pathetic and a 100% losing record.

Secondly, you are dodging the question, plainly. You claim to do what would appear to be severely disadvantageous, as demonstrated by the losing record of the right on these topics, if not impossible and then claim that what you do is obvious. roflmao, maybe you should find another game, dear.

3. "How does one argue successfully for a roll back in anti-white legal codes without speaking of white rights?"
I've asked you to name them.

I have named "them" several times, lol.

4. "Why are you afraid to assert your rights as a white person?"
First of all, I'm fearless.

나는 백인이 아니야.

So now you fall back on obfuscation and pure bullshit. I gotcha, sadly. You are a fraud.

5."I am not arguing against Affirmative Action as a hole (sic),,,
I am.
There is no constitutional basis for it.

Since when has that even slowed the Federalis down? You lose, lose, lose and you dont understand why and it is because you push feckless irrational claims while hobbling yourself with a set of rules written by the left for their own advantage.

Welcome to Cuckservative status, dear.

6. "Are you in favor of continuing these racially discriminatory laws or not?"
Which ones????

The ones I listed, and you still dodge the issue like a cuckservative would.


Thanks for playing, dear.
I agree with you that it's Christians pushing to quit
promoting Harry Potter and witchcraft/sorcery as if this is safe for children
(because the real occult cult practices are actually very sickening and dangerous).
Emily, I like almost all of your posts, but this is a sore point with me almost as bad as the misuse of the phrase "I could care less" when a person means that they could NOT care less.

Just because some fringe group of Protestants, Evangelicals or Pentecostals are pushing something, that doesnt mean that "CHRISTIANS are pushing" it.

Yes some Christians are pushing various idiotic things, and are generally thought of by the rest of Christendom as kind of like the crazy uncle that lives in the room up in the attic and occasionally comes down and yells at people about random esoterica, like maybe how Jubal Early could have won the Civil War for the South had he attacked DC instead of turning back to the Shenandoah Valley. Maybe they have a point of fact, but it is generally aimless, boring and irrelevant to anyone's lives.

None of the Protestant factions speak for all of Christendom; Catholics and the Eastern Orthodox denominations speak for about 80% of all Christians world wide.

The Evangelicals and Pentecostals are just more prone to yell about silly things and the rest of us just smile, nod our heads and ask them about their fishing stories.

But they do not speak for the rest of us.
You still, to this day, can not purchase Disney's Song of the South
Fucking ridiculous...you can buy the vhs in Europe but,
I need a different vhs player and a special adapter for the
power cord cause the electrical outlets are larger then here in the U.S.

It is the only Disney movie missing from my collection

1. "there was no need for whites to have a 'race consciousness', but if we keep getting targeted by the left by racial set aside laws, racial quotas in private institutions and have the courts view of what is a reasonable perspective on events of a crime turned against whites using 'a reasonable minority perspective' then whites have to respond in the racial language that is used against them."

Nope. deracinated whites like yourself have steadily lost EVERY SOCIAL ISSUE that targets whites by the left, from racial contract set asides, to unfair grounds in our civil courts to the acceptance of racial "goals" (aka quotas).

You cant win a war against terror without naming your enemy and you sure as hell cannot defend your own group interests if you are too cuckolded to say the NAME OF WHAT RACIAL GROUP YOU ARE IN.

2. "And how has that gone for you without making reference to white people also having rights too?"
Why would I have to state the obvious?

Well for one because it is not obvious that you dont need to, instead the losing record the right has on defending the interests of white people in our legal system is pathetic and a 100% losing record.

Secondly, you are dodging the question, plainly. You claim to do what would appear to be severely disadvantageous, as demonstrated by the losing record of the right on these topics, if not impossible and then claim that what you do is obvious. roflmao, maybe you should find another game, dear.

3. "How does one argue successfully for a roll back in anti-white legal codes without speaking of white rights?"
I've asked you to name them.

I have named "them" several times, lol.

4. "Why are you afraid to assert your rights as a white person?"
First of all, I'm fearless.

나는 백인이 아니야.

So now you fall back on obfuscation and pure bullshit. I gotcha, sadly. You are a fraud.

5."I am not arguing against Affirmative Action as a hole (sic),,,
I am.
There is no constitutional basis for it.

Since when has that even slowed the Federalis down? You lose, lose, lose and you dont understand why and it is because you push feckless irrational claims while hobbling yourself with a set of rules written by the left for their own advantage.

Welcome to Cuckservative status, dear.

6. "Are you in favor of continuing these racially discriminatory laws or not?"
Which ones????

The ones I listed, and you still dodge the issue like a cuckservative would.


Thanks for playing, dear.


To the best of my knowledge, Politicalchick is smart, very conservative, well educated, well read, and Filipino. That is, Asian and not white.

Just FYI.
1. "there was no need for whites to have a 'race consciousness', but if we keep getting targeted by the left by racial set aside laws, racial quotas in private institutions and have the courts view of what is a reasonable perspective on events of a crime turned against whites using 'a reasonable minority perspective' then whites have to respond in the racial language that is used against them."

Nope. deracinated whites like yourself have steadily lost EVERY SOCIAL ISSUE that targets whites by the left, from racial contract set asides, to unfair grounds in our civil courts to the acceptance of racial "goals" (aka quotas).

You cant win a war against terror without naming your enemy and you sure as hell cannot defend your own group interests if you are too cuckolded to say the NAME OF WHAT RACIAL GROUP YOU ARE IN.

2. "And how has that gone for you without making reference to white people also having rights too?"
Why would I have to state the obvious?

Well for one because it is not obvious that you dont need to, instead the losing record the right has on defending the interests of white people in our legal system is pathetic and a 100% losing record.

Secondly, you are dodging the question, plainly. You claim to do what would appear to be severely disadvantageous, as demonstrated by the losing record of the right on these topics, if not impossible and then claim that what you do is obvious. roflmao, maybe you should find another game, dear.

3. "How does one argue successfully for a roll back in anti-white legal codes without speaking of white rights?"
I've asked you to name them.

I have named "them" several times, lol.

4. "Why are you afraid to assert your rights as a white person?"
First of all, I'm fearless.

나는 백인이 아니야.

So now you fall back on obfuscation and pure bullshit. I gotcha, sadly. You are a fraud.

5."I am not arguing against Affirmative Action as a hole (sic),,,
I am.
There is no constitutional basis for it.

Since when has that even slowed the Federalis down? You lose, lose, lose and you dont understand why and it is because you push feckless irrational claims while hobbling yourself with a set of rules written by the left for their own advantage.

Welcome to Cuckservative status, dear.

6. "Are you in favor of continuing these racially discriminatory laws or not?"
Which ones????

The ones I listed, and you still dodge the issue like a cuckservative would.


Thanks for playing, dear.


To the best of my knowledge, Politicalchick is smart, very conservative, well educated, well read, and Filipino. That is, Asian and not white.

Just FYI.

What is your point?

That cuckservatives have to be white? I dont think that that is the case.

Either white people have the right to defend their own interests as white people or we all might as well just line up for the fucking slaughter house now because if we dont learn to fight back as a race (a thing pushed onto us by our opponents and the government, not our choice) that is exactly where the jobless economy of the future will take us; to the front of the line for the Oligarchs Culling Fields.

And no one then will remember if the cuckservatives fighting us from the inside where white, asian, hispanic or whatever, because it wont fucking matter.

Anyone posing as a conservative who argues white people have to just shut up and "take it" is a cuckservative.

That is where the word comes from.
What is your point?

That cuckservatives have to be white? I dont think that that is the case.

Either white people have the right to defend their own interests as white people or we all might as well just line up for the fucking slaughter house now because if we dont learn to fight back as a race (a thing pushed onto us by our opponents and the government, not our choice) that is exactly where the jobless economy of the future will take us; to the front of the line for the Oligarchs Culling Fields.

And no one then will remember if the cuckservatives fighting us from the inside where white, asian, hispanic or whatever, because it wont fucking matter.

Anyone posing as a conservative who argues white people have to just shut up and "take it" is a cuckservative.

That is where the word comes from.

The left seeks disunity. The agenda of the left is to fracture the nation into warring factions. Race is but one of the wedges the left uses to try and destroy the nation.

I stand up to the BLM scum every time. but creating the same among whites is exactly the wrong answer.

A good person is one who is honest, works hard, treats others with fairness and compassion, and is able see the humor in life.

Nowhere does skin color figure in to the equation.

IF we allow the leftist to divide us by race, we are simply playing to their hand.
The left seeks disunity. The agenda of the left is to fracture the nation into warring factions. Race is but one of the wedges the left uses to try and destroy the nation.

I stand up to the BLM scum every time. but creating the same among whites is exactly the wrong answer.

A good person is one who is honest, works hard, treats others with fairness and compassion, and is able see the humor in life.

Nowhere does skin color figure in to the equation.

IF we allow the leftist to divide us by race, we are simply playing to their hand.

WE are not dividing anyone by simply stating that "This policy hurts white families and needs to end." Cuckservatives wont do that because they think it is wrong to ever mention racial aspects to the problems the left creates.

That is not surrendering to leftist racial division, it is simply exercising common sense. To try to argue to defend white peoples interests without actually mentioning "white peoples interests" is kind of like fighting the war on Islamic Terrorism without ever mentioning Islamic Terrorism.

And you seem to imply that whites speaking up for ourselves means that conservative blacks, for example, wont stand with us. That is totally wrong as the most prominent defenders of white people today are BLACK CONSERVATIVES who the same cuckservative whites abandoned 40 years ago to be ruled by leftwing urban thugocracies.

There is absolutely no reason to think that whites speaking up for themselves will cost us votes among minority communities. Those that are "offended" by such community self defense were never "in play" anyway. Free thinking rational minority populations will understand that whites have to defend ourselves in this time of Identity Politics. No one is arguing that blacks have to be subject to bad laws in order to get rid of bad laws that target white people. It is really that simple.

Blacks know that they would not be bending over to take it up the ass by racial set aside contract LAWS, or the courts being loaded against them in civil cases nor would they be silent about racial hiring quotas set up against them.

The thing is, you see, blacks and Hispanics still have some fucking balls and enough brains to think for themselves and defend their own interests without approval from anyone else.

All white people need is for cuckservatives to stop knee capping us as we try to defend our own interests and those of our families.
1. "there was no need for whites to have a 'race consciousness', but if we keep getting targeted by the left by racial set aside laws, racial quotas in private institutions and have the courts view of what is a reasonable perspective on events of a crime turned against whites using 'a reasonable minority perspective' then whites have to respond in the racial language that is used against them."

Nope. deracinated whites like yourself have steadily lost EVERY SOCIAL ISSUE that targets whites by the left, from racial contract set asides, to unfair grounds in our civil courts to the acceptance of racial "goals" (aka quotas).

You cant win a war against terror without naming your enemy and you sure as hell cannot defend your own group interests if you are too cuckolded to say the NAME OF WHAT RACIAL GROUP YOU ARE IN.

2. "And how has that gone for you without making reference to white people also having rights too?"
Why would I have to state the obvious?

Well for one because it is not obvious that you dont need to, instead the losing record the right has on defending the interests of white people in our legal system is pathetic and a 100% losing record.

Secondly, you are dodging the question, plainly. You claim to do what would appear to be severely disadvantageous, as demonstrated by the losing record of the right on these topics, if not impossible and then claim that what you do is obvious. roflmao, maybe you should find another game, dear.

3. "How does one argue successfully for a roll back in anti-white legal codes without speaking of white rights?"
I've asked you to name them.

I have named "them" several times, lol.

4. "Why are you afraid to assert your rights as a white person?"
First of all, I'm fearless.

나는 백인이 아니야.

So now you fall back on obfuscation and pure bullshit. I gotcha, sadly. You are a fraud.

5."I am not arguing against Affirmative Action as a hole (sic),,,
I am.
There is no constitutional basis for it.

Since when has that even slowed the Federalis down? You lose, lose, lose and you dont understand why and it is because you push feckless irrational claims while hobbling yourself with a set of rules written by the left for their own advantage.

Welcome to Cuckservative status, dear.

6. "Are you in favor of continuing these racially discriminatory laws or not?"
Which ones????

The ones I listed, and you still dodge the issue like a cuckservative would.


Thanks for playing, dear.


To the best of my knowledge, Politicalchick is smart, very conservative, well educated, well read, and Filipino. That is, Asian and not white.

Just FYI.

United States, 2001
Harry Potter books were a "flashpoint" for book burners in the U.S. in 2001. One of those burnings was in the Harvest Assembly of God Church in Pennsylvania. "We got some people}.

You Stalinists sure do love your book burnings.

And sure do love to call for book bannings:
Conservatives Urge Ban on 'Harry Potter' Over Witchcraft, Homosexuality
Meanwhile, in a commentary posted on the website of the Christian Broadcasting Network, which has also called a ban on the Potter books, self-described cult expert Jack M. Roper reiterated past warnings from conservatives to parents over the impact that the disguised witchcraft contained in the novels may have on children
Read more at Conservatives Urge Ban on 'Harry Potter' Over Witchcraft, Homosexuality

Christian Coalition Wants “Twilight” Books Banned
Christian Coalition Wants “Twilight” Books Banned | Right Wing Watch

MO High School Bans ‘SlaughterHouse Five’ From Curriculum, Library Because Its Principles Are Contrary To The Bible

What's really cool about.

You do love a good book burning don't you.

You little fascists always do.
There is a real moral lesson to be learned from reading the book:

The logical consequences of Huck’s action, rather than the lessons society has taught him, drive Huck. He decides that going to “hell,” if it means following his gut and not society’s hypocritical and cruel principles, is a better option than going to everyone else’s heaven. This moment of decision represents Huck’s true break with the world around him. At this point, Huck decides to help Jim escape slavery once and for all. Huck also realizes that he does not want to reenter the “civilized” world: after all his experiences and moral development on the river,

Mark Twain identified with the oppressed.

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