Why 'To Kill a Mockingbird' is Now Racist

Nice sample limiting. Of course they would not be offended by the n word. They claim to be offended by crude language, by topics like
underage drinking, perceived homo-code talk. Precious snowflakes.

Give me some examples then, Twinkletoes.
Of mice and men.

Catcher in the rye

Harry potter, cuz witchcraft. Lol

Show me where Harry Potter was banned in a public library?

Conservatives Urge Ban on 'Harry Potter' Over Witchcraft, Homosexuality

The wildly popular Harry Potter books and their author, J.K. Rowling, have already been blasted by Christian conservatives for glamorizing witchcraft and the occult. The fantasy series is now charged with encouraging homosexuality following the author's announcement that one of the novels' main characters is gay.
Read more at Conservatives Urge Ban on 'Harry Potter' Over Witchcraft, Homosexuality

The books have been burning
United States, 2001
Harry Potter books were a "flashpoint" for book burners in the U.S. in 2001. One of those burnings was in the Harvest Assembly of God Church in Pennsylvania. "We got some people mad at us, but it's good to have publicity," said Rev. George Bender.

Besides the Potter series by J.K. Rowling, books by actress Shirley MacLaine and psychic Edgar Cayce were also torched.

There have been at least six book burnings involving Potter books in the U.S.
I usually respect people's views on religion, and their personal choices not to let their kids read Harry Potter is their own, I guess, but it kinda breaks my heart to hear about it. It is such an imaginative series and was so delightful to read. I thought the days of believing in witches was over. Magic, on the other hand, is a whole different wonderful thing, no matter your age.
Nice sample limiting. Of course they would not be offended by the n word. They claim to be offended by crude language, by topics like
underage drinking, perceived homo-code talk. Precious snowflakes.

Give me some examples then, Twinkletoes.
Of mice and men.

Catcher in the rye
OK, what MAJOR DENOMINATION, and I am excluding idiot fringe Protestant denominations, WHAT MAJOR DENOMINATION of Christianity has demanded these books be banned in the last 50 years?
Yeah, you exclude arbitrarily as fuck, until you think you have crafted a small enough sample to have a stool to sit on, snowflake. Thx 4 playing.
Crafted a sample small enough by including all of Roman Catholicism, Eastern Orthodxy and the main stream Protestant Denominations?

You have a weird view of what a 'small sample' is, Twinkle
Yeah, you did it previously, when you ludicrously demanded an example of a conservative complaining about the n word, lol. Now you try to exclude the myriad of conservative demands for censorship by making up arbitrary limitations. If you were interested, you would know about these censorship attempts, successful or not, by conservatives. Focus on the family, hahaha.
The push to ban these and other books comes primarily from the right. There is a long tradition of Conservative attempts at censorship.

That is as you know, a complete lie.

The religious banning of books in the 50's came at a time when a lot of religious people were left wing.

Banning of knowledge is an authoritarian trait. The American left are the promoters of authoritarianism. Everything to speech codes that dictate what people may say, to the violent riots seeking to intimidate those who vote in ways not supported by the Khmer Rouge.

Liberty and the democrats are not compatible, for the very reason that the left denies the rights of individuals. All rights, privilege really, belongs to groups according to you Stalinist's. What rights a given person has, or is denied, are determined by what group the person is placed into. Gay has rights denied to straight, black has rights denied to white. It is the way of the left..

Give me some examples then, Twinkletoes.
Of mice and men.

Catcher in the rye
OK, what MAJOR DENOMINATION, and I am excluding idiot fringe Protestant denominations, WHAT MAJOR DENOMINATION of Christianity has demanded these books be banned in the last 50 years?
Yeah, you exclude arbitrarily as fuck, until you think you have crafted a small enough sample to have a stool to sit on, snowflake. Thx 4 playing.
Crafted a sample small enough by including all of Roman Catholicism, Eastern Orthodxy and the main stream Protestant Denominations?

You have a weird view of what a 'small sample' is, Twinkle
Yeah, you did it previously, when you ludicrously demanded an example of a conservative complaining about the n word, lol. Now you try to exclude the myriad of conservative demands for censorship by making up arbitrary limitations. If you were interested, you would know about these censorship attempts, successful or not, by conservatives. Focus on the family, hahaha.
OldLady said that it was Christians in the US who were getting TKAMB banned, when the predominant reason for the ban was it's being characterized as 'racist' for using the N-Word.

My response was that no major church has EVER to my knowledge ever called for the ban on TKAMB for that reason. I limit it to 95% of Christians because there are all kinds of littel fringe churches that believe in all kinds of weird ass Protestant things, like having steak for the Lords Supper to believing that Jesus was white and so only whites can go to Heaven.

I am not going to defend these fringe cretins, no matter how badly it gets your panties in a knot.
This novel along with 'Huckleberry Finn' was one of the top anti-racist novels ever written in American English and it made the irrationality of racialism obviously plain to anyone that would read them. I knew a kid whose parents were known Kluxers who would not speak of these beliefs he had after reading the books. The books made him ashamed into silence.

But as white racialism returns in the guise of White Nationalism, these books are ironically enough being banned and held back from kids by leftwing Identity Politics morons who object to the realistic language of that time.

The left has gone totally and completely insane and even their top leadership is so deep intot he Twilight Zone that they cannot see Reality any more and dont care to anyway.

To Kill A Mockingbird: How An Anti-Racist Book Became A Target For 'Anti-Racists' - Breitbart

The American Library Association’s Office for Intellectual Freedom keeps track of complaints against Harper Lee’s most famous novel and the list of challenges to teaching the novel has been steadily growing since at least 1977. Indeed, To Kill A Mockingbird is one of the most banned books in America, mostly because of its alleged racism.

Let this stark irony not be lost on us. To ban Lee’s To Kill A Mockingbird (1960) could not possibly be a more misjudged estimation of its worthiness as a novel about the odious nature of racism. To kill this good book by removing it from library shelves—as seems to be happening this week in my native Virginia—is to kill reason itself.

One recalls John Milton’s stirring words from his Areopagitica (1644): “[A]s good almost kill a Man as kill a good Book; who kills a Man kills a reasonable creature, God’s Image; but he who destroys a good Book, kills reason itself, kills the Image of God, as it were in the eye.”

That reason is not only a Platonic Form and an Enlightenment Ideal. It is carefully woven into Lee’s novel in the beautiful passages where the main characters are being kind, open-minded and reasonable with one another. In that reasonableness we find a counterpoint to the very ignorance, shallowness and unreasonableness of those who are moved to kill To Kill A Mockingbird.

In the misplaced zeal to do away with the alleged racial bigotry of the novel, censors tend to focus on individual words—especially the dreaded ‘n—–‘ word—and think their work of censorship is done. This microscopic, literalist view of language is a kind of parody of the spirit-letter distinction, focusing, as it does, on single elements in a narrative rather than on the general and generous spirit of an entire passage of the novel itself.

Anyone who has actually read all of To Kill A Mockingbird knows that the novel is a thoroughgoing critique of racism, not an advertisement for it. We are meant to feel the most profound sympathy for Tom Robinson, especially in the famous courtroom scene where Atticus Finch so compellingly defends him against the false accusation of the rape of a white woman....

It staggers the imagination how the novelist’s representation of fairness and its moral condemnation of racism can be easily twisted into its opposite. One simply cannot imagine a more desperately ignorant reading of the novel.

All of which goes to prove that one should never underestimate the power of liberal stupidity.

I guess if it were written by a Black author, such as Audrey Lourde,
then it would be understood and acceptable.

But White people and European writers, regardless if they are historical satirists from Mark Twain to Shakespeare,
aren't allowed to make statements about race since "they don't know what it feels like to be a minority person of color."
This is automatically deemed as racially biased, from a "predominantly White" perspective.

Closedmindedness shows in thinking the solution is to censor, shut down and cut these views out -- instead of opening the dialogue to ADD and include more in.

But if that is the minority reaction, to respond by attack and exclusion,
then by inclusion of cultural diversity of expression,
this "reaction" has to be allowed as their way of expressing their experience!

Same problem with LGBT responding to exclusion by seeking the equal
and opposite pattern of ATTACKS, rejection and even penalties against "anti-gay" advocates.
Instead of treating these as equal beliefs and expressions, and allowing both equally,
the same problem occurs with trying to exclude one and only defend the other as the right position.
Emily, this thread is a leftist smear that bears little semblance to reality. If I remember Mockingbird correctly, there is no attempt to see the world through a black man's eyes. It is all through the eyes of a white kid. Some people have moved (unsuccessfully) to ban it due to the town's bigotry, but equally because Jim was arrested for RAPE. OOOHHHHH, careful of putting that in front of teenagers. LOL
Mockingbird is a book about standing up against racism, doing the right thing regardless, but it wasn't in any way trying to give a "phony" black perspective. Anyone making that argument for the book didn't read it. (And sometimes the people bringing the complaint DON'T read the book--that happens more than you think. They just hear about it on their website or at their church group and they're off to the races.)

Dear OldLady
A lot of the point I am making is what you are explaining. Thanks for elaborating,
though it merely preaches to the converted and doesn't help change minds that are already made up!

If all people do is assume any book written by a white author (and especially written from the
"Southern cultural perspective" at the time as both Huck Finn and Mockingbird depict),
is "promoting that racist culture" then nobody listens to and considers what you have stated.

Once they "have it in their minds it it biased"
then ALL the explanations you provide above
come across as 'trying to justify' and denying there is any problem with white cultural bias!

It falls on deaf ears because of that bias going into the discussion.
And the more you explain, it just makes it worse, "because you're
trying to justify it" instead of addressing their real point!

Do you know what I mean? haven't you seen this over and over?

Thank you for your thoughtful reply. Unfortunately it's like presenting
an entire banquet to guests who refuse the invitation
because they prefer to find fault with the cook!
No matter how delicious the meal is, they aren't going to eat.

It's more important to make a political statement, even if it
doesn't actually apply to that cook or their cuisine. Doesn't matter.
If that cook "symbolizes" what is wrong, then protesting that cook
is protesting that wrong thing. And refusing to eat their food publicizes this.

Appealing to their sense of reason just offends them more.
That is like attacking their judgment, and makes them cling
MORE defensively to their decision to boycott.

I think you know what I mean.
Especially if it doesn't apply to this book,
that shows even more that the reaction is based on "symbolism not substance."

Conservatives Urge Ban on 'Harry Potter' Over Witchcraft, Homosexuality

The wildly popular Harry Potter books and their author, J.K. Rowling, have already been blasted by Christian conservatives for glamorizing witchcraft and the occult. The fantasy series is now charged with encouraging homosexuality following the author's announcement that one of the novels' main characters is gay.
Read more at Conservatives Urge Ban on 'Harry Potter' Over Witchcraft, Homosexuality

So, no banning or attempted banning there.

United States, 2001
Harry Potter books were a "flashpoint" for book burners in the U.S. in 2001. One of those burnings was in the Harvest Assembly of God Church in Pennsylvania. "We got some people mad at us, but it's good to have publicity," said Rev. George Bender.

Besides the Potter series by J.K. Rowling, books by actress Shirley MacLaine and psychic Edgar Cayce were also torched.

There have been at least six book burnings involving Potter books in the U.S.

And no banning or attempted banning here.

United States, 2001
Harry Potter books were a "flashpoint" for book burners in the U.S. in 2001. One of those burnings was in the Harvest Assembly of God Church in Pennsylvania. "We got some people}

What a PRIVATE church does with their own property is no affair of free people.

You STALINISTS seek to dictate what they do, but since this has NOTHING to do with PUBLIC libraries, decent people are unaffected.
This novel along with 'Huckleberry Finn' was one of the top anti-racist novels ever written in American English and it made the irrationality of racialism obviously plain to anyone that would read them. I knew a kid whose parents were known Kluxers who would not speak of these beliefs he had after reading the books. The books made him ashamed into silence.

But as white racialism returns in the guise of White Nationalism, these books are ironically enough being banned and held back from kids by leftwing Identity Politics morons who object to the realistic language of that time.

The left has gone totally and completely insane and even their top leadership is so deep intot he Twilight Zone that they cannot see Reality any more and dont care to anyway.

To Kill A Mockingbird: How An Anti-Racist Book Became A Target For 'Anti-Racists' - Breitbart

The American Library Association’s Office for Intellectual Freedom keeps track of complaints against Harper Lee’s most famous novel and the list of challenges to teaching the novel has been steadily growing since at least 1977. Indeed, To Kill A Mockingbird is one of the most banned books in America, mostly because of its alleged racism.

Let this stark irony not be lost on us. To ban Lee’s To Kill A Mockingbird (1960) could not possibly be a more misjudged estimation of its worthiness as a novel about the odious nature of racism. To kill this good book by removing it from library shelves—as seems to be happening this week in my native Virginia—is to kill reason itself.

One recalls John Milton’s stirring words from his Areopagitica (1644): “[A]s good almost kill a Man as kill a good Book; who kills a Man kills a reasonable creature, God’s Image; but he who destroys a good Book, kills reason itself, kills the Image of God, as it were in the eye.”

That reason is not only a Platonic Form and an Enlightenment Ideal. It is carefully woven into Lee’s novel in the beautiful passages where the main characters are being kind, open-minded and reasonable with one another. In that reasonableness we find a counterpoint to the very ignorance, shallowness and unreasonableness of those who are moved to kill To Kill A Mockingbird.

In the misplaced zeal to do away with the alleged racial bigotry of the novel, censors tend to focus on individual words—especially the dreaded ‘n—–‘ word—and think their work of censorship is done. This microscopic, literalist view of language is a kind of parody of the spirit-letter distinction, focusing, as it does, on single elements in a narrative rather than on the general and generous spirit of an entire passage of the novel itself.

Anyone who has actually read all of To Kill A Mockingbird knows that the novel is a thoroughgoing critique of racism, not an advertisement for it. We are meant to feel the most profound sympathy for Tom Robinson, especially in the famous courtroom scene where Atticus Finch so compellingly defends him against the false accusation of the rape of a white woman....

It staggers the imagination how the novelist’s representation of fairness and its moral condemnation of racism can be easily twisted into its opposite. One simply cannot imagine a more desperately ignorant reading of the novel.

All of which goes to prove that one should never underestimate the power of liberal stupidity.

I guess if it were written by a Black author, such as Audrey Lourde,
then it would be understood and acceptable.

But White people and European writers, regardless if they are historical satirists from Mark Twain to Shakespeare,
aren't allowed to make statements about race since "they don't know what it feels like to be a minority person of color."
This is automatically deemed as racially biased, from a "predominantly White" perspective.

Closedmindedness shows in thinking the solution is to censor, shut down and cut these views out -- instead of opening the dialogue to ADD and include more in.

But if that is the minority reaction, to respond by attack and exclusion,
then by inclusion of cultural diversity of expression,
this "reaction" has to be allowed as their way of expressing their experience!

Same problem with LGBT responding to exclusion by seeking the equal
and opposite pattern of ATTACKS, rejection and even penalties against "anti-gay" advocates.
Instead of treating these as equal beliefs and expressions, and allowing both equally,
the same problem occurs with trying to exclude one and only defend the other as the right position.
Emily, this thread is a leftist smear that bears little semblance to reality. If I remember Mockingbird correctly, there is no attempt to see the world through a black man's eyes. It is all through the eyes of a white kid. Some people have moved (unsuccessfully) to ban it due to the town's bigotry, but equally because Jim was arrested for RAPE. OOOHHHHH, careful of putting that in front of teenagers. LOL
Mockingbird is a book about standing up against racism, doing the right thing regardless, but it wasn't in any way trying to give a "phony" black perspective. Anyone making that argument for the book didn't read it. (And sometimes the people bringing the complaint DON'T read the book--that happens more than you think. They just hear about it on their website or at their church group and they're off to the races.)

Dear OldLady
A lot of the point I am making is what you are explaining. Thanks for elaborating,
though it merely preaches to the converted and doesn't help change minds that are already made up!

If all people do is assume any book written by a white author (and especially written from the
"Southern cultural perspective" at the time as both Huck Finn and Mockingbird depict),
is "promoting that racist culture" then nobody listens to and considers what you have stated.

Once they "have it in their minds it it biased"
then ALL the explanations you provide above
come across as 'trying to justify' and denying there is any problem with white cultural bias!

It falls on deaf ears because of that bias going into the discussion.
And the more you explain, it just makes it worse, "because you're
trying to justify it" instead of addressing their real point!

Do you know what I mean? haven't you seen this over and over?

Thank you for your thoughtful reply. Unfortunately it's like presenting
an entire banquet to guests who refuse the invitation
because they prefer to find fault with the cook!
No matter how delicious the meal is, they aren't going to eat.

It's more important to make a political statement, even if it
doesn't actually apply to that cook or their cuisine. Doesn't matter.
If that cook "symbolizes" what is wrong, then protesting that cook
is protesting that wrong thing. And refusing to eat their food publicizes this.

Appealing to their sense of reason just offends them more.
That is like attacking their judgment, and makes them cling
MORE defensively to their decision to boycott.

I think you know what I mean.
Especially if it doesn't apply to this book,
that shows even more that the reaction is based on "symbolism not substance."
Appealing to their sense of reason just offends them more.
That is like attacking their judgment, and makes them cling
MORE defensively to their decision to boycott.

Geez, Em, how do you refute it if not by explaining what the book was actually about? Are you saying I might as well just shut up and go home? Ignore threads bent on racial stereotyping and liberal-slamming? That's pretty hard.

I'm not dumb, but I'm not a democrat either. I know democrats who aren't dumb and who TEACH Mockingbird and Huck Finn and who FIGHT the banning of books. I keep telling ya, you're not living in reality.

Again, the push to ban these and other books comes from the left. Anecdotal stories notwithstanding.

The push to ban these and other books comes primarily from the right. There is a long tradition of Conservative attempts at censorship.

Who is banning the Bible? Christians?
I thought they were pushing this to be re-included!

Who is pushing to make sure textbooks don't refer to creation?
Do you think the people pushing to remove Jefferson from history textbooks
were Christians and conservatives? Or Liberal secularists.

Syriusly I agree with you that it's Christians pushing to quit
promoting Harry Potter and witchcraft/sorcery as if this is safe for children
(because the real occult cult practices are actually very sickening and dangerous).

Even if it is mutual from left and right, the right is based more on protesting
actual substance, while the left appears more obsessed with protesting symbolism.
If we addressed the actual substance, perhaps we could resolve issues on both levels!
Just banning or burning books doesn't address or solve the problems being contested.
This novel along with 'Huckleberry Finn' was one of the top anti-racist novels ever written in American English and it made the irrationality of racialism obviously plain to anyone that would read them. I knew a kid whose parents were known Kluxers who would not speak of these beliefs he had after reading the books. The books made him ashamed into silence.

But as white racialism returns in the guise of White Nationalism, these books are ironically enough being banned and held back from kids by leftwing Identity Politics morons who object to the realistic language of that time.

The left has gone totally and completely insane and even their top leadership is so deep intot he Twilight Zone that they cannot see Reality any more and dont care to anyway.

To Kill A Mockingbird: How An Anti-Racist Book Became A Target For 'Anti-Racists' - Breitbart

The American Library Association’s Office for Intellectual Freedom keeps track of complaints against Harper Lee’s most famous novel and the list of challenges to teaching the novel has been steadily growing since at least 1977. Indeed, To Kill A Mockingbird is one of the most banned books in America, mostly because of its alleged racism.

Let this stark irony not be lost on us. To ban Lee’s To Kill A Mockingbird (1960) could not possibly be a more misjudged estimation of its worthiness as a novel about the odious nature of racism. To kill this good book by removing it from library shelves—as seems to be happening this week in my native Virginia—is to kill reason itself.

One recalls John Milton’s stirring words from his Areopagitica (1644): “[A]s good almost kill a Man as kill a good Book; who kills a Man kills a reasonable creature, God’s Image; but he who destroys a good Book, kills reason itself, kills the Image of God, as it were in the eye.”

That reason is not only a Platonic Form and an Enlightenment Ideal. It is carefully woven into Lee’s novel in the beautiful passages where the main characters are being kind, open-minded and reasonable with one another. In that reasonableness we find a counterpoint to the very ignorance, shallowness and unreasonableness of those who are moved to kill To Kill A Mockingbird.

In the misplaced zeal to do away with the alleged racial bigotry of the novel, censors tend to focus on individual words—especially the dreaded ‘n—–‘ word—and think their work of censorship is done. This microscopic, literalist view of language is a kind of parody of the spirit-letter distinction, focusing, as it does, on single elements in a narrative rather than on the general and generous spirit of an entire passage of the novel itself.

Anyone who has actually read all of To Kill A Mockingbird knows that the novel is a thoroughgoing critique of racism, not an advertisement for it. We are meant to feel the most profound sympathy for Tom Robinson, especially in the famous courtroom scene where Atticus Finch so compellingly defends him against the false accusation of the rape of a white woman....

It staggers the imagination how the novelist’s representation of fairness and its moral condemnation of racism can be easily twisted into its opposite. One simply cannot imagine a more desperately ignorant reading of the novel.

All of which goes to prove that one should never underestimate the power of liberal stupidity.

I guess if it were written by a Black author, such as Audrey Lourde,
then it would be understood and acceptable.

But White people and European writers, regardless if they are historical satirists from Mark Twain to Shakespeare,
aren't allowed to make statements about race since "they don't know what it feels like to be a minority person of color."
This is automatically deemed as racially biased, from a "predominantly White" perspective.

Closedmindedness shows in thinking the solution is to censor, shut down and cut these views out -- instead of opening the dialogue to ADD and include more in.

But if that is the minority reaction, to respond by attack and exclusion,
then by inclusion of cultural diversity of expression,
this "reaction" has to be allowed as their way of expressing their experience!

Same problem with LGBT responding to exclusion by seeking the equal
and opposite pattern of ATTACKS, rejection and even penalties against "anti-gay" advocates.
Instead of treating these as equal beliefs and expressions, and allowing both equally,
the same problem occurs with trying to exclude one and only defend the other as the right position.
Emily, this thread is a leftist smear that bears little semblance to reality. If I remember Mockingbird correctly, there is no attempt to see the world through a black man's eyes. It is all through the eyes of a white kid. Some people have moved (unsuccessfully) to ban it due to the town's bigotry, but equally because Jim was arrested for RAPE. OOOHHHHH, careful of putting that in front of teenagers. LOL
Mockingbird is a book about standing up against racism, doing the right thing regardless, but it wasn't in any way trying to give a "phony" black perspective. Anyone making that argument for the book didn't read it. (And sometimes the people bringing the complaint DON'T read the book--that happens more than you think. They just hear about it on their website or at their church group and they're off to the races.)

Dear OldLady
A lot of the point I am making is what you are explaining. Thanks for elaborating,
though it merely preaches to the converted and doesn't help change minds that are already made up!

If all people do is assume any book written by a white author (and especially written from the
"Southern cultural perspective" at the time as both Huck Finn and Mockingbird depict),
is "promoting that racist culture" then nobody listens to and considers what you have stated.

Once they "have it in their minds it it biased"
then ALL the explanations you provide above
come across as 'trying to justify' and denying there is any problem with white cultural bias!

It falls on deaf ears because of that bias going into the discussion.
And the more you explain, it just makes it worse, "because you're
trying to justify it" instead of addressing their real point!

Do you know what I mean? haven't you seen this over and over?

Thank you for your thoughtful reply. Unfortunately it's like presenting
an entire banquet to guests who refuse the invitation
because they prefer to find fault with the cook!
No matter how delicious the meal is, they aren't going to eat.

It's more important to make a political statement, even if it
doesn't actually apply to that cook or their cuisine. Doesn't matter.
If that cook "symbolizes" what is wrong, then protesting that cook
is protesting that wrong thing. And refusing to eat their food publicizes this.

Appealing to their sense of reason just offends them more.
That is like attacking their judgment, and makes them cling
MORE defensively to their decision to boycott.

I think you know what I mean.
Especially if it doesn't apply to this book,
that shows even more that the reaction is based on "symbolism not substance."
Appealing to their sense of reason just offends them more.
That is like attacking their judgment, and makes them cling
MORE defensively to their decision to boycott.

Geez, Em, how do you refute it if not by explaining what the book was actually about? Are you saying I might as well just shut up and go home? Ignore threads bent on racial stereotyping and liberal-slamming? That's pretty hard.

No, OldLady I'm saying we have to address the whole set up first.
We have to have direct relations and communications between the groups
and people. If there are only protests and arguments back and forth,
that's not building a relationship.

Create a connection first. then whatever it takes to correct the
problems can be shared without this adversity/hostile combativeness
that just reinforces denial and projection back and forth going in circles.

The whole set up is unhealthy and designed to fail, to just project blame back and
forth. That dynamic has to be changed first, then information and solutions
can be shared freely without this pressure to "make each other wrong" going on!
This novel along with 'Huckleberry Finn' was one of the top anti-racist novels ever written in American English and it made the irrationality of racialism obviously plain to anyone that would read them. I knew a kid whose parents were known Kluxers who would not speak of these beliefs he had after reading the books. The books made him ashamed into silence.

But as white racialism returns in the guise of White Nationalism, these books are ironically enough being banned and held back from kids by leftwing Identity Politics morons who object to the realistic language of that time.

The left has gone totally and completely insane and even their top leadership is so deep intot he Twilight Zone that they cannot see Reality any more and dont care to anyway.

To Kill A Mockingbird: How An Anti-Racist Book Became A Target For 'Anti-Racists' - Breitbart

The American Library Association’s Office for Intellectual Freedom keeps track of complaints against Harper Lee’s most famous novel and the list of challenges to teaching the novel has been steadily growing since at least 1977. Indeed, To Kill A Mockingbird is one of the most banned books in America, mostly because of its alleged racism.

Let this stark irony not be lost on us. To ban Lee’s To Kill A Mockingbird (1960) could not possibly be a more misjudged estimation of its worthiness as a novel about the odious nature of racism. To kill this good book by removing it from library shelves—as seems to be happening this week in my native Virginia—is to kill reason itself.

One recalls John Milton’s stirring words from his Areopagitica (1644): “[A]s good almost kill a Man as kill a good Book; who kills a Man kills a reasonable creature, God’s Image; but he who destroys a good Book, kills reason itself, kills the Image of God, as it were in the eye.”

That reason is not only a Platonic Form and an Enlightenment Ideal. It is carefully woven into Lee’s novel in the beautiful passages where the main characters are being kind, open-minded and reasonable with one another. In that reasonableness we find a counterpoint to the very ignorance, shallowness and unreasonableness of those who are moved to kill To Kill A Mockingbird.

In the misplaced zeal to do away with the alleged racial bigotry of the novel, censors tend to focus on individual words—especially the dreaded ‘n—–‘ word—and think their work of censorship is done. This microscopic, literalist view of language is a kind of parody of the spirit-letter distinction, focusing, as it does, on single elements in a narrative rather than on the general and generous spirit of an entire passage of the novel itself.

Anyone who has actually read all of To Kill A Mockingbird knows that the novel is a thoroughgoing critique of racism, not an advertisement for it. We are meant to feel the most profound sympathy for Tom Robinson, especially in the famous courtroom scene where Atticus Finch so compellingly defends him against the false accusation of the rape of a white woman....

It staggers the imagination how the novelist’s representation of fairness and its moral condemnation of racism can be easily twisted into its opposite. One simply cannot imagine a more desperately ignorant reading of the novel.

All of which goes to prove that one should never underestimate the power of liberal stupidity.
And, kiddie books are being used in grammar school
to introduce the topic of families with same sex couples
You still, to this day, can not purchase Disney's Song of the South
Fucking ridiculous...you can buy the vhs in Europe but,
I need a different vhs player and a special adapter for the
power cord cause the electrical outlets are larger then here in the U.S.

It is the only Disney movie missing from my collection
Those things were written/produced in a different era and as long as people realize that, who cares? :dunno:
1. You wrote: "But as white racialism returns in the guise of White Nationalism,"
Please quote that which shows same.

Well until Identity Politics came to the fore and began launching attacks on white people like the following, there was no need for whites to have a 'race consciousness', but if we keep getting targeted by the left by racial set aside laws, racial quotas in private institutions and have the courts view of what is a reasonable perspective on events of a crime turned against whites using 'a reasonable minority perspective' then whites have to respond in the racial language that is used against them.

How Anti-White Rhetoric Is Fueling White Nationalism

Abolish the White Race

RACE TRAITOR | Abolish the White Race

White men must be stopped: The very future of mankind depends on it

Activist: Exterminate White People

2."whites have to respond in the racial language that is used against them."
No they don't.
What they must do, if not a coward, is respond to every such statement and excoriate the talker.
I try to do that regularly.

And how has that gone for you without making reference to white people also having rights too?

How does one argue successfully for a roll back in anti-white legal codes without speaking of white rights?

Why are you afraid to assert your rights as a white person?

3. "So you have no problem with laws that target white people for discrimination?"
Please don't begin with "So..." as though I have actually agreed to that absurdity.
Aside from affirmative action...which I have posted in opposition to....can you name any such laws?

I am not arguing against Affirmative Action as a hole as it can be administered in a way which is based on economic indicators instead of race.

I am arguing against racial set asides in government contracts, and there are others as well, but lets deal with one thing at a time.

Are you in favor of continuing these racially discriminatory laws or not?

1. "there was no need for whites to have a 'race consciousness', but if we keep getting targeted by the left by racial set aside laws, racial quotas in private institutions and have the courts view of what is a reasonable perspective on events of a crime turned against whites using 'a reasonable minority perspective' then whites have to respond in the racial language that is used against them."

2. "And how has that gone for you without making reference to white people also having rights too?"
Why would I have to state the obvious?

3. "How does one argue successfully for a roll back in anti-white legal codes without speaking of white rights?"
I've asked you to name them.

4. "Why are you afraid to assert your rights as a white person?"
First of all, I'm fearless.

나는 백인이 아니야.

5."I am not arguing against Affirmative Action as a hole (sic),,,
I am.
There is no constitutional basis for it.

"I am arguing against racial set asides..."
Me too.

6. "Are you in favor of continuing these racially discriminatory laws or not?"
Which ones????
The push to ban these and other books comes primarily from the right. There is a long tradition of Conservative attempts at censorship.

That is as you know, a complete lie...

The irony of you accusing anyone else of lying is very, very, very rich.

I have posted examples.

You lie and ignore them.

Because that is what you do- you lie to attack anyone who is one degree to the left of what you consider to be acceptable.

a. I haven't seen any of that.

The preoccupation with race seems to be a totally Leftwing, Liberal, Democrat thing.

b. Left refers to the values associated with the Western welfare state, secularism and the vast array of attitudes and positions identified as Left from Karl Marx to contemporary socialist democrat parties and today’s Democratic Party in the United States.
The Left-wing ‘trinity’= race, gender, class.

c. American is identified by the “American Trinity” of “Liberty,” “In God We Trust,” and “E Pluribus Unum.”
“E Pluribus Unum.” refers to a society based on neither ethnicity nor race.

The goal of George Soros, the name put to the cabal that runs the American left, is to create division.l.

Prove it.

Go ahead.

The irony of you accusing anyone else of lying is very, very, very rich.

I have posted examples.

You lie and ignore them.

Because that is what you do- you lie to attack anyone who is one degree to the left of what you consider to be acceptable.

I have no need to lie, Comrade.

A church burning Harry Potter is not a public library banning anything. You did not, and cannot produce any public library in this nation banning Harry Potter. You fabricated the tale to try and make it appear that "THEY DO IT TOOOOOOOO"

You lied and got busted. End of story.
United States, 2001
Harry Potter books were a "flashpoint" for book burners in the U.S. in 2001. One of those burnings was in the Harvest Assembly of God Church in Pennsylvania. "We got some people}.

You Stalinists sure do love your book burnings.

And sure do love to call for book bannings:
Conservatives Urge Ban on 'Harry Potter' Over Witchcraft, Homosexuality
Meanwhile, in a commentary posted on the website of the Christian Broadcasting Network, which has also called a ban on the Potter books, self-described cult expert Jack M. Roper reiterated past warnings from conservatives to parents over the impact that the disguised witchcraft contained in the novels may have on children
Read more at Conservatives Urge Ban on 'Harry Potter' Over Witchcraft, Homosexuality

Christian Coalition Wants “Twilight” Books Banned
Christian Coalition Wants “Twilight” Books Banned | Right Wing Watch

MO High School Bans ‘SlaughterHouse Five’ From Curriculum, Library Because Its Principles Are Contrary To The Bible


The irony of you accusing anyone else of lying is very, very, very rich.

I have posted examples.

You lie and ignore them.

Because that is what you do- you lie to attack anyone who is one degree to the left of what you consider to be acceptable.

I have no need to lie, Comrade..

You lie more easily than you breath.

Conservatives have a long and proud history of promoting book bans and book boycotts.

9. 1996: Twelfth Night, William Shakespeare


School authorities in Merrimack, N.H. found nothing amusing about Shakespeare's Twelfth Night, in which a girl washes ashore after a shipwreck, disguises herself as a page, and falls in love with her male master. That jolly cross-dressing and fake-same-sex romance was deemed in violation of the district's "prohibition of alternative lifestyle instruction," and copies of the play were pulled from schools.

11. 2007: Harry Potter series, J.K. Rowling


While pretty much every child was devouring the final book in the Harry Potter series in 2007, one school was pulling all seven Potter books from its library shelves. The pastor of St. Joseph School in Wakefield, Mass., deemed their sorcery-heavy storylines inappropriate for a Catholic school. Parents said the pastor thought most children were "strong enough to resist the temptation," but his job was to "protect the weak and the strong."

12. 2010: Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?, Bill Martin


The children's picture book Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See? made a surprise appearance on the banned books list in January 2010 thanks to the Texas Board of Education. Author Bill Martin Jr. happens to have the same name as an obscure Marxist theorist, and no one "bothered" to see if they were the same person.

13. 2010: What's Happening To My Body?, Lynda Madaras


What's Happening To My Body?, a classic guide to those awkward puberty years, was deemed inappropriate and banned by 21 school libraries in Texas. The father who brought the complaint in December 2010 was shocked that the book would be available to his 8-year-old. The ALA says the book has been one of the top banned and challenged titles by parents in the last decade.

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