Why 'To Kill a Mockingbird' is Now Racist

But I do not understand this sentence:
"But as white racialism returns in the guise of White Nationalism,"

Who is saying that, what context?
The White Nationalists who turn the arguments of Identity Politics around on the current system are saying that, and they are gaining a whole bunch of support.

The white nationalists who argue that whites in this country should be able to organize to represent their own interests in the current political system (which I do agree with) and have the right to self segregate to exclusive all white communities and other associations (which I question) and who want to focus the national culture around white European cultures (which I completely oppose).

The more moderate groups that like reading Pat Buchanan, Craig Paul Roberts, Joseph Sobran and the old Samuel Francis columns are on the upswing. Their neocon opposition damn them as racists, which is untrue, but it is part of the White Nationalism movement.
"In The Heat Of The Night" was another prime example of Democrats and their ways.

"Yes, let's bask in blacks' exquisite grievances against whites a little longer- just in case anyone missed Roots, Do the Right Thing, Amistad, The Color Purple, Guess Who's Coming to Dinner?, Mississippi Burning, The Hurricane, Malcolm X, Monster's Ball, A Raisin in the Sun, To Kill a Mockingbird, Tuskegee Airmen, Ghosts of Mississippi, Ali, The Green Mile and every ABC after-school special ever produced (except the ones about eating disorders) as well as your entire college education and the last fifty years of the New York Times and all other mainstream media outlets issuing hysterical updates on the unending civil rights struggle.
In the last two decades, the Times has run more than 250 articles about the Selma march alone. Selma happened nearly half a century ago."

Poor little snowflake- upset that there are books and movies that talk about the black experience.

Simply proving how Leftist acolytes are obsessed with melanin.

Much appreciation for your help in proving it.
The book is fine, and very easy to find, nice read.

It's a classic. I read it in Highschool.

Some folks need to get over it and understand the historical background of these great books.

Leftists are generally uneducated and stupid. They seek to ban these books, including "Uncle Tom's Cabin," because most of them have never read a book in their life. 140 characters is the extent of the ability to read for most of the leftists in this nation.

The Khmer Rouge democrats really are the dumbest people on earth.
When you see an article on Breitbart, it's good to go to the source. ALA.org is offline at the moment, but there's this from PBS
'To Kill A Mockingbird' remains among top banned classical novels
Note that the "Challenged" incidents were NOT successful in banning the book. This is not a groundswell of ignorant libtards trying to prevent sharing of an American classic. Just Breitbart's imaginative spin, per usual.
Well thank God these libtards are not being successful, dude, but it still supports the main point; Identity Politics has gone so far left that it is actually working to undo the reasons that held racism back and rid it from the political landscape except for the case of minority racism.
Jim, if you look at the link Syriusly posted in #26, the majority of bans were by the religious right/anti-homosexuality crowd, NOT liberals. I will admit there are jerks on both ends of the spectrum, but I'm TELLING YA, your thread's premise is off, son.
The book is fine, and very easy to find, nice read.

It's a classic. I read it in Highschool.

Some folks need to get over it and understand the historical background of these great books.

Leftists are generally uneducated and stupid. They seek to ban these books, including "Uncle Tom's Cabin," because most of them have never read a book in their life. 140 characters is the extent of the ability to read for most of the leftists in this nation.

The Khmer Rouge democrats really are the dumbest people on earth.
You are living in a fucking fantasy world.
When you see an article on Breitbart, it's good to go to the source. ALA.org is offline at the moment, but there's this from PBS
'To Kill A Mockingbird' remains among top banned classical novels
Note that the "Challenged" incidents were NOT successful in banning the book. This is not a groundswell of ignorant libtards trying to prevent sharing of an American classic. Just Breitbart's imaginative spin, per usual.


From the leftist fake news LA TImes;

Banning 'To Kill a Mockingbird'? Virginia school pulls books after parent's complaint

From Pravda-BS

'To Kill A Mockingbird' remains among top banned classical novels

The left HATES free speech, all civil rights really. Banning books is just what the left does.
Last edited:
But I do not understand this sentence:
"But as white racialism returns in the guise of White Nationalism,"

Who is saying that, what context?
The White Nationalists who turn the arguments of Identity Politics around on the current system are saying that, and they are gaining a whole bunch of support.

The white nationalists who argue that whites in this country should be able to organize to represent their own interests in the current political system (which I do agree with) and have the right to self segregate to exclusive all white communities and other associations (which I question) and who want to focus the national culture around white European cultures (which I completely oppose).

The more moderate groups that like reading Pat Buchanan, Craig Paul Roberts, Joseph Sobran and the old Samuel Francis columns are on the upswing. Their neocon opposition damn them as racists, which is untrue, but it is part of the White Nationalism movement.

a. I haven't seen any of that.

The preoccupation with race seems to be a totally Leftwing, Liberal, Democrat thing.

b. Left refers to the values associated with the Western welfare state, secularism and the vast array of attitudes and positions identified as Left from Karl Marx to contemporary socialist democrat parties and today’s Democratic Party in the United States.
The Left-wing ‘trinity’= race, gender, class.

c. American is identified by the “American Trinity” of “Liberty,” “In God We Trust,” and “E Pluribus Unum.”
“E Pluribus Unum.” refers to a society based on neither ethnicity nor race.
"In The Heat Of The Night" was another prime example of Democrats and their ways.

"Yes, let's bask in blacks' exquisite grievances against whites a little longer- just in case anyone missed Roots, Do the Right Thing, Amistad, The Color Purple, Guess Who's Coming to Dinner?, Mississippi Burning, The Hurricane, Malcolm X, Monster's Ball, A Raisin in the Sun, To Kill a Mockingbird, Tuskegee Airmen, Ghosts of Mississippi, Ali, The Green Mile and every ABC after-school special ever produced (except the ones about eating disorders) as well as your entire college education and the last fifty years of the New York Times and all other mainstream media outlets issuing hysterical updates on the unending civil rights struggle.
In the last two decades, the Times has run more than 250 articles about the Selma march alone. Selma happened nearly half a century ago."

Poor little snowflake- upset that there are books and movies that talk about the black experience.

Simply proving how Leftist acolytes are obsessed with melanin.

Much appreciation for your help in proving it.

Poor little snowflake- all threatened by literature that talks about race.
When you see an article on Breitbart, it's good to go to the source. ALA.org is offline at the moment, but there's this from PBS
'To Kill A Mockingbird' remains among top banned classical novels
Note that the "Challenged" incidents were NOT successful in banning the book. This is not a groundswell of ignorant libtards trying to prevent sharing of an American classic. Just Breitbart's imaginative spin, per usual.
Well thank God these libtards are not being successful, dude, but it still supports the main point; Identity Politics has gone so far left that it is actually working to undo the reasons that held racism back and rid it from the political landscape except for the case of minority racism.
Jim, if you look at the link Syriusly posted in #26, the majority of bans were by the religious right/anti-homosexuality crowd, NOT liberals. I will admit there are jerks on both ends of the spectrum, but I'm TELLING YA, your thread's premise is off, son.
I have NEVER heard a religious conservative argue for the banning of a book, especially a classic like this one, because it use d the N-WORD, dude.
When you see an article on Breitbart, it's good to go to the source. ALA.org is offline at the moment, but there's this from PBS
'To Kill A Mockingbird' remains among top banned classical novels
Note that the "Challenged" incidents were NOT successful in banning the book. This is not a groundswell of ignorant libtards trying to prevent sharing of an American classic. Just Breitbart's imaginative spin, per usual.
Well thank God these libtards are not being successful, dude, but it still supports the main point; Identity Politics has gone so far left that it is actually working to undo the reasons that held racism back and rid it from the political landscape except for the case of minority racism.
Jim, if you look at the link Syriusly posted in #26, the majority of bans were by the religious right/anti-homosexuality crowd, NOT liberals. I will admit there are jerks on both ends of the spectrum, but I'm TELLING YA, your thread's premise is off, son.
I have NEVER heard a religious conservative argue for the banning of a book, especially a classic like this one, because it use d the N-WORD, dude.
Nice sample limiting. Of course they would not be offended by the n word. They claim to be offended by crude language, by topics like
underage drinking, perceived homo-code talk. Precious snowflakes.
When you see an article on Breitbart, it's good to go to the source. ALA.org is offline at the moment, but there's this from PBS
'To Kill A Mockingbird' remains among top banned classical novels
Note that the "Challenged" incidents were NOT successful in banning the book. This is not a groundswell of ignorant libtards trying to prevent sharing of an American classic. Just Breitbart's imaginative spin, per usual.


From the leftist fake new LA TImes;

Banning 'To Kill a Mockingbird'? Virginia school pulls books after parent's complaint

From Pravda-BS

'To Kill A Mockingbird' remains among top banned classical novels

The left HATES free speech, all civil rights really. Banning books is just what the left does.

The right hates free speech- all civil rights really. Banning books is just what the right does

Mapping Censorship
2007) John Steinbeck's Of Mice and Men and Richard Wright's Native Son were banned by the Appling County School Board after a local church minister challenged the books.

(2007) Philip Pullman's The Golden Compass was challenged at the Shallowater Middle School because of it's 'anti-religious messages.'

(2009) Zilpha Keatley Snyder's The Egypt Game was challenged as part of a reading list in a fourth-grade class at Southern Hills Elementary School because the book includes scenes depicting Egyptian worship rituals. The Newbery Award-winning book has been an optional part of the school district’s curriculum for years. “I’m not going to stop until it’s banned from the school district. I will not quiet down. I will not back down. I don’t believe any student should be subjected to anything that has to do with evil gods or black magic,” said the student’s


Removed from Republic, Mo. High School
(2011), but later returned and stored in
a secure section of the library accessible
only to parents. Teachers cannot require
the book nor read it aloud in school. A
Republic resident filed a complaint about
the appropriateness of the book arguing
that it teaches principles contrary to
the Bible.

When you see an article on Breitbart, it's good to go to the source. ALA.org is offline at the moment, but there's this from PBS
'To Kill A Mockingbird' remains among top banned classical novels
Note that the "Challenged" incidents were NOT successful in banning the book. This is not a groundswell of ignorant libtards trying to prevent sharing of an American classic. Just Breitbart's imaginative spin, per usual.


From the leftist fake new LA TImes;

Banning 'To Kill a Mockingbird'? Virginia school pulls books after parent's complaint

From Pravda-BS

'To Kill A Mockingbird' remains among top banned classical novels

The left HATES free speech, all civil rights really. Banning books is just what the left does.
Yes, if you read the link from PBS, you would see that it was NOT successfully banned very often.
You are living in a fucking fantasy world.

Lying doesn't alter reality, Comrade.

Why was To Kill a Mockingbird Banned? - History & Reasons | Study.com

To Kill a Mockingbird and Huckleberry Finn banned from schools in Virginia for racism

Leftists seek to crush civil rights, you are in a hot war to end the freedom of speech, religion, the press, self-defense, to be secure in person and papers (real privacy), etc.

The left in general goes along with this because the average Hillary voter reads at a 3rd grade level or less, and lacks anything even approaching critical thinking skills.

That Academia belongs to the left does not alter this calculus. No more than shepherds slaughtering lambs changes that the flock in general eats grass and pisses on itself.

The job of academia is to KEEP the stupid people ignorant and pliant.They are doing a bang up job, as a conversation with ANY leftard quickly confirms.

Fact is, democrats are the dumbest people in the nation, by a HUGE margin.
When you see an article on Breitbart, it's good to go to the source. ALA.org is offline at the moment, but there's this from PBS
'To Kill A Mockingbird' remains among top banned classical novels
Note that the "Challenged" incidents were NOT successful in banning the book. This is not a groundswell of ignorant libtards trying to prevent sharing of an American classic. Just Breitbart's imaginative spin, per usual.
Well thank God these libtards are not being successful, dude, but it still supports the main point; Identity Politics has gone so far left that it is actually working to undo the reasons that held racism back and rid it from the political landscape except for the case of minority racism.
Jim, if you look at the link Syriusly posted in #26, the majority of bans were by the religious right/anti-homosexuality crowd, NOT liberals. I will admit there are jerks on both ends of the spectrum, but I'm TELLING YA, your thread's premise is off, son.
I have NEVER heard a religious conservative argue for the banning of a book, especially a classic like this one, because it use d the N-WORD, dude.

Of course not- religious conservatives argue for the banning of books for having magic in them or uses the d-word or has sexual content.

Banned Books That Shaped America
a. I haven't seen any of that.[

You have never read any Pat Buchanan, Craig Roberts or Joseph Sobran?


The preoccupation with race seems to be a totally Leftwing, Liberal, Democrat thing.

Well until Identity Politics came to the fore and began launching attacks on white people like the following, there was no need for whites to have a 'race consciousness', but if we keep getting targeted by the left by racial set aside laws, racial quotas in private institutions and have the courts view of what is a reasonable perspective on events of a crime turned against whites using 'a reasonable minority perspective' then whites have to respond in the racial language that is used against them.

How Anti-White Rhetoric Is Fueling White Nationalism

Abolish the White Race

RACE TRAITOR | Abolish the White Race

White men must be stopped: The very future of mankind depends on it

Activist: Exterminate White People

b. Left refers to the values associated with the Western welfare state, secularism and the vast array of attitudes and positions identified as Left from Karl Marx to contemporary socialist democrat parties and today’s Democratic Party in the United States.
The Left-wing ‘trinity’= race, gender, class.

So you have no problem with laws that target white people for discrimination?

c. American is identified by the “American Trinity” of “Liberty,” “In God We Trust,” and “E Pluribus Unum.”
“E Pluribus Unum.” refers to a society based on neither ethnicity nor race.
I agree but if the left continues to make laws that discriminate against whites that will change.
I met Ray Bradbury once, had no idea I was shaking the hand of a prophet.

Veteran Fireman to Montag: "It didn’t come from the government down, there was no dictum, no declaration, no censorship, to start with, no!”

“You must understand that our civilization is so vast that we can’t have our minorities upset and stirred. Ask yourself, What do we want in this country above all? People want to be happy, isn’t that right?…Colored people don’t like Little Black Sambo. Burn it. White people don’t feel good about Uncle Tom’s Cabin. Burn it. Someone’s written a book on tobacco and cancer of the lungs? The cigarette people are weeping? Burn the book. Serenity, Montag. Peace, Montag. Take your fight outside. Better yet, to the incinerator.”

Nice sample limiting. Of course they would not be offended by the n word. They claim to be offended by crude language, by topics like
underage drinking, perceived homo-code talk. Precious snowflakes.

Give me some examples then, Twinkletoes.

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