Why Today's Colleges Don't Get No Respect (From RWer's)

Today’s college degree = a high school diploma from 50 years ago.
Wow think of all the new inventions, wars, laws and so on that they were not required to know.
Fifty years from now you could repost this, in fact every fifty years.
Much better to go to Trump University and learn something useful.

No. Far better to learn a trade/skill and be a useful member of Society without racking up a college debt you'll be paying off for decades.
Good, conservatives you be sure to have your children become ditch diggers and carpenters. You should shun college at all levels, I mean your children are young, what do they need with an education? Fer'git all that book lernin'. YOU didn't go to college and you are doing just fine at your Walmart greeter job. Hey, it may LOOK easy to run that milkshake machine at McDonald's but by god your kids are going to master it!

Organic chemistry, physics, calculus, biology. College students today don't need these things! They need to be taught to hate 'lubruls' and 'ferners'. How to build walls. And how to shoot 50 rounds into a watermelon in under 10 seconds. How to spot a 'real' incandescent light bulb. How to support self-admitted sexual predators and accused pedophiles for political office. How statues teach history better than some teacher with stacks of history books, maps, handwritten letters from the past, all that crap.

Colleges still teach reality. And by god no god-fearing conservative needs to live in reality! Jesus rode dinosaurs!
So, you have a useless degree, work at Starbucks, and will be in debt until the day you die? Figured.

Fuck college...learn a trade!
Good, conservatives you be sure to have your children become ditch diggers and carpenters. You should shun college at all levels, I mean your children are young, what do they need with an education? Fer'git all that book lernin'. YOU didn't go to college and you are doing just fine at your Walmart greeter job. Hey, it may LOOK easy to run that milkshake machine at McDonald's but by god your kids are going to master it!

Organic chemistry, physics, calculus, biology. College students today don't need these things! They need to be taught to hate 'lubruls' and 'ferners'. How to build walls. And how to shoot 50 rounds into a watermelon in under 10 seconds. How to spot a 'real' incandescent light bulb. How to support self-admitted sexual predators and accused pedophiles for political office. How statues teach history better than some teacher with stacks of history books, maps, handwritten letters from the past, all that crap.

Colleges still teach reality. And by god no god-fearing conservative needs to live in reality! Jesus rode dinosaurs!
So, you have a useless degree, work at Starbucks, and will be in debt until the day you die? Figured.

Fuck college...learn a trade!

Beautiful, that should be the answer every conservative should have for their children. "Fuck college, learn a trade."

Don't tell everyone else to do it, you do it. Come on cons get your kids to be gardeners and carpenters. Nothing wrong with working with your hands it's an honorable way to make a living.
Who said anything about a gardener or a carpenter? I mean things like HVAC-R, ironworkers, commercial electrical work, pipefitters, CNC machining, welding, tool-and-die, or boilermakers. Unlike a degree in women's studies or English literature, it is actually USEFUL!

How much do you owe in student loans?
Let's go back to the 60s, list out improvements to education by liberals from then to the present
Liberals are needed to keep education moving, just as every industry needs to keep moving forward with new ideas, new methods, new approaches, new information and so on.
Who said anything about a gardener or a carpenter? I mean things like HVAC-R, ironworkers, commercial electrical work, pipefitters, CNC machining, welding, tool-and-die, or boilermakers. Unlike a degree in women's studies or English literature, it is actually USEFUL!

How much do you owe in student loans?

Who are you talking to?
Who said anything about a gardener or a carpenter? I mean things like HVAC-R, ironworkers, commercial electrical work, pipefitters, CNC machining, welding, tool-and-die, or boilermakers. Unlike a degree in women's studies or English literature, it is actually USEFUL!

How much do you owe in student loans?

Who are you talking to?
The poster I quoted.

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