Why Trump is after NATO...only 5 countries out of 27 members are meeting their pledge!

Once again our President does the right thing and putting spotlight on the deadbeat NATO countries not paying their dues. PC is a disease and Donald J Trump is the cure. :clap::clap2:

Once again Trump lies through his teeth about NATO commitments to the deafening cheers of his idiot base who never fact check anything he says.

In 2014 NATO countries agreed to raise defence spending to 2% of GDP (and this is the really important part of the commitment), by 2024. It is now 2018. NATO members are living up to their commitments under the 2014 Agreement with Barrack Obama. Trump is lying.

NATO allies do NOT owe the US millions. There are no dues to be paid by or to anyone in NATO. Trump says there is a problem. Trump is lying.

The NATO allies have increased military spending because they fear that Trump will not defend them against Russia. There was no crisis within NATO before Trump started claiming the US is owed millions. Trump is lying.

NATO allies have not agreed to increase military spending to 4% of GDP. Even the US doesn’t spend that much.

NATO allies spend twice as much on humanitarian aid as the US does. They have also taken in Syrian refugees, created by American policies and meddling in the Middle East, at enormous expense to their countries. Something the US refused to do.

Last but not least, this whole line of attack by Trump is asinine in the extreme and has made him a laughingstock around the world.

He’s trying for force NATO allies to buy American made tanks, war planes, and artillery, and boost US military manufacturing.

Nobody is forcing the USA to spend $700 billion on their military. That’s a choice Americans have made. If you don’t want bases around the world, shut them down. Take your troops home.

After WWII, American bases have protected “American interests”, which is in fact “property owned by large American corporations”, throughout the world. Anywhere there are American owned corporations, there are American military bases. These bases don’t exist just for NATO defence commitments, they are in place to enforce its role as the world’s #1 Superpower.

The rest of the world isn’t as stupid as Republican voters. Trump wants NATO allies to go on a spending spree so he can deliver jobs to the US military industrial complex.

Republican voters may be stupid enough to believe that 40 minute deranged festival of lies and self aggrandizement that was this morning’s Trump press conference, but the rest of NATO and the rest of the world’s press did not.

The rest of NATO just told Donald Trump to go fuck himself.
Charles Payne's tweet...

Is NATO ready? Germany's Military Readiness

  • 95/244 Leopard battle tanks operational
  • 0/6 Submarines operational
  • 9/15 Frigates in service
  • 0/14 transport aircraft airworthy 21,000
  • Junior officer/NCO positions unfilled 6/30 Logistical battalions fully equipped
Charles V Payne (@cvpayne) | Twitter

And that's why Trump wants NATO members to step up because true members of NATO are suppose to make
military expenditures equal to a % of their GDP... here are the top
First of all NATO members agreed:
Even though this would be a sharp increase on current spending,
it would still fall short of the 2 percent[of GDP] threshold NATO countries agreed to at the 2014 summit in Wales.

Defense Expenditures Of NATO Members Visualized [Infographic]

Yet look at the following chart!
Remember they agreed to spend 2% of their GDP... Only
The USA and United Kingdom,Poland,Greece, and Estonia.. 5 out of 27 countries are meeting the requirements.
This is what Trump means when he said they need to do what they agreed to!
View attachment 204014
Trump is attacking NATO on Putin's orders. Period!

Trump is attacking NATO by having countries pay there fair share, even increasing percentage paid? Somehow that's a Putin request? Say what?

4 years ago it was agreed that within 10 years they would spend 2% of their GDP on their military...they have 6 years left to meet that agreement...

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
Charles Payne's tweet...

Is NATO ready? Germany's Military Readiness

  • 95/244 Leopard battle tanks operational
  • 0/6 Submarines operational
  • 9/15 Frigates in service
  • 0/14 transport aircraft airworthy 21,000
  • Junior officer/NCO positions unfilled 6/30 Logistical battalions fully equipped
Charles V Payne (@cvpayne) | Twitter

And that's why Trump wants NATO members to step up because true members of NATO are suppose to make
military expenditures equal to a % of their GDP... here are the top
First of all NATO members agreed:
Even though this would be a sharp increase on current spending,
it would still fall short of the 2 percent[of GDP] threshold NATO countries agreed to at the 2014 summit in Wales.

Defense Expenditures Of NATO Members Visualized [Infographic]

Yet look at the following chart!
Remember they agreed to spend 2% of their GDP... Only
The USA and United Kingdom,Poland,Greece, and Estonia.. 5 out of 27 countries are meeting the requirements.
This is what Trump means when he said they need to do what they agreed to!
View attachment 204014
Trump is attacking NATO on Putin's orders. Period!

Trump is attacking NATO by having countries pay there fair share, even increasing percentage paid? Somehow that's a Putin request? Say what?

4 years ago it was agreed that within 10 years they would spend 2% of their GDP on their military...they have 6 years left to meet that agreement...

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

Great, so it shouldn't bother them agree to pitch in 4%.
Charles Payne's tweet...

Is NATO ready? Germany's Military Readiness

  • 95/244 Leopard battle tanks operational
  • 0/6 Submarines operational
  • 9/15 Frigates in service
  • 0/14 transport aircraft airworthy 21,000
  • Junior officer/NCO positions unfilled 6/30 Logistical battalions fully equipped
Charles V Payne (@cvpayne) | Twitter

And that's why Trump wants NATO members to step up because true members of NATO are suppose to make
military expenditures equal to a % of their GDP... here are the top
First of all NATO members agreed:
Even though this would be a sharp increase on current spending,
it would still fall short of the 2 percent[of GDP] threshold NATO countries agreed to at the 2014 summit in Wales.

Defense Expenditures Of NATO Members Visualized [Infographic]

Yet look at the following chart!
Remember they agreed to spend 2% of their GDP... Only
The USA and United Kingdom,Poland,Greece, and Estonia.. 5 out of 27 countries are meeting the requirements.
This is what Trump means when he said they need to do what they agreed to!
View attachment 204014
Trump is attacking NATO on Putin's orders. Period!

Trump is attacking NATO by having countries pay there fair share, even increasing percentage paid? Somehow that's a Putin request? Say what?

4 years ago it was agreed that within 10 years they would spend 2% of their GDP on their military...they have 6 years left to meet that agreement...

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

Another solution would be to drop our percentage contribution to match theirs...how about that one?
Yes, Trump is correct. So few countries meeting the NATO guidelines.

The above post is full of shit. The Nato guideline is 2%, much less than what US spends.... and yet the countries don't meet it!
And YOU are forgetting ONE VERY LARGE restriction on this exercise.
Posse Comitatus Act
is a United States federal law (18 U.S.C. § 1385, original at 20 Stat. 152) signed on June 18, 1878 by President Rutherford B. Hayes. The purpose of the act – in concert with the Insurrection Act of 1807 – is to limit the powers of the federal government in using federal military personnel to enforce domestic policies within the United States. It was passed as an amendment to an army appropriation bill following the end of Reconstruction and was subsequently updated in 1956 and 1981.
Posse Comitatus Act - Wikipedia

Specifically prohibits uses such as you so stupidly offer!
Change that LAW idiot and maybe it would work. But knowing your stupid attitude about Trump and being the TraitorGator you are you'd then complain...Trump's a dictator"!
Trump is another Hitler! Yes you would because you can't see beyond what Trump is to what he is doing!
I personally don't like Trump! I think he is arrogant. Loud. Obnoxious and definitely a braggart.
But like the people I knew in Queens NY for several years HE like them LOVE America evidently more than you do!
He like them are LOYAL to America! Unlike YOU traitorGator! He like THEM and evidently unlike you love his children and grandchildren more than the luxury of retirement
on his billions! He like them and me and millions like me find people like you very funny! You talk big talk but when it comes to the walk... you tippy toe around it... I'm sure you were one of those idiots that loved Obama's administrations "We will lead from behind" sentiment! Yea look where that got us!

The problem here is that morons like you think that border control is a law enforcement job, when it is not. It is the job of the military to defend the country, why will people like you not allow them to do so?

You talk about how much more love you so much more than me yet you gave any service to you country, you just take and take and people like me that love this country enough to offer up 20 years of our lives in service to it carry your weight since you lack the balls to do so.

You want to build a fucking wall and hide behind it and yet you accuse someone else of leading from behind.

After a drill instructor hands you one of these for the first time, them come back and talk to me about loving this country, you fucking free loader.

Obviously you can take orders. But that appears all you are good for as you can't read simple facts.

The Federal Government is prohibited by Federal Law to dispatch Federal Troops to the border.
Why else were the national guard sent and NOT Federal Troops?
Guess you aren't aware of the LEGAL ramifications i.e. and because you can't understand two simple posse comitatus - Legal Definition
  1. A federal statute prohibiting the Army and Air Force from direct participation in civilian law-enforcement activities.
  2. Posse comitatus dictionary definition | posse comitatus defined
Which is WHY your dumb ass obviously ignorant of the LAW suggestion won't work!

Oh and as far as flashing an image easily downloaded from any source... how about this one?

View attachment 204279

Herein lies the problem, defending the nation is not a civilian law-enforcement activity, no matter how much some people want it to be.

The Posse Comitatus Act that was passed to appease the losers in the South and to keep the Union from using its armies as a police force. It was never intended to include the defense of our nation's borders. I should also point out that the Navy and the US Marine Corps are specifically not mentioned in the act, so it actually does not apply to them.

The difference between my image and yours is that I actually earned mine, something you would not understand.

As much as I detest ABC news here is their explaining for people like you the limits on Presidents' i.e.

But while President Trump could order active duty military personnel or federalized National Guard troops to assist with
border security operations, they would not be allowed to carry out law enforcement duties like detaining migrants crossing the border illegally.

That's because the Posse Comitatus Act prohibits the U.S. military from conducting law enforcement duties in the United States. The only way that can be allowed is by a special congressional authorization.

Trump's suggestion of U.S. military troops along the border with Mexico echoes actions by President George W. Bush in 2006 and by President Barack Obama in 2010 that sent thousands of National Guard troops to assist with border operations.

But the troops participating in Operation Jump Start and Operation Phalanx respectively were only allowed to serve in a support role for U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) personnel.

In line with Posse Comitatus, they were not allowed to detain people crossing the border illegally from Mexico.
US military on border would have limited role

And as far as your "image" THAT is exactly what it is! Your image of yourself...TraitorGator!
Anyone can go to this web site U.S. Marine Corps Enlisted Men Brass Visor Cap Badge | Badges of the World!

All it would take is a simple act by Congress to change the broken PC law. It has been changed in the past and can be again.

Yes, anyone can go find the image on the Internet, but only a select few will ever know the feeling of being handed the EGA for the first time after it has been earned.

That is the difference between you and I, one of us loved our country enough to offer our service to it, the other uses the freedom they did not earn to talk out of their ass.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

You have no idea about my service record and more importantly your WORDS speak louder about you and your so-called "love of country"!
If you truly "loved America" why would you constantly berate America, our President?
That is like this image of American Troops coming back from Vietnam... I wonder if you were among those people spitting on our troops because you are "spitting" on
America when you don't defend America or the choice for the President. Evidently "politics ends at the water's edge" means NOTHING to TraitorGator!
Charles Payne's tweet...

Is NATO ready? Germany's Military Readiness

  • 95/244 Leopard battle tanks operational
  • 0/6 Submarines operational
  • 9/15 Frigates in service
  • 0/14 transport aircraft airworthy 21,000
  • Junior officer/NCO positions unfilled 6/30 Logistical battalions fully equipped
Charles V Payne (@cvpayne) | Twitter

And that's why Trump wants NATO members to step up because true members of NATO are suppose to make
military expenditures equal to a % of their GDP... here are the top
First of all NATO members agreed:
Even though this would be a sharp increase on current spending,
it would still fall short of the 2 percent[of GDP] threshold NATO countries agreed to at the 2014 summit in Wales.

Defense Expenditures Of NATO Members Visualized [Infographic]

Yet look at the following chart!
Remember they agreed to spend 2% of their GDP... Only
The USA and United Kingdom,Poland,Greece, and Estonia.. 5 out of 27 countries are meeting the requirements.
This is what Trump means when he said they need to do what they agreed to!
View attachment 204014
Trump is attacking NATO on Putin's orders. Period!

Trump is attacking NATO by having countries pay there fair share, even increasing percentage paid? Somehow that's a Putin request? Say what?

4 years ago it was agreed that within 10 years they would spend 2% of their GDP on their military...they have 6 years left to meet that agreement...

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

Another solution would be to drop our percentage contribution to match theirs...how about that one?

OK... explain to me what you mean "drop our percentage contribution"... because the attached table shows what NATO is suggesting... i.e. that NATO countries
spend at least 2% of the gross domestic product (GDP) NOT ON NATO... you understand? But on their OWN military budget.
NATO's rationale was if a country spent at least 2% of GDP on building up the country's OWN military strength, then less dependency on NATO.
Make sense?
Charles Payne's tweet...

Is NATO ready? Germany's Military Readiness

  • 95/244 Leopard battle tanks operational
  • 0/6 Submarines operational
  • 9/15 Frigates in service
  • 0/14 transport aircraft airworthy 21,000
  • Junior officer/NCO positions unfilled 6/30 Logistical battalions fully equipped
Charles V Payne (@cvpayne) | Twitter

And that's why Trump wants NATO members to step up because true members of NATO are suppose to make
military expenditures equal to a % of their GDP... here are the top
First of all NATO members agreed:
Even though this would be a sharp increase on current spending,
it would still fall short of the 2 percent[of GDP] threshold NATO countries agreed to at the 2014 summit in Wales.

Defense Expenditures Of NATO Members Visualized [Infographic]

Yet look at the following chart!
Remember they agreed to spend 2% of their GDP... Only
The USA and United Kingdom,Poland,Greece, and Estonia.. 5 out of 27 countries are meeting the requirements.
This is what Trump means when he said they need to do what they agreed to!
View attachment 204014
Trump is attacking NATO on Putin's orders. Period!

Trump is attacking NATO by having countries pay there fair share, even increasing percentage paid? Somehow that's a Putin request? Say what?

4 years ago it was agreed that within 10 years they would spend 2% of their GDP on their military...they have 6 years left to meet that agreement...

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

Another solution would be to drop our percentage contribution to match theirs...how about that one?

OK... explain to me what you mean "drop our percentage contribution"... because the attached table shows what NATO is suggesting... i.e. that NATO countries
spend at least 2% of the gross domestic product (GDP) NOT ON NATO... you understand? But on their OWN military budget.
NATO's rationale was if a country spent at least 2% of GDP on building up the country's OWN military strength, then less dependency on NATO.
Make sense?
View attachment 204324

Was referring to percentage of contribution to NATO.
Trump is attacking NATO on Putin's orders. Period!

Trump is attacking NATO by having countries pay there fair share, even increasing percentage paid? Somehow that's a Putin request? Say what?

4 years ago it was agreed that within 10 years they would spend 2% of their GDP on their military...they have 6 years left to meet that agreement...

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

Another solution would be to drop our percentage contribution to match theirs...how about that one?

OK... explain to me what you mean "drop our percentage contribution"... because the attached table shows what NATO is suggesting... i.e. that NATO countries
spend at least 2% of the gross domestic product (GDP) NOT ON NATO... you understand? But on their OWN military budget.
NATO's rationale was if a country spent at least 2% of GDP on building up the country's OWN military strength, then less dependency on NATO.
Make sense?
View attachment 204324

Was referring to percentage of contribution to NATO.

Good point! I understand now. What is the source of that chart by the way?
Here is an interest chart...
Infographic: Who's Contributing How Much to Directly Financing NATO?

Trump is attacking NATO by having countries pay there fair share, even increasing percentage paid? Somehow that's a Putin request? Say what?

4 years ago it was agreed that within 10 years they would spend 2% of their GDP on their military...they have 6 years left to meet that agreement...

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

Another solution would be to drop our percentage contribution to match theirs...how about that one?

OK... explain to me what you mean "drop our percentage contribution"... because the attached table shows what NATO is suggesting... i.e. that NATO countries
spend at least 2% of the gross domestic product (GDP) NOT ON NATO... you understand? But on their OWN military budget.
NATO's rationale was if a country spent at least 2% of GDP on building up the country's OWN military strength, then less dependency on NATO.
Make sense?
View attachment 204324

Was referring to percentage of contribution to NATO.

Good point! I understand now. What is the source of that chart by the way?
Charles Payne's tweet...

Is NATO ready? Germany's Military Readiness

  • 95/244 Leopard battle tanks operational
  • 0/6 Submarines operational
  • 9/15 Frigates in service
  • 0/14 transport aircraft airworthy 21,000
  • Junior officer/NCO positions unfilled 6/30 Logistical battalions fully equipped
Charles V Payne (@cvpayne) | Twitter

And that's why Trump wants NATO members to step up because true members of NATO are suppose to make
military expenditures equal to a % of their GDP... here are the top
First of all NATO members agreed:
Even though this would be a sharp increase on current spending,
it would still fall short of the 2 percent[of GDP] threshold NATO countries agreed to at the 2014 summit in Wales.

Defense Expenditures Of NATO Members Visualized [Infographic]

Yet look at the following chart!
Remember they agreed to spend 2% of their GDP... Only
The USA and United Kingdom,Poland,Greece, and Estonia.. 5 out of 27 countries are meeting the requirements.
This is what Trump means when he said they need to do what they agreed to!
View attachment 204014
Trump is attacking NATO on Putin's orders. Period!

Trump is attacking NATO by having countries pay there fair share, even increasing percentage paid? Somehow that's a Putin request? Say what?

4 years ago it was agreed that within 10 years they would spend 2% of their GDP on their military...they have 6 years left to meet that agreement...

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

Another solution would be to drop our percentage contribution to match theirs...how about that one?

I am 100% on board with dropping our military spending to 2% of our GDP, that is a great plan...that way we only spend more than the next 4 countries vice the next 9

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
why Trump is an idiot

The U.S. share is calculated on the basis of gross national income — the total domestic and foreign output claimed by residents of a country — and adjusted regularly. Currently that would be about 22 percent, compared to about 15 percent for Germany, 11 percent for France, 10 percent for the United Kingdom, 8 percent for Italy, 7 percent for Canada, and so forth.

“Common funding includes both annual funding for NATO civilian and military expenses (the latter includes spending on very few NATO owned assets and is a few billion a year) and any operational military expenses, which get voted on whenever the operation is authorized,” said Ivo Daalder, a former U.S. ambassador to NATO who is president of the Chicago Council on Global Affairs. “This includes fuel for NATO AWACS aircraft, some headquarter costs, etc.”
Charles Payne's tweet...

Is NATO ready? Germany's Military Readiness

  • 95/244 Leopard battle tanks operational
  • 0/6 Submarines operational
  • 9/15 Frigates in service
  • 0/14 transport aircraft airworthy 21,000
  • Junior officer/NCO positions unfilled 6/30 Logistical battalions fully equipped
Charles V Payne (@cvpayne) | Twitter

And that's why Trump wants NATO members to step up because true members of NATO are suppose to make
military expenditures equal to a % of their GDP... here are the top
First of all NATO members agreed:
Even though this would be a sharp increase on current spending,
it would still fall short of the 2 percent[of GDP] threshold NATO countries agreed to at the 2014 summit in Wales.

Defense Expenditures Of NATO Members Visualized [Infographic]

Yet look at the following chart!
Remember they agreed to spend 2% of their GDP... Only
The USA and United Kingdom,Poland,Greece, and Estonia.. 5 out of 27 countries are meeting the requirements.
This is what Trump means when he said they need to do what they agreed to!
View attachment 204014
Trump is attacking NATO on Putin's orders. Period!

Trump is attacking NATO by having countries pay there fair share, even increasing percentage paid? Somehow that's a Putin request? Say what?

4 years ago it was agreed that within 10 years they would spend 2% of their GDP on their military...they have 6 years left to meet that agreement...

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

Another solution would be to drop our percentage contribution to match theirs...how about that one?

I am 100% on board with dropping our military spending to 2% of our GDP, that is a great plan...that way we only spend more than the next 4 countries vice the next 9

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

That would come under defense spending not NATO spending.
Trump is attacking NATO on Putin's orders. Period!

Trump is attacking NATO by having countries pay there fair share, even increasing percentage paid? Somehow that's a Putin request? Say what?

4 years ago it was agreed that within 10 years they would spend 2% of their GDP on their military...they have 6 years left to meet that agreement...

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

Another solution would be to drop our percentage contribution to match theirs...how about that one?

I am 100% on board with dropping our military spending to 2% of our GDP, that is a great plan...that way we only spend more than the next 4 countries vice the next 9

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

That would come under defense spending not NATO spending.

The 2% number that is being banted about is total defense spending, not what is spent on NATO directly.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
Charles Payne's tweet...

Is NATO ready? Germany's Military Readiness

  • 95/244 Leopard battle tanks operational
  • 0/6 Submarines operational
  • 9/15 Frigates in service
  • 0/14 transport aircraft airworthy 21,000
  • Junior officer/NCO positions unfilled 6/30 Logistical battalions fully equipped
Charles V Payne (@cvpayne) | Twitter

And that's why Trump wants NATO members to step up because true members of NATO are suppose to make
military expenditures equal to a % of their GDP... here are the top
First of all NATO members agreed:
Even though this would be a sharp increase on current spending,
it would still fall short of the 2 percent[of GDP] threshold NATO countries agreed to at the 2014 summit in Wales.

Defense Expenditures Of NATO Members Visualized [Infographic]

Yet look at the following chart!
Remember they agreed to spend 2% of their GDP... Only
The USA and United Kingdom,Poland,Greece, and Estonia.. 5 out of 27 countries are meeting the requirements.
This is what Trump means when he said they need to do what they agreed to!
View attachment 204014
Trump is attacking NATO on Putin's orders. Period!

Trump is attacking NATO by having countries pay there fair share, even increasing percentage paid? Somehow that's a Putin request? Say what?

4 years ago it was agreed that within 10 years they would spend 2% of their GDP on their military...they have 6 years left to meet that agreement...

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

Another solution would be to drop our percentage contribution to match theirs...how about that one?

I am 100% on board with dropping our military spending to 2% of our GDP, that is a great plan...that way we only spend more than the next 4 countries vice the next 9

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com


So you'd be in favor of reducing our armed forces from 1,281,900 active service to 600,000 as well as the 801,200 reserves to 400,000?
Mothballing 220 of The fleet consists of roughly 430 ships in active service or reserve Here’s the Entire U.S. Navy Fleet in One Chart
Cutting the 13,362 total aircraft by half or less then 7,000... Right? 2018 United States Military Strength
Cutting Tanks, armored vehicles, artillery, etc. from 47,648 to 23,000 sound right?
2018 United States Military Strength

Yea that's what I'd expect from someone who deals in such general banalities, exaggerated assumptions, and basically grossly ignorant intelligence!

TraitorGator... you need to spend a little more time gathering information and THEN making your gross exaggerated assumptions!
What a dummy you are TraitorGator... maybe you have been ducking when someone hollers "FORE"!!!!
Trump is attacking NATO by having countries pay there fair share, even increasing percentage paid? Somehow that's a Putin request? Say what?

4 years ago it was agreed that within 10 years they would spend 2% of their GDP on their military...they have 6 years left to meet that agreement...

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

Another solution would be to drop our percentage contribution to match theirs...how about that one?

I am 100% on board with dropping our military spending to 2% of our GDP, that is a great plan...that way we only spend more than the next 4 countries vice the next 9

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

That would come under defense spending not NATO spending.

The 2% number that is being banted about is total defense spending, not what is spent on NATO directly.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

I understand that, and dropping our 22% contribution to NATO to a number more in line with other participants would help get the percentages closer.
Trump is attacking NATO by having countries pay there fair share, even increasing percentage paid? Somehow that's a Putin request? Say what?

4 years ago it was agreed that within 10 years they would spend 2% of their GDP on their military...they have 6 years left to meet that agreement...

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

Another solution would be to drop our percentage contribution to match theirs...how about that one?

I am 100% on board with dropping our military spending to 2% of our GDP, that is a great plan...that way we only spend more than the next 4 countries vice the next 9

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

That would come under defense spending not NATO spending.

The 2% number that is being banted about is total defense spending, not what is spent on NATO directly.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

It's bandied not banted. No such word TraitorGator!
why Trump is an idiot

The U.S. share is calculated on the basis of gross national income — the total domestic and foreign output claimed by residents of a country — and adjusted regularly. Currently that would be about 22 percent, compared to about 15 percent for Germany, 11 percent for France, 10 percent for the United Kingdom, 8 percent for Italy, 7 percent for Canada, and so forth.

“Common funding includes both annual funding for NATO civilian and military expenses (the latter includes spending on very few NATO owned assets and is a few billion a year) and any operational military expenses, which get voted on whenever the operation is authorized,” said Ivo Daalder, a former U.S. ambassador to NATO who is president of the Chicago Council on Global Affairs. “This includes fuel for NATO AWACS aircraft, some headquarter costs, etc.”

A) It is NOT gross national income dummy! It is GROSS Domestic Productivity GDP! And not just for the U.S. but ALL countries.
B) Reality not guesses... a few billion???
C) And again.. the Goal you idiot is for each country to spend at least 2% of their GDP on their OWN defense... thus lessening the demand for NATO assistance!

Geez why is this so complicated to understand.


This is what NATO"s goal is each of the 27 countries to spend at least 2% of their GROSS DOMESTIC PRODUCT on their OWN defense budget... again reducing the need for NATO!
Trump is attacking NATO on Putin's orders. Period!

Trump is attacking NATO by having countries pay there fair share, even increasing percentage paid? Somehow that's a Putin request? Say what?

4 years ago it was agreed that within 10 years they would spend 2% of their GDP on their military...they have 6 years left to meet that agreement...

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

Another solution would be to drop our percentage contribution to match theirs...how about that one?

I am 100% on board with dropping our military spending to 2% of our GDP, that is a great plan...that way we only spend more than the next 4 countries vice the next 9

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com


So you'd be in favor of reducing our armed forces from 1,281,900 active service to 600,000 as well as the 801,200 reserves to 400,000?
Mothballing 220 of The fleet consists of roughly 430 ships in active service or reserve Here’s the Entire U.S. Navy Fleet in One Chart
Cutting the 13,362 total aircraft by half or less then 7,000... Right? 2018 United States Military Strength
Cutting Tanks, armored vehicles, artillery, etc. from 47,648 to 23,000 sound right?
2018 United States Military Strength

Yea that's what I'd expect from someone who deals in such general banalities, exaggerated assumptions, and basically grossly ignorant intelligence!

TraitorGator... you need to spend a little more time gathering information and THEN making your gross exaggerated assumptions!
What a dummy you are TraitorGator... maybe you have been ducking when someone hollers "FORE"!!!!

It can be done over time so as to not kill the economy. Initially money can be saved by pulling out of places like Afghanistan and other places we have no business being in.

Then over time both equipment and personnel can slow be taken down through attrition and targeted buy outs.

There is no rational reason we need to spend more than the next 9 countries on our military.

You are quite the cheerleader for the military, just not enough to actually put yourself on the line for the country. You are just one more freeloader

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
Charles Payne's tweet...

Is NATO ready? Germany's Military Readiness

  • 95/244 Leopard battle tanks operational
  • 0/6 Submarines operational
  • 9/15 Frigates in service
  • 0/14 transport aircraft airworthy 21,000
  • Junior officer/NCO positions unfilled 6/30 Logistical battalions fully equipped
Charles V Payne (@cvpayne) | Twitter

And that's why Trump wants NATO members to step up because true members of NATO are suppose to make
military expenditures equal to a % of their GDP... here are the top
First of all NATO members agreed:
Even though this would be a sharp increase on current spending,
it would still fall short of the 2 percent[of GDP] threshold NATO countries agreed to at the 2014 summit in Wales.

Defense Expenditures Of NATO Members Visualized [Infographic]

Yet look at the following chart!
Remember they agreed to spend 2% of their GDP... Only
The USA and United Kingdom,Poland,Greece, and Estonia.. 5 out of 27 countries are meeting the requirements.
This is what Trump means when he said they need to do what they agreed to!
View attachment 204014

Trump is after NATO because that is what Vladimir wants.

Have you notices how Trump tackles a problem that has been with us for years and is certainly not a priority item, such as US contributions to NATO? He exaggerates it's importance, makes outrageous threats like pulling out of Europe, has closed door meetings, then claims the problems are solved, all is is good, pledges his undying support, announces they have reached an agreement (not true), turning around years decrease spending (not true), then takes credit for an increased in funding negotiated under Obama in 2014. Then it's on to solve the next big problem.

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