Why Trump is correct to confront North Korea aggressively


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
Outside the obvious threats made by N Korea, the annals of history have shown that you cannot appease someone who you can't reason with. Of course, there are always people who you can reason with, dictators are the least likely to bend.

In 1994 Clinton gave North Korea a great deal and they continued to receive from the world. In the 23 years since what have they done? Aggressively pursued nuclear weapons with the full support of China. They are a proxy and a massive threat to the world. Using this appeasement not to become a better society, but to expand, sneak up on the world and fortify their government in the result of an attack. All again, with the massive support from China.

Here is where it gets dangerous though. Like all dictatorships, the North Korean government does not feel compelled to change their attitude and care more about their power than life itself. They would not only pursue the nuclear weapon, but also use it if cornered. I have no doubt about this.

So, war must be the absolute last resort, but it can never be taken off the table when dealing with North Korea/
Why don't we just leave North Korea alone? ..... :dunno:

We keep egging them on, and threatening them with every type of punitive economic and military measures under the sun. No wonder Pres. Kim has assumed a bellicose attitude and posture towards the U.S.

Apparently, the N Korean people are happy with their leader and government. The country functions reasonably well, there is very little crime, and everyone has a job and a place to live. Which is the exact opposite of America. ..... :cool:
Trump talks tough, but he has yet to actually do anything about N. Korea. Kim Jong Un is probably just going to ignore whatever Trump says because he doesn't believe that Trump means business.

Remember the three carrier threat?
Sanctions are for pussies

Calling Kim "Rocket Man" will bring N Korea to its knees
I voted for Trump and support him, but I disagree with his approach.

I believe we should work with South Korea and Japan to develop their own nuclear arsenals. The threat of this might compel the Chinese to remove the nuclear arsenal of the north. If not, then SK and Japan will have their own nuclear arsenals to deter NK and China.
The only people that should be working against NK is Japan. He is flying missiles over their country FFS
I voted for Trump and support him, but I disagree with his approach.

I believe we should work with South Korea and Japan to develop their own nuclear arsenals. The threat of this might compel the Chinese to remove the nuclear arsenal of the north. If not, then SK and Japan will have their own nuclear arsenals to deter NK and China.

In theory yes, in practice, we don't want more nukes in more hands. Long term that's a recipe fro disaster. I don't even think you need Japan to develop nukes, just have them purchase a few billions in U.S arms, get them on-board a missile defense system to deter China or some other defensive strategy.
I voted for Trump and support him, but I disagree with his approach.

I believe we should work with South Korea and Japan to develop their own nuclear arsenals. The threat of this might compel the Chinese to remove the nuclear arsenal of the north. If not, then SK and Japan will have their own nuclear arsenals to deter NK and China.

In theory yes, in practice, we don't want more nukes in more hands. Long term that's a recipe fro disaster. I don't even think you need Japan to develop nukes, just have them purchase a few billions in U.S arms, get them on-board a missile defense system to deter China or some other defensive strategy.
yes, only certain countries should have nukes. :rolleyes:
I voted for Trump and support him, but I disagree with his approach.

I believe we should work with South Korea and Japan to develop their own nuclear arsenals. The threat of this might compel the Chinese to remove the nuclear arsenal of the north. If not, then SK and Japan will have their own nuclear arsenals to deter NK and China.

In theory yes, in practice, we don't want more nukes in more hands. Long term that's a recipe fro disaster. I don't even think you need Japan to develop nukes, just have them purchase a few billions in U.S arms, get them on-board a missile defense system to deter China or some other defensive strategy.
yes, only certain countries should have nukes. :rolleyes:

On this, we agree...
I voted for Trump and support him, but I disagree with his approach.

I believe we should work with South Korea and Japan to develop their own nuclear arsenals. The threat of this might compel the Chinese to remove the nuclear arsenal of the north. If not, then SK and Japan will have their own nuclear arsenals to deter NK and China.

In theory yes, in practice, we don't want more nukes in more hands. Long term that's a recipe fro disaster. I don't even think you need Japan to develop nukes, just have them purchase a few billions in U.S arms, get them on-board a missile defense system to deter China or some other defensive strategy.
yes, only certain countries should have nukes. :rolleyes:

On this, we agree...
Are you agreeing with my sarcasm or being literal?
The threat of nuclear arsenals might compel China to resolve the matter.
I voted for Trump and support him, but I disagree with his approach.

I believe we should work with South Korea and Japan to develop their own nuclear arsenals. The threat of this might compel the Chinese to remove the nuclear arsenal of the north. If not, then SK and Japan will have their own nuclear arsenals to deter NK and China.

In theory yes, in practice, we don't want more nukes in more hands. Long term that's a recipe fro disaster. I don't even think you need Japan to develop nukes, just have them purchase a few billions in U.S arms, get them on-board a missile defense system to deter China or some other defensive strategy.
yes, only certain countries should have nukes. :rolleyes:

On this, we agree...
Are you agreeing with my sarcasm or being literal?

I'm being literal. Only certain countries should have nukes. I'm sure most of the Worlds Powers That Be wish they didn't exist anywhere.
I think his strategy of talking tough to NK is a good plan....

To distract from his Russia problem.
I voted for Trump and support him, but I disagree with his approach.

I believe we should work with South Korea and Japan to develop their own nuclear arsenals. The threat of this might compel the Chinese to remove the nuclear arsenal of the north. If not, then SK and Japan will have their own nuclear arsenals to deter NK and China.

In theory yes, in practice, we don't want more nukes in more hands. Long term that's a recipe fro disaster. I don't even think you need Japan to develop nukes, just have them purchase a few billions in U.S arms, get them on-board a missile defense system to deter China or some other defensive strategy.
yes, only certain countries should have nukes. :rolleyes:

On this, we agree...
Are you agreeing with my sarcasm or being literal?

I'm being literal. Only certain countries should have nukes. I'm sure most of the Worlds Powers That Be wish they didn't exist anywhere.
Yes, we should take away countries right to self defence.
Dont you always get on here talking about freedom and stuff and you want to tyrannically regulate the entire world? lol
In theory yes, in practice, we don't want more nukes in more hands. Long term that's a recipe fro disaster. I don't even think you need Japan to develop nukes, just have them purchase a few billions in U.S arms, get them on-board a missile defense system to deter China or some other defensive strategy.
yes, only certain countries should have nukes. :rolleyes:

On this, we agree...
Are you agreeing with my sarcasm or being literal?

I'm being literal. Only certain countries should have nukes. I'm sure most of the Worlds Powers That Be wish they didn't exist anywhere.
Yes, we should take away countries right to self defence.
Dont you always get on here talking about freedom and stuff and you want to tyrannically regulate the entire world? lol

The world isn't always black and white. In regards to democracy, "good guys vs bad guys", I have a black and white view. Freedom, democracy, liberty loving nations are good, dictators, communists, oppressive governments are bad.

As such, I don't play the middle of the road. Countries don't need nukes to defend themselves, they are only offensive weapons, their only "defensive" purpose is as a deterrent. In todays world though, you don't need nukes, as the world is run by economic might and innovation. Certainly Hermit nation doesnt need nukes, nor should the world allow this.

If my opinion on this matter rubs people the wrong way I'm sorry. He has clearly shown himself to not be flexible and has ambitions to destroy the lives of citizens outside his country after so many decades of his own citizens being persecuted. To hell with his government and the communist sob's in China.
yes, only certain countries should have nukes. :rolleyes:

On this, we agree...
Are you agreeing with my sarcasm or being literal?

I'm being literal. Only certain countries should have nukes. I'm sure most of the Worlds Powers That Be wish they didn't exist anywhere.
Yes, we should take away countries right to self defence.
Dont you always get on here talking about freedom and stuff and you want to tyrannically regulate the entire world? lol

The world isn't always black and white. In regards to democracy, "good guys vs bad guys", I have a black and white view. Freedom, democracy, liberty loving nations are good, dictators, communists, oppressive governments are bad.

As such, I don't play the middle of the road. Countries don't need nukes to defend themselves, they are only offensive weapons, their only "defensive" purpose is as a deterrent. In todays world though, you don't need nukes, as the world is run by economic might and innovation. Certainly Hermit nation doesnt need nukes, nor should the world allow this.

If my opinion on this matter rubs people the wrong way I'm sorry. He has clearly shown himself to not be flexible and has ambitions to destroy the lives of citizens outside his country after so many decades of his own citizens being persecuted. To hell with his government and the communist sob's in China.
So, which countries should have nukes?

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