Why Trump is Winning According to Newt


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
I think that there is a desire on the part of the American people, which I largely agree with, to profoundly change the current terms of American government in general.”

Gingrich also says The Donald learns quicker than any other politician he knows. Well, does this learning curve actually give Trump a chance? It's a long ways to go before the first primary and it'll be interesting to see just how long he can hang in there.

More @ Gingrich: Trump in own league, 'learns quicker' than anyone

Millennials Choose Donald Trump 3-1 @ BOOM! Millennials Choose Donald Trump 3-1 - The Gateway Pundit

This Zogby Poll could have huge consequences for The Donald.
Unless Trump totally fucks up in the remainder of the debates, he's a lock for the Republican nominee. Right now he is under a tremendous amount of pressure because the only thing that is going to bring him down is himself. The election is his to lose at this point.

I understand some may hate to read that, but it is what it is. Trump is a lock (at this time)
Means more opportunity for everyone, which is exactly the country we are SUPPOSED to be.
Unless Trump totally fucks up in the remainder of the debates, he's a lock for the Republican nominee. Right now he is under a tremendous amount of pressure because the only thing that is going to bring him down is himself. The election is his to lose at this point.

I understand some may hate to read that, but it is what it is. Trump is a lock (at this time)

I am sorry, but you are wrong! He is certainly a player in it, and yes he could win, but things change quickly in politics, and 8 or 9 months is a very, very, long time.
Unless Trump totally fucks up in the remainder of the debates, he's a lock for the Republican nominee. Right now he is under a tremendous amount of pressure because the only thing that is going to bring him down is himself. The election is his to lose at this point.

I understand some may hate to read that, but it is what it is. Trump is a lock (at this time)

I am sorry, but you are wrong! He is certainly a player in it, and yes he could win, but things change quickly in politics, and 8 or 9 months is a very, very, long time.
You'd be right if Trump was just a regular insider i.e politician. this is a whole new game now. The old rules don't apply anymore. This is not politics anymore.......this is a movement. This is the American people giving the Republican establishment a great big fuck you with a blow me tossed in for good measure.
Nope................I think that after his interview over the weekend where he was complaining about "gotcha" questions, and his going after the journalist he was interviewed by, this may be the beginning of the end for Donald the Chump.
Unless Trump totally fucks up in the remainder of the debates, he's a lock for the Republican nominee. Right now he is under a tremendous amount of pressure because the only thing that is going to bring him down is himself. The election is his to lose at this point.

I understand some may hate to read that, but it is what it is. Trump is a lock (at this time)

I am sorry, but you are wrong! He is certainly a player in it, and yes he could win, but things change quickly in politics, and 8 or 9 months is a very, very, long time.
You'd be right if Trump was just a regular insider i.e politician. this is a whole new game now. The old rules don't apply anymore. This is not politics anymore.......this is a movement. This is the American people giving the Republican establishment a great big fuck you with a blow me tossed in for good measure.

And I agree with you 100% my friend. But the problem for him lies in that he has brought the problems to the forefront, but his only answers are that he is "that good to fix them." I personally believe that the other outsiders are going to eat his lunch in the next few debates, but only time will tell. It won't be them attacking him, for if they do, they are dumb as a box of rocks. Rather, it will be more concise answers/solutions to the problems he has raised.

Just as all politicians, if you call up any of the candidates interviews on youtube, you will discover that they constantly say the same thing, over, and over, and over, again. It is to get their message out to as many people as possible, by every avenue possible. Well and good, yes? But when they are asked specifics, that is where the rubber meets the road.

Last debate, they wanted to attack him somewhat. This time, they will out answer him, and he will be in a quandary. Why? It is one thing to insist your plan, is better than someone elses plan, then give the reasons why. But, it is ridiculous to attack a plan, when the only plan you have is "I am a great business man," and "I will get back to you."

The Democrats have used this method incessantly if you haven't noticed, and they DO have a point. How? "Don't like Obamacare? What is your alternative?" The silence is deafening, isn't it? Oh sure, certain Republicans have put up a plan, but have you heard the lot of them jumping on board, insisting that it would be better than Obamacare? Of course not, because to jump on board with a plan means now THEY are on the hook if it doesn't work! But I digress.

Point is, Trump had better have answers to the problems he has pointed out, because if he doesn't and someone else does............and it sounds plausible, he will start falling in the polls quickly.
Nope................I think that after his interview over the weekend where he was complaining about "gotcha" questions, and his going after the journalist he was interviewed by, this may be the beginning of the end for Donald the Chump.

Ask Trump how many states are in the USA
Trump is winning because he just blatantly just states the hatred and fears the Republican voters have, while all the other candidate merely just stoke it.

It comes at the right time when the public is largely sick and tired of hearing the business as usual, scripted lines that come from politicians. When they hear Trump they don't have to deal with just getting a few crumbs, he throws them the whole pie.

He doesn't have billionaire overlords to tell him to keep it in line, so no one can out stoke him.
Unless Trump totally fucks up in the remainder of the debates, he's a lock for the Republican nominee. Right now he is under a tremendous amount of pressure because the only thing that is going to bring him down is himself. The election is his to lose at this point.

I understand some may hate to read that, but it is what it is. Trump is a lock (at this time)
Five months till the first primary, and he has shot up like a rocket only in the last three weeks. The man is an idiot who says stupid things every day. He will be be a bad memory by the time Iowa rolls aroud.

He also has 30% who like him a little, and 70% who hate him. He will go nowhere
I hope to hell he gets the nomination, 55 % of the country hate his ass, and he will get less of the Latino vote than Romney did, and he may be lucky if he get's 5% of the Black vote as well, he is a fat, poor mans version of Romney with uglier hair, and he's a lot dumber speaking than Romney too, as soon as things start getting tougher, and the real tough questions start coming about Foreign Policy, he will have a temper tantrum on National television, he's like a baby that has to have his own way!! fuck him..

The icing on the cake were if he were to put Palin as his VP..

I wish the Election were held tomorrow, put him in with Clinton and Warren as VP, and she kicks his ass, it would be similar to 2012..
Unless Trump totally fucks up in the remainder of the debates, he's a lock for the Republican nominee. Right now he is under a tremendous amount of pressure because the only thing that is going to bring him down is himself. The election is his to lose at this point.

I understand some may hate to read that, but it is what it is. Trump is a lock (at this time)

The Democrats certainly hope so. He will lose to anyone the Dems nominate. He is an unfiltered, arrogant, egomaniac....and one that many truly conservative Republicans will NEVER vote for. I know many that are still scratching their heads, wondering how he is leading in the polls, since he is a total idiot.
Donald the Chump didn't offer any solutions, nor did he successfully explain how he would handle Iran at the rally on Capitol Hill this morning against the Iran deal.

He also didn't stay on stage that long.

I wonder...................is his rhetoric starting to wear thin? If so, he better study up on the issues.
Donald the Chump didn't offer any solutions, nor did he successfully explain how he would handle Iran at the rally on Capitol Hill this morning against the Iran deal.

He also didn't stay on stage that long.

I wonder...................is his rhetoric starting to wear thin? If so, he better study up on the issues.

As it was Cruz' rally, I think he was being a gentleman and tried not to hog the event.

What pol would do that?
Donald the Chump didn't offer any solutions, nor did he successfully explain how he would handle Iran at the rally on Capitol Hill this morning against the Iran deal.

He also didn't stay on stage that long.

I wonder...................is his rhetoric starting to wear thin? If so, he better study up on the issues.

As it was Cruz' rally, I think he was being a gentleman and tried not to hog the event.

What pol would do that?

What pol would do that? Simple and easy to answer. Remember that Davis chick that was released from jail on Tuesday? It was Huckabee's event and when Cruz tried to get to the reporters and cameras, he was blocked by a Huckabee staffer and prevented from making a statement.

Geez.....................do you conservatives EVER pay attention to what happens?

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