Why Trump prefer to face Warren over Biden:


Platinum Member
May 27, 2014
This morning on my way out of Houston I was listening to Michael Smerconish on POTUS 124 SiriusXM radio and he brought up a interesting idea that Biden posed a threat to Trump reelection in 2020 because of Swing States like Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin could swing to Biden and Trump feel he could easily defeat Warren in 2020...

Now before the diehard left scream Warren will win all 57 States and start with their polls please remember you need to break down the poll numbers and it might be true amongst likely Democrat voters she will garner their vote but what about the independent, third party and the Republicans that can not stand Trump would they hold their nose and vote for Warren?

Smerconish pointed out his friend stated they could not vote for Warren and it make me wonder like it did with Smerconish seeing Biden has fallen will there be another choice over Warren?

Smerconish believe after Sanders medical issue Sanders will not win the nomination but he felt that way about Sanders before the heart issue.

So what do you say will Warren be the Democratic nominee and if so does she beat Trump in 2020 ( if Trump is not impeached and removed )?


Do you believe a dark horse will come along and take the nomination from her and beat Trump in 2020?

I think Warren will get the nomination and the Democrats will lose another close election.
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It won't be close....

If it is Warren it will not be close and she will lose even the Popular Vote.

I believe the Democrats will pull someone like Gavin in to run and even though I dislike the guy and you will mock me but Gavin can go up against Trump...

Hillary will be the candidate


( Rolling up a newspaper and swatting you while saying bad )
Still a long way to go, but the Democrats have no defense for the clear corruption of Daddy Joe and Hunter.

Biden is done and no point even considering him...
He isn't done done. He is a career politician with a hide an inch think and he's not too bright. I say he hangs in for months yet using every penny of political capital he has stored up over 40 years.
Still a long way to go, but the Democrats have no defense for the clear corruption of Daddy Joe and Hunter.

Biden is done and no point even considering him...
He isn't done done. He is a career politician with a hide an inch think and he's not too bright. I say he hangs in for months yet using every penny of political capital he has stored up over 40 years.

If he smart he walks away, calls on another Democrat that he think can win the swing states ( Warren is unlikely ) and rides out 2020 in the shadows not showing his face...
I do not believe it will be close at all if Warren get the nod. She is Jimmy Carter in a skirt...

It's easy to not understand what people see in a person you don't believe in. You're projecting your disgust for her onto the American public. I'd bet you a lot of money that this election will be very close. People on the left and right would do well to stop underestimating each other.
Still a long way to go, but the Democrats have no defense for the clear corruption of Daddy Joe and Hunter.

Biden is done and no point even considering him...
He isn't done done. He is a career politician with a hide an inch think and he's not too bright. I say he hangs in for months yet using every penny of political capital he has stored up over 40 years.

If he smart he walks away, calls on another Democrat that he think can win the swing states ( Warren is unlikely ) and rides out 2020 in the shadows not showing his face...
Yeah but that's just it, he's not smart. All he knows is the political game and power and I don't see him graciously stepping aside. The one scenario where that could happen is if he can protect his loser son by stepping down. Then he probably would.
What's the rush? There is still plenty of time to make that decision. You're just hoping to find who the most likely candidate is so you can start trashing them now, instead of having to wait for the results.
I do not believe it will be close at all if Warren get the nod. She is Jimmy Carter in a skirt...

It's easy to not understand what people see in a person you don't believe in. You're projecting your disgust for her onto the American public. I'd bet you a lot of money that this election will be very close. People on the left and right would do well to stop underestimating each other.

Yeah, I hate Trump and you should know this and stop thinking my opinion of Warren is skewed because I am either left or right.

Warren is a idealist and not a realist which make her another Jimmy Carter or Barack Obama.

America need a realist as President.

So no it will not even be close in the Electoral College because swing States will not swing to her...
What's the rush? There is still plenty of time to make that decision. You're just hoping to find who the most likely candidate is so you can start trashing them now, instead of having to wait for the results.

I trashed Trump all of 2016 and also bashed Clinton, so remember that...
Still a long way to go, but the Democrats have no defense for the clear corruption of Daddy Joe and Hunter.

Biden is done and no point even considering him...

It would seem as if President Trump would rather face Pocahontas, and that's why the steering of the D debate to the Ukraine Issue to get rid of Sleepy Joe.

Warren provides the sharpest contrast with Trump. A phony Indian who is actually a rich white Bostonian broad, a modern day Margaret Drysdale. Trump is affluent too, but he doesn't pretend otherwise.

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