Why Trump Scares Democrats


Platinum Member
Feb 20, 2015
I think the first thing is his free speech and how he uses it. Agree with him or not he does have the RIGHT to say it. This scares democrats because it's not PC speech or CONTROLLED speech. It's the very heart of FREE speech and that scares them. Because PC speech is more about control then any thing.

The second thing that scares them is his tax plan, it's simple and honest and benefits MORE working Americans then ANY plan from either party. A 14.5% FLAT tax that kicks in when you break 50K. So what happens BEFORE 50K? No taxes. That would help just about EVERY man or woman in a starter job ANYWHERE in this country. Can you imagine FIRING half the IRS because you make the tax code SIMPLE?

The third I think is his immigration plan. Mexico gets 350 to 400 million in aid PER YEAR from us. We would DEDUCT 100k from that package for EVERY ILLEGAL caught crossing the border. We have had days folks just a day where their ENTIRE world welfare package could be blown in ONE DAY. They WILL patrol the border to keep their welfare.

All this adds up to a smaller leaner smarter government and THAT is what scares them. Now granted Trump may not be a rock hard conservative but he is FAR from stupid. We the American voter the citizen do not need smoke and mirrors and we do not need dog and pony shows. We just need the simple and smart solution and that scares democrats as well.

In closing I would say the democrats biggest long term fear is the average American figures out he/she can fix the problem faster and better and cheaper then some elite democrat. Oh and the average America will learn something as well in this exchange. They did NOT even create the problem, the elite thinking democrat did.

I keep hearing that Trump scares Democrats, yet every Democrat I know on here and in real life wants Trump to be the GOP nominee. What gives?
I keep hearing that Trump scares Democrats, yet every Democrat I know on here and in real life wants Trump to be the GOP nominee. What gives?
The democrats are counting on using some whacko or PC factor on him and thinking voters will forget the prison bound facts over Hillary. They woke the voters up with that idiot Obama and simply not going to be able to lull them asleep again.
RWers have been known to spread lies. Go figure. I know...I was shocked also. :lol:

Trump is doing exactly what the Koch brothers do except he is not hiding behind some dishonest weasle.

Dems scared of Trump? OOOOO scawwyyyyy!!!
I keep hearing that Trump scares Democrats, yet every Democrat I know on here and in real life wants Trump to be the GOP nominee. What gives?
The democrats are counting on using some whacko or PC factor on him and thinking voters will forget the prison bound facts over Hillary. They woke the voters up with that idiot Obama and simply not going to be able to lull them asleep again.
Soooo...now you're saying they're not scared?
Maybe deluded but not scared?

Do you mean that you invented the whole premise of your thread?
Still waiting for you to show us any Democrats scared of Trump


I say- Run Trump Run

I want Trump to be the face of the Republican Party- I want every voter in America to see that face and think:

I keep hearing that Trump scares Democrats, yet every Democrat I know on here and in real life wants Trump to be the GOP nominee. What gives?
The democrats are counting on using some whacko or PC factor on him and thinking voters will forget the prison bound facts over Hillary. They woke the voters up with that idiot Obama and simply not going to be able to lull them asleep again.
I will be voting for Trump in the Virginia primary, and so will my friends and as many other people I can get.
I keep hearing that Trump scares Democrats, yet every Democrat I know on here and in real life wants Trump to be the GOP nominee. What gives?
The democrats are counting on using some whacko or PC factor on him and thinking voters will forget the prison bound facts over Hillary. They woke the voters up with that idiot Obama and simply not going to be able to lull them asleep again.
Soooo...now you're saying they're not scared?
Maybe deluded but not scared?

Do you mean that you invented the whole premise of your thread?
O I really do think they are scared. The vagina factor is proving to be a yoke around their neck.
I keep hearing that Trump scares Democrats, yet every Democrat I know on here and in real life wants Trump to be the GOP nominee. What gives?

They said the same thing about Sarah "Going Rogue" Palin. Democrats weren't scared of her at all. Put simply, she would have been an incoherent, feckless, and clueless nominee who would have eventually had a public meltdown because she couldn't handle the pressure, let alone the requirements of being on the campaign trail and answering questions. But conservatives always wanted to frame the issue as if Democrats were scared of her.
I keep hearing that Trump scares Democrats, yet every Democrat I know on here and in real life wants Trump to be the GOP nominee. What gives?

They said the same thing about Sarah "Going Rogue" Palin. Democrats weren't scared of her at all. Put simply, she would have been an incoherent, feckless, and clueless nominee who would have eventually had a public meltdown because she couldn't handle the pressure, let alone the requirements of being on the campaign trail and answering questions. But conservatives always wanted to frame the issue as if Democrats were scared of her.
Palin is a totally different case. Trump has democrats leaving their party to join him.
I think the first thing is his free speech and how he uses it. Agree with him or not he does have the RIGHT to say it. This scares democrats because it's not PC speech or CONTROLLED speech. It's the very heart of FREE speech and that scares them. Because PC speech is more about control then any thing.

Um, Strawman. Who has said that Trump doesn't have the right to say what he wants?

You're attacking an argument no one is making.

The second thing that scares them is his tax plan, it's simple and honest and benefits MORE working Americans then ANY plan from either party. A 14.5% FLAT tax that kicks in when you break 50K. So what happens BEFORE 50K? No taxes. That would help just about EVERY man or woman in a starter job ANYWHERE in this country. Can you imagine FIRING half the IRS because you make the tax code SIMPLE?
Simple, yes. But it doesn't cover our expenses. You're arguing for a massive budget deficit.

And I think you know that. In fact, I think that's the plan.

The third I think is his immigration plan. Mexico gets 350 to 400 million in aid PER YEAR from us. We would DEDUCT 100k from that package for EVERY ILLEGAL caught crossing the border. We have had days folks just a day where their ENTIRE world welfare package could be blown in ONE DAY. They WILL patrol the border to keep their welfare.

Sounds simple. Do you know why we give them aid? Overwhelmingly its to fight drug crime.

So....what you're demanding is that we cut funding in the drug war. What would the consequences of that be in Mexico?

Yeah, I know. Consequences. They're complicated. And you like things simple.
I keep hearing that Trump scares Democrats, yet every Democrat I know on here and in real life wants Trump to be the GOP nominee. What gives?

They said the same thing about Sarah "Going Rogue" Palin. Democrats weren't scared of her at all. Put simply, she would have been an incoherent, feckless, and clueless nominee who would have eventually had a public meltdown because she couldn't handle the pressure, let alone the requirements of being on the campaign trail and answering questions. But conservatives always wanted to frame the issue as if Democrats were scared of her.
Palin is a totally different case. Trump has democrats leaving their party to join him.



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