Why Trump wants us to hate the Media

You guys are making this a lot harder than it is, It is simple:

When the Comrade lies.
the media has an obligation to say he lied. If they don't, they are not doing their job.

But when they do, the Comrade bullies them and calls them fake news.

In a similar fashion, when the media reports poll numbers or what it's sources tells them, if that news: is not favorable to the Comrade, it is then called fake news.

This makes it quite easy for the Comrade's cult members. They don't need to reason or think. They just wait for the word from their cult leader, the Comrade.

And one must then understand, this cuts "both" ways. The media is now merely the tool of concentrated wealth and power.
You guys are making this a lot harder than it is, It is simple:

When the Comrade lies.
the media has an obligation to say he lied. If they don't, they are not doing their job.

But when they do, the Comrade bullies them and calls them fake news.

In a similar fashion, when the media reports poll numbers or what it's sources tells them, if that news: is not favorable to the Comrade, it is then called fake news.

This makes it quite easy for the Comrade's cult members. They don't need to reason or think. They just wait for the word from their cult leader, the Comrade.

Well it helps that he is able to use partisanship of his political party affiliation in order to further his cause. An attack on Trump is therefor an attack on everyone of his supporters... so therefor he appeals to them as a White Knight of sorts by saying the news is fake, and therefor not only defending himself, but also defending the reputation of all the people that support him, and re-instills a sense of righteousness that they made the correct decision in voting for him. I mean who wants to admit they voted for a person that didn't really deserve to win and isn't doing a good job? It's like admitting failure and being wrong on an epic scale... hell people don't want to admit they bought the wrong thing for lunch, let alone admit they voted for the wrong person for President of the United States.
That's a Trump type lie that is easily debunked. Seriously...

Cable Television

Tell us, oh Oracle, why they can have nudity, profanity, and other TV-MA rated things on cable, which would never pass muster on broadcast.

Please, do tell.

What pray tell does that have to do with the furtherance of a perceptual reality that Wall Street, the "job creator" class, Goldman Sachs, and company - who really are the shot callers in your power structure – push out across our propaganda airways?

Program Content Regulations

Scroll down to answer your question.
Why Trump wants you to hate the media (opinion) - CNN.com

We are encouraged to expect a government controlled media. Whatever the Comrade says will be truth. Everything else will be seen as "fake news", cause the Comrade said so.
Yep that's right. I hate the media because Trump told me too. Only he told me to hate them back in the nineties. Still do. They deserve it. Never been a bigger group of paid liars.
You guys are making this a lot harder than it is, It is simple:

When the Comrade lies.
the media has an obligation to say he lied. If they don't, they are not doing their job.

But when they do, the Comrade bullies them and calls them fake news.

In a similar fashion, when the media reports poll numbers or what it's sources tells them, if that news: is not favorable to the Comrade, it is then called fake news.

This makes it quite easy for the Comrade's cult members. They don't need to reason or think. They just wait for the word from their cult leader, the Comrade.
How can we make one of your lies harder?
You guys are making this a lot harder than it is, It is simple:

When the Comrade lies.
the media has an obligation to say he lied. If they don't, they are not doing their job.

But when they do, the Comrade bullies them and calls them fake news.

In a similar fashion, when the media reports poll numbers or what it's sources tells them, if that news: is not favorable to the Comrade, it is then called fake news.

This makes it quite easy for the Comrade's cult members. They don't need to reason or think. They just wait for the word from their cult leader, the Comrade.

Well it helps that he is able to use partisanship of his political party affiliation in order to further his cause. An attack on Trump is therefor an attack on everyone of his supporters... so therefor he appeals to them as a White Knight of sorts by saying the news is fake, and therefor not only defending himself, but also defending the reputation of all the people that support him, and re-instills a sense of righteousness that they made the correct decision in voting for him. I mean who wants to admit they voted for a person that didn't really deserve to win and isn't doing a good job? It's like admitting failure and being wrong on an epic scale... hell people don't want to admit they bought the wrong thing for lunch, let alone admit they voted for the wrong person for President of the United States.

They also still cannot admit, we still cannot admit, that we are a nation founded upon violence, genocide and slavery. the most exceptional thing about this society and it's people is our collective penchant for denial and illusion.
You guys are making this a lot harder than it is, It is simple:

When the Comrade lies.
the media has an obligation to say he lied. If they don't, they are not doing their job.

But when they do, the Comrade bullies them and calls them fake news.

In a similar fashion, when the media reports poll numbers or what it's sources tells them, if that news: is not favorable to the Comrade, it is then called fake news.

This makes it quite easy for the Comrade's cult members. They don't need to reason or think. They just wait for the word from their cult leader, the Comrade.

Well it helps that he is able to use partisanship of his political party affiliation in order to further his cause. An attack on Trump is therefor an attack on everyone of his supporters... so therefor he appeals to them as a White Knight of sorts by saying the news is fake, and therefor not only defending himself, but also defending the reputation of all the people that support him, and re-instills a sense of righteousness that they made the correct decision in voting for him. I mean who wants to admit they voted for a person that didn't really deserve to win and isn't doing a good job? It's like admitting failure and being wrong on an epic scale... hell people don't want to admit they bought the wrong thing for lunch, let alone admit they voted for the wrong person for President of the United States.

The media needs to be free from influence on the left or the right. But people want opinions and that is where the bias begins. We need to return to truth is truth and lies are lies.
Trump NEEDS someone or something to attack. He has nothing to offer on his own. All he can do is attack someone else.

Open your eyes.

there's a lot to attack out there as far as the media is concerned.
That's a Trump type lie that is easily debunked. Seriously...

Cable Television

Tell us, oh Oracle, why they can have nudity, profanity, and other TV-MA rated things on cable, which would never pass muster on broadcast.

Please, do tell.

What pray tell does that have to do with the furtherance of a perceptual reality that Wall Street, the "job creator" class, Goldman Sachs, and company - who really are the shot callers in your power structure – push out across our propaganda airways?

Program Content Regulations

Scroll down to answer your question.
I don't believe it did.
Haha you just argued against yourself. If they weren't regulated by the FCC they wouldn't even have ratings. :lmao:
The ratings were taken voluntarily in the 1990s, to prevent FCC incursion.

Joke's on you, Schmendrick.

Wrong. All you have to do is Google FCC and cable television and get plenty of links. Again, a lie just like Trump that can easily be proven false through a simple search. Why? Why tell that kind of lie?
Why Trump wants you to hate the media (opinion) - CNN.com

We are encouraged to expect a government controlled media. Whatever the Comrade says will be truth. Everything else will be seen as "fake news", cause the Comrade said so.

I hated Democrat media long before Trump came along.
The GOP has been training you to hate the media, and only listen to their small handful of propaganda outlets for decades.

The way they trained you to hate Fox?

not one is any better than the other.

most watch what backs their own politics, and slams those that don't.
Why Trump wants you to hate the media (opinion) - CNN.com

We are encouraged to expect a government controlled media. Whatever the Comrade says will be truth. Everything else will be seen as "fake news", cause the Comrade said so.

I hated Democrat media long before Trump came along.
The GOP has been training you to hate the media, and only listen to their small handful of propaganda outlets for decades.

Yes, they have, but not them alone. I don't see the difference many do between Fux News and MSNBC; they both push the same perceptual reality and foment division and ill will amongst the masses, which is exactly the point - the very reason corporate power took over the amerian media landscape post Clinton's FCC deregulation.
Fox is the most popular news channel, possibly even any kind of channel, in the country. MSNBC is last in the news. That's the difference. Liberals haven't been trained to only trust MSNBC like Republicans and Fox.
You have a toggle switch for a brain. Most on the right were not that way from youth, we got that way because we GREW THE FUCK UP!
Why Trump wants you to hate the media (opinion) - CNN.com

We are encouraged to expect a government controlled media. Whatever the Comrade says will be truth. Everything else will be seen as "fake news", cause the Comrade said so.

I hated Democrat media long before Trump came along.
The GOP has been training you to hate the media, and only listen to their small handful of propaganda outlets for decades.

Just how silly can you be, anyway? I'll watch and learn.
The media needs to be free from influence on the left or the right. But people want opinions and that is where the bias begins. We need to return to truth is truth and lies are lies.
Haha you just argued against yourself. If they weren't regulated by the FCC they wouldn't even have ratings. :lmao:
The ratings were taken voluntarily in the 1990s, to prevent FCC incursion.

Joke's on you, Schmendrick.

Wrong. All you have to do is Google FCC and cable television and get plenty of links. Again, a lie just like Trump that can easily be proven false through a simple search. Why? Why tell that kind of lie?
I was alive and aware in the 1990s. The cable industry had two options: 1) "Voluntarily" take on the ratings or 2) Have them forced upon them and be regulated like regular over-the-air broadcasts.

They "chose" (as though it was a real choice) #2, and are NOT regulated in the way that free broadcasts are. That is the context of my original comment, as you are obviously to biased and/or dense to see through it.
Yep that's right. I hate the media because Trump told me too. Only he told me to hate them back in the nineties.
Actually it was Nixon/Agnew who first told the GOP sheep to hate the media, and the mindless dolts have been doing it ever since.
When the Comrade tells a bald face lie, like the crime rate or his electorial victory being huge, each news station should present the truth as a crawler at the bottom of the screen. Then after fhe lying session is over, they need to give a simple systematic fact check of his statements. Maybe that will decease the frequency of his lies.

Although, I don't think he can help himself.
The media needs to be free from influence on the left or the right. But people want opinions and that is where the bias begins. We need to return to truth is truth and lies are lies.
Haha you just argued against yourself. If they weren't regulated by the FCC they wouldn't even have ratings. :lmao:
The ratings were taken voluntarily in the 1990s, to prevent FCC incursion.

Joke's on you, Schmendrick.

Wrong. All you have to do is Google FCC and cable television and get plenty of links. Again, a lie just like Trump that can easily be proven false through a simple search. Why? Why tell that kind of lie?
I was alive and aware in the 1990s. The cable industry had two options: 1) "Voluntarily" take on the ratings or 2) Have them forced upon them and be regulated like regular over-the-air broadcasts.

They "chose" (as though it was a real choice) #2, and are NOT regulated in the way that free broadcasts are. That is the context of my original comment, as you are obviously to biased and/or dense to see through it.

You can argue until you are blue in the face... they are regulated by the FCC. So again, like Trump, despite being shown the facts you double down on a lie that is easily proven false. Why?
The media needs to be free from influence on the left or the right. But people want opinions and that is where the bias begins. We need to return to truth is truth and lies are lies.
Haha you just argued against yourself. If they weren't regulated by the FCC they wouldn't even have ratings. :lmao:
The ratings were taken voluntarily in the 1990s, to prevent FCC incursion.

Joke's on you, Schmendrick.

Wrong. All you have to do is Google FCC and cable television and get plenty of links. Again, a lie just like Trump that can easily be proven false through a simple search. Why? Why tell that kind of lie?
I was alive and aware in the 1990s. The cable industry had two options: 1) "Voluntarily" take on the ratings or 2) Have them forced upon them and be regulated like regular over-the-air broadcasts.

They "chose" (as though it was a real choice) #2, and are NOT regulated in the way that free broadcasts are. That is the context of my original comment, as you are obviously to biased and/or dense to see through it.
He's biased and dense alright. He'll hump your leg and claim you're stalking him too.

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