Why vote for Romney when he's the same as Obama minus skin color


VIP Member
Jul 1, 2011
I mean Romney was for TARP, The stimulus, and Health Care All I want is a sound reason to vote for this person otherwise I'm going to vote Libertarian as I did in 08
- Romney didn't spend 20 years being brainwashed in a racist, anti-American church.
- Romney wasn't friends with a devout domestic terrorist who killed cops.
- Romney doesn't RACE BAIT.
- Romney hasn't belittled Americans who are religious and believe in gun rights.
- Romney doesn't hate people who earn wealth.
- Romney is also not a far right wing radical, some of whom may make sense in theory, but whose ideas wouldn't be practical at this time in history.........so, there, Romney is the added bonus of not being to extreme right.

He's a guy that I think would be almost a non-factor to those of us making a living in the free, private sector. He'd do enough to keep us safe militarily. He'd keep the gov't as out of our way as possible. AND he'd keep the political, DC games/bullshit going as usual like any president would, but nothing too radical and he'll basically just be..............STABLE!!!!!

At this point, I'll settle for:

Romney: Stable.

Romney is a uniter not a divider like Obama is.
Romney worked with Dems as Governor not like Obama who won't work with Repubs.
Romney balanced his budget unlike Obama who wants to spend more.
Romney is a uniter not a divider like Obama is.
Romney worked with Dems as Governor not like Obama who won't work with Repubs.
Romney balanced his budget unlike Obama who wants to spend more.

Normal people can only arrive at one conclusion, and that isn't for four more years of this shit.
Romney isn't telling the Russians that he'll "have more flexibility" after the election, like Obama has.

Romney has plenty of his own money and won't need to feather his personal nest with taxpayer money.
Romney is a uniter not a divider like Obama is.
Romney worked with Dems as Governor not like Obama who won't work with Repubs.
Romney balanced his budget unlike Obama who wants to spend more.

Normal people can only arrive at one conclusion, and that isn't for four more years of this shit.

And what shit is that?

Obama: The most polarizing president. Ever.

Obama: The most polarizing president. Ever. - The Washington Post
I mean Romney was for TARP, The stimulus, and Health Care All I want is a sound reason to vote for this person otherwise I'm going to vote Libertarian as I did in 08

The next president will appoint probably 2 Supreme court justices...That's all the reason you should need.
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Romney wants to cut taxes on the bloated rich and destroy Medicare Medicaid, let the polluters and the the cronies loose again....brilliant.
He's only the same as Obama in that he'll keep us on the same, ultimately destructive road. The difference, Romney will have us going down this road at a much slower pace.
I mean Romney was for TARP, The stimulus, and Health Care All I want is a sound reason to vote for this person otherwise I'm going to vote Libertarian as I did in 08

He should have been for TARP!!! Agreeing at times with the other side doesn't make you a devil! He was against the Auto bailout, which I think HE WAS WRONG ON! He was for MA healthcare, which is very similar to Obamacare. However, Obamacare is a market based, but failed system (since it solved the problem of pre-existing conditions and insurance for the uninsurable, but it's skyrocketing costs and premiums and making EVERYONE'S insurance too expense). I guarantee if a Republican President with a Republican Congress presented this bill, then the GOP would be for it and the Democrats would oppose it. It's a partisan fight, where the sides are supporting and opposing it simply because of party lines.

Romney balance the budget and didn't raise sales, corporate or income taxes in MA. He has private sector experience and was greatly successful and turning around FAILING companies and making them profitable and hiring again (Staples is a perfect example). Romney will not raise taxes, he will cut spending and he will drill. Those are MUCH different stance then Obama's!
Romney wants to cut taxes on the bloated rich and destroy Medicare Medicaid, let the polluters and the the cronies loose again....brilliant.

Obama Care has already destroyed Medicare. They took 500 billion from Medicare to pay for the new health care.
Romney wants to cut taxes on the bloated rich and destroy Medicare Medicaid, let the polluters and the the cronies loose again....brilliant.

Obama Care has already destroyed Medicare. They took 500 billion from Medicare to pay for the new health care.

You're a GD MORON- they took it from Medicare Plus, a Pub SCAM not worth the money....idiot. Change the channel.
I mean Romney was for TARP, The stimulus, and Health Care All I want is a sound reason to vote for this person otherwise I'm going to vote Libertarian as I did in 08

He should have been for TARP!!! Agreeing at times with the other side doesn't make you a devil! He was against the Auto bailout, which I think HE WAS WRONG ON! He was for MA healthcare, which is very similar to Obamacare. However, Obamacare is a market based, but failed system (since it solved the problem of pre-existing conditions and insurance for the uninsurable, but it's skyrocketing costs and premiums and making EVERYONE'S insurance too expense). I guarantee if a Republican President with a Republican Congress presented this bill, then the GOP would be for it and the Democrats would oppose it. It's a partisan fight, where the sides are supporting and opposing it simply because of party lines.

Romney balance the budget and didn't raise sales, corporate or income taxes in MA. He has private sector experience and was greatly successful and turning around FAILING companies and making them profitable and hiring again (Staples is a perfect example). Romney will not raise taxes, he will cut spending and he will drill. Those are MUCH different stance then Obama's!

You'd be wrong in that assumption… Dead wrong. It doesn't matter who pushed this Obamacare debacle no way it would have passed any republican congress, and most Republicans voters would not support it. Your opinion that this is all a partisan thing is completely off base, and without merit, all you haft to do is look at Bush's attempt at immigration reform, or attempted Supreme court nomination of Harriet Miers

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