Why vote for Romney when he's the same as Obama minus skin color

He's only the same as Obama in that he'll keep us on the same, ultimately destructive road. The difference, Romney will have us going down this road at a much slower pace.

Quite possibly true and sadly the reason I will likely vote for him. Of course it will all depend on who holds the power in congress ultimately

And one reason why Obama hasn't done much more damage after the 2010 election? TEA Party ensured it as they Gave Republicans another chance...
Still no good reason yet come on people give me a reason I'm begging ya'll one just one
Romney may be socialist light, but he is nowhere near as radical as Obama. Obama is a hardcore fabian socialist at best and possibly a marxist. Romney could be directed by a strong GOP congress if we can get enough TEA party types elected to both houses. Obama will not be swayed by this and he will continue to march forward ignoring the constitution in an attempt to implement his radical agenda.
Romney may be socialist light, but he is nowhere near as radical as Obama. Obama is a hardcore fabian socialist at best and possibly a marxist. Romney could be directed by a strong GOP congress if we can get enough TEA party types elected to both houses. Obama will not be swayed by this and he will continue to march forward ignoring the constitution in an attempt to implement his radical agenda.

So basically I have to vote for Romney because he's only 1/2 as bad as Pres. Obama. This is why were in this mess right now people we settle for the lesser of two evils every 2-4 years its the Democrats or the Republicans we vote in to the house,senate, and the WH. With very little progress but what does happen is that our freedoms get taken away and more and more we divide from each other then to love one another.

It's sad but that what this once proud nation has come to we bicker over small meaningless crap while those Assholes we voted in take kick backs and vote themselves raises thinking they done a great job. Well I'm sick of it I'm tired of doing this whole stupid dance of left vs right anymore in fact I know most of you are going to vote for ether Romney just for the status quo.

But don't you know its the status quo that killing us and don't say oh its Obama fault you people are smarter than that this Country has been sick and in need of surgery for a good long while now but we as a nation put nothing but band aids for so long that just putting on another one won't do a damn thing.

So I ask you one more time why should I vote for the status quo why should I vote for another band aid why should I vote for Mitt Romney
Look, I am in the same boat as you. I think it's sad that a country as great as ours, with so many smart and talented people that the crop of politicians running for president produces such weak candidates for us to choose from. It is heartbreaking.

Obama is completely unacceptable, Romney is marginally less unacceptable.
Look, I am in the same boat as you. I think it's sad that a country as great as ours, with so many smart and talented people that the crop of politicians running for president produces such weak candidates for us to choose from. It is heartbreaking.

Obama is completely unacceptable, Romney is marginally less unacceptable.

It's the same thing people said about in 08, 04, and so on and so on. When do the people of this country are going to stop picking the lesser of two evils.

This problem wont go away unless we as a people start voting in people who not only want to move this country forward but actually have the policies that can move this country forward and unite us as well.
Honestly I am less concerned about who wins this presidential race than who wins congressional seats and senate seats... That's going to be what changes this country, not the cult of personality that is presidential candidates.
Honestly I am less concerned about who wins this presidential race than who wins congressional seats and senate seats... That's going to be what changes this country, not the cult of personality that is presidential candidates.

While that is true the same problem goes on there to. Too many people vote for R or D and not for the best man for the job. And, I feel that we're going to get fooled again
Romney is not perfect and he looks like someone who doesn't think too much before speaking, and that's very bad for a politician. Anyway, he is way much better than president Hussein. My opinion, ;)

Did you call Bush President Walker?

Hussein isn't a scary name.
I mean Romney was for TARP, The stimulus, and Health Care All I want is a sound reason to vote for this person otherwise I'm going to vote Libertarian as I did in 08

I've been voting in presidential elections since 1972...

this might be the first one I sit out...

btw... some background info... I voted for the Libertarian Party candidate in 1980, 1984, 1988, 1992, 1996 and 2000...

and, of all the presidential elections I've voted in, I voted for the winning candidate only once...
If Romney is the same as Obama without the extreme left wing socialist agenda and stupid reliance on technology that doesn't work, democrats should love him. Republicans will support him because he doesn't eat dog meat.
Honestly I am less concerned about who wins this presidential race than who wins congressional seats and senate seats... That's going to be what changes this country, not the cult of personality that is presidential candidates.

I'm debating posting a vid older members know me for posting reading the words "Cult Of Personality"...

You're right...both Houses DO matter...

What the Hell?

It fits, and you're correct...these people do what's best for themselves and PARTY over Country...so...

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7xxgRUyzgs0&ob=av3e]Living Colour - Cult Of Personality - YouTube[/ame]
That is a great song and a great video. Vernon Reid is a sloppy guitar player but it works.
Love that song as well and not only that it's the entrance theme for one of my favorite Pro wrestlers right now CM Punk

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h3uZyOZ-nho&feature=fvst]WWE CM Punk Titantron 2012 ''Cult of Personality'' HD with Download Link - YouTube[/ame]
Did I say where they took it from? NO
Dr.s and hospitals say they can not afford the price caps made in the new health care bill.
Dr.s have said they will not accept new patients who have Medicare.
Mine is not accepting new patients who have Medicare. She can not afford it.
If you can't see a Dr. or go into an emergency room or hospital, Medicare has been effectively destroyed.

Physician services reimbursements aren't affected by the Affordable Care Act; those are governed by the Balanced Budget Act of 1997 (and any number of subsequent end runs around that misguided piece of legislation).

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