Why vote for Romney when he's the same as Obama minus skin color

So no reason to vote for Mitt yet I see... Just "Anyone but Obama." Ok, i'll do a write in, for anyone but Obama.

Romneycare still takes hundreds of millions every year from the federal Government to work... Just thought I'd point that out again.
Romney is not perfect and he looks like someone who doesn't think too much before speaking, and that's very bad for a politician. Anyway, he is way much better than president Hussein. My opinion, ;)
So no reason to vote for Mitt yet I see... Just "Anyone but Obama." Ok, i'll do a write in, for anyone but Obama.

Romneycare still takes hundreds of millions every year from the federal Government to work... Just thought I'd point that out again.

I just gave you a reason, Supreme court appointments alone are reason enough.
I mean Romney was for TARP, The stimulus, and Health Care All I want is a sound reason to vote for this person otherwise I'm going to vote Libertarian as I did in 08

Judges...federally appointed judges is why I'm voting for Romney.

I also have traditionally voted Libertarian, until now. I'll vote for Romney this time because I'm appalled by the level of central planning Obama advocates but more importantly because I can't imagine four more years of appointing like minded judges.
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Romney wants to cut taxes on the bloated rich and destroy Medicare Medicaid, let the polluters and the the cronies loose again....brilliant.

Obama Care has already destroyed Medicare. They took 500 billion from Medicare to pay for the new health care.

You're a GD MORON- they took it from Medicare Plus, a Pub SCAM not worth the money....idiot. Change the channel.

Did I say where they took it from? NO
Dr.s and hospitals say they can not afford the price caps made in the new health care bill.
Dr.s have said they will not accept new patients who have Medicare.
Mine is not accepting new patients who have Medicare. She can not afford it.
If you can't see a Dr. or go into an emergency room or hospital, Medicare has been effectively destroyed.
Judges...federally appointed judges is why I'm voting for Romney.

I also have traditionally voted Libertarian, until now. I'll vote for Romney this time because I'm appalled by the level of central planning Obama advocates but more importantly because I can't imagine four more years of appointing like minded judges.

So federally appointed judges that's it um quick question what happens if good old Romney picks the same type of federal judges Pres. Obama would pick. I mean whats stopping him do have any proof that he'll pick the right judges not just blind faith.
Judges...federally appointed judges is why I'm voting for Romney.

I also have traditionally voted Libertarian, until now. I'll vote for Romney this time because I'm appalled by the level of central planning Obama advocates but more importantly because I can't imagine four more years of appointing like minded judges.

So federally appointed judges that's it um quick question what happens if good old Romney picks the same type of federal judges Pres. Obama would pick. I mean whats stopping him do have any proof that he'll pick the right judges not just blind faith.

No, no proof whatsoever. However, I know damn well the kind of judges President Obama favors and in my opinion, it would be impossible to do worse. We'll just have to see but my gut tells me we have a better shot with Romney, so he's getting my vote...nose held firmly closed.
No, no proof whatsoever. However, I know damn well the kind of judges President Obama favors and in my opinion, it would be impossible to do worse. We'll just have to see but my gut tells me we have a better shot with Romney, so he's getting my vote...nose held firmly closed.

So again why should I vote for Romney? Simple question but I still haven't found someone here that would point me to him.
No, no proof whatsoever. However, I know damn well the kind of judges President Obama favors and in my opinion, it would be impossible to do worse. We'll just have to see but my gut tells me we have a better shot with Romney, so he's getting my vote...nose held firmly closed.

So again why should I vote for Romney? Simple question but I still haven't found someone here that would point me to him.

Okay, fair enough. The best reason I could give a libertarian to vote R this time would be based on logic and reason, from which reasonable expectations about the future might be drawn. President Obama is clearly a central planner. 'Nuf said there. Romney, on the other hand, has actual experience as an entrepreneur and capitalists...a successful one. Typically, entrepreneurs understand the value of competition over central planning. It stands to reason that Romney will be less likely to appoint judges that are ALL ABOUT central planning, as we know Obama favors.
He's only the same as Obama in that he'll keep us on the same, ultimately destructive road. The difference, Romney will have us going down this road at a much slower pace.

I dont agree with that. I see Romney doing much good. Especially if he impliments his policies in cutting spending. Which I believe if anyone can, he can.

However, for the sake of argument say he is leading us down the same road at a much slower pace. Then we, the people, have more time to prepare to bring the ship around. We have a better chance of persuading and influencing him than we do Obama.

The fact is even if Romney is as bad as many on the right are worried, he will atleast work at some of the same goals we have. And we will have the ability to regroup, refocus, and influence the people. Which is where the real battle is going to take place.

You want a good government? We need to fix the hearts and minds of the people. Until we do that, we will continue to have corrupt representatives.
Come on guys why should I Vote for Romney I want one good reason is it to hard for ya'll
Romney won't seek to alienate our allies and suck up to our enemies. I think Romney actually cares about the United States.
Romney has actually been a successful business man. He knows how to turn things around. But I'm not thrilled by him at all.

It's the same thing every election. One is maybe a tad better than the other in my eyes. So I vote for the that one.
Come on guys why should I Vote for Romney I want one good reason is it to hard for ya'll

No response to #29? I think I provided a good reason in that post. Here's another: Romney has expressed, more than once, respect for state's rights, the 10th amendment, etc. while at least speaking to the idea of limited government. Conversely, President Obama has expressed, more than once, disdain for state's rights and support for central planning from Washington.

So, as a Libertarian, you can help to ensure even more central planning with all that it entails (debt, loss of liberty, taxes, etc) by not voting for Romney. I've not seen anyone make a reasonable case that Romney would be a bigger central planner than Obama.
He's only the same as Obama in that he'll keep us on the same, ultimately destructive road. The difference, Romney will have us going down this road at a much slower pace.

Quite possibly true and sadly the reason I will likely vote for him. Of course it will all depend on who holds the power in congress ultimately
I mean Romney was for TARP, The stimulus, and Health Care All I want is a sound reason to vote for this person otherwise I'm going to vote Libertarian as I did in 08

He won't be as divisive and hopefully will go center when it comes to helping the economy.

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