Why was Cuomo booted, what's the real reason?

Why was Cuomo booted, what's the real reason?

  • democrats are dead serious about sexual harassment (lol)

    Votes: 1 10.0%
  • Cuomo thought he could stand up to Progressives

    Votes: 1 10.0%
  • He was on the opposite side of AOC & the Amazon Deal

    Votes: 2 20.0%
  • Cuomo fought Progressives turning over the real estate to "the people" and fuck over landlords

    Votes: 3 30.0%
  • Other

    Votes: 7 70.0%

  • Total voters
IMO.... first, a very bad case of Corruption, with capital C.

Second for being a murderer.

The sexual shit comes third.

It was all too much to carry around, and with reason, total Rat POS.
A republican would have been out a year ago. Cuomo's victims are credible including a female State Trooper. Why does the crazy left need a conspiracy theory?
Why was Cuomo booted, what's the real reason? Notice it's not about the nursing home deaths otherwise 4 other democrat governors would be next in line

I've been giving this some thought and none of the reasons are any good for NY.

Cuomo wasn't forced out for Sex Harassment, that was just the excuse.

My guess is that the charges were cooked up so that the tens of thousands of seniors he killed could be forgotten.

Did you see how they dropped the Impeachment of Cuomo already? If the governor really did the crime, they would want him to face justice and would go for a full trial of the NY Senate.

They didn't.
A republican would have been out a year ago. Cuomo's victims are credible including a female State Trooper. Why does the crazy left need a conspiracy theory?
Most Democrats know he was corrupt and a perv, but supported him anyway. Truth is, the average democrat would act just like Cuomo or worse if in his shoes.
He was sexually harassing and assaulting people. Did you watch the news?
So, he was sacked due to the moral outrage of his voters? Are you sure that's the one you want to go with? Because IF that's true then his voters care less about the deaths of thousands of vulnerable, even helpless seniors than about offending the sensibilities of women. THAT would be too sick a code to even want to try to understand.
Righties simply cant understand this stuff. They have no morality or sense of justice.
Says the lowlife that thinks sexual harassment is more amoral than killing the helpless in nursing homes.
I see you been on the same site that got someone shot at a pizzeria.
What about that video showing the old perv pinching the nipple of an EIGHT-YEAR-OLD little girl? Bunch of sick fcks...

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