Why we are screwed, in one chart

Quantum Windbag

Gold Member
May 9, 2010
So simple, yet so sad.

That chart is easily explained.

People believe their Congressman is a great guy because he brings home more bacon to the district than the district pays for in taxes.

People believe all other Congressman are assholes because they bring home more bacon to their districts than their districts pay for in taxes.

"Gimme gimme gimme, and make that guy over there pay for it."
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I have been against term limits for a variety of reasons. What if we actually did get a good man in office? How long is the learning curve?

I always believed in term limits via the ballot box but I am starting to have my doubts. As g5000 said we don't vote OUR representative out. After Obama said that if the economy didn't improve, and it really did not, he should be a one term president and won anyway I am thinking there is no hope. Term limits are apparently the answer, now all we have to do is convince those who have everything to lose by passing term limits, good luck with that.
That chart is easily explained.

People believe their Congressman is a great guy because he brings home more bacon to the district than the district pays for in taxes.

People believe all other Congressman are assholes because they bring home more bacon to their districts than their districts pay for in taxes.

"Gimme gimme gimme, and make that guy over there pay for it."

the problem is that EVERYONE is getting more back then they put in, at least in my uninformed opinion. How can they keep doing this to us and we just keep taking it? Really going to be hard when the electorate are way too busy trying to make ends meet. When I talk to a democrat that I damn well know doesn't follow politics tell me that Hillary will make a great president I just palm slap my head in wonderment. Republicans do the same thing, me included, but the Hillary comment is the last I heard.
I have been against term limits for a variety of reasons. What if we actually did get a good man in office? How long is the learning curve?

I always believed in term limits via the ballot box but I am starting to have my doubts. As g5000 said we don't vote OUR representative out. After Obama said that if the economy didn't improve, and it really did not, he should be a one term president and won anyway I am thinking there is no hope. Term limits are apparently the answer, now all we have to do is convince those who have everything to lose by passing term limits, good luck with that.

No plan is perfect, no system is without flaws or weaknesses.

What I care about is the net result, and I really don't think it's even close.

I have been against term limits for a variety of reasons. What if we actually did get a good man in office? How long is the learning curve?

I always believed in term limits via the ballot box but I am starting to have my doubts. As g5000 said we don't vote OUR representative out. After Obama said that if the economy didn't improve, and it really did not, he should be a one term president and won anyway I am thinking there is no hope. Term limits are apparently the answer, now all we have to do is convince those who have everything to lose by passing term limits, good luck with that.

How about John Conyers?
Fifty fucking years in office.

And he's the guy who said about ObamaCare....
He needed a room full of Lawyers to explain the bill to him..
But he sure as hell voted for it.
BTW, we in Pennsylvania were able to unseat the late Arlan Specter. But that took awhile. I went to a campaign stop for GWB in the run up to his second term. There were a variety of speakers which all got the curtsy hand clapping. When Specter got up he was soundly booed. Didn't seem to phase him. Not a whole lot longer after that he finally showed his true colors and went democrat then he lost the election. Now all we need do is get rid of Casey but he is a ghost who if it weren't for the fact that I know we have two senators I would not even know he existed.
I have been against term limits for a variety of reasons. What if we actually did get a good man in office? How long is the learning curve?

I always believed in term limits via the ballot box but I am starting to have my doubts. As g5000 said we don't vote OUR representative out. After Obama said that if the economy didn't improve, and it really did not, he should be a one term president and won anyway I am thinking there is no hope. Term limits are apparently the answer, now all we have to do is convince those who have everything to lose by passing term limits, good luck with that.

No plan is perfect, no system is without flaws or weaknesses.

What I care about is the net result, and I really don't think it's even close.


I have been won over, but I don't think it is going to happen in our life time. So let's start grass roots organizations that can fight these guys. Like a group against taxation and debt, you know like the Tea Party. Yeah start a group that wants fiscal responsibility so both sides of the aisle can dump on them. We're screwed.
That chart is easily explained.

People believe their Congressman is a great guy because he brings home more bacon to the district than the district pays for in taxes.

People believe all other Congressman are assholes because they bring home more bacon to their districts than their districts pay for in taxes.

"Gimme gimme gimme, and make that guy over there pay for it."
While your post is entertaining, I must say that the ignorant people are the easiest targets to blame, but slightly more detailed explanation in my thread reveals that it has something to do with our democracy being on the fraudulent side: http://www.usmessageboard.com/politics/356204-whose-fault-is-it-that-our-nation-is-corrupt.html
I have been against term limits for a variety of reasons. What if we actually did get a good man in office? How long is the learning curve?

I always believed in term limits via the ballot box but I am starting to have my doubts. As g5000 said we don't vote OUR representative out. After Obama said that if the economy didn't improve, and it really did not, he should be a one term president and won anyway I am thinking there is no hope. Term limits are apparently the answer, now all we have to do is convince those who have everything to lose by passing term limits, good luck with that.

How about John Conyers?
Fifty fucking years in office.

And he's the guy who said about ObamaCare....
He needed a room full of Lawyers to explain the bill to him..
But he sure as hell voted for it.

Other poster geezers for term limits...
Robert Byrd
Strom Thurmond
John Dingle
Sam Rayburn
Ted Kennedy
Charlie Rangel
Don Young
Thad Cochran
Ted Stevens
Pat Leahey
Henry Waxman

ALL have 39+ years in office...all but the last two have 40+.

Dishonorable mention: Claiborne Pell, 6-term (36 years) Senator from RI.

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