why we have gun crime...courts don't convict weapon offenders....


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
This blog post looked at Bill O'reilly complaining about guns...it then went on to talk about how New York judges toss out a lot of gun offenses that should be used to lock up violent criminals.....that would be actual gun control, not silly gun control like background checks, registration and magazine limits...

The Secret Truth About Gun Crime - The Truth About Guns

And here’s something else Mr. O’Reilly and his fellow anti-gun elitists don’t take into account . . .
As many as half of the most serious gun arrests by the NYPD are dismissed or not prosecuted in some of the city’s more violent boroughs, according to court statistics.

State court statistics show that last year there were more cases of the most serious gun charge, criminal possession of a weapon in the second degree, tossed out in the Bronx and Brooklyn than in the other boroughs: 41.5 percent in the Bronx and 31.9 percent in Brooklyn.

Combined with arrests that prosecutors decline to prosecute, the Bronx saw 53 percent of those gun arrests shelved, while the number was 40 percent in Brooklyn, state records show.

amny.com‘s report backs-up the NRA’s longstanding contention that the “problem” with our gun laws has nothing to do with so-called loopholes. We’re simply not enforcing the criminal statutes that are already on the books. Here, then, is proof. And culprits both old (police ineptitude, corruption, plea bargaining) and new (“diversion programs”):

Under state law, first offenders get a mandatory minimum of 3.5 years in prison for second-degree criminal possession of a weapon while the lesser count will draw two years, said Brooklyn defense attorney James DiPietro.

But one high-ranking assistant district attorney who didn’t want to be identified said many gun possession defendants are 17 years old or younger, and if they are treated as youthful offenders, there is no mandatory minimum term.

“For every 35-year-old caught there are two 17-year-olds,” said the prosecutor, adding that some judges are reluctant to sentence a 17-year-old gun defendant without a prior record to a mandatory term . . .

[NYPD Commissioner William] Bratton also has complained about prosecutorial diversion programs, saying that in at least one case, a defendant in the program was out on bail and got picked up for a gun used in five shootings.

“So there is an individual who should never be in diversion program in the first place,” Bratton said earlier this year . . .

Many of the gun cases in the Bronx, for example, are dismissed because Manhattan federal prosecutors eventually take them as part of a program known as “Trigger Lock,” which allows prosecutors to get more leverage of suspects through stringent federal sentencing law, said one Bronx prosecutor. Bronx juries also have a reputation for being skeptical of cops, said the prosecutor.
This blog post looked at Bill O'reilly complaining about guns...it then went on to talk about how New York judges toss out a lot of gun offenses that should be used to lock up violent criminals.....that would be actual gun control, not silly gun control like background checks, registration and magazine limits...

The Secret Truth About Gun Crime - The Truth About Guns

And here’s something else Mr. O’Reilly and his fellow anti-gun elitists don’t take into account . . .
As many as half of the most serious gun arrests by the NYPD are dismissed or not prosecuted in some of the city’s more violent boroughs, according to court statistics.

State court statistics show that last year there were more cases of the most serious gun charge, criminal possession of a weapon in the second degree, tossed out in the Bronx and Brooklyn than in the other boroughs: 41.5 percent in the Bronx and 31.9 percent in Brooklyn.

Combined with arrests that prosecutors decline to prosecute, the Bronx saw 53 percent of those gun arrests shelved, while the number was 40 percent in Brooklyn, state records show.

amny.com‘s report backs-up the NRA’s longstanding contention that the “problem” with our gun laws has nothing to do with so-called loopholes. We’re simply not enforcing the criminal statutes that are already on the books. Here, then, is proof. And culprits both old (police ineptitude, corruption, plea bargaining) and new (“diversion programs”):

Under state law, first offenders get a mandatory minimum of 3.5 years in prison for second-degree criminal possession of a weapon while the lesser count will draw two years, said Brooklyn defense attorney James DiPietro.

But one high-ranking assistant district attorney who didn’t want to be identified said many gun possession defendants are 17 years old or younger, and if they are treated as youthful offenders, there is no mandatory minimum term.

“For every 35-year-old caught there are two 17-year-olds,” said the prosecutor, adding that some judges are reluctant to sentence a 17-year-old gun defendant without a prior record to a mandatory term . . .

[NYPD Commissioner William] Bratton also has complained about prosecutorial diversion programs, saying that in at least one case, a defendant in the program was out on bail and got picked up for a gun used in five shootings.

“So there is an individual who should never be in diversion program in the first place,” Bratton said earlier this year . . .

Many of the gun cases in the Bronx, for example, are dismissed because Manhattan federal prosecutors eventually take them as part of a program known as “Trigger Lock,” which allows prosecutors to get more leverage of suspects through stringent federal sentencing law, said one Bronx prosecutor. Bronx juries also have a reputation for being skeptical of cops, said the prosecutor.

2aguy Prevention cannot start with Courts which is at the end of the line.
Prevention starts at the beginning.

We need
* early screening, intervention, and treatment or detention of dangerous criminal illness for CURING
not punishing sick abusive or addictive behavior.
We can't tell people that drug don't affect mental health, when science can prove otherwise,
then deny spiritual healing that science can ALSON prove cures addiction, abuse and severe mental and physical illness.
* all citizens to be educated and trained on what the LAWS and civil procedures ARE,
just like police are trained BEFORE they are allowed to carry and shoot guns.

Why wait until someone is ARRESTED before teaching them RIGHTS and LAWS.
Why not teach this on the Preventative side?

The same approach that works for Preventative Medicine
to stop the escalation of diseases and costs,
works for Preventative Law
to stop conflicts and abuses from escalating into crimes and greater risks and costs to everyone in society.
This blog post looked at Bill O'reilly complaining about guns...it then went on to talk about how New York judges toss out a lot of gun offenses that should be used to lock up violent criminals.....that would be actual gun control, not silly gun control like background checks, registration and magazine limits...

The Secret Truth About Gun Crime - The Truth About Guns

And here’s something else Mr. O’Reilly and his fellow anti-gun elitists don’t take into account . . .
As many as half of the most serious gun arrests by the NYPD are dismissed or not prosecuted in some of the city’s more violent boroughs, according to court statistics.

State court statistics show that last year there were more cases of the most serious gun charge, criminal possession of a weapon in the second degree, tossed out in the Bronx and Brooklyn than in the other boroughs: 41.5 percent in the Bronx and 31.9 percent in Brooklyn.

Combined with arrests that prosecutors decline to prosecute, the Bronx saw 53 percent of those gun arrests shelved, while the number was 40 percent in Brooklyn, state records show.

amny.com‘s report backs-up the NRA’s longstanding contention that the “problem” with our gun laws has nothing to do with so-called loopholes. We’re simply not enforcing the criminal statutes that are already on the books. Here, then, is proof. And culprits both old (police ineptitude, corruption, plea bargaining) and new (“diversion programs”):

Under state law, first offenders get a mandatory minimum of 3.5 years in prison for second-degree criminal possession of a weapon while the lesser count will draw two years, said Brooklyn defense attorney James DiPietro.

But one high-ranking assistant district attorney who didn’t want to be identified said many gun possession defendants are 17 years old or younger, and if they are treated as youthful offenders, there is no mandatory minimum term.

“For every 35-year-old caught there are two 17-year-olds,” said the prosecutor, adding that some judges are reluctant to sentence a 17-year-old gun defendant without a prior record to a mandatory term . . .

[NYPD Commissioner William] Bratton also has complained about prosecutorial diversion programs, saying that in at least one case, a defendant in the program was out on bail and got picked up for a gun used in five shootings.

“So there is an individual who should never be in diversion program in the first place,” Bratton said earlier this year . . .

Many of the gun cases in the Bronx, for example, are dismissed because Manhattan federal prosecutors eventually take them as part of a program known as “Trigger Lock,” which allows prosecutors to get more leverage of suspects through stringent federal sentencing law, said one Bronx prosecutor. Bronx juries also have a reputation for being skeptical of cops, said the prosecutor.

2aguy Prevention cannot start with Courts which is at the end of the line.
Prevention starts at the beginning.

We need
* early screening, intervention, and treatment or detention of dangerous criminal illness for CURING
not punishing sick abusive or addictive behavior.
We can't tell people that drug don't affect mental health, when science can prove otherwise,
then deny spiritual healing that science can ALSON prove cures addiction, abuse and severe mental and physical illness.
* all citizens to be educated and trained on what the LAWS and civil procedures ARE,
just like police are trained BEFORE they are allowed to carry and shoot guns.

Why wait until someone is ARRESTED before teaching them RIGHTS and LAWS.
Why not teach this on the Preventative side?

The same approach that works for Preventative Medicine
to stop the escalation of diseases and costs,
works for Preventative Law
to stop conflicts and abuses from escalating into crimes and greater risks and costs to everyone in society.

Criminals are more aware of what is and isn't legal than most law abiding citizens.....and then they ignore the law......it isn't that they don't know that you can't use a gun to commit a crime....or that as criminals already having been through the court system and are now felons that they can't possess a gun....they don't care......that is why locking them up is the only effective gun control....
This blog post looked at Bill O'reilly complaining about guns...it then went on to talk about how New York judges toss out a lot of gun offenses that should be used to lock up violent criminals.....that would be actual gun control, not silly gun control like background checks, registration and magazine limits...

The Secret Truth About Gun Crime - The Truth About Guns

And here’s something else Mr. O’Reilly and his fellow anti-gun elitists don’t take into account . . .
As many as half of the most serious gun arrests by the NYPD are dismissed or not prosecuted in some of the city’s more violent boroughs, according to court statistics.

State court statistics show that last year there were more cases of the most serious gun charge, criminal possession of a weapon in the second degree, tossed out in the Bronx and Brooklyn than in the other boroughs: 41.5 percent in the Bronx and 31.9 percent in Brooklyn.

Combined with arrests that prosecutors decline to prosecute, the Bronx saw 53 percent of those gun arrests shelved, while the number was 40 percent in Brooklyn, state records show.

amny.com‘s report backs-up the NRA’s longstanding contention that the “problem” with our gun laws has nothing to do with so-called loopholes. We’re simply not enforcing the criminal statutes that are already on the books. Here, then, is proof. And culprits both old (police ineptitude, corruption, plea bargaining) and new (“diversion programs”):

Under state law, first offenders get a mandatory minimum of 3.5 years in prison for second-degree criminal possession of a weapon while the lesser count will draw two years, said Brooklyn defense attorney James DiPietro.

But one high-ranking assistant district attorney who didn’t want to be identified said many gun possession defendants are 17 years old or younger, and if they are treated as youthful offenders, there is no mandatory minimum term.

“For every 35-year-old caught there are two 17-year-olds,” said the prosecutor, adding that some judges are reluctant to sentence a 17-year-old gun defendant without a prior record to a mandatory term . . .

[NYPD Commissioner William] Bratton also has complained about prosecutorial diversion programs, saying that in at least one case, a defendant in the program was out on bail and got picked up for a gun used in five shootings.

“So there is an individual who should never be in diversion program in the first place,” Bratton said earlier this year . . .

Many of the gun cases in the Bronx, for example, are dismissed because Manhattan federal prosecutors eventually take them as part of a program known as “Trigger Lock,” which allows prosecutors to get more leverage of suspects through stringent federal sentencing law, said one Bronx prosecutor. Bronx juries also have a reputation for being skeptical of cops, said the prosecutor.

Yep...commit a crime with a gun? 25 years no parole.
Murder with a gun while committing a crime? Life with no parole.
Just what the country with the highest number of citizens incarcerated needs: More jail
Just what the country with the highest number of citizens incarcerated needs: More jail

I need to adjust my last idea so we can limit the numbers of incarcerated.
Murder with a gun in the commission of a crime? Death Penalty.
Prison over crowding solved.
This blog post looked at Bill O'reilly complaining about guns...it then went on to talk about how New York judges toss out a lot of gun offenses that should be used to lock up violent criminals.....that would be actual gun control, not silly gun control like background checks, registration and magazine limits...

The Secret Truth About Gun Crime - The Truth About Guns

And here’s something else Mr. O’Reilly and his fellow anti-gun elitists don’t take into account . . .
As many as half of the most serious gun arrests by the NYPD are dismissed or not prosecuted in some of the city’s more violent boroughs, according to court statistics.

State court statistics show that last year there were more cases of the most serious gun charge, criminal possession of a weapon in the second degree, tossed out in the Bronx and Brooklyn than in the other boroughs: 41.5 percent in the Bronx and 31.9 percent in Brooklyn.

Combined with arrests that prosecutors decline to prosecute, the Bronx saw 53 percent of those gun arrests shelved, while the number was 40 percent in Brooklyn, state records show.

amny.com‘s report backs-up the NRA’s longstanding contention that the “problem” with our gun laws has nothing to do with so-called loopholes. We’re simply not enforcing the criminal statutes that are already on the books. Here, then, is proof. And culprits both old (police ineptitude, corruption, plea bargaining) and new (“diversion programs”):

Under state law, first offenders get a mandatory minimum of 3.5 years in prison for second-degree criminal possession of a weapon while the lesser count will draw two years, said Brooklyn defense attorney James DiPietro.

But one high-ranking assistant district attorney who didn’t want to be identified said many gun possession defendants are 17 years old or younger, and if they are treated as youthful offenders, there is no mandatory minimum term.

“For every 35-year-old caught there are two 17-year-olds,” said the prosecutor, adding that some judges are reluctant to sentence a 17-year-old gun defendant without a prior record to a mandatory term . . .

[NYPD Commissioner William] Bratton also has complained about prosecutorial diversion programs, saying that in at least one case, a defendant in the program was out on bail and got picked up for a gun used in five shootings.

“So there is an individual who should never be in diversion program in the first place,” Bratton said earlier this year . . .

Many of the gun cases in the Bronx, for example, are dismissed because Manhattan federal prosecutors eventually take them as part of a program known as “Trigger Lock,” which allows prosecutors to get more leverage of suspects through stringent federal sentencing law, said one Bronx prosecutor. Bronx juries also have a reputation for being skeptical of cops, said the prosecutor.

2aguy Prevention cannot start with Courts which is at the end of the line.
Prevention starts at the beginning.

We need
* early screening, intervention, and treatment or detention of dangerous criminal illness for CURING
not punishing sick abusive or addictive behavior.
We can't tell people that drug don't affect mental health, when science can prove otherwise,
then deny spiritual healing that science can ALSON prove cures addiction, abuse and severe mental and physical illness.
* all citizens to be educated and trained on what the LAWS and civil procedures ARE,
just like police are trained BEFORE they are allowed to carry and shoot guns.

Why wait until someone is ARRESTED before teaching them RIGHTS and LAWS.
Why not teach this on the Preventative side?

The same approach that works for Preventative Medicine
to stop the escalation of diseases and costs,
works for Preventative Law
to stop conflicts and abuses from escalating into crimes and greater risks and costs to everyone in society.

* early screening, intervention, and treatment or detention of dangerous criminal illness for CURING
not punishing sick abusive or addictive behavior.

This shit is never cured.

These kinds of people are never rehabilitated.

That's just a fuckin' hippy dream.
This blog post looked at Bill O'reilly complaining about guns...it then went on to talk about how New York judges toss out a lot of gun offenses that should be used to lock up violent criminals.....that would be actual gun control, not silly gun control like background checks, registration and magazine limits...

The Secret Truth About Gun Crime - The Truth About Guns

And here’s something else Mr. O’Reilly and his fellow anti-gun elitists don’t take into account . . .
As many as half of the most serious gun arrests by the NYPD are dismissed or not prosecuted in some of the city’s more violent boroughs, according to court statistics.

State court statistics show that last year there were more cases of the most serious gun charge, criminal possession of a weapon in the second degree, tossed out in the Bronx and Brooklyn than in the other boroughs: 41.5 percent in the Bronx and 31.9 percent in Brooklyn.

Combined with arrests that prosecutors decline to prosecute, the Bronx saw 53 percent of those gun arrests shelved, while the number was 40 percent in Brooklyn, state records show.

amny.com‘s report backs-up the NRA’s longstanding contention that the “problem” with our gun laws has nothing to do with so-called loopholes. We’re simply not enforcing the criminal statutes that are already on the books. Here, then, is proof. And culprits both old (police ineptitude, corruption, plea bargaining) and new (“diversion programs”):

Under state law, first offenders get a mandatory minimum of 3.5 years in prison for second-degree criminal possession of a weapon while the lesser count will draw two years, said Brooklyn defense attorney James DiPietro.

But one high-ranking assistant district attorney who didn’t want to be identified said many gun possession defendants are 17 years old or younger, and if they are treated as youthful offenders, there is no mandatory minimum term.

“For every 35-year-old caught there are two 17-year-olds,” said the prosecutor, adding that some judges are reluctant to sentence a 17-year-old gun defendant without a prior record to a mandatory term . . .

[NYPD Commissioner William] Bratton also has complained about prosecutorial diversion programs, saying that in at least one case, a defendant in the program was out on bail and got picked up for a gun used in five shootings.

“So there is an individual who should never be in diversion program in the first place,” Bratton said earlier this year . . .

Many of the gun cases in the Bronx, for example, are dismissed because Manhattan federal prosecutors eventually take them as part of a program known as “Trigger Lock,” which allows prosecutors to get more leverage of suspects through stringent federal sentencing law, said one Bronx prosecutor. Bronx juries also have a reputation for being skeptical of cops, said the prosecutor.

2aguy Prevention cannot start with Courts which is at the end of the line.
Prevention starts at the beginning.

We need
* early screening, intervention, and treatment or detention of dangerous criminal illness for CURING
not punishing sick abusive or addictive behavior.
We can't tell people that drug don't affect mental health, when science can prove otherwise,
then deny spiritual healing that science can ALSON prove cures addiction, abuse and severe mental and physical illness.
* all citizens to be educated and trained on what the LAWS and civil procedures ARE,
just like police are trained BEFORE they are allowed to carry and shoot guns.

Why wait until someone is ARRESTED before teaching them RIGHTS and LAWS.
Why not teach this on the Preventative side?

The same approach that works for Preventative Medicine
to stop the escalation of diseases and costs,
works for Preventative Law
to stop conflicts and abuses from escalating into crimes and greater risks and costs to everyone in society.

You're conflating the issue of incarceration over drug offenses with guns. Truth to tell, people aren't so much afraid of an addict as they are with an addict who also has a gun and shouldn't. When somebody does drugs, they need help. When they commit gun crimes, they need to be locked up for the safety of society. Your post also makes the absurd claim that people don't know they're breaking the law before they do it. It's sheer nonsense. They don't do these things in front of a cop because they know they'll be arrested.

Not prosecuting gun crime has been addressed vigorously by the NRA ever since the Clinton Justice Department which deliberately refused to enforce gun laws in the cynical hope that more gun crime will create an appetite for more gun control. This was also the driving motive behind Fast and Furious. Leftists want more people to die at the hands of guns so they can get more laws passed rather than save lives by enforcing the ones we have.

That's a fact.
Just what the country with the highest number of citizens incarcerated needs: More jail

What don't you get about the fact that we do not hold gun criminals for long sentences......they get out and commit more gun crimes and murders...the officer who was shot in the face was shot by a convicted felon with 2 violent weapons charges...and he was out on the street.........had he been serving a long jail sentence that officer would be alive....
Ya gotta love the liberals.
They cry about gun crimes yet they refuse to incarcerate the perpetrators of gun crimes because they are usually minorities. :uhh:

I guess on the plus side it's other criminals they're killing for the most part.
Gun control laws cannot prevent crimes with a gun, they can only create a deterrent.
The efficacy of that deterrent depends on the credible threat of punishment for breaking the law.
No punishment = no deterrent.
All according to plan.

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