Why we need a public option!

Wry Catcher

Diamond Member
Aug 3, 2009
San Francisco Bay Area
Nearly 59 million lack health insurance: CDC - Yahoo! News

Call it what you will, a public option providing free preventative health care is cost-effective, providing long term benefits to individuals and the nation as a whole.
The effort by some, in particular those who hope to develop publc policy along ideological guidelines, will put even those with excellent private insurance at risk should a pandemic or worse come to America.
Nearly 59 million lack health insurance: CDC - Yahoo! News

Call it what you will, a public option providing free preventative health care is cost-effective, providing long term benefits to individuals and the nation as a whole.
The effort by some, in particular those who hope to develop publc policy along ideological guidelines, will put even those with excellent private insurance at risk should a pandemic or worse come to America.

How quicky the right forgets the huge price increases the Insurance cos have treated us to over the last couple of decades while their profits were off the charts.

They will game us to death until we have a public option that will threaten their ability to act like a monopoly.
Nearly 59 million lack health insurance: CDC - Yahoo! News

Call it what you will, a public option providing free preventative health care is cost-effective, providing long term benefits to individuals and the nation as a whole.
The effort by some, in particular those who hope to develop publc policy along ideological guidelines, will put even those with excellent private insurance at risk should a pandemic or worse come to America.

not logistically possible, not to mention the element of monopsony, and imperfect competition. the holes in the net are too big
How quicky the right forgets the huge price increases the Insurance cos have treated us to over the last couple of decades while their profits were off the charts.

They will game us to death until we have a public option that will threaten their ability to act like a monopoly.

Is a 3-4% profit margin "off the charts?"

With liberal apologists and misinformation you will get no where pointing out FACTS. They do the same when vilifying the Oil Industry. They resort to the numbers game and post AMOUNTS with no report of percentages and costs. Same with taxes.
Nearly 59 million lack health insurance: CDC - Yahoo! News

Call it what you will, a public option providing free preventative health care is cost-effective, providing long term benefits to individuals and the nation as a whole.
The effort by some, in particular those who hope to develop publc policy along ideological guidelines, will put even those with excellent private insurance at risk should a pandemic or worse come to America.

a public option providing free preventative health care is cost-effective

Bull Shit. On so many levels.
Somehow all those European nations and Japan manage to have healthcare for all their citizens. Somehow they manage to pay literally half as much on healthcare than we do. Somehow they have better health results like living longer, less infant mortality and the rest.

And somehow wingnuts continue to parrot the talking points of the corrupt money grubbers in the health insurance companies to the detriment of their nation.

Our market
Who art in heaven
Holy be your name
Thy kingdom come
Thy will be done
In America as it is in heaven
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Nearly 59 million lack health insurance: CDC - Yahoo! News

Call it what you will, a public option providing free preventative health care is cost-effective, providing long term benefits to individuals and the nation as a whole.
The effort by some, in particular those who hope to develop publc policy along ideological guidelines, will put even those with excellent private insurance at risk should a pandemic or worse come to America.

I do not want a public option -- too many evils of the existing system would continue unabated. I want universal coverage.

If the rich want such bullshit as transplant surgery after age 80, they can buy an add-on private insurance policy or pay cash on the barrelhead.
Somehow all those European nations and Japan manage to have healthcare for all their citizens. Somehow they manage to pay lierally half as much on healthcare than we do. Somehow they have better health results like living longer, less infant mortality and the rest.

And somehow wingnuts continue to parrot the talking points of the corrupt money grubbers in the health insurance companies to the detriment of their nation.

Our market
Who art in heaven
Holy be your name
Thy kingdom come
Thy will be done
In America as it is in heaven

Why dont you trot out another study that uses different measurement criteria. It means so much. LOL
Nearly 59 million lack health insurance: CDC - Yahoo! News

Call it what you will, a public option providing free preventative health care is cost-effective, providing long term benefits to individuals and the nation as a whole.
The effort by some, in particular those who hope to develop publc policy along ideological guidelines, will put even those with excellent private insurance at risk should a pandemic or worse come to America.

a public option providing free preventative health care is cost-effective

Bull Shit. On so many levels.

Tell us what you think the public option is?

define what it does please?
Nearly 59 million lack health insurance: CDC - Yahoo! News

Call it what you will, a public option providing free preventative health care is cost-effective, providing long term benefits to individuals and the nation as a whole.
The effort by some, in particular those who hope to develop publc policy along ideological guidelines, will put even those with excellent private insurance at risk should a pandemic or worse come to America.

a public option providing free preventative health care is cost-effective

Bull Shit. On so many levels.

Tell us what you think the public option is?

define what it does please?

The op already described it with the term FREE.
Nearly 59 million lack health insurance: CDC - Yahoo! News

Call it what you will, a public option providing free preventative health care is cost-effective, providing long term benefits to individuals and the nation as a whole.
The effort by some, in particular those who hope to develop publc policy along ideological guidelines, will put even those with excellent private insurance at risk should a pandemic or worse come to America.

a public option providing free preventative health care is cost-effective

Bull Shit. On so many levels.

Tell us what you think the public option is?

define what it does please?
Government defined care, they will tell you what is covered and what is not. Age will play a huge roll. We pay taxes for the benefit. The benofit will lead to greater defiocits because politicans will sell you a bill of goods and you will rejoice.
And look at the retired soldier, who has had government provided healthcare his whole life, parrot the talking points of the money grubbers.
Nearly 59 million lack health insurance: CDC - Yahoo! News

Call it what you will, a public option providing free preventative health care is cost-effective, providing long term benefits to individuals and the nation as a whole.
The effort by some, in particular those who hope to develop publc policy along ideological guidelines, will put even those with excellent private insurance at risk should a pandemic or worse come to America.

Doesn't really address the problem.

In fact every "how do we pay?" solution only exascerbates the problem.

The problem is more demand than supply.

You really want to fix this?

Start handing out free education for Doctors nurses and medical personnel.

And, if you must have a socialist solution, the only truly sane approach is single payer.

Single payer where the government will TELL providers what they will pay.

There is NO WAY that a socialist pay system that feeds into a capitalist market won't drive up the price of already overpriced health care.

Medicade and Medicare are the reason that the prioce of HC has gone up so much higher than inflation over the last 40 years.

The public option is just more of same, really.

I believe that HC ought to be right.

But no plan I've seen advanced really addresses the problem.

Certainly Obama's plan strikes me as EXACTLY the WRONG WAY TO GO.
Nearly 59 million lack health insurance: CDC - Yahoo! News

Call it what you will, a public option providing free preventative health care is cost-effective, providing long term benefits to individuals and the nation as a whole.
The effort by some, in particular those who hope to develop publc policy along ideological guidelines, will put even those with excellent private insurance at risk should a pandemic or worse come to America.

I do not want a public option -- too many evils of the existing system would continue unabated. I want universal coverage.

If the rich want such bullshit as transplant surgery after age 80, they can buy an add-on private insurance policy or pay cash on the barrelhead.

Who are you asking to pay for your coverage ?
Next time you go to a movie, the airport, or ride public transportation and someone somewhere in your vicinity is coughing, consider the cost of exposure of TB, or even the flu.
Consider the cost to your insurance when a major outbreak of flu results in the uninsured flooding emergency rooms.
Consider the cost when a treatable disease goes untreated and the diabetic or heart patient is admitted to a public hospital for major surgery.
Consider the long term costs when children are not provided proper preventative medical and dental care, and chronic conditions or congenital ailments need constant attention in emergency rooms.

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