Why we need religion for dummies


Diamond Member
Feb 19, 2008
We need people to value human life. For some, the idea that we're all just here because of some random cosmic accident just won't do it. Perhaps that's a pessimistic indictment of humanity on my part, but it's wholly consistent with all that I've ever learned, experienced or observed.
what an ego you have...you must cling to this superior being producing you...cause that make you grand and all...

you are nothing but the result of the universe and nature....accept it and get over it.
Yeah, that Christian in Oslo really values human life.

Yeah, that Christian in Oslo really values human life.

We could list several pages worth of allegedly religious people whose acts illustrate a lack of value for human life. It doesn't change the truth of the OP. But you knew that already.
We need religion, and more importantly, God, because He places the meaning in life. His plan of happiness shows us how we can live to be happy. His Atonement helps us overcome to two obstacles none of us can overcome alone: Death and corruption.

I would also agree that having knowledge of that plan helps us value life.
you may need your god but i do not.....i feel as long as you are happy and peaceful with your beliefs that is fine...dont witness to me...dont bore me...
Buddhism is perhaps the only religion that specifically prohibits killing..of anything. When I was in Thailand I visted a Buddist shrine on a small Island with packs of dogs all over the place. Somehow they knew it was the only safe place in Bangkok for them..and as the story goes..many of them swam there.
you may need your god but i do not.....i feel as long as you are happy and peaceful with your beliefs that is fine...dont witness to me...dont bore me...


Also the OP is correct we need religion for dummies, right now I'm educating a muslim on the Qu'ran, he's saying it's ok for him to sleep around before marriage when the Qu'ran specifically and repeatedly says you can if you do you deserve 100 lashes.

Wouldn't be the first or the 1,000th time I've had to educate a religious person on what their religious books say.
you may need your god but i do not.....i feel as long as you are happy and peaceful with your beliefs that is fine...dont witness to me...dont bore me...

The religious forum is an odd place to be hanging around if you don't want people to witness to you. I mean I'm glad your hear and welcome your perspective. But it does seem alittle odd. No offense.
see what i mean.....since i am not all about your religion...you assume i have none....i do...i simply dont feel the need to witness to you or try to convert you...

thanks for proving the simple point that you and your fellow christians really think yall are the only people who should be able to discuss religion and ethics
you may need your god but i do not.....i feel as long as you are happy and peaceful with your beliefs that is fine...dont witness to me...dont bore me...

Unless some superior being forced you to click the link I'm not sure I follow :doubt:
We need people to value human life. For some, the idea that we're all just here because of some random cosmic accident just won't do it. Perhaps that's a pessimistic indictment of humanity on my part, but it's wholly consistent with all that I've ever learned, experienced or observed.

I agree...religion is for dummies.
see what i mean.....since i am not all about your religion...you assume i have none....i do...i simply dont feel the need to witness to you or try to convert you...

thanks for proving the simple point that you and your fellow christians really think yall are the only people who should be able to discuss religion and ethics

Just wondering, if it's ok to please ask, are you Wiccan?
(or if not, if you want to share...?)

see what i mean.....since i am not all about your religion...you assume i have none....i do...i simply dont feel the need to witness to you or try to convert you...

thanks for proving the simple point that you and your fellow christians really think yall are the only people who should be able to discuss religion and ethics

No. I simply dont see why you want to hang out at a religious discussion board to whine about people discussing religion.
as i said...i have nothing against discussing religion....i just do not want people to witness to me....now this is a public forum last time i checked....i have a religion i have ethics...i have ever right to express my opinion as do you.

no i am not wiccan....i follow the goddess Hecate, she is the goddess of witches.
We need people to value human life. For some, the idea that we're all just here because of some random cosmic accident just won't do it. Perhaps that's a pessimistic indictment of humanity on my part, but it's wholly consistent with all that I've ever learned, experienced or observed.

I agree...religion is for dummies.

Oh, is that what he meant? *slaps forehead*
We need people to value human life. For some, the idea that we're all just here because of some random cosmic accident just won't do it. Perhaps that's a pessimistic indictment of humanity on my part, but it's wholly consistent with all that I've ever learned, experienced or observed.

I agree...religion is for dummies.

Perhaps a bit elitist and condescending, but not really inconsistent with the op either.
We need people to value human life. For some, the idea that we're all just here because of some random cosmic accident just won't do it. Perhaps that's a pessimistic indictment of humanity on my part, but it's wholly consistent with all that I've ever learned, experienced or observed.

We don't need religion to value human life. We have plenty of examples throughout history of times when religion led to war.

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