Why weren't victims warned of attack. US Intel say officials knew 3 days before.


Diamond Member
Oct 16, 2010
What's wrong with this picture?

In part of the report that the Administration is using to attempt to persuade everyone in the government that their intelligence is correct and Assad's regime used the chemical weapons they brag on their knowledge that an attack was imminent.

Well then that begs a really big mother trucking question.

If they freaking knew in advance, like they claim and brag on, why didn't they warn anyone?

Why did they let those people die if this is the truth?

So you have two scenarios here and neither one reflects nicely on the Administration.

For true they knew Assad was planning a chemical weapons attack, didn't warn anyone and let those people die so they could set up the scenario of the "red line war".


They're bullshitting and trying to frame Assad.

'In the three days prior to the attack, we collected streams of human, signals and geospatial intelligence that reveal regime activities that we assess were association with preparations for a chemical weapons attack,' the U.S. intelligence report released by the Obama administration said.

At the briefing, officials would not answer of whether or not they warned rebel forces before the attack.

But at least two opposition members told Foreign Policy magazine that they had no idea the attack was coming.

Dishad Othman is a Syrian activist and secure-communications expert living in the U.S. He says his opposition contacts in Syria had no warning before the chemical weapons attack.

'If you knew, why did you take no action?' Othman asked.

Razan Zaitouneh, another opposition member who lives in one of the towns affected, said she too knew nothing about the oncoming attack.

'It's unbelievable that they did nothing to warn people to stop the regime before the crime,' she said.

Intelligence report says U.S. officials knew about nerve-gas attack in Syria three days before it killed over 1,400 people -including more than 400 children | Mail Online
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(1) the Mail's report is somewhat accurate and the US did not act on intel that an attack was possibly coming. [need a link to that report, please]

(2) the Mail is feeding disinformation for the commies

Which is it?

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