Why Women Need Husbands

women are weak she needs husband because she afraid from cockroachs and only husbands could kill those

Maybe in Pakistan, but here? We would kick the cockroaches ass then the husband for not keeping the house clean.

We get these massive cockroaches, about 3 to 4 inches in length. They rarely come in the house, but when they do, it's always through the drains. I defy you to show me ANY woman who would not scream with one of these beasties crawling up through the shower grate.

Last time, my wife refused to go back in the bathroom until I produced a cockroach corpse.

Yes, i would probably scream..but it doesnt make me weak, it just means those f-ckers are big and ugly.

After screaming, (and probably taking a picture)..i would kill it myself before it ate one of my kittens.

Uh no, I wont talk about men not being truely happy unless they are married
because once again, men and women arent the same. Men dont have babies and women dont pee standing up. You are stuck on men and women being the same and you KNOW its not the truth but you're so invested in the myth you refuse to give an inch.

can't tell about the subjective opinion of being happy, but the medical statistics have proven long time ago that married man have LESS cardie-vascular events ( which means strokes and hear attacks) than single ones. They also live much longer.
Marriage and Men's Health - Harvard Health Publications
A major survey of 127,545 American adults found that married men are healthier than men who were never married or whose marriages ended in divorce or widowhood. Men who have marital partners also live longer than men without spouses; men who marry after age 25 get more protection than those who tie the knot at a younger age, and the longer a man stays married, the greater his survival advantage over his unmarried peers.

Scientists evaluated 3,682 adults over a 10-year period. Even after taking major cardiovascular risk factors such as age, body fat, smoking, blood pressure, diabetes, and cholesterol into account, married men had a 46% lower rate of death than unmarried men.
Women releases oxytin when in a relationship - it makes them more happy.

first of all - it is oxytocin and second - women release it no matter their relationship status.

***where this idiocy is coming from? physiology for dummies has not been written yet - maybe I should try*** :lol:
Women need husbands so that they will get diamonds. Case in point;

"It may sound a bit dark, but it’s now possible to transform the ashes of the cremated deceased into a diamond–a jewel truly to remember....Here’s how it works: a diamond is composed of pressurized carbons. Conveniently enough, human bodies are about 18 percent carbon. Using about a pound of ashes, the firm is able to distill out the carbon and use it to form a man-made diamond in a mold under high pressure in about a week. The diamonds created this way are often blue because of certain chemicals in the human body."

Turning the Dead Into Diamonds - ABC News
C'mon BDboop...I know you have better than to just say "bullshit". Sorry BD but you wont get me off topic about what standard I hold men too simply because I've never expressed it so you couldnt know.

See you say bullshit but purposefully neglect to say how except saying I'm a hypocrite based on nothing I've ever said.

I actually love this topic. Me and my wife *gasp* have this convo from time to time. I'd love to discuss the finer points but the problem is that women either dont want to hear it (Like saying bullshit when you did in fact call me a dick, change want a man to supposed to want a man, and adding some strange thing about applying "it" to men) or they rely on another man or woman who just so happens to share the same opinion as them.

I AM a woman who prefers the single life. My best friend is the same. My best cyber friend as well. We are between 55 and 62.

We also have friends in miserable marriages. You really think any marriage is better than no marriage at all? Really??

And as long as you're claiming it's just some wild coincidence that you haven't mentioned men yet, why don't you chat a bit about that. Because obviously goose-gander, and etc.

BD...Please, when I say some stuff that doesnt apply to 100% of the people 100% of the time and this is not about being personal. Is there some women who like the single life? SURE! Is that a MAJORITY of women?

Uh No!

Any marriage vs no marriage...What? No one said that but again you are twisting my words to disagree with something I never said

I'll talk about men TOO BD...What you wanna know? But I will talk about women too if thats ok

Enough whining outta you.
Anything to get away from the facts that I'm presenting. No problem, Theres no love lost and its expected. The only advice women like is the advice they already believe....So they'll listen to the Oprahs and the Dr Phils etc. But medicine doesn't taste good.

Do you imagine that to count as an example of the "facts" to which you referred?

I AM a woman who prefers the single life. My best friend is the same. My best cyber friend as well. We are between 55 and 62.

We also have friends in miserable marriages. You really think any marriage is better than no marriage at all? Really??

And as long as you're claiming it's just some wild coincidence that you haven't mentioned men yet, why don't you chat a bit about that. Because obviously goose-gander, and etc.

BD...Please, when I say some stuff that doesnt apply to 100% of the people 100% of the time and this is not about being personal. Is there some women who like the single life? SURE! Is that a MAJORITY of women?

Uh No!

Any marriage vs no marriage...What? No one said that but again you are twisting my words to disagree with something I never said

I'll talk about men TOO BD...What you wanna know? But I will talk about women too if thats ok

Enough whining outta you.

+1 - I O U rep.

Ahaha I see the girl power band had gotten together to do their version of "mean girls".

That's really all u got?

There are slight differences but whether you go to McDonalds, Burger Kibg or Wendy's. A burger is a burger is a burger.

So the emotional responses are expected because that's how women logic works. Oh and that's not me saying it. The hardest bitch out there said that. Judge Judy and she ain't no pushover.

But she is a burger tho
There are slight differences but whether you go to McDonalds, Burger Kibg or Wendy's. A burger is a burger is a burger.

So the emotional responses are expected because that's how women logic works. Oh and that's not me saying it. The hardest bitch out there said that. Judge Judy and she ain't no pushover.

But she is a burger tho

And you are an illogical fool.
Anything to get away from the facts that I'm presenting. No problem, Theres no love lost and its expected. The only advice women like is the advice they already believe....So they'll listen to the Oprahs and the Dr Phils etc. But medicine doesn't taste good.

Do you imagine that to count as an example of the "facts" to which you referred?


if you have no counter then it stands
There are slight differences but whether you go to McDonalds, Burger Kibg or Wendy's. A burger is a burger is a burger.

So the emotional responses are expected because that's how women logic works. Oh and that's not me saying it. The hardest bitch out there said that. Judge Judy and she ain't no pushover.

But she is a burger tho

And you are an illogical fool.

No one in their right mind would consider Judge Judy a fool. Yours not in your right mind yre being emotional again.
Anything to get away from the facts that I'm presenting. No problem, Theres no love lost and its expected. The only advice women like is the advice they already believe....So they'll listen to the Oprahs and the Dr Phils etc. But medicine doesn't taste good.

Do you imagine that to count as an example of the "facts" to which you referred?


if you have no counter then it stands

So you really presume to know what all, most, many, or even a large number of women you've never met, think? Do you realize how illogical your conclusion is and what a fucking moron it makes you look like?
There are slight differences but whether you go to McDonalds, Burger Kibg or Wendy's. A burger is a burger is a burger.

So the emotional responses are expected because that's how women logic works. Oh and that's not me saying it. The hardest bitch out there said that. Judge Judy and she ain't no pushover.

But she is a burger tho

And you are an illogical fool.

No one in their right mind would consider Judge Judy a fool. Yours [sic] not in your right mind yre [sic] being emotional again.

I called you an illogical fool, fool. Learn how to read and/or pay attention, fool.
There are slight differences but whether you go to McDonalds, Burger Kibg or Wendy's. A burger is a burger is a burger.

So the emotional responses are expected because that's how women logic works. Oh and that's not me saying it. The hardest bitch out there said that. Judge Judy and she ain't no pushover.

But she is a burger tho

And you are an illogical fool.

No one in their right mind would consider Judge Judy a fool. Yours not in your right mind yre being emotional again.

CC, I sympathize with your opinion, but you are being emotional as well.

Your question defies logic. Because it implies only yes-no answer, and the answer is multilateral and multidimensional.
since you and your opponents talk in one plane but in a 180 direction, there won't be any points of contact.
And you are an illogical fool.
No one in their right mind would consider Judge Judy a fool. Yours [sic] not in your right mind yre [sic] being emotional again.

I called you an illogical fool, fool. Learn how to read and/or pay attention, fool.

I share the same opinion as Judge Judy but so if you stop being an emotional wreck you'd see you can't choose one person as illogical for the same reasoning. Sorry babes.

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