Why won't liberals accept that President Obama has consistently lied about Obamacare?


Libertarian Republican
Oct 14, 2013
Here are the facts:
-From 2008 to just about 3 weeks ago, President Obama promised "If you like your health care plan, you can keep it"
-Many Americans are now discovering that their healthcare plans do not meet ACA standards, and they are now required to buy new, more expensive insurance with a plan that they didn't originally want. Thus, they did not get to keep their healthcare plan. In fact, for Americans in the individual healthcare marketplace, 80% will have to get a new, more expensive plan according to Robert Laszewski of Health Policy and Strategy Associates.
-There was significant evidence that Americans would lose their health coverage when the law was originally passed(see above), but Obama ignored this evidence and kept saying that Americans could keep their own healthcare.
Insurance cancellations: Obama White House knew YEARS in advance - Politics & Policy - Catholic Online

This sounds like a lie to me. How is it not?
It really is an interesting phenomenon. It is so clear, yet they just don't want to admit that Obama lied. Perhaps the word is too harsh. Should we say "fibbed?" "Misspoke?"

Sorry, people, there is only one word that identifies what he did.

He lied to the American people.​

They knew! Obama aides debated 'you can keep your plan' lie
Read more: http://www.americanthinker.com/blog...you_can_keep_your_plan_lie.html#ixzz2jvRehllv
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I am amazed that people are defending Obama....

He even made it worse by saying that he said you can keep your plan
as long as the insurance companies didn't change it....Not what he said.

There are plenty of videos showing him saying if you like your plan you can keep it.
How many videos show him saying if you like your plan you can keep it as long as the insurance companies didn't change it...

How bout it Libs...
Show us one video prior to Oct 1 2013...
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It's outrageous.

Liberals claim that Bush lied about Iraq when the CIA, Great Britain, Australia, and virtually all the intel was that Iraq was working on or had WMDs, and it turned out he made a mistake, and the experts were wrong.

With Obama, actuaries and industry analysts were screaming from the rooftops that his promises were false, yet Obama incessantly repeated them anyways despite knowing that his claim was very shaky at best even 3 years ago.
It's outrageous.

Liberals claim that Bush lied about Iraq when the CIA, Great Britain, Australia, and virtually all the intel was that Iraq was working on or had WMDs, and it turned out he made a mistake, and the experts were wrong.

With Obama, actuaries and industry analysts were screaming from the rooftops that his promises were false, yet Obama incessantly repeated them anyways despite knowing that his claim was very shaky at best even 3 years ago.

It seems as though you have first-hand experience of why liberals won't accept that Obama has lied.
you, guys, are strange. "why are they defending a liar" :rolleyes:

They defend him because they are THE SAME.

LIES are the core essence of the left.

It can not function otherwise.

EVERYTHING left tells you is a LIE.

What they really want and plan is so dreadful that if you and the other public would know - not only you would not elect them, you would lynch them.
The law forced the insurance companies to "change people's policies" so those that passed the law (which is NO Republican)....knew they were forcing people off their selected policies into the ghetto exchanges.

Going around telling everyone they could keep their policies before the insurance companies would be forced to change them is a fucking lie.
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Here are the facts:
-From 2008 to just about 3 weeks ago, President Obama promised "If you like your health care plan, you can keep it"
-Many Americans are now discovering that their healthcare plans do not meet ACA standards, and they are now required to buy new, more expensive insurance with a plan that they didn't originally want. Thus, they did not get to keep their healthcare plan. In fact, for Americans in the individual healthcare marketplace, 80% will have to get a new, more expensive plan according to Robert Laszewski of Health Policy and Strategy Associates.
-There was significant evidence that Americans would lose their health coverage when the law was originally passed(see above), but Obama ignored this evidence and kept saying that Americans could keep their own healthcare.
Insurance cancellations: Obama White House knew YEARS in advance - Politics & Policy - Catholic Online

This sounds like a lie to me. How is it not?

Liberals have a sneaking suspicion that Conservatives really are their superiors.

So, to admit they were wrong about Obama would validate their worst fear.

And they are nothing if not egotistical.

So, we may need to convince them we won't bag on them all THAT badly and make it easier for them to save face and admit he fooled all of us.Except Conservatives.

That way we might help salvage their reps around here.
Not only did he lie...
He's now lying about lying...

Worse than Nixon.

Ten times worse!!!

On Friday’s program, radio host Rush Limbaugh put the Obamacare rollout fiasco into historical perspective, declaring that in many ways, the current scandal is worse than Watergate.

“Folks,” Limbaugh told his audience, “Richard Nixon resigned over a lie that was much less damaging in scope than this one.”

“The bottom line,” he said, “is that Obama, the regime, knew that 93 million Americans would be unable to keep their health care plans under Obamacare. … I mean, this is an abject, purposeful lie to the American people for the express purpose of passing legislation.”

Rush: Obama lie biggest ever of any president
I'll admit that Obama spun the truth some on this.

Now can we make it work?

In the military we were taught to stop bleeding first.

This country is suffering new damage and potential damage every day Obama remains in office.

Peacefully removing him from office is our primary objective.

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