Why won’t Merrick Garland release the affidavit for the Mar A Lago invasion?

So Trump loses his rights to have Attorney/Client material protected? The judge should have appointed a Master who DOES have that security clearance!
Or maybe you should come to terms with the fact that the boss is not above the law. You can rest assured they are following the letter of the law as it applies to a private citizen. Trump no longer possesses any vestige of his former presidential power.
Yeah but see we don’t break laws and go to SCJ homes
You do.
It’s not against the law to send death threats to people?

Indeed it is. This is what you guys do.

It’s why Trump leaked the warrant without redacting the names of the FBI agents so that they can threaten them too.
Well he's not President, has been impeached twice, a bunch of his cohorts were convicted, and now he's subject to a civil and two felony investigations. There's the mob, then this guy.

Seig Heil.

You Nazis have pulled out all the stops in your war against Emanuel Goldstein and especially your war to end the United States Constitution.
It’s not against the law to send death threats to people?

Indeed it is. This is what you guys do.

It’s why Trump leaked the warrant without redacting the names of the FBI agents so that they can threaten them too.
It needs to be known who the traitors to The Constitution are.
Or maybe you should come to terms with the fact that the boss is not above the law. You can rest assured they are following the letter of the law as it applies to a private citizen. Trump no longer possesses any vestige of his former presidential power.
Our system of law is predicated on the premise of equal protection under the law, Occupied! Kindly explain why when Clinton blatantly broke the law she was given a pass but when Trump may or may not have broken a law...he was the recipient of an FBI raid?

Attorney/Client protection is a right afforded to ALL Americans! It should be afforded to Trump as well.
As for your assurance that the DOJ is following the letter of the law? This is the same people who lied to a FISA Court not once but four times! Pardon me if I don't share your confidence.
It’s not against the law to send death threats to people?

Indeed it is. This is what you guys do.

It’s why Trump leaked the warrant without redacting the names of the FBI agents so that they can threaten them too.

Trump released (it's his, he doesn't leak) the warrant to cut you Nazis off at the knees in your planned campaign of leaks of disinformation. He knows how you work - snippets out of context, distortions, and outright fabrications, NOW you have nothing, Worse, now the public sees what chicken shit you were going after. So much for NEW QUEUE LAR secrets.

Fucking Nazi clowns.

No surprise Garland and his Gestapo goons are rounding up dissenters and political opponents, Hitler did the same, and Garland is following Hitler's playbook to the letter,
Our system of law is predicated on the premise of equal protection under the law, Occupied! Kindly explain why when Clinton blatantly broke the law she was given a pass but when Trump may or may not have broken a law...he was the recipient of an FBI raid?
An army of republican lawmakers and investigators bent on "locking her up" couldn't find anything they could use. Move on.
As for your assurance that the DOJ is following the letter of the law? This is the same people who lied to a FISA Court not once but four times! Pardon me if I don't share your confidence.
They have one shot at this. They are not going to fuck it up being sloppy.
We already acknowledge that democrats are not subject to the law. Which is why Obama wasn't impeached and Holder wasn't jailed for Fast & Furious. Why Lois Lerner wasn't prosecuted as Obama weaponized the IRS against America, Why Hillary paid no price for what she did in Benghazi as Obama lied to the nation. Why Holder and his thugs didn't serve time for illegal wire tapping the Associated Press. Why the Obama NSA had no prosecutions for PRISM and illegally spying on tens of millions of Americans.

Had ANY Republican done any of these, they would got to prison for life. BUT simply state, democrats are not subject to ANY law. The Reich is above the law,
Your problem is that courts require actual evidence…not you wild conspiracy theories
An army of republican lawmakers and investigators bent on "locking her up" couldn't find anything they could use. Move on.
So now an army of Democrats bent on locking Trump up are going to charge him with the very thing that they declared wasn't something you could prosecute when Hillary was in the crosshairs? If you "move on" from what Hillary did...how can you NOT move on from what Trump may or may not have done? Can you spell hypocrisy, Occupied?
Trump released (it's his, he doesn't leak) the warrant to cut you Nazis off at the knees in your planned campaign of leaks of disinformation. He knows how you work - snippets out of context, distortions, and outright fabrications, NOW you have nothing, Worse, now the public sees what chicken shit you were going after. So much for NEW QUEUE LAR secrets.

Fucking Nazi clowns.

No surprise Garland and his Gestapo goons are rounding up dissenters and political opponents, Hitler did the same, and Garland is following Hitler's playbook to the letter,
Garland came out Friday and said they were petitioning the judge to release the warrant. Trump released it on his own without redacting the names of the agents who are now subject to threats from his psychotic followers.

When the judge released the copy from the court, their names were redacted.
They've already fucked it up, Occupied. They can't prove a crime took place and they've made Trump into a martyr. As usual...whatever Biden and the left touch turns to shit and that includes trying to pull off a political hit job!
They reclaimed boxes of classified government property.

How is that fucking it up?
They have one shot at this. They are not going to fuck it up being sloppy.
They've already made enough mistakes to have any evidence they stumbled upon to be thrown out of court on general principles.

This isn't another fake impeachment based totally off of opinions and doctored evidence, nor is it a Jan 6th hearing trashing the president with 3rd person hearsay evidence that cannot be presented in court.
This is a criminal investigation without probable-cause.
Refusing to let Trump's council be present during the search rendered everything inadmissible in any court of law.
Nevermind the fact that the warrant was signed by somebody that had no right to do so because of his inherent bias.
Your problem is that courts require actual evidence…not you wild conspiracy theories

My problem is we have no rule of law and the Nazi democrats operate in a completely lawless fashion, unconstrained by anything save loyalty to the Reich.

Your problem is the America is fucking PISSED and fed up with you Nazi scum.

You think Garland sending out Gestapo goons to round up those criticizing this criminal administration will silence us. You may be right, but more likely this will go horribly wrong for you Nazi traitors.

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